Пример #1
 private function GetDataSetItems($displayId, $isPreview, $text)
     $db =& $this->db;
     // Extra fields for data sets
     $dataSetId = $this->GetOption('datasetid');
     $upperLimit = $this->GetOption('upperLimit');
     $lowerLimit = $this->GetOption('lowerLimit');
     $filter = $this->GetOption('filter');
     $ordering = $this->GetOption('ordering');
     Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'Then template for each row is: ' . $text);
     // Set an expiry time for the media
     $media = new Media();
     $layout = new Layout();
     $expires = time() + $this->GetOption('updateInterval', 3600) * 60;
     // Combine the column id's with the dataset data
     $matches = '';
     preg_match_all('/\\[(.*?)\\]/', $text, $matches);
     $columnIds = array();
     foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
         // Get the column id's we are interested in
         Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'Matched column: ' . $match);
         $col = explode('|', $match);
         $columnIds[] = $col[1];
     // Get the dataset results
     $dataSet = new DataSet($db);
     if (!($dataSetResults = $dataSet->DataSetResults($dataSetId, implode(',', $columnIds), $filter, $ordering, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $displayId))) {
     // Create an array of header|datatypeid pairs
     $columnMap = array();
     foreach ($dataSetResults['Columns'] as $col) {
         $columnMap[$col['Text']] = $col;
     Debug::Audit(var_export($columnMap, true));
     $items = array();
     foreach ($dataSetResults['Rows'] as $row) {
         // For each row, substitute into our template
         $rowString = $text;
         foreach ($matches[1] as $sub) {
             // Pick the appropriate column out
             $subs = explode('|', $sub);
             // The column header
             $header = $subs[0];
             $replace = $row[$header];
             // Check in the columns array to see if this is a special one
             if ($columnMap[$header]['DataTypeID'] == 4) {
                 // Download the image, alter the replace to wrap in an image tag
                 $file = $media->addModuleFileFromUrl(str_replace(' ', '%20', htmlspecialchars_decode($replace)), 'ticker_dataset_' . md5($dataSetId . $columnMap[$header]['DataSetColumnID'] . $replace), $expires);
                 // Tag this layout with this file
                 $layout->AddLk($this->layoutid, 'module', $file['mediaId']);
                 $replace = $isPreview ? '<img src="index.php?p=module&mod=image&q=Exec&method=GetResource&mediaid=' . $file['mediaId'] . '" />' : '<img src="' . $file['storedAs'] . '" />';
             $rowString = str_replace('[' . $sub . ']', $replace, $rowString);
         $items[] = $rowString;
     return $items;
Пример #2
 protected function getTwitterFeed($displayId = 0, $isPreview = true)
     if (!extension_loaded('curl')) {
         trigger_error(__('cURL extension is required for Twitter'));
         return false;
     // Do we need to add a geoCode?
     $geoCode = '';
     $distance = $this->GetOption('tweetDistance');
     if ($distance != 0) {
         // Use the display ID or the default.
         if ($displayId != 0) {
             // Look up the lat/long
             $display = new Display();
             $display->displayId = $displayId;
             $defaultLat = $display->latitude;
             $defaultLong = $display->longitude;
         } else {
             $defaultLat = Config::GetSetting('DEFAULT_LAT');
             $defaultLong = Config::GetSetting('DEFAULT_LONG');
         // Built the geoCode string.
         $geoCode = implode(',', array($defaultLat, $defaultLong, $distance)) . 'mi';
     // Connect to twitter and get the twitter feed.
     $key = md5($this->GetOption('searchTerm') . $this->GetOption('resultType') . $this->GetOption('tweetCount', 15) . $geoCode);
     if (!Cache::has($key) || Cache::get($key) == '') {
         Debug::Audit('Querying API for ' . $this->GetOption('searchTerm'));
         // We need to search for it
         if (!($token = $this->getToken())) {
             return false;
         // We have the token, make a tweet
         if (!($data = $this->searchApi($token, $this->GetOption('searchTerm'), $this->GetOption('resultType'), $geoCode, $this->GetOption('tweetCount', 15)))) {
             return false;
         // Cache it
         Cache::put($key, $data, $this->GetSetting('cachePeriod'));
     } else {
         Debug::Audit('Served from Cache');
         $data = Cache::get($key);
     Debug::Audit(var_export(json_encode($data), true));
     // Get the template
     $template = $this->GetRawNode('template');
     // Parse the text template
     $matches = '';
     preg_match_all('/\\[.*?\\]/', $template, $matches);
     // Build an array to return
     $return = array();
     // Media Object to get profile images
     $media = new Media();
     $layout = new Layout();
     // Expiry time for any media that is downloaded
     $expires = time() + $this->GetSetting('cachePeriodImages') * 60 * 60;
     // Remove URL setting
     $removeUrls = $this->GetOption('removeUrls', 1);
     // If we have nothing to show, display a no tweets message.
     if (count($data->statuses) <= 0) {
         // Create ourselves an empty tweet so that the rest of the code can continue as normal
         $user = new stdClass();
         $user->name = '';
         $user->screen_name = '';
         $user->profile_image_url = '';
         $tweet = new stdClass();
         $tweet->text = $this->GetOption('noTweetsMessage', __('There are no tweets to display'));
         $tweet->created_at = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $tweet->user = $user;
         // Append to our statuses
         $data->statuses[] = $tweet;
     // This should return the formatted items.
