Пример #1
 *	The entrance of the whole framework
 *	put the requested controller information to $_REQUEST['rController']
 *	put the requested method information to $_REQUEST['rMethod']
 *	@Author Xiaoming Yang
 *	@Initial date	28-09-2015 10:48
 *	update time			editor				updated information
 *	2015-09-29			Xiaoming Yang		change the path from relative to absolute
 *   2015-09-30          Xiaoming Yang       include Load class to realise autoload class function
 *   30-11-2015          Xiaoming Yang       include public functions
//define system constant variables
define("TSUN_PATH", BASE_PATH . "/tsun");
//the framework absolute path
//the currently executing script. it is for views
$root_path = substr(ROOT_FILE, 0, strpos(ROOT_FILE, '/', 1));
define("ROOT_PATH", $root_path);
//the root path of the project, it is for js and css import
//set timezone from config.php
$configArr = (require 'base/sys.config.php');
require TSUN_PATH . "/base/Load.php";
include TSUN_PATH . "/base/PublicFunctions.php";
//include public functions
$requestController = !empty($_REQUEST['rController']) ? ucfirst($_REQUEST['rController']) . "Controller" : "LoginController";
$class = new $requestController();