/** * Get the name of this face. * * @return string The name of this face. */ public function getName() { if (is_null($this->name)) { $this->name = $this->library->getFaceName($this->key); } return $this->name; }
static function getObjectStructure() { global $user; //Load Libraries for lookup values $library = new Library(); $library->orderBy('displayName'); if ($user->hasRole('libraryAdmin')) { $homeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); $library->libraryId = $homeLibrary->libraryId; } $library->find(); $libraryList = array(); while ($library->fetch()) { $libraryList[$library->libraryId] = $library->displayName; } require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/Browse/BrowseCategory.php'; $browseCategories = new BrowseCategory(); $browseCategories->orderBy('label'); $browseCategories->find(); $browseCategoryList = array(); while ($browseCategories->fetch()) { $browseCategoryList[$browseCategories->textId] = $browseCategories->label . " ({$browseCategories->textId})"; } $structure = array('id' => array('property' => 'id', 'type' => 'label', 'label' => 'Id', 'description' => 'The unique id of the hours within the database'), 'libraryId' => array('property' => 'libraryId', 'type' => 'enum', 'values' => $libraryList, 'label' => 'Library', 'description' => 'A link to the library which the location belongs to'), 'browseCategoryTextId' => array('property' => 'browseCategoryTextId', 'type' => 'enum', 'values' => $browseCategoryList, 'label' => 'Browse Category', 'description' => 'The browse category to display '), 'weight' => array('property' => 'weight', 'type' => 'numeric', 'label' => 'Weight', 'weight' => 'Defines how lists are sorted within the widget. Lower weights are displayed to the left of the screen.', 'required' => true)); foreach ($structure as $fieldName => $field) { $field['propertyOld'] = $field['property'] . 'Old'; $structure[$fieldName] = $field; } return $structure; }
public static function Main() { ob_start(); $lib = new Library(); $lib->f(); var_dump(new LibX()); $x = 1; if ($x) { class Q { } } eval(' class P extends Q { } '); eval(' class A extends C { } class D extends A { } class E extends LibX { } '); class F extends P { } var_dump(new Q(), new P(), new A(), new D(), new E(), new F()); $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $EXPECTED = "object(LibX)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(Q)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(P)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(A)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(D)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(E)(0) {\r\n}\r\nobject(F)(0) {\r\n}\r\n"; echo $out == $EXPECTED ? "OK" : "ERROR", "\n"; }
public function showfileAction() { $strContent = null; $strPathFile = $this->params()->fromRoute('path'); if (!empty($strPathFile)) { $strPathFile = base64_decode($strPathFile); $booForceDownload = strtolower($this->params()->fromRoute('force_download')); if (!empty($booForceDownload)) { $booForceDownload = base64_decode($booForceDownload); } if (file_exists($strPathFile)) { $library = new Library(); if ($booForceDownload == 'true' || stripos($library->getMimeContentFromFile($strPathFile), 'image/') === false) { header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . end(explode('/', $strPathFile)) . '"'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($strPathFile)); } else { header('Content-Type: ' . $library->getMimeContentFromFile($strPathFile) . ';'); } readfile($strPathFile); } else { $strContent = 'Arquivo inexistente!'; } } else { $strContent = 'Parâmetros incorretos!'; } return $this->getViewClearContent($strContent); }
public function checkoutValidaiton() { $validation = new Library(); $validation->getValidationOk(); if ($validation->getValidationOk()) { echo "Success"; } else { echo "Fail"; } }
function getLibraryName() { if ($this->libraryId == -1) { return 'Shared Digital Collection'; } else { $library = new Library(); $library->libraryId = $this->libraryId; $library->find(true); return $library->displayName; } }
