Пример #1
    if ($id > 0)
        if ($res < 0) { dol_print_error($db,$object->error); exit; }

        // Connexion ldap
        // pour recuperer passDoNotExpire et userChangePassNextLogon
        if (! empty($conf->ldap->enabled) && ! empty($object->ldap_sid))
            $ldap = new Ldap();
            if ($result > 0)
                $userSearchFilter = '('.$conf->global->LDAP_FILTER_CONNECTION.'('.$ldap->getUserIdentifier().'='.$object->login.'))';
                $entries = $ldap->fetch($object->login,$userSearchFilter);
                if (! $entries)
                    setEventMessages($ldap->error, $ldap->errors, 'errors');

                $passDoNotExpire = 0;
                $userChangePassNextLogon = 0;
                $userDisabled = 0;
                $statutUACF = '';

                // Check options of user account
                if (count($ldap->uacf) > 0)
                    foreach ($ldap->uacf as $key => $statut)
Пример #2
 /* ************************************************************************** */
 /*                                                                            */
 /* Visu et edition                                                            */
 /*                                                                            */
 /* ************************************************************************** */
 if ($id) {
     $fuser = new User($db);
     // Connexion ldap
     // pour recuperer passDoNotExpire et userChangePassNextLogon
     if ($conf->ldap->enabled && $fuser->ldap_sid) {
         $ldap = new Ldap();
         $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
         if ($result > 0) {
             $userSearchFilter = '(' . $conf->global->LDAP_FILTER_CONNECTION . '(' . $this->getUserIdentifier() . '=' . $fuser->login . '))';
             $entries = $ldap->fetch($fuser->login, $userSearchFilter);
             if (!$entries) {
                 $message .= $ldap->error;
             $passDoNotExpire = 0;
             $userChangePassNextLogon = 0;
             $userDisabled = 0;
             $statutUACF = '';
             //On verifie les options du compte
             if (count($ldap->uacf) > 0) {
                 foreach ($ldap->uacf as $key => $statut) {
                     if ($key == 65536) {
                         $passDoNotExpire = 1;
                         $statutUACF = $statut;
Пример #3
 * Check validity of user/password/entity
 * If test is ko, reason must be filled into $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"]
 * @param	string	$usertotest		Login
 * @param	string	$passwordtotest	Password
 * @param   int		$entitytotest   Number of instance (always 1 if module multicompany not enabled)
 * @return	string					Login if OK, '' if KO
function check_user_password_ldap($usertotest, $passwordtotest, $entitytotest)
    global $db, $conf, $langs;
    global $_POST;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_host, $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_port;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_version, $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_servertype;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_login_attribute, $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_dn;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_login, $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_pass;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_filter;
    global $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_debug;
    // Force master entity in transversal mode
    $entity = $entitytotest;
    if (!empty($conf->multicompany->enabled) && !empty($conf->multicompany->transverse_mode)) {
        $entity = 1;
    $login = '';
    $resultFetchUser = '';
    if (!function_exists("ldap_connect")) {
        dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Authentification ko failed to connect to LDAP. LDAP functions are disabled on this PHP");
        $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = $langs->trans("ErrorLDAPFunctionsAreDisabledOnThisPHP") . ' ' . $langs->trans("TryAnotherConnectionMode");
    if ($usertotest) {
        dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap usertotest=" . $usertotest . " passwordtotest=" . preg_replace('/./', '*', $passwordtotest) . " entitytotest=" . $entitytotest);
        // If test username/password asked, we define $test=false and $login var if ok, set $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] if ko
        $ldaphost = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_host;
        $ldapport = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_port;
        $ldapversion = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_version;
        $ldapservertype = empty($dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_servertype) ? 'openldap' : $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_servertype;
        $ldapuserattr = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_login_attribute;
        $ldapdn = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_dn;
        $ldapadminlogin = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_login;
        $ldapadminpass = $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_admin_pass;
        $ldapdebug = empty($dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_debug) || $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_debug == "false" ? false : true;
        if ($ldapdebug) {
            print "DEBUG: Logging LDAP steps<br>\n";
        require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/ldap.class.php';
        $ldap = new Ldap();
        $ldap->server = explode(',', $ldaphost);
        $ldap->serverPort = $ldapport;
        $ldap->ldapProtocolVersion = $ldapversion;
        $ldap->serverType = $ldapservertype;
        $ldap->searchUser = $ldapadminlogin;
        $ldap->searchPassword = $ldapadminpass;
        if ($ldapdebug) {
            dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Server:" . join(',', $ldap->server) . ", Port:" . $ldap->serverPort . ", Protocol:" . $ldap->ldapProtocolVersion . ", Type:" . $ldap->serverType);
            dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap uid/samacountname=" . $ldapuserattr . ", dn=" . $ldapdn . ", Admin:" . $ldap->searchUser . ", Pass:"******"DEBUG: Server:" . join(',', $ldap->server) . ", Port:" . $ldap->serverPort . ", Protocol:" . $ldap->ldapProtocolVersion . ", Type:" . $ldap->serverType . "<br>\n";
