Пример #1
  * Create outgoing sync objects(s) from local changes or for re-routing
  * Make one or more sync objects depending on the context of this change
  * - The sync re-routing logic is in here
  * - $origin is the server the change came from if set
  * - $private is the owner's server if set
 public static function create($crud, $fields, $origin, $private = false)
     $server = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent();
     // Origin is set if this change is the result of a received foreign sync object
     if ($origin) {
         // This is the only condition for which re-routing ever occurs
         if ($server->isMaster && $private === false) {
             // Create targetted sync objects for all except self and origin
             foreach (LigminchaGlobalServer::select() as $s) {
                 if ($s->id != $server->id && $s->id != $origin) {
                     new LigminchaGlobalSync($crud, $fields, $s);
     } else {
         // If this is the master, then targets depend whether its private or not
         if ($server->isMaster) {
             // If private then we just have a single targetted sync object to the owner
             if ($private) {
                 new LigminchaGlobalSync($crud, $fields, $private);
             } else {
                 foreach (LigminchaGlobalServer::select() as $s) {
                     if ($s->id != $server->id) {
                         new LigminchaGlobalSync($crud, $fields, $s);
         } else {
             new LigminchaGlobalSync($crud, $fields, LigminchaGlobalServer::getMaster());
Пример #2
 function __construct($message = false, $tag = '', $expire = false)
     // This goes first so that parent constructor will raise an error if the current uuid type doesn't match
     $this->type = LG_LOG;
     // Give the new object an ID
     if ($message) {
         // Set the cmd and data
         $this->ref1 = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->id;
         $this->tag = $tag;
         $this->data = $message;
         $this->expire = $expire;
         // Store the new log entry in the database
Пример #3
  * Check if the passed Joomla user exists as a global user, create if not
 public static function checkUser($jUser)
     // Make a new uuid from the server ID and the user's Joomla ID
     $server = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent();
     $id = self::hash($server->id . ':' . $jUser->id);
     $user = self::newFromId($id);
     // Try and load the object data now that we know its uuid
     if (!$user->load()) {
         // Doesn't exist, make the data structure for our new user object from $jUser
         $user->ref1 = $server->id;
         $user->tag = $jUser->id;
         $user->data = array('realname' => $jUser->name, 'username' => $jUser->username, 'email' => $jUser->email);
         // Save our new instance to the DB
     return $user;
Пример #4
  * Get/create current session instance
 public static function getCurrent()
     $update = false;
     if (is_null(self::$current)) {
         // If there's a current user, get/make a current session
         if (LigminchaGlobalUser::getCurrent()) {
             // None found, create new
             // - there will already be a current session established if one existed thanks to SSO::makeSessionFromCookie
             self::$current = new LigminchaGlobalSession();
             // Doesn't exist, make the data structure for our new server object
             self::$current->ref1 = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->id;
             self::$current->tag = self::getBrowser();
             // Session only lives for five seconds in this initial form and doesn't route
             self::$current->expire = self::timestamp() + 2;
             self::$current->flag(LG_LOCAL, true);
             self::$current->flag(LG_PRIVATE, true);
             // Save our new instance to the DB
             $update = true;
             // And save the ID in the SSO cookie
             lgDebug('New session created and SSO cookie set', self::$current);
         } else {
             self::$current = false;
     // Update the expiry if the session existed (but only if it's increasing by more than a minute to avoid sync traffic)
     if (self::$current && !self::$current->flag(LG_NEW)) {
         $expiry = self::timestamp() + LG_SESSION_DURATION;
         if ($expiry - self::$current->expire > 60) {
             self::$current->expire = $expiry;
             $update = true;
     // Avoid multiple calls to update above
     if ($update) {
     return self::$current;
Пример #5
  * Render an iFrame that requests the global toolbar
 public static function toolbar()
     // Get the url of the global app
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $lgGlobalAppDomain = $config->get('lgGlobalApp', 'global.ligmincha.org');
     // Include the code to render the toolbar
     require __DIR__ . '/toolbar.php';
     // Add the toolbar to the body if we have a user
     $app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
     $page = $app->getBody();
     // Add the toolbar head code into the page head area
     $page = str_replace('</head>', "{$lgToolbarHead}\n</head>", $page);
     // Add the toolbar body code into start of the page body
     $page = preg_replace('#<body.*?>#', "\$0\n{$lgToolbarBody}", $page);
     // Set the image to the currently selected header (tempprary: fake template updating demo)
     $data = LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->data;
     $template = array_key_exists('template', $data) ? $data['template'] : 'maple';
     $page = preg_replace('#(?<=src="images/headers/)(.+?)(?=\\.jpg")#', $template, $page);
     lgDebug("Template set to \"{$template}\"");
     // Update the page content
     lgDebug("Global toolbar added to Joomla page");
Пример #6
  * Receive sync-object queue from a remote server
 private static function recvQueue($data)
     // Decode the data
     $queue = $orig = self::decodeData($data);
     if (!is_array($queue)) {
         die(lgDebug("Problem with received sync data: {$data}"));
     $ip = array_shift($queue);
     $origin = array_shift($queue);
     $session = array_shift($queue);
     // If we're the master, forward this queue to the WebSocket if it's active
     if (LigminchaGlobalServer::getCurrent()->isMaster) {
         self::sendToWebSocket($orig, $session);
     // Process each of the sync objects (this may lead to further re-routing sync objects being made)
     foreach ($queue as $sync) {
         LigminchaGlobalSync::process($sync['tag'], $sync['data'], $origin);
     // Let client know that we've processed their sync data
     lgDebug('Sync data processed, returning "ok"');
     return 'ok';