Пример #1
if (isset($pageno)) {
    $pageno = intval(preg_replace("/[^\\d]/", '', $pageno));
if ($tid == '7') {
    $sql = "select * from #@__leave where reply is null and approval='1' order by addtime desc";
} else {
    if ($tid == '8') {
        $sql = "select * from #@__leave where reply is not null and approval='1' order by addtime desc";
    } else {
        $sql = "select * from #@__leave where typeid='{$tid}' and approval='1' order by addtime desc";
$pv = new ListView($typeid);
$pv->Fields['name'] = GetName($tid);
$pv->pagesize = 30;
$pv->SetParameter('tid', $tid);
$pv->SetTemplet(SLINETEMPLATE . "/" . $cfg_df_style . "/" . "questions/" . "list.htm");
function GetName($typeid)
    global $dsql;
    $sql = "select shortname from #@__nav where webid='0' and isopen='1' and typeid='{$typeid}'";
    $row = $dsql->GetOne($sql);
    return $row['shortname'];
Пример #2
    $sql = "select a.* from sline_model_archive a left join sline_allorderlist b on(a.id=b.aid and b.typeid={$typeid} ) {$where} order by b.displayorder asc, a.modtime desc,a.addtime desc ";
$destinfo = TongYong::getDestSeoInfo($module_dest_table, $dest_id);
$seoinfo = TongYong::getSeoInfo($destinfo, $attrid, $typeid);
$destlist = Helper_Archive::getChildDest($dest_id, $typeid);
$pv = new ListView($typeid);
$pv->pagesize = 16;
foreach ($destinfo as $k => $v) {
    $pv->Fields[$k] = $v;
foreach ($seoinfo as $k => $v) {
    $pv->Fields[$k] = $v;
$pv->Fields['typeid'] = $typeid;
$pv->Fields['modulename'] = $module_name;
$pv->Fields['modulepinyin'] = $module_pinyin;
$pv->SetParameter('destid', $dest_id);
$pv->SetParameter('attrid', $attrid);
$templet = Helper_Archive::getUseTemplet('line_list');
$templet = SLINETEMPLATE . "/" . $cfg_df_style . "/tongyong/tongyong_index.htm";
Пример #3
if ($dopost == 'search') {
    if (!empty($_POST)) {
        $mobile = Helper_Archive::pregReplace($searchkey, 2);
    if (empty($mobile)) {
    $sql = "select * from sline_member_order where linktel='{$mobile}' and pid=0 order by addtime desc";
    $dzorder = QueryOrder::getDzOrder($searchkey);
    $pv = new ListView(0);
    $pv->pagesize = 100;
    $pv->Fields['searchkey'] = $mobile;
    $pv->SetTemplet(MEMBERTEMPLET . "order_query.htm");
if ($dopost == 'payonline') {
    $order = Helper_Archive::getOrderInfo($orderid);
    if ($order['typeid'] != 2) {
        if (empty($order['dingjin'])) {
            $price = intval($order['dingnum']) * $order['price'] + intval($order['childnum']) * $order['childprice'] + intval($order['oldnum']) * $order['oldprice'];
            if (!empty($order['usejifen']) && !empty($order['jifentprice'])) {
                $price = $price - intval($order['jifentprice']);
        } else {
            $price = (intval($order['dingnum']) + intval($order['childnum']) + intval($order['oldnum'])) * $order['dingjin'];