Пример #1
  * Get all lids marked as current or not, in the lingotek_config_map table
  * @param int $current
  *    1 to get lids of all current segments, 0 to get lids for segments that are not current
  * @param array $lids
  *    a subset of lids to check, defaults to look for all current segments
 public static function getLidsToUpdate($current = 0, $lids = 'all')
     $textgroups = array_merge(array(-1), LingotekConfigSet::getTextgroupsForTranslation());
     $query = db_select('lingotek_config_map', 'lcm')->fields('lcm', array('lid'));
     if ($lids !== 'all') {
         $query->condition('lcm.lid', $lids, 'IN');
     $query->join('locales_source', 'ls', "lcm.lid = ls.lid");
     $query->condition('ls.textgroup', $textgroups, 'IN');
     $query->join('locales_target', 'lt', "lcm.lid = lt.lid");
     $or = db_or();
     $or->condition('lcm.current', $current);
     $or->condition('lt.i18n_status', 1);
     $lids = $query->execute()->fetchCol();
     return array_unique($lids);
Пример #2
 public static function getDirtySetLids()
     // return the list of all lids from the locale_source table *not* fully translated
     $source_language = language_default();
     if (!isset($source_language->lingotek_locale)) {
         $source_language->lingotek_locale = Lingotek::convertDrupal2Lingotek($source_language->language);
     $lingotek_codes = Lingotek::getLanguagesWithoutSource($source_language->lingotek_locale);
     if (!count($lingotek_codes)) {
         LingotekLog::error('No languages configured for this Lingotek account.', array());
         return array();
     // get the drupal language for each associated lingotek locale
     $drupal_codes = array();
     foreach ($lingotek_codes as $lc) {
         $drupal_codes[] = Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($lc);
     // get the list of all segments that need updating
     // that belong to the textgroups the user wants translated
     $textgroups = array_merge(array(-1), LingotekConfigSet::getTextgroupsForTranslation());
     $max_length = variable_get('lingotek_config_max_source_length', LINGOTEK_CONFIG_MAX_SOURCE_LENGTH);
     $query = db_select('locales_source', 'ls');
     $query->fields('ls', array('lid'))->condition('ls.source', '', '!=')->condition('ls.lid', self::getQueryCompletedConfigTranslations($drupal_codes), 'NOT IN')->where('length(ls.source) < ' . (int) $max_length);
     if (in_array('misc', $textgroups)) {
         $or = db_or();
         $or->condition('ls.textgroup', $textgroups, 'IN');
         $or->where("ls.textgroup NOT IN ('default','menu','taxonomy','views','blocks','field')");
     } else {
         $query->condition('ls.textgroup', $textgroups, 'IN');
     return $query->execute()->fetchCol();