Пример #1
 * $pMsgHeader is a imap_headerinfo generated array
function board_sync_process_message($pMbox, $pMsgNum, $pMsgHeader, $pMsgStructure, $pModerate = FALSE, $pLog = FALSE, $pDeliveredTo = NULL)
    global $gBitSystem, $gBitDb;
    // vd( $pMsgHeader );
    // Collect a bit of header information
    $message_id = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'message_id');
    // @TODO comment or clean up, not sure why this is here -wjames5
    if (empty($message_id)) {
        $message_id = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'message_id');
    $subject = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'Subject');
    if (empty($message_id)) {
        bit_error_log("Email sync for message: " . $subject . " failed: No Message Id in mail header.");
    } else {
        if ($pLog) {
            print "Processing: " . $message_id . "\n";
        if ($pLog) {
            print "  Subject: " . $subject . "\n";
        $matches = array();
        $toAddresses = array();
        $allRecipients = "";
        if (empty($pDeliveredTo)) {
            if (isset($pMsgHeader->toaddress)) {
                $allRecipients .= $pMsgHeader->toaddress;
                if ($pLog) {
                    print "  To addresses: " . $pMsgHeader->toaddress . "\n";
            if (isset($pMsgHeader->ccaddress)) {
                $allRecipients .= ($allRecipients != "" ? "," : "") . $pMsgHeader->ccaddress;
                if ($pLog) {
                    print "  CC addresses: " . $pMsgHeader->ccaddress . "\n";
            if ($pLog) {
                print "  All Recipients: " . $allRecipients . "\n";
            $allSplit = split(',', $allRecipients);
            foreach ($allSplit as $s) {
                $s = trim($s);
                $matches = array();
                if (strpos($s, '<') !== FALSE) {
                    if (preg_match("/\\s*(.*)\\s*<\\s*(.*)\\s*>/", $s, $matches)) {
                        $toAddresses[] = array('name' => $matches[1], 'email' => $matches[2]);
                    } elseif (preg_match('/<\\s*(.*)\\s*>\\s*(.*)\\s*/', $s, $matches)) {
                        $toAddresses[] = array('email' => $matches[1], 'name' => $matches[2]);
                } elseif (validate_email_syntax($s)) {
                    $toAddresses[] = array('email' => $s);
        } else {
            foreach ($pDeliveredTo as $address) {
                $toAddresses[] = array('email' => $address);
        if ($pLog) {
        $date = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'Date');
        $from = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'from');
        $fromaddress = $from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $from[0]->host;
        // personal is not always defined.
        if (isset($from[0]->personal)) {
            $personal = ucwords($from[0]->personal);
        } else {
            $personal = null;
        $in_reply_to = board_sync_get_headerinfo($pMsgHeader, 'in_reply_to');
        if ($pLog) {
            print "\n---- " . date("Y-m-d HH:mm:ss") . " -------------------------\nImporting: " . $message_id . "\nDate: " . $date . "\nFrom: " . $fromaddress . "\nTo: " . $allRecipients . "\nSubject: " . $subject . "\nIn Reply To: " . $in_reply_to . "\nName: " . $personal . (is_array($pDeliveredTo) ? "\nDelivered-To:" . implode(", ", $pDeliveredTo) : '') . "\n";
        foreach ($toAddresses as $to) {
            if ($pLog) {
                print "  Processing email: " . strtolower($to['email']) . "\n";
            // get a board match for the email address
            if ($boardContentId = cache_check_content_prefs('board_sync_list_address', strtolower($to['email']), TRUE)) {
                if ($pLog) {
                    print "Found Board Content {$boardContentId} for {$to['email']}\n";
                // Do we already have this message in this board?