public function getComments($menuId) { $rows = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE menu_id=%i", $menuId)->fetchAll(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row['comment_id'] = (int) $row['comment_id']; } array_unshift($rows, new \Dibi\Row(array('id' => 0, 'comment_id' => null))); $tree = $this->library->convertToTree($rows, 'id', 'comment_id', 'comments'); $tree[0]['comments'] = $this->library->removeKeys($tree[0]['comments'], 'comments'); return $tree[0]['comments']; }
public function return_book($copyId) { include 'connection.php'; $lib = new Library(); $lib->addCopy($copyId); date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago'); $date = date('Y-m-d'); $sql = "UPDATE Group8_loanHistory SET returned='" . $date . "' WHERE copyId = '" . $copyId . "' and username = '******'"; //$sql = "delete from Group8_loanHistory where copyId = '".$copyId."' and username = '******' and returned is null"; if ($conn->query($sql) === false) { die('Invalid query: ' . $conn->error); } include 'close_connection.php'; }
/** * The recursive method powering addRouteFor(Request). * * @param array Part of a path in reverse order. * @param int Current index of path part array - decrements with each step. * @param Route The route being added * * @return FindRouteResult */ private function addRouteRecursively(&$pathParts, $index, $route) { // Base Case if ($index < 0) { foreach ($route->methods as $method) { if (isset($this->m[$method])) { Library::import('recess.framework.routing.DuplicateRouteException'); throw new DuplicateRouteException($method . ' ' . str_replace('//', '/', $route->path), $route->fileDefined, $route->lineDefined); } $this->m[$method] = new Rt($route); } return; } $nextPart = $pathParts[$index]; if ($nextPart[0] != '$') { $childrenArray =& $this->s; $nextKey = $nextPart; $isParam = false; } else { $childrenArray =& $this->p; $nextKey = substr($nextPart, 1); $isParam = true; } if (!isset($childrenArray[$nextKey])) { $child = new RtNode(); if ($isParam) { $child->c = $nextKey; } $childrenArray[$nextKey] = $child; } else { $child = $childrenArray[$nextKey]; } $child->addRouteRecursively($pathParts, $index - 1, $route); }
function isValidForUser($locationCode, $eContentFieldData) { $sharing = $this->getSharing($locationCode, $eContentFieldData); if ($sharing == 'shared') { $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary(); if ($searchLibrary == null || $searchLibrary->econtentLocationsToInclude == 'all' || strlen($searchLibrary->econtentLocationsToInclude) == 0 || strpos($searchLibrary->econtentLocationsToInclude, $locationCode) !== FALSE) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if ($sharing == 'library') { $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary(); if ($searchLibrary == null || $searchLibrary->includeOutOfSystemExternalLinks || strlen($searchLibrary->ilsCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, $searchLibrary->ilsCode) === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary(); $searchLocation = Location::getSearchLocation(); if ($searchLibrary->includeOutOfSystemExternalLinks || strpos($locationCode, $searchLocation->code) === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return Response */ public function index() { // Using factory // Getting an instance of a model User example $user = ModelFactory::getInstance('User'); // Getting an instance of a Library String $stringLib = LibraryFactory::getInstance('String'); // Getting an instance of a Filter DateRange $dateRange = FilterFactory::getInstance('DateRange'); // Getting an instance of a Type User $userType = TypeFactory::getInstance('User'); // Perform an access check AccessCheckFactory::getInstance('User')->canAccess(auth()->user()->id, 'view'); // Using facade // Getting an instance of a model User example $user = \Model::getInstance('User'); // Getting an instance of a Library String $stringLib = \Library::getInstance('String'); // Getting an instance of a Filter DateRange $dateRange = \Filter::getInstance('DateRange'); // Getting an instance of a Type User $userType = \Type::getInstance('User'); // Passing data to view example $this->view->fullname = auth()->user()->fullname; // Perform an access check \AccessCheck::getInstance('User')->canAccess(1, 'view'); return $this->view('dashboard'); }
