function __getUserDetails($email) { $mongo = new LiloMongo(); $mongo->selectDB("Users"); $mongo->selectCollection("Account"); $id = ""; $username = $email; $isValid = false; $gender = "male"; $bodytype = "medium"; $avatarname = ""; $queryEmail = $mongo->findOne(array('email' => $email)); if ($queryEmail) { $id = (string) $queryEmail['_id']; $username = $queryEmail['username']; $mongo->selectCollection("Properties"); $queryProp = $mongo->findOne(array('lilo_id' => $id)); if ($queryProp) { $gender = $queryProp['sex']; $bodytype = $queryProp['body_size']; $avatarname = $queryProp['avatarname']; } else { $datatinsert = array('lilo_id' => (string) $id, 'avatarname' => $username, 'fullname' => $username, 'sex' => $gender, 'body_size' => $bodytype, 'website' => '', 'link' => '', 'birthday' => '', 'birthday_dd' => '', 'birthday_mm' => '', 'birthday_yy' => '', 'state_mind' => '', 'about' => '', 'picture' => '', 'location' => '', 'handphone' => '', 'twitter' => ''); $mongo->insert($datatinsert); } $isValid = true; } $output = array('id' => $id, 'username' => $username, 'avatarname' => $avatarname, 'gender' => $gender == "" || !isset($gender) ? "male" : $gender, 'bodytype' => $bodytype == "" || !isset($bodytype) ? "medium" : $bodytype); return $output; }
function mobile_banner_count() { $output['count'] = 0; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Banner'); $output['count'] = $lilo_mongo->count(); return json_encode($output); }
function mobile_stream_count() { $output['count'] = 0; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Articles'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('ContentNews'); $output['count'] = $lilo_mongo->count(array("state_document" => "publish")); return json_encode($output); }
function server_admin_delete($server_to_delete = NULL) { $server_id = isset($server_to_delete) ? $server_to_delete : func_arg(0); $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Servers'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('GameServer'); $lilo_mongo->remove(array('lilo_id' => $server_id)); return '1'; }
function mobile_avastream_count() { $output['count'] = 0; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('AvatarStream'); $output['count'] = $lilo_mongo->count(); return json_encode($output); }
function pm_sms_query() { header("Content-Type: text/xml"); echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>"; $msisdn = isset($_GET['msisdn']) ? $_GET['msisdn'] : ""; $message = isset($_GET['message']) ? $_GET['message'] : ""; $contentid = isset($_GET['contentid']) ? $_GET['contentid'] : ""; $realmsisdn = isset($_GET['realmsisdn']) ? $_GET['realmsisdn'] : ""; $parameter = explode(" ", $message); $jns = strtolower(isset($parameter[1]) ? $parameter[1] : ""); $koderedeem = isset($parameter[1]) ? $parameter[1] : ""; $kodeavatar = isset($parameter[3]) ? $parameter[3] : ""; $notelepon = isset($parameter[4]) ? $parameter[4] : ""; $dataxml = array('msisdn' => $msisdn, 'response' => "1", 'option' => "0", 'charge' => "0", 'appid' => "", 'partnerid' => "", 'mediaid' => "", 'trxid' => "", 'hptype' => "ALL", 'shortname' => "", 'contenttype' => "1", 'priority' => "1", 'contentid' => $contentid, 'desc' => "", 'mesage' => "Maaf, avatar item " . $koderedeem . " tidak valid, silakan coba lagi."); switch ($jns) { case "av": $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Avatar'); $data = $lilo_mongo->find(array("code" => $koderedeem, "payment" => array('$in' => array('Unlock', 'Paid')))); if ($data) { $idavatar = $data['_id']; $count = 1; $kodegenerate = get_random(10); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Redeem'); $datatinsert = array('code' => $kodegenerate, 'count' => $count, 'expire' => '', 'create' => $lilo_mongo->time(strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")))); $lilo_mongo->insert($datatinsert); $data2 = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array("code" => $kodegenerate)); if ($data2) { $idredeem = $data2['_id']; $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('RedeemAvatar'); foreach ($data as $tampung) { $datatinsert = array('avatar_id' => (string) $tampung['_id'], 'code_id' => (string) $idredeem); $lilo_mongo->insert($datatinsert); } $dataxml['msisdn'] = $msisdn; $dataxml['contentid'] = $contentid; $dataxml['mesage'] = "Selamat, avatar item " . $koderedeem . " menjadi milik anda. Ini redeem codenya: " . $kodegenerate . "."; echo return_xml($dataxml); } else { $dataxml['msisdn'] = $msisdn; $dataxml['contentid'] = $contentid; $dataxml['mesage'] = "Maaf, avatar item " . $koderedeem . " Gagal tergenerate, silakan coba lagi."; echo return_xml($dataxml); } } else { echo return_xml($dataxml); } break; default: echo return_xml($dataxml); } }