                $contentId = NULL;
                if ($message_id != NULL) {
                    $sql = "SELECT `content_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` WHERE `message_guid`=? AND `root_id`=?";
                    $contentId = $gBitDb->getOne($sql, array($message_id, $boardContentId));
                if (empty($contentId)) {
                    if (!empty($in_reply_to)) {
                        if ($parent = $gBitDb->GetRow("SELECT `content_id`, `root_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` WHERE `message_guid`=?", array($in_reply_to))) {
                            $replyId = $parent['content_id'];
                            $rootId = $parent['root_id'];
                        } else {
                            if ($pLog) {
                                print "WARNING: Reply to unfound message: " . $in_reply_to;
                            $replyId = $boardContentId;
                            $rootId = $boardContentId;
                        // if no reply to message guid then match on title - this looks dangerous as titles could easily be duplicated -wjames
                    } elseif ($parent = $gBitDb->GetRow("SELECT lcom.`content_id`, lcom.`root_id` FROM `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` lcom INNER JOIN `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_content` lc ON(lcom.`content_id`=lc.`content_id`) WHERE lc.`title`=?", array(preg_replace('/re: /i', '', $subject)))) {
                        $replyId = $parent['content_id'];
                        $rootId = $parent['root_id'];
                        // attach to board as first level comment e.g. new topic
                    } else {
                        $replyId = $boardContentId;
                        $rootId = $boardContentId;
                    $userInfo = board_sync_get_user($fromaddress);
                    // prep the storage hash
                    $storeRow = array();
                    $storeRow['created'] = strtotime($date);
                    $storeRow['last_modified'] = $storeRow['created'];
                    $storeRow['user_id'] = $userInfo['user_id'];
                    $storeRow['modifier_user_id'] = $userInfo['user_id'];
                    $storeRow['title'] = $subject;
                    $storeRow['message_guid'] = $message_id;
                    if ($userInfo['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS_USER_ID && !empty($personal)) {
                        $storeRow['anon_name'] = $personal;
                    $storeRow['root_id'] = $rootId;
                    $storeRow['parent_id'] = $replyId;
                    $partHash = array();
                    switch ($pMsgStructure->type) {
                        case '0':
                            if ($pLog) {
                                print "Structure Type: text\n";
                            board_parse_msg_parts($partHash, $pMbox, $pMsgNum, $pMsgStructure, 1, $pLog);
                        case '1':
                            if ($pLog) {
                                print "Structure Type: multipart\n";
                            if ($pModerate) {
                                $prefix = '2.';
                            } else {
                                $prefix = '';
                            foreach ($pMsgStructure->parts as $partNum => $part) {
                                board_parse_msg_parts($partHash, $pMbox, $pMsgNum, $part, $prefix . ($partNum + 1), $pLog);
                    $plainBody = "";
                    $htmlBody = "";
                    foreach (array_keys($partHash) as $i) {
                        if (!empty($partHash[$i]['plain'])) {
                            $plainBody .= $partHash[$i]['plain'];
                        if (!empty($partHash[$i]['html'])) {
                            $htmlBody .= $partHash[$i]['html'];
                        if (!empty($partHash[$i]['attachment'])) {
                            $storeRow['_files_override'][] = array('tmp_name' => $partHash[$i]['attachment'], 'type' => $gBitSystem->verifyMimeType($partHash[$i]['attachment']), 'size' => filesize($partHash[$i]['attachment']), 'name' => basename($partHash[$i]['attachment']), 'user_id' => $userInfo['user_id']);
                    if (!empty($htmlBody)) {
                        $storeRow['edit'] = $htmlBody;
                        $storeRow['format_guid'] = 'bithtml';
                    } elseif (!empty($plainBody)) {
                        $storeRow['edit'] = nl2br($plainBody);
                        $storeRow['format_guid'] = 'bithtml';
                    // Nuke all email addresses from the body.
                    if (!empty($storeRow['edit'])) {
                        $storeRow['edit'] = ereg_replace('[-!#$%&\\`*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+' . '@' . '(localhost|[-!$%&\'*+\\/0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+\\.' . '[-!$%&\'*+\\./0-9=?A-Z^_`a-z{|}~]+)', '', $storeRow['edit']);
                    // We trust the user from this source
                    // and count on moderation to handle links
                    global $gBitUser;
                    $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_liberty_trusted_editor', true);
                    // Check to add attachments
                    // NOTE: we temporarily change the gBitUser here!