public function thumb($uniqueId, $width, $height, $method, $filename) { // only image can get thumbnails, existing files and valid resize method name if (!$this->MediaFile->isImage() || !($ImageFile = $this->MediaFile->file()) || !method_exists($ImageFile, $method)) { return false; } $filename = STATIC_DIR . 'img/public/' . $uniqueId . '/' . $width . 'x' . $height . '/' . $method . '/' . $filename; $width = (int) $width > 0 ? (int) $width : null; $height = (int) $height > 0 ? (int) $height : null; // resize Image try { $ImageFile->{$method}($width, $height, true, false); // apply sharpen filter if available and image is small if (function_exists('imageconvolution') && $width < 400 && $height < 400) { Library::load('ephFrame.lib.file.image.ImageSharpenFilter'); $sharpenFilter = new ImageSharpenFilter(); $ImageFile->applyFilter($sharpenFilter); } } catch (ImageToLargeToLoadException $e) { $ImageFile = new Image($width, $height); $ImageFile->backgroundColor('ffffe0')->border('e6db55', 1, 0); $ImageFile->text(Image::CENTERED, Image::CENTERED, 'image to large to' . LF . 'create thumbnail', 'b8ad4c', 1); } $ImageFile->saveAs($filename, $this->thumbQuality); $this->redirect(WEBROOT . $filename); }
protected function expand($class, $reflection, $descriptor) { if (is_array($this->values[0])) { $this->httpMethods = $this->values[0]; } else { $this->httpMethods = array($this->values[0]); } if (isset($this->values[1])) { $this->path = $this->values[1]; } $controller = Library::getFullyQualifiedClassName($class); $controllerMethod = $reflection->getName(); if (strpos($this->path, Library::pathSeparator) === 0) { // Absolute Route $route = new Route($controller, $controllerMethod, $this->httpMethods, $this->path); $descriptor->methodUrls[$controllerMethod] = $this->path; } else { // Relative Route $route = new Route($controller, $controllerMethod, $this->httpMethods, $descriptor->routesPrefix . $this->path); $descriptor->methodUrls[$controllerMethod] = $descriptor->routesPrefix . $this->path; } $route->fileDefined = $reflection->getFileName(); $route->lineDefined = $reflection->getStartLine(); $descriptor->routes[] = $route; }
public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct(); $this->config = $config; $this->config['driver'] = 'recaptcha'; loader::library('captcha', $this->config); }
public function __construct() { Cowl::timer('cowl init'); @session_start(); // I know that the @-notation is frowned upon, but adding it to session_start saves us unnecessary warnings Cache::setDir(COWL_CACHE_DIR); Current::initialize(COWL_DIR); if (COWL_CLI) { $this->parseCLIPath(); } else { $this->parseRequestPath(); } Cowl::timer('cowl set defaults'); // Get and set all directories for various things. list($commands_dir, $model_dir, $validators_dir, $library_dir, $view_dir, $helpers_dir, $helpers_app_dir, $drivers_dir, $app_dir, $view_layout_dir, $validator_error_messages, $lang) = Current::$config->gets('paths.commands', 'paths.model', 'paths.validators', 'paths.library', 'paths.view', 'paths.helpers', 'paths.helpers_app', 'paths.drivers', 'paths.app', 'paths.layouts', 'paths.validator_messages', 'lang'); Controller::setDir($commands_dir); DataMapper::setMappersDir($model_dir); DataMapper::setObjectsDir($model_dir); Validator::setPath($validators_dir); Validator::loadStrings($validator_error_messages, $lang); Templater::setBaseDir($view_dir); Templater::setLayoutDir($view_layout_dir); Library::setPath($library_dir); Helpers::setPath($helpers_dir); Helpers::setAppPath($helpers_app_dir); Database::setPath($drivers_dir); StaticServer::setDir($app_dir); Cowl::timerEnd('cowl set defaults'); Cowl::timer('cowl plugins load'); Current::$plugins = new Plugins(); Cowl::timerEnd('cowl plugins load'); // Load default helper Helpers::load('standard', 'form'); Cowl::timerEnd('cowl init'); }
/** * Get details of a benchmark. * * @param $name string benchmark name * * @return void */ public function details($name) { // Config Check : Are Benchmarks enabled if ($this->config['enabled']) { return parent::details($name); } }
public function __construct() { $library = Library::getActive(); if (is_object($library)) { $this->controller = $library->getController(); } }