function asset_user_session_to_user_id($session_id = NULL) { if (!isset($session_id)) { $session_id = func_arg(0); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Session'); $array_criteria = array('session_id' => $session_id); $result_array = $lilo_mongo->findOne($array_criteria); return $result_array['user_id']; }
function log_user_default() { $log_type = $_REQUEST['log_type']; $log = $_REQUEST['log']; $stacktrace = $_REQUEST['stacktrace']; $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Logs'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Error'); $log_array = array('log_type' => $log_type, 'log' => $log, 'stacktrace' => $stacktrace, 'ip_address' => $ip_address); $lilo_mongo->insert($log_array); return "1"; }
/** * examples: * -to get online time for user rully, use: http://localhost/popbloop/report/user/achievement/4df6e7192cbfd4e6c000fd9b/online_time/get * -to increase online time for user rully by 200ms, use: http://localhost/popbloop/report/user/achievement/4df6e7192cbfd4e6c000fd9b/online_time/dec/200 */ function report_user_achievement($user_id = NULL, $achievement_type = NULL, $op = NULL, $value = NULL) { $user_id = isset($user_id) ? $user_id : $_SESSION['user_id']; if (!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = func_arg(0); } if (!isset($achievement_type)) { $achievement_type = func_arg(1); } if (!isset($op)) { // inc, set, dec, * get // * = default $op = func_arg(2); } $op = strtolower(trim($op)); if (!isset($value)) { $value = func_arg(3); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Game'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Achievement'); // jika ada, dapatkan dulu current value $criteria = array('tipe' => $achievement_type, 'userid' => $user_id); $curr_ach = $lilo_mongo->findOne($criteria); if (!($op == '' || $op == 'get') && count($curr_ach)) { $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('AchievementLog'); // sebelum isi db diubah, backup dulu ke table AchievementLog $curr_ach_log = array_merge((array) $curr_ach, array('q' => $_REQUEST['q'], 'time' => time())); $lilo_mongo->insert($curr_ach_log); } $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Achievement'); switch ($op) { case '': case 'get': return $curr_ach['value']; break; case 'set': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => $value)); break; case 'inc': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => (int) $curr_ach['value'] + (int) $value)); break; case 'dec': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => (int) $curr_ach['value'] - (int) $value)); break; } return "1"; }
function asset_guest_get_lobby() { // harusnya ini masuk di server management!!! pindahkan kesana! // dapatkan daftar Lobby dari table Assets.Level //$lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); //$lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); //$lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Level'); // //$lobby_cursor = $lilo_mongo->find(array('tags' => 'Lobby')); // //$lobby_name_list = ''; //while($curr = $lobby_cursor->getNext()){ // $lobby_name_list .