                    // This is so we can run a proper content permissions check
                    // for attachment permission against the parent
                    // board object. This is sort of a hack to deal
                    // with the fact that LibertyContent does not have a
                    // means to check the permissions of any user except gBitUser -wjames5
                    // Important store a reference so we can switch back when we are done
                    $gBitUserOrg = $gBitUser;
                    // Load the message sending user
                    if ($userInfo['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS_USER_ID) {
                        $userClass = $gBitSystem->getConfig('user_class', 'BitPermUser');
                        $newBitUser = new $userClass($userInfo['user_id']);
                    if (!empty($newBitUser) && $newBitUser->isValid()) {
                        // flip gBitUser to our message sender
                        $gBitUser = $newBitUser;
                    // Load the parent board
                    $board = new BitBoard(NULL, $boardContentId);
                    // Check the permission for the user on the board
                    if ($gBitSystem->isFeatureActive('comments_allow_attachments') && $board->hasUserPermission('p_liberty_attach_attachments')) {
                        // note we grant the permission to the anonymous user which will become gBitUser once again
                        $gBitUserOrg->setPermissionOverride('p_liberty_attach_attachments', true);
                    // Clear the reference to this board so we dont mistakenly use it later
                    // Important: switch gBitUser back!
                    $gBitUser = $gBitUserOrg;
                    // End check to add attachments to comments to the parent board
                    // Check for an empty body
                    // Duplicate subject if we have it
                    if (empty($storeRow['edit'])) {
                        if (!empty($storeRow['title'])) {
                            $storeRow['edit'] = $storeRow['title'];
                        } else {
                            $storeRow['edit'] = ".";
                    $storeComment = new LibertyComment(NULL);
                    if ($storeComment->storeComment($storeRow)) {
                        // undo the attachment permission
                        $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_liberty_attach_attachments', false);
                        // set moderation approval
                        if (!$pModerate && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('moderation') && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('modcomments')) {
                            global $gModerationSystem, $gBitUser;
                            $moderation = $gModerationSystem->getModeration(NULL, $storeComment->mContentId);
                            if (!empty($moderation)) {
                                // Allow to moderate
                                $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_admin', TRUE);
                                $gModerationSystem->setModerationReply($moderation['moderation_id'], MODERATION_APPROVED);
                                $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_admin', FALSE);
                        if (!empty($storeRow['message_guid'])) {
                            // map the message guid to the comment
                            $storeComment->mDb->query("UPDATE `" . BIT_DB_PREFIX . "liberty_comments` SET `message_guid`=? WHERE `content_id`=?", array($storeRow['message_guid'], $storeComment->mContentId));
                            // Store the confirm code
                            if ($pModerate) {
                                $storeComment->storePreference('board_confirm_code', $pModerate);
                            // done
                            return TRUE;
                        } else {
                            bit_error_log("Email sync error: Message Id not set. You shouldn't have even gotten this far.");
                            return FALSE;
                    } else {
                        if (count($storeComment->mErrors) == 1 && !empty($storeComment->mErrors['store']) && $storeComment->mErrors['store'] == 'Duplicate comment.') {
                            return TRUE;
                        } else {
                            foreach ($storeComment->mErrors as $error) {
                            return FALSE;
                } else {
                    if ($pLog) {
                        print "Message Exists: {$contentId} : {$boardContentId} : {$message_id} : {$pModerate}\n";
                    // If this isn't a moderation message
                    if ($pModerate === FALSE) {
                        // If the message exists it must have been approved via some
                        // moderation mechanism, so make sure it is available
                        if ($gBitSystem->isPackageActive('moderation') && $gBitSystem->isPackageActive('modcomments')) {
                            global $gModerationSystem, $gBitUser;
                            $storeComment = new LibertyComment(NULL, $contentId);
                            if ($storeComment->mInfo['content_status_id'] > 0) {
                                if ($pLog) {
                                    print "Already approved: {$contentId}\n";
                            } else {
                                $moderation = $gModerationSystem->getModeration(NULL, $contentId);
                                //				vd($moderation);
                                if (!empty($moderation)) {
                                    $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_admin', TRUE);
                                    if ($pLog) {
                                        print "Setting approved: {$contentId}\n";
                                    $gModerationSystem->setModerationReply($moderation['moderation_id'], MODERATION_APPROVED);
                                    $gBitUser->setPermissionOverride('p_admin', FALSE);
                                    if ($pLog) {
                                        print "Done";
                                } else {
                                    if ($pLog) {
                                        print "ERROR: Unable to find moderation to approve for: {$contentId}";
                    } else {
                        // Store the approve code;
                        if ($pLog) {
                            print "Storing approval code: " . $contentId . ":" . $pModerate . "\n";
                        $storeComment = new LibertyComment(NULL, $contentId);
                        $storeComment->storePreference('board_confirm_code', $pModerate);
                    return TRUE;
            } else {
                if ($pLog) {
                    print "No Board match found for {$to['email']}\n";
    return FALSE;