            print "DEBUG: uid/samacountname=" . $ldapuserattr . ", dn=" . $ldapdn . ", Admin:" . $ldap->searchUser . ", Pass:"******"<br>\n";
        $resultFetchLdapUser = 0;
        // Define $userSearchFilter
        $userSearchFilter = "";
        if (empty($dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_filter)) {
            $userSearchFilter = "(" . $ldapuserattr . "=" . $usertotest . ")";
        } else {
            $userSearchFilter = str_replace('%1%', $usertotest, $dolibarr_main_auth_ldap_filter);
        // If admin login provided
        // Code to get user in LDAP from an admin connection (may differ from user connection, done later)
        if ($ldapadminlogin) {
            $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
            if ($result > 0) {
                $resultFetchLdapUser = $ldap->fetch($usertotest, $userSearchFilter);
                //dol_syslog('functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap resultFetchLdapUser='******'functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap ' . $usertotest . ' must change password next logon');
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: User " . $usertotest . " must change password<br>\n";
                    $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = $langs->trans("YouMustChangePassNextLogon", $usertotest, $ldap->domainFQDN);
                    return '';
            } else {
                if ($ldapdebug) {
                    print "DEBUG: " . $ldap->error . "<br>\n";
        // Forge LDAP user and password to test with them
        // If LDAP need a dn with login like "uid=jbloggs,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com", default dn may work even if previous code with
        // admin login no exectued.
        $ldap->searchUser = $ldapuserattr . "=" . $usertotest . "," . $ldapdn;
        // Default dn (will work if LDAP accept a dn with login value inside)
        // But if LDAP need a dn with name like "cn=Jhon Bloggs,ou=People,dc=foo,dc=com", previous part must have been executed to have
        // dn detected into ldapUserDN.
        if ($resultFetchLdapUser and !empty($ldap->ldapUserDN)) {
            $ldap->searchUser = $ldap->ldapUserDN;
        $ldap->searchPassword = $passwordtotest;
        // Test with this->seachUser and this->searchPassword
        //print $resultFetchLdapUser."-".$ldap->ldapUserDN."-".$ldap->searchUser.'-'.$ldap->searchPassword;exit;
        $result = $ldap->connect_bind();
        if ($result > 0) {
            if ($result == 2) {
                dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Authentification ok");
                $login = $usertotest;
                // ldap2dolibarr synchronisation
                if ($login && !empty($conf->ldap->enabled) && $conf->global->LDAP_SYNCHRO_ACTIVE == 'ldap2dolibarr') {
                    dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Sync ldap2dolibarr");
                    // On charge les attributs du user ldap
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: login ldap = " . $login . "<br>\n";
                    $resultFetchLdapUser = $ldap->fetch($login, $userSearchFilter);
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: UACF = " . join(',', $ldap->uacf) . "<br>\n";
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: pwdLastSet = " . dol_print_date($ldap->pwdlastset, 'day') . "<br>\n";
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: badPasswordTime = " . dol_print_date($ldap->badpwdtime, 'day') . "<br>\n";
                    // On recherche le user dolibarr en fonction de son SID ldap
                    $sid = $ldap->getObjectSid($login);
                    if ($ldapdebug) {
                        print "DEBUG: sid = " . $sid . "<br>\n";
                    $usertmp = new User($db);
                    $resultFetchUser = $usertmp->fetch('', $login, $sid);
                    if ($resultFetchUser > 0) {
                        dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Sync user found user id=" . $usertmp->id);
                        // On verifie si le login a change et on met a jour les attributs dolibarr
                        if ($usertmp->login != $ldap->login && $ldap->login) {
                            $usertmp->login = $ldap->login;
                            // TODO Que faire si update echoue car on update avec un login deja existant.
                        //$resultUpdate = $usertmp->update_ldap2dolibarr($ldap);
                if (!empty($conf->multicompany->enabled)) {
                    global $mc;
                    $usertmp = new User($db);
                    $usertmp->fetch('', $login);
                    $ret = $mc->checkRight($usertmp->id, $entitytotest);
                    if ($ret < 0) {
                        dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Authentification ko entity '" . $entitytotest . "' not allowed for user '" . $usertmp->id . "'");
                        $login = '';
                        // force authentication failure
            if ($result == 1) {
                dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Authentification ko bad user/password for '" . $usertotest . "'");
                $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = $langs->trans("ErrorBadLoginPassword");
        } else {
            /* Login failed. Return false, together with the error code and text from
             ** the LDAP server. The common error codes and reasons are listed below :
             ** (for iPlanet, other servers may differ)
             ** 19 - Account locked out (too many invalid login attempts)
             ** 32 - User does not exist
             ** 49 - Wrong password
             ** 53 - Account inactive (manually locked out by administrator)
            dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap Authentification ko failed to connect to LDAP for '" . $usertotest . "'");
            if (is_resource($ldap->connection)) {
                $ldap->ldapErrorCode = ldap_errno($ldap->connection);
                $ldap->ldapErrorText = ldap_error($ldap->connection);
                dol_syslog("functions_ldap::check_user_password_ldap " . $ldap->ldapErrorCode . " " . $ldap->ldapErrorText);
            $_SESSION["dol_loginmesg"] = $ldap->error ? $ldap->error : $langs->trans("ErrorBadLoginPassword");
    return $login;