public function cbSendEmailSMTPFilter(array $context = array())
     if (!@in_array('smtp-email-library-send-email-filter', $context['event']->eParamFILTERS)) {
     $fields = $_POST['send-email'];
     $fields['recipient'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['recipient'], $_POST['fields'], true);
     $fields['recipient'] = preg_split('/\\,/i', $fields['recipient'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $fields['recipient'] = array_map('trim', $fields['recipient']);
     $fields['recipient'] = Symphony::Database()->fetch("SELECT `email`, CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ', `last_name`) AS `name` FROM `tbl_authors` WHERE `username` IN ('" . @implode("', '", $fields['recipient']) . "') ");
     $fields['subject'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['subject'], $context['fields'], true, __('[Symphony] A new entry was created on %s', array(Symphony::Configuration()->get('sitename', 'general'))));
     $fields['body'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['body'], $context['fields'], false, NULL, false);
     $fields['sender-email'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['sender-email'], $context['fields'], true, 'noreply@' . parse_url(URL, PHP_URL_HOST));
     $fields['sender-name'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['sender-name'], $context['fields'], true, 'Symphony');
     $fields['from'] = $this->__sendEmailFindFormValue($fields['from'], $context['fields'], true, $fields['sender-email']);
     $section = Symphony::Database()->fetchRow(0, "SELECT * FROM `tbl_sections` WHERE `id` = " . $context['event']->getSource() . " LIMIT 1");
     $edit_link = URL . '/symphony/publish/' . $section['handle'] . '/edit/' . $context['entry_id'] . '/';
     $body = __('Dear <!-- RECIPIENT NAME -->,') . General::CRLF . General::CRLF . __('This is a courtesy email to notify you that an entry was created on the %1$s section. You can edit the entry by going to: %2$s', array($section['name'], $edit_link)) . General::CRLF . General::CRLF;
     if (is_array($fields['body'])) {
         foreach ($fields['body'] as $field_handle => $value) {
             $body .= "=== {$field_handle} ===" . General::CRLF . General::CRLF . $value . General::CRLF . General::CRLF;
     } else {
         $body .= $fields['body'];
     $errors = array();
     if (!is_array($fields['recipient']) || empty($fields['recipient'])) {
         $context['messages'][] = array('smtp-email-library-send-email-filter', false, __('No valid recipients found. Check send-email[recipient] field.'));
     } else {
         foreach ($fields['recipient'] as $r) {
             $email = new LibraryEmail();
             $email->to = vsprintf('%2$s <%1$s>', array_values($r));
             $email->from = sprintf('%s <%s>', $fields['sender-name'], $fields['sender-email']);
             $email->subject = $fields['subject'];
             $email->message = str_replace('<!-- RECIPIENT NAME -->', $r['name'], $body);
             $email->setHeader('Reply-To', $fields['from']);
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $errors[] = $email;
         if (!empty($errors)) {
             $context['messages'][] = array('smtp-email-library-send-email-filter', false, 'The following email addresses were problematic: ' . General::sanitize(implode(', ', $errors)));
         } else {
             $context['messages'][] = array('smtp-email-library-send-email-filter', true);