= $curr['name']; //} // dapatkan last room dari table Game.RoomHistory [userid, room] $userid = $_SESSION['user_id']; if (trim($userid) == '') { $session_id = $_REQUEST['token']; $userid = user_user_session_to_user_id($session_id); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Game'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('RoomHistory'); $room_data = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('userid' => $userid)); // dapatkan IP dan Port dari table Game.LobbySetting $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('LobbySetting'); $lobby_setting = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array()); $room_data_ = ''; if (is_array($lobby_setting) && count($lobby_setting)) { $ip = $lobby_setting['ip']; $port = $lobby_setting['port']; $room_history = $lobby_setting['room_history']; if (intval($room_history) == 1) { $room_data_ = $room_data['room']; } } return "{$ip}:{$port}," . $room_data_; // Contooh... // return "," . $room_data['room']; // sementara di disable return ","; // Contooh... // return "," . $lobby_name_list; // return "," . $lobby_name_list; // return "," . $lobby_name_list; // return "," . $lobby_name_list; // return "," . $lobby_name_list; }
function check_session() { // return true; $session_id = $_SESSION['session_id']; $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if (trim($user_id) != '' && trim($session_id) != '') { $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Session'); $exist = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('session_id' => $session_id, 'user_id' => $user_id)); if (!is_array($exist) || !count($exist)) { return false; } $cur_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lilo_mongo->update_set(array('session_id' => $session_id, 'user_id' => $user_id), array('time_end' => $cur_date)); } return true; }
function log_guest_pageview($op, $var) { // op: getall, var: ... // op: getbydate, var: 2012-03-28 // op: inc, var: ... if (!isset($op)) { $op = func_arg(0); } if (!isset($var)) { $var = func_arg(1); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Logs'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('PageView'); // // jika ada, dapatkan dulu current value $criteria = array('tipe' => $achievement_type, 'userid' => $user_id); $curr_ach = $lilo_mongo->findOne($criteria); if (!($op == '' || $op == 'get') && count($curr_ach)) { $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('AchievementLog'); // sebelum isi db diubah, backup dulu ke table AchievementLog $curr_ach_log = array_merge((array) $curr_ach, array('q' => $_REQUEST['q'], 'time' => time())); $lilo_mongo->insert($curr_ach_log); } $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Achievement'); switch ($op) { case '': case 'get': return $curr_ach['value']; break; case 'set': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => $value)); break; case 'inc': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => (int) $curr_ach['value'] + (int) $value)); break; case 'dec': $lilo_mongo->update_set($criteria, array('value' => (int) $curr_ach['value'] - (int) $value)); break; } return "1"; }
function __style_mix($email) { $mongo = new LiloMongo(); $userDetails = __getUserDetails($email); $id = $userDetails["id"]; $gender = $userDetails['gender']; $bodytype = $userDetails['bodytype']; //echo $gender. " " . $bodytype; $mongo->selectDB("Users"); $mongo->selectCollection("AvatarMix"); $query = $mongo->find_pagging(array('gender' => $gender, 'bodytype' => $bodytype)); $count = $mongo->count(array('gender' => $gender, 'bodytype' => $bodytype)); $output = array(); $output['count'] = $count; if ($query) { foreach ($query as $item) { $json = $item['configuration']; $output['data'][] = array('tipe' => 'Mix', 'title' => $item['name'], 'picture' => $item['picture'], 'action' => '/AvatarPreview?f=character' . '&id=' . (string) $item['_id'] . "&v=" . $json, 'value' => ''); } } return $output; }
function visitor_count() { require_once 'libraries/LiloMongo.php'; $today = date("Y-m-d"); if (!isset($_SESSION['pop_visitor_logged']) || $_SESSION['pop_visitor_logged'] != $today) { $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Logs'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Visitor'); $visitor_data = array('date' => $today, 'time' => date("H:i:s"), 'REMOTE_ADDR' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], '_SERVER' => $_SERVER); $lilo_mongo->insert($visitor_data); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('VisitorCounter'); // date, count $criteria = array('date' => $today); $today_visitor_data = $lilo_mongo->findOne($criteria); $count = 0; if ($today_visitor_data) { $count = intval($today_visitor_data['count']); } $count++; $lilo_mongo->update_set(array('date' => $today), array('count' => $count), array("multiple" => true, 'upsert' => true)); $_SESSION['pop_visitor_logged'] = $today; } }