public function before() { $this->nocversion = 'none'; $path = $this->request->route->path; if ($path != 'auth/login') { $this->check_license($path); } parent::before(); //$auth = Auth::instance(); //Auth::instance()->login('hrvoje','hajduk81'); /* if(!$this->check_license()) \Response::redirect(\Config::get('base_url').'/ajax/license'); */ $uri_string = explode('/', Uri::string()); if (count($uri_string) > 1 and $uri_string[0] == 'auth' and $uri_string[1] == 'login') { return; } if ($path != '_root_') { if (\Sentry::check()) { $this->user = Sentry::user()->get('id'); $this->username = Sentry::user()->get('username'); return; } else { $this->user = false; $this->username = ''; \Response::redirect(\Config::get('base_url') . 'auth/login'); } } }
public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct(); foreach ($config as $item => $value) { $this->{$item} = $value; } }
/** * Get a photo from this album by its key * * @param int $key key of the photo to get * @return Photo photo with the given key, or null iff not found */ public function getPhoto($key) { if (!in_array($key, $this->data['KeyList'])) { return null; } return $this->library->getPhoto($key); }
function isValidForUser($locationCode, $eContentFieldData) { $sharing = $this->getSharing($locationCode, $eContentFieldData); if ($sharing == 'shared') { return true; } else { if ($sharing == 'library') { $searchLibrary = Library::getSearchLibrary(); if ($searchLibrary == null || strlen($searchLibrary->ilsCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, $searchLibrary->ilsCode) === 0) { global $user; if ($user) { $patronHomeLibrary = Library::getPatronHomeLibrary(); return $patronHomeLibrary == null || strlen($patronHomeLibrary->ilsCode) > 0 && strpos($locationCode, $patronHomeLibrary->ilsCode) === 0; } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } else { //Just share with the specific location $searchLocation = Location::getSearchLocation(); if (!$searchLocation) { return true; } elseif (strpos($locationCode, $searchLocation->code) === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } } }
static function getObjectStructure() { $library = new Library(); $library->orderBy('displayName'); $library->find(); $libraryList = array(); while ($library->fetch()) { $libraryList[$library->libraryId] = $library->displayName; } $structure = array('id' => array('property' => 'id', 'type' => 'label', 'label' => 'Id', 'description' => 'The unique id of the holiday within the database'), 'libraryId' => array('property' => 'libraryId', 'type' => 'enum', 'values' => $libraryList, 'label' => 'Library', 'description' => 'A link to the library'), 'date' => array('property' => 'date', 'type' => 'date', 'label' => 'Date', 'description' => 'The date of a holiday.', 'required' => true), 'name' => array('property' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'label' => 'Holiday Name', 'description' => 'The name of a holiday')); foreach ($structure as $fieldName => $field) { $field['propertyOld'] = $field['property'] . 'Old'; $structure[$fieldName] = $field; } return $structure; }
/** * Initialize the plugin by loading admin scripts & styles and adding a * settings page and menu. * * @since 1.0.0 */ private function __construct() { $plugin = Library::get_instance(); $this->plugin_slug = $plugin->get_plugin_slug(); add_action('init', array($this, 'register')); /* Fire our meta box setup function on the post editor screen. */ add_action('load-post.php', array($this, 'library_meta_boxes_setup')); }
public function save($quality = 100) { $contents = Library::getContentsFromGDResource($this->resource, $this->format, $quality); $format = $this->format; $extension = $this->getExtensionFromFormat($format); $mime = $this->getMimeFromFormat($format); return array('contents' => $contents, 'format' => $format, 'extension' => $extension, 'mime' => $mime); }
public function __construct($config = array()) { parent::__construct(); if (!empty($config['public_key']) && !empty($config['private_key'])) { $this->_public_key = $config['public_key']; $this->_private_key = $config['private_key']; } }
