Пример #1
  * Examine every non-premium video on this wiki and add suggestions where needed.
  * @return array - An associative array of stats from processing the videos
 private function processVideoList()
     $suggestDateProp = WPP_LVS_SUGGEST_DATE;
     $suggestExpire = time() - LicensedVideoSwapHelper::SUGGESTIONS_TTL;
     $pageNS = NS_FILE;
     // Only select videos with nonexistent or expired suggestions unless --refresh is on
     $whereExpired = '';
     if (!$this->refresh) {
         $whereExpired = " AND (props IS NULL OR props <= {$suggestExpire})";
     // A list of all videos, returning the video title, its file page ID and
     $sql = "SELECT video_title as title,\n\t\t\t\t\t   page.page_id as page_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t   props as suggest_date\n\t\t\t\t  FROM video_info\n\t\t\t\t  JOIN page\n\t\t\t\t    ON video_title = page_title\n\t\t\t\t   AND page_namespace = {$pageNS}\n\t\t\t\t  LEFT JOIN page_wikia_props\n\t\t\t\t    ON page.page_id = page_wikia_props.page_id\n\t\t\t\t   AND propname = {$suggestDateProp}\n\t\t\t\t WHERE removed = 0\n\t\t\t\t   AND premium = 0\n\t\t\t\t   {$whereExpired}";
     $db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $results = $db->query($sql, __METHOD__);
     $lvsHelper = new LicensedVideoSwapHelper();
     $vidsFound = 0;
     $vidsWithSugggestions = 0;
     $totalSuggestions = 0;
     // Get the total count of relevant videos
     while ($row = $db->fetchObject($results)) {
         $title = $row->title;
         $this->debug("Processing '{$title}'\n");
         // This sets page_wikia_props for WPP_LVS_SUGGEST_DATE, WPP_LVS_EMPTY_SUGGEST and WPP_LVS_SUGGEST
         $suggestions = $lvsHelper->suggestionSearch($title, $this->test, $this->verbose);
         if ($suggestions) {
             $totalSuggestions += count($suggestions);
             $this->debug("\tFound " . count($suggestions) . " suggestion(s)\n");
         } else {
             $this->debug("\tNo suggestions found\n");
     // clear cache for total videos
     // clear cache for total new videos
     return array('vidsFound' => $vidsFound, 'vidsWithSuggestions' => $vidsWithSugggestions, 'totalSuggestions' => $totalSuggestions);
  * keep video
  * @requestParam string videoTitle
  * @requestParam integer currentPage
  * @requestParam string forever [true/false]
  * @requestParam array suggestions
  * @responseParam string result [ok/error]
  * @responseParam string msg - result message
  * @responseParam string html
  * @responseParam integer totalVideos - total videos with suggestions
  * @responseParam string redirect - redirect url
 public function keepVideo()
     $videoTitle = $this->request->getVal('videoTitle', '');
     $forever = $this->request->getVal('forever', '');
     $suggestions = $this->request->getVal('suggestions', array());
     $currentPage = $this->getVal('currentPage', 1);
     $sort = 'recent';
     // set default value for response params
     // validate action
     $response = $this->sendRequest('LicensedVideoSwapSpecial', 'validateAction', array('videoTitle' => $videoTitle));
     $msg = $response->getVal('msg', '');
     if (!empty($msg)) {
         $this->result = 'error';
         $this->msg = $msg;
     $file = WikiaFileHelper::getVideoFileFromTitle($videoTitle);
     // check if file exists
     if (empty($file)) {
         $this->result = 'error';
         $this->msg = wfMessage('videohandler-error-video-no-exist')->text();
     $helper = new LicensedVideoSwapHelper();
     // set the LVS status of this file page
     $articleId = $file->getTitle()->getArticleID();
     if ($helper->isKeptForever($articleId)) {
         $this->result = 'error';
         $this->msg = wfMessage('lvs-error-already-kept-forever')->text();
     // get valid suggestions
     $suggestTitles = $helper->getValidVideos($suggestions);
     // get videos that have been suggested (kept videos)
     $historicalSuggestions = $helper->getHistoricalSuggestions($articleId);
     // combine suggested videos and current suggestions
     $value['suggested'] = array_unique(array_merge($historicalSuggestions, $suggestTitles));
     // set keep status
     $isForever = $forever == 'true';
     $helper->setPageStatusKeep($articleId, $isForever);
     $helper->setPageStatusInfoKeep($articleId, $value, $isForever);
     // clear cache for total videos
     // clear cache for total new videos
     // Get list video of non-premium videos available to swap
     $useMaster = true;
     $videoList = $helper->getRegularVideoList($sort, $currentPage, $useMaster);
     // get total videos with suggestions
     $this->totalVideos = $helper->getUnswappedVideoTotal($useMaster);
     if (empty($videoList)) {
         $this->redirect = $helper->getRedirectUrl($currentPage, $sort);
     } else {
         $this->html = $this->app->renderView('LicensedVideoSwapSpecial', 'row', array('videoList' => $videoList));
         $this->html .= $helper->getPagination($this->totalVideos, $currentPage, $sort);
     $undoOptions = array('class' => 'undo', 'href' => '#', 'data-video-title' => $videoTitle->getDBkey());
     $undo = Xml::element('a', $undoOptions, wfMessage('lvs-undo-keep')->text());
     $this->msg = wfMessage('lvs-keep-video-success')->rawParams($undo)->parse();