function __features_part($email, $type, $start, $limit) { $userData = __getUserDetails($email); $bodytype = $userData['bodytype']; $gender = $userData['gender']; $output = array(); $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Avatar'); $query1 = $lilo_mongo->find_pagging(array('tipe' => $type, 'gender' => $gender, 'size' => $bodytype), $start, $limit, array('last_update' => -1)); $count1 = $lilo_mongo->count(); $newType = str_replace("face_part_", "", $type); //echo "........... ". $newType . "......."; foreach ($query1 as $item) { if ($newType != $type) { $element = array('tipe' => $newType, 'element' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['material'])); } else { $element = array('gender' => $gender, 'tipe' => $newType, 'element' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['element']), 'material' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['material'])); } $json = str_replace("\"", "'", json_encode($element)); $output['data'][] = array('tipe' => $type, 'title' => $item['name'], 'picture' => $item['preview_image'], 'action' => '/AvatarPreview?f=' . $type . "&id=" . (string) $item['_id'] . "&v=" . $json, 'value' => ''); } $query2 = $lilo_mongo->find_pagging(array('tipe' => $type, 'gender' => 'unisex'), $start, $limit, array('last_update' => -1)); $count2 = $lilo_mongo->count(); foreach ($query2 as $item) { if ($newType != $type) { $element = array('tipe' => $newType, 'element' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['material'])); } else { $element = array('gender' => $gender, 'tipe' => $newType, 'element' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['element']), 'material' => str_replace(".unity3d", "", $item['material'])); } $json = str_replace("\"", "'", json_encode($element)); $output['data'][] = array('tipe' => $type, 'title' => $item['name'], 'picture' => $item['preview_image'], 'action' => '/AvatarPreview?f=' . $type . "&id=" . (string) $item['_id'] . "&v=" . $json, 'value' => (string) $item['_id']); } $output['count'] = $count1 + $count2; return json_encode($output); }
function quest_admin_dialogstorydetailbyid($lilo_id = NULL) { if (!isset($lilo_id)) { $lilo_id = func_arg(0); } if (!isset($lilo_id)) { return false; } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Game'); // Game: DialogStory, Dialog, DialogOption, Quest $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('DialogStory'); $dialog_story = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('lilo_id' => $lilo_id)); $return = array(); $data = $dialog_story['all_variable_2']; $return['Name'] = $data['dialog_story_name']; $return['Dialogs'] = array(); // hitung jumlah dialog berdasar dialogid_x [x: 1, 2] $dialog_idx = 0; foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $pos = strpos($key, 'dialogid_'); if ($pos !== false) { $key_expl = explode('_', $key); $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['ID'] = (int) $val; $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['Description'] = $data['description_' . $key_expl[1]]; $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['Options'] = array(); $option_idx = 0; foreach ($data as $key_ => $val_) { // dapatkan select_options_ $key_expl[1] _ xxx $pos_ = strpos($key_, 'select_options_' . $key_expl[1]); if ($pos_ !== false) { $key_expl_ = explode('_', $key_); $optidx = $key_expl_[3]; $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['Options'][$option_idx]['Tipe'] = (int) $val_; $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['Options'][$option_idx]['Content'] = $data['option_content_choice_' . $key_expl[1] . '_' . $optidx]; $return['Dialogs'][$dialog_idx]['Options'][$option_idx]['Next'] = (int) $data['nextidoption_content_choice_' . $key_expl[1] . '_' . $optidx]; $option_idx++; } } $dialog_idx++; } } // $return = json_encode($return); return $return; // return str_replace('"', "'", $return); }