public function getMenu($languageId = null) { if (empty($languageId)) { $languageId = $this->languageId; } if (!isset($this->menu[$languageId])) { $sql = "SELECT m.id,m.menu_id,m.type_id,t.text,t.url,visibility,IF(url IS NULL AND sort = 0, 255, sort) AS sort\n \t\t\tFROM [menu] m\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [name_has_text] nht ON m.name_id=nht.name_id AND language_id=%i\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [text] t ON t.id=nht.text_id\n\t\t\tWHERE site_id=%i\n\t\t\tORDER BY m.visibility,[sort],[id]"; $rows = $this->db->query($sql, $languageId, $this->siteId)->fetchAll(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row['menu_id'] = (int) $row['menu_id']; } array_unshift($rows, new \Dibi\Row(array('id' => 0, 'menu_id' => null))); $tree = $this->library->convertToTree($rows, 'id', 'menu_id', 'items'); $tree[0]['items'] = $this->library->removeKeys($tree[0]['items'], 'items'); $this->menu[$languageId] = $tree; } return $this->menu[$languageId]; }
public function handleEdit() { $book = Library::findOrFail(Input::get('library')); $book->book_name = Input::get('book_name'); $book->book_copy = Input::get('copy'); $book->updated_by_id = Auth::id(); $book->update(); return Redirect::action('AdminLibraryController@index')->with('flash_edit_success', 'Hurray!You have updated a new Book'); }
public function before() { //remove all data from previus installation.... Sentry::logout(); Config::load('Sentry', true); Cookie::delete('sentry_rm'); Session::delete(Config::get('sentry.session.user')); Session::delete(Config::get('sentry.session.provider')); parent::before(); }
public function getMenu($type = 'visible') { if (!isset($this->menu[$type])) { $sql = "SELECT m.id,m.menu_id,m.type_id AS type,t.text,t.url,m.visibility FROM [menu] m\n\t\t\tJOIN [name_has_text] nht ON m.name_id=nht.name_id AND language_id=%i\n\t\t\tJOIN [text] t ON t.id=nht.text_id\n\t\t\tWHERE site_id=%i AND m.visibility = %s\n\t\t\tORDER BY [sort],[id]"; $rows = $this->db->query($sql, $this->getLanguageId(), $this->siteId, $type)->fetchAll(); foreach ($rows as &$row) { $row['menu_id'] = (int) $row['menu_id']; } if ($type == 'visible') { array_unshift($rows, new DibiRow(array('id' => 0, 'menu_id' => null))); $tree = $this->library->convertToTree($rows, 'id', 'menu_id', 'items'); $tree[0]['items'] = $this->library->removeKeys($tree[0]['items'], 'items'); $this->menu[$type] = $tree; } else { $this->menu[$type] = $rows; } } return $this->menu[$type]; }
public function __construct($searchObject, $params) { global $library; global $configArray; // Save the basic parameters: $this->searchObject = $searchObject; // Parse the additional parameters: $params = explode(':', $params); $section = empty($params[0]) ? 'ResultsTop' : $params[0]; $iniFile = isset($params[1]) ? $params[1] : 'facets'; // Load the desired facet information: $searchLibrary = Library::getActiveLibrary(); $searchLocation = Location::getActiveLocation(); $config = getExtraConfigArray($iniFile); if ($searchObject->getSearchType() == 'genealogy') { $this->mainFacets = array(); } else { $searchLibrary = Library::getActiveLibrary(); $searchLocation = Location::getActiveLocation(); $userLocation = Location::getUserHomeLocation(); $hasSearchLibraryFacets = $searchLibrary != null && count($searchLibrary->facets) > 0; $hasSearchLocationFacets = $searchLocation != null && count($searchLocation->facets) > 0; if ($hasSearchLocationFacets) { $facets = $searchLocation->facets; } elseif ($hasSearchLibraryFacets) { $facets = $searchLibrary->facets; } else { $facets = Library::getDefaultFacets(); } foreach ($facets as $facet) { if ($facet->showAboveResults == 1) { $facetName = $facet->facetName; if (isset($searchLibrary)) { if ($facet->facetName == 'availability_toggle' && $configArray['Index']['enableDetailedAvailability']) { $facetName = 'availability_toggle_' . $searchLibrary->subdomain; } } if (isset($userLocation)) { if ($facet->facetName == 'availability_toggle' && $configArray['Index']['enableDetailedAvailability']) { $facetName = 'availability_toggle_' . $userLocation->code; } } if (isset($searchLocation)) { if ($facet->facetName == 'availability_toggle' && $configArray['Index']['enableDetailedAvailability']) { $facetName = 'availability_toggle_' . $searchLocation->code; } } $this->facets[$facetName] = $facet->displayName; $this->facetSettings[$facetName] = $facet; } } } // Load other relevant settings: $this->baseSettings = array('rows' => $config['Results_Settings']['top_rows'], 'cols' => $config['Results_Settings']['top_cols']); }