, '".addslashes($_POST['lastname'])."' , '".addslashes($_POST['nickname'])."' , '".addslashes($_POST['password'])."' , '".addslashes($_POST['nation'])."' , '".addslashes($_POST['gender'])."' , '".addslashes($_POST['birthdate'])."' , '".$session_time."' , '".time()."' , '".addslashes($_POST['email'])."' , '".$actkey."' )"; if( $db->sql_query($sql)) { $email_body=sprintf(_Pilot_confirm_subscription,$CONF['site']['name'],$r['user_name'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], str_replace('//','/',$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].getRelMainDir().'/'.$CONF_mainfile),$actkey ); LeonardoMail::sendMail('[Leonardo] - Confirmation email',utf8_decode($email_body),$_POST['email'],addslashes($_POST['firstname'])); $msg="<p align='center'>".sprintf(_Server_send_conf_email,$_POST['email'])."</p>"; } } else { // var_dump($r); $msg="<p align ='center'>". _User_already_registered."</p>"; } echo $msg; closeMain();return; } if( !isset($_POST['registerForm'])&& !isset($_GET['rkey'])){
for ($k = $linesNum - 1; $k > 0; $k--) { if (substr($lines[$k], 0, 8) == 'PDF URL:') { $pdfUrls[] = substr($lines[$k], 8); } if (substr($lines[$k], 0, 9) == 'START PDF') { // echo "Found start of pdf list, breaking <br>"; break; } } // print_r($pdfUrls); $tmpDir = md5($url); $pdfFile = leoPdf::createPDFmulti($pdfUrls, $tmpDir); // $pdfFile=$tmpDir.'/logbook.pdf'; $helperUrl = $CONF['pdf']['helperUrl']; if ($helperUrl) { $helperUrl = $helperUrl . '/'; } if ($pdfFile) { $pdfFile = $helperUrl . $CONF['pdf']['tmpPathRel'] . '/' . $pdfFile; //echo "<a href='".$helperUrl.$CONF['pdf']['tmpPathRel'].'/'.$pdfFile."' target='_blank'>PDF is ready</a>"; // echo "\n\n".$moduleRelPath.'/'.$CONF['pdf']['tmpPathRel'].'/'.$pdfFile; } else { // echo "ERROR: PDF creation failed"; } } $mailBody = "PDF File is ready. <a href='{$pdfFile}'>Download it from here</a>\n"; echo "PDF FILE: {$pdfFile}\n"; LeonardoMail::sendMail("Your Leonardo PDF is ready", $mailBody, $userEmail, ''); leoJob::updateJob($job['jobID']); } }
// $commentData['dateAdded']= $commentData['commentID'] = $newCommentID; $commentID = $newCommentID; $commentDepth = $newCommentDepth; $flight = new flight(); $flight->getFlightFromDB($commentData['flightID']); if ($flight->userID != $userID) { global $LeoCodeBase; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_user.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/CL_mail.php'; // send email notification to user $userEmail = leoUser::getEmail($flight->userID); // echo " userEmail= $userEmail"; $link = htmlspecialchars("http://" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getLeonardoLink(array('op' => 'show_flight', 'flightID' => $commentData['flightID']))); $email_body = sprintf(_New_comment_email_body, $CONF['site']['name'], $link, $commentData['text']); LeonardoMail::sendMail("[Leonardo] " . $CONF['site']['name'] . " - " . sprintf(_You_have_a_new_comment, $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), $email_body, $userEmail, addslashes($userEmail), '', '', true); // echo "<pre>$email_body</pre>"; } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/INC_comment_row.php'; echo $str; //echo " newCommentID=$newCommentID, flightID=$flightID // parentID=$parentID, guestName=$guestName, userID=$userID, // <hr> $commentText <BR>"; //echo "OK"; } else { if ($op == 'edit') { $flightID = makeSane($_POST['flightID']); $commentID = makeSane($_POST['commentID']) + 0; $commentText = $_POST['commentText']; $flightComments = new flightComments($flightID); $result = $flightComments->changeComment(array('commentID' => $commentID, 'text' => $commentText));
// gen a new password with 6 char long; //$emailtime=0; if ($emailtime + $CONF['userdb']['edit']['password_change_expire_time'] < $ltime) { // print "$emailtime | $ltime"; $actkey = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $newpass = generatePassword($CONF['userdb']['edit']['password_minlength']); if (function_exists('leonardo_hash')) { $newPassword = leonardo_hash($newpass); } else { $newPassword = md5($newpass); } $sql = "UPDATE " . $CONF['userdb']['users_table'] . " set user_emailtime='" . time() . "', user_newpasswd='" . $newPassword . "',user_actkey='{$actkey}' where " . $CONF['userdb']['user_id_field'] . "=" . $res['user_id']; if ($db->sql_query($sql)) { $msg = "<span class='ok'><b>" . _Email_new_password . "</b></span>"; $email_body = sprintf(_Password_recovery_email, $CONF['site']['name'], $res['username'], $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], $res['username'], $res['user_civlid'], $newpass, str_replace('//', '/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getRelMainDir() . '/' . $CONF_mainfile), $actkey); LeonardoMail::sendMail("[Leonardo] " . $CONF['site']['name'] . " - " . _Password_subject_confirm, utf8_decode($email_body), $res['user_email'], addslashes($_POST['name'])); } } else { $expiretime = date("d/M/Y H:i:s", $emailtime + $CONF['userdb']['edit']['password_change_expire_time']); $msg = "<span class='alert'><b>" . sprintf(_impossible_to_gen_new_pass, $expiretime) . "</b></span>"; } } else { $msg = "<span class='alert'><b>" . _informed_user_not_found . "</b></span>"; } } ?> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .alertMsg a { color: #FF0000; font-size: 11px;