function ui_user_new_avatar_name() { $avatar_name = func_arg(0); $avatar_name = htmlspecialchars($avatar_name); // update properties avatarname utk lilo_id = $user_id $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Properties'); $lilo_mongo->update_set(array('lilo_id' => $_SESSION['user_id']), array('avatarname' => $avatar_name)); $_SESSION['avatarname'] = $avatar_name; header('Location: ' . $_SESSION['basepath']); exit; }
function avatar_admin_preset($op = NULL) { // CRUD // data selain op dikirim via post if (!isset($op)) { $op = func_arg(0); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('DefaultAvatar'); switch (strtolower(trim($op))) { case 'getall': $preset_cursor = $lilo_mongo->find(); $result = array(); while ($preset = $preset_cursor->getNext()) { $key = $preset['name']; $result[$key] = $preset; } $result_['default male thin'] = $result['default male thin']; $result_['default male medium'] = $result['default male medium']; $result_['default male fat'] = $result['default male fat']; $result_['default female thin'] = $result['default female thin']; $result_['default female medium'] = $result['default female medium']; $result_['default female fat'] = $result['default female fat']; return "<pre>" . print_r($result_, true) . "</pre>"; return json_encode($result_); break; } }
function mobile_query_setconfavatar() { $user_email = func_arg(0); $id_user = _get_id_user($user_email); $get_type = func_arg(1); $get_field = func_arg(2); $get_field = $get_field == "all" ? "" : $get_field; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Avatar'); $filter = array("user_id" => $id_user); $data = $lilo_mongo->findOne($filter); $datareturn['isSuccsesUpdate'] = FALSE; if ($data) { $datatinsert = array(); $datareturn['isSuccsesUpdate'] = TRUE; if ($get_type == "configurations") { $conf = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', $data['configuration'])); if ($get_field != "") { if (strtolower($get_field) == "all") { $datanew = ""; $temp = isset($_GET['massage']) ? $_GET['massage'] : ""; $datatemparray = explode("|", $temp); if ($datatemparray) { foreach ($datatemparray as $jml_json) { $datanew .= "{"; $datatemp = explode(",", $jml_json); if ($datatemp) { foreach ($datatemp as $dttemp) { $dtinsert = explode(":", $dttemp); $key = $dtinsert[0]; $value = isset($dtinsert[1]) ? $dtinsert[1] : ""; $datanew .= "'" . $key . "':'" . $value . "',"; } $datanew = substr($datanew, 0, strlen($datanew) - 1); } $datanew .= "},"; } $datanew = substr($datanew, 0, strlen($datanew) - 1); } $datatinsert = array("configuration" => "[" . $datanew . "]"); } else { foreach ($conf as $dt => $listtemp) { if ($listtemp->tipe == $get_field) { continue; } $datanew .= "{"; foreach ($listtemp as $dt_json => $value_key) { $datanew .= "'" . $dt_json . "':'" . $value_key . "',"; } $datanew = substr($datanew, 0, strlen($datanew) - 1); $datanew .= "},"; } $datanew .= "{"; $datamessage = isset($_GET['massage']) ? $_GET['massage'] : ""; $datajson = explode(",", $datamessage); if ($datajson) { foreach ($datajson as $dttemp) { $dtinsert = explode(":", $dttemp); $key = $dtinsert[0]; $value = isset($dtinsert[1]) ? $dtinsert[1] : ""; $datanew .= "'" . $key . "':'" . $value . "',"; } $datanew = substr($datanew, 0, strlen($datanew) - 1); } $datanew .= "}"; $datatinsert = array("configuration" => "[" . $datanew . "]"); } } } else { if ($get_type == "size") { $datasize = isset($_GET['massage']) ? $_GET['massage'] : "medium"; $datatinsert = array("size" => $datasize); } } $lilo_mongo->update_set($filter, $datatinsert); } else { $size = "medium"; $gender = "female"; $lilo_mongo->selectDB("Assets"); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection("DefaultAvatar"); $data3 = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('gender' => $gender, 'size' => $size)); if ($data3) { $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Avatar'); $lilo_mongo->update(array("size" => $size, "user_id" => $id_user), array('$set' => array("configuration" => $data3['configuration'])), array('upsert' => TRUE)); } } return json_encode($datareturn); }
function unity_user_delstatus() { $status_id = func_arg(0); $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('UserProfile'); $cekada = $lilo_mongo->delete(array('_id' => $lilo_mongo->mongoid($status_id), 'lilo_id' => (string) $_SESSION['a_id'])); $retData = array('success' => false, 'message' => "Status gagal dihapus"); if ($cekada) { $retData = array('valid' => TRUE, 'status' => "Status berhasil dihapus"); } return json_encode($retData); }
/** * return: array, detail user dari table Users.Account dan Users.Properties */ function friend_user_detailbyuserid($user_id = NULL) { if (!isset($user_id)) { $user_id = func_arg(0); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Account'); $account_data = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('lilo_id' => $user_id)); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Properties'); $property_data = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('lilo_id' => $user_id)); if (trim($property_data['foto']) == '') { $property_data['foto'] = 'default.png'; } $property_data['foto_url'] = $_SESSION['basepath'] . 'user_generated_data/profile_picture/' . $property_data['foto']; $result = array_merge((array) $account_data, (array) $property_data); unset($result['lilo_id']); unset($result['_id']); unset($result['password']); return json_encode($result); }
function friend_user_isonline($user_id = null) { $user_id = isset($user_id) ? $user_id : func_arg(0); // $user_id = func_arg(0); $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Session'); $session_data = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('user_id' => $user_id)); $online = 0; if (count($session_data)) { $idle_time = time() - strtotime($session_data['time_end']); $online = $idle_time < 5 * 60 ? 1 : 0; } return $online; }
function message_guest_allusernames() { $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Account'); $usernames = $lilo_mongo->command_values(array("distinct" => "Account", "key" => "username", "query" => array())); //return print_r($usernames, true); return $usernames; }
function asset_admin_category() { $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Category'); $op = isset($op) ? $op : func_arg(0); $op = strtolower(trim($op)); switch ($op) { case 'add': $data = array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'tipe' => $_POST['editor_div_type']); $anim_id = $lilo_mongo->insert($data); break; case 'delete': $lilo_mongo->remove(array('_id' => new MongoId($_POST['_id']))); break; case 'detail': $retval = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('_id' => new MongoId($_POST['_id']))); $resultdetail = array('_id' => $_POST['_id'], 'name' => $retval['name'], 'tipe' => $retval['tipe']); echo json_encode($resultdetail); exit; break; case 'edit': $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Category'); $retval = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('_id' => new MongoId($_POST['id']))); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Avatar'); $lilo_mongo->update_set(array('category' => $retval['name']), array('category' => $_POST['name'])); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Category'); $lilo_mongo->update_set(array('_id' => new MongoId($_POST['id'])), array('name' => $_POST['name'], 'tipe' => $_POST['editor_div_type'])); break; } $brand_data = $lilo_mongo->find(array(), 0, array("tipe" => 1)); if ($_POST['showdt'] != '') { $brand_data = $lilo_mongo->find(array("tipe" => $_POST['showdt']), 0, array("tipe" => 1)); } $returndt = array(); foreach ($brand_data as $result) { $returndt[] = array('_id' => $result['_id'], 'name' => $result['name'], 'tipe' => $result['tipe']); } if (isset($_POST['json'])) { $listtabel = ""; $listtabel .= "<table class='input_form' width='100%'>"; $listtabel .= "<tr>"; $listtabel .= "<th>Name</th>"; $listtabel .= "<th>Avatar Body Part Type</th>"; $listtabel .= "<th>Action</th>"; $listtabel .= "</tr>"; foreach ($brand_data as $dt) { $listtabel .= "<tr>"; $listtabel .= "<td>" . $dt['name'] . "</td>"; $listtabel .= "<td>" . $dt['tipe'] . "</td>"; $listtabel .= "<td>"; $listtabel .= "<button onclick='functionhapus(\"" . $dt['_id'] . "\");'>Delete</button>"; $listtabel .= "<button onclick='functiongetdetail(\"" . $dt['_id'] . "\");'>Edit</button>"; $listtabel .= "</td>"; $listtabel .= "</tr>"; } $listtabel .= "</table>"; echo $listtabel; exit; } $html = ''; $template = new Template(); $template->basepath = $_SESSION['basepath']; $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('AvatarBodyPart'); $listtipe = $lilo_mongo->find(); $template->tipe_array = $listtipe; $template->category_array = $returndt; $html = $template->render("modules/002_asset_management/templates/asset_admin_category.php"); $html = ui_admin_default(NULL, $html); return $html; }
function user_user_properties_by_uid($user_id = NULL) { if (!isset($user_id) || trim($user_id) == '') { return array(); } $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Properties'); $criteria = array('lilo_id' => $user_id); $user_prop = $lilo_mongo->findOne($criteria); if (!isset($user_prop['profile_picture']) || trim($user_prop['profile_picture']) == '') { $user_prop['profile_picture'] = "default.png"; } return $user_prop; }
function article_guest_getslides() { $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Articles'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Slideshow'); $array_parameter = array(); $limit = 0; $sort = array('no' => 1); $article_cursor = $lilo_mongo->find($array_parameter, $limit, $sort); $article_array = array(); while ($curr = $article_cursor->getNext()) { $article_array[] = array('lilo_id' => $curr['lilo_id'], 'no' => $curr['no'], 'title' => $curr['title'], 'image' => $curr['image'], 'description' => $curr['description'], 'link' => $curr['link']); } return json_encode($article_array); }
function message_user_shout_reply() { /* die(print_r($_REQUEST, true)); Array ( [q] => message/user/shout_reply [comment] => Reply to testsdfsdfsdfsdf [circle] => [shout_id] => 4fa0897cc1b4ba341b000000 [__utma] => 111872281.1470462402.1327380803.1336389708.1336418449.37 [__utmz] => 111872281.1327380803.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none) [MANTIS_STRING_COOKIE] => d51124df32701606e74f6e86a7da46f7bfb7835038e6ea4748643db7e4c2f0c0 [POSTNUKESID] => d365816dbaef684d8522d130c239fc29 [PHPSESSID] => ibi020pgc7hiesda9dmih8gip1 [__utmc] => 111872281 [__utmb] => 111872281.0.10.1336418449 ) */ extract($_REQUEST); if (!isset($shout_id)) { die("Error"); } if (trim($comment) == '') { die('Error: empty comment'); } $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Social'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('ShoutComment'); $reply_data = array('shout_id' => $shout_id, 'datetime' => date("Y-m-d - H:i:s"), 'comment' => $comment, 'time' => time()); $lilo_id = $lilo_mongo->insert($reply_data); $lilo_mongo->update($reply_data, array_merge($reply_data, array('lilo_id' => (string) $lilo_id)), array("multiple" => false)); // delete all related comments print "OK"; exit; }
function unity_query_avatar_animation() { $user_id = func_arg(0); $gender = "male"; $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); /* //CODE BELOW COMMENTED, BECAUSE USERS DOESN'T HAVE SPECIFIC ANIMATIONS EMO ATM $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Users'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Animation'); $data2 = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array("user_id" => $user_id)); $output = ""; if ($data2) { $temp = array(); foreach ($data2['configuration'] as $dt) { $temp[] = $dt; } $output = json_encode($temp); } else {*/ $gender = __cek_gender($user_id); $lilo_mongo2 = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo2->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo2->selectCollection('Animation'); // Get the default animation $data4 = $lilo_mongo2->command_values(array("distinct" => "Animation", "key" => "animation_file", "query" => array("gender" => $gender, "permission" => "default"))); // Sometimes the default animation is named Default, get that too $data5 = $lilo_mongo2->command_values(array("distinct" => "Animation", "key" => "animation_file", "query" => array("gender" => $gender, "permission" => "Default"))); $list_temp = array($gender . '@bye', $gender . '@happy', $gender . '@idle1', $gender . '@idle2', $gender . '@jump', $gender . '@pickup', $gender . '@run', $gender . '@walk'); if ($data4) { $temp = ""; foreach ($data4['values'] as $dt2) { $temp = str_replace(".unity3d", "", $dt2); if (!in_array($temp, $list_temp)) { $list_temp[] = $temp; } } foreach ($data5['values'] as $dt2) { $temp = str_replace(".unity3d", "", $dt2); if (!in_array($temp, $list_temp)) { $list_temp[] = $temp; } } $output = json_encode($list_temp); } //} return $output; }
function asset_admin_inventory() { // CRUD for Assets.Inventory $lilo_mongo = new LiloMongo(); $lilo_mongo->selectDB('Assets'); $lilo_mongo->selectCollection('Inventory'); // delete $delete = trim($_REQUEST['delete']); if ($delete != '') { $lilo_mongo->delete(array('lilo_id' => $delete)); return "1"; } // detail $detail = trim($_REQUEST['detail']); if ($detail != '') { $data = $lilo_mongo->findOne(array('lilo_id' => $detail)); return json_encode($data); } // new_inventory $new_inventory = trim($_REQUEST['new_inventory']); if ($new_inventory == "1") { extract($_POST); // tipe, description, icon if (trim($tipe) != '') { $inventory_data = array('tipe' => $tipe, 'description' => $description, 'icon' => $icon); $lilo_id_ = $lilo_mongo->insert($inventory_data); $lilo_mongo->update($inventory_data, array_merge($inventory_data, array('lilo_id' => (string) $lilo_id_)), array("multiple" => false)); } } // dapatkan data Assets.Inventory $inventory_array = $lilo_mongo->find(); $html = ''; $template = new Template(); $template->basepath = $_SESSION['basepath']; $template->inventory_array = $inventory_array; $html = $template->render("modules/002_asset_management/templates/asset_admin_inventory.php"); $html = ui_admin_default(NULL, $html); return $html; }
function mobile_mix_create() { $email = func_arg(0); $mixName = func_arg(1); $configuration = $_POST["configuration"]; $pathimages = PATH_IMAGE_UPLOAD; $allowedExts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"); $success = FALSE; $message = ""; $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; if (isset($_FILES['file']["name"])) { if ($_FILES['file']['name'] != "") { $extension = end(explode(".", strtolower($_FILES['file']["name"]))); //$filetype=$_FILES["file"]["type"]; //$filesize=$_FILES["file"]["size"]; if (in_array($extension, $allowedExts)) { if ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { $message = "Invalid mix preview."; } else { $path = $pathimages; if (file_exists($path . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $message = "Filename exists.."; } else { //echo "File : " . $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] . " => " .$path.$_FILES["file"]["name"]; if (@move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], $path . $_FILES["file"]["name"])) { $message = "File berhasil terupload"; $success = TRUE; $filename = $_FILES["file"]["name"]; } else { $message = "File gagal terupload"; } } } } else { $message = "Image type does not supported"; } } else { $message = "Image data empty"; } } else { $message = "Failed upload mix preview"; } $userDetails = __getUserDetails($email); $mongo = new LiloMongo(); $mongo->selectDB("Users"); $mongo->selectCollection("AvatarMix"); /* * 1. userid. 2. authorname. 3. Nama. 4. Deskripsi 5. tanggal dan jam pembuatan. 6. konfigurasi 7. gender. 8. body type (medium, thin, fat) 9. picture.(screenshot) */ $data = array("userid" => $userDetails["id"], "author" => isset($userDetails["avatarname"]) ? $userDetails['avatarname'] : $userDetails['username'], "name" => $mixName, "description" => "", "date" => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), "gender" => $userDetails["gender"], "bodytype" => $userDetails["bodytype"], "picture" => "mix/" . $filename, "configuration" => $configuration); $mongo->insert($data); $output = array('success' => $success, 'filename' => $filename, 'message' => $message); return json_encode($output); }