     foreach ($data->statuses as $tweet) {
         // Substitute for all matches in the template
         $rowString = $template;
         foreach ($matches[0] as $sub) {
             // Always clear the stored template replacement
             $replace = '';
             // Maybe make this more generic?
             switch ($sub) {
                 case '[Tweet]':
                     // Get the tweet text to operate on
                     $tweetText = $tweet->text;
                     // Replace URLs with their display_url before removal
                     if (isset($tweet->entities->urls)) {
                         foreach ($tweet->entities->urls as $url) {
                             $tweetText = str_replace($url->url, $url->display_url, $tweetText);
                     // Handle URL removal if requested
                     if ($removeUrls == 1) {
                         $tweetText = preg_replace("((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((\\/\\/)|(\\\\))+[\\w\\d:#\\@%\\/;\$()~_?\\+-=\\\\.&]*)", '', $tweetText);
                     $replace = emoji_unified_to_html($tweetText);
                 case '[User]':
                     $replace = $tweet->user->name;
                 case '[ScreenName]':
                     $replace = $tweet->user->screen_name;
                 case '[Date]':
                     $replace = date($this->GetOption('dateFormat', Config::GetSetting('DATE_FORMAT')), DateManager::getDateFromGregorianString($tweet->created_at));
                 case '[ProfileImage]':
                     // Grab the profile image
                     if ($tweet->user->profile_image_url != '') {
                         $file = $media->addModuleFileFromUrl($tweet->user->profile_image_url, 'twitter_' . $tweet->user->id, $expires);
                         // Tag this layout with this file
                         $layout->AddLk($this->layoutid, 'module', $file['mediaId']);
                         $replace = $isPreview ? '<img src="index.php?p=module&mod=image&q=Exec&method=GetResource&mediaid=' . $file['mediaId'] . '" />' : '<img src="' . $file['storedAs'] . '" />';
                 case '[Photo]':
                     // See if there are any photos associated with this tweet.
                     if (isset($tweet->entities->media) && count($tweet->entities->media) > 0) {
                         // Only take the first one
                         $photoUrl = $tweet->entities->media[0]->media_url;
                         if ($photoUrl != '') {
                             $file = $media->addModuleFileFromUrl($photoUrl, 'twitter_photo_' . $tweet->user->id . '_' . $tweet->entities->media[0]->id_str, $expires);
                             $replace = $isPreview ? '<img src="index.php?p=module&mod=image&q=Exec&method=GetResource&mediaid=' . $file['mediaId'] . '" />' : '<img src="' . $file['storedAs'] . '" />';
                             // Tag this layout with this file
                             $layout->AddLk($this->layoutid, 'module', $file['mediaId']);
                     $replace = '';
             $rowString = str_replace($sub, $replace, $rowString);
         // Substitute the replacement we have found (it might be '')
         $return[] = $rowString;
     // Return the data array
     return $return;
Пример #3
 public function DataSetTableHtml($displayId = 0, $isPreview = true)
     $db =& $this->db;
     // Show a preview of the data set table output.
     $dataSetId = $this->GetOption('datasetid');
     $upperLimit = $this->GetOption('upperLimit');
     $lowerLimit = $this->GetOption('lowerLimit');
     $filter = $this->GetOption('filter');
     $ordering = $this->GetOption('ordering');
     $columnIds = $this->GetOption('columns');
     $showHeadings = $this->GetOption('showHeadings');
     $rowsPerPage = $this->GetOption('rowsPerPage');
     if ($columnIds == '') {
         return 'No columns';
     // Set an expiry time for the media
     $media = new Media();
     $layout = new Layout();
     $expires = time() + $this->GetOption('updateInterval', 3600) * 60;
     // Create a data set view object, to get the results.
     $dataSet = new DataSet($db);
     if (!($dataSetResults = $dataSet->DataSetResults($dataSetId, $columnIds, $filter, $ordering, $lowerLimit, $upperLimit, $displayId))) {
     $rowCount = 1;
     $rowCountThisPage = 1;
     $totalRows = count($dataSetResults['Rows']);
     if ($rowsPerPage > 0) {
         $totalPages = $totalRows / $rowsPerPage;
     } else {
         $totalPages = 1;
     $table = '<div id="DataSetTableContainer" totalRows="' . $totalRows . '" totalPages="' . $totalPages . '">';
     foreach ($dataSetResults['Rows'] as $row) {
         if ($rowsPerPage > 0 && $rowCountThisPage >= $rowsPerPage || $rowCount == 1) {
             // Reset the row count on this page
             $rowCountThisPage = 0;
             if ($rowCount > 1) {
                 $table .= '</tbody>';
                 $table .= '</table>';
             // Output the table header
             $table .= '<table class="DataSetTable">';
             if ($showHeadings == 1) {
                 $table .= '<thead>';
                 $table .= ' <tr class="HeaderRow">';
                 foreach ($dataSetResults['Columns'] as $col) {
                     $table .= '<th class="DataSetColumnHeaderCell">' . $col['Text'] . '</th>';
                 $table .= ' </tr>';
                 $table .= '</thead>';
             $table .= '<tbody>';
         $table .= '<tr class="DataSetRow DataSetRow' . ($rowCount % 2 ? 'Odd' : 'Even') . '" id="row_' . $rowCount . '">';
         // Output each cell for these results
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataSetResults['Columns']); $i++) {
             // Pull out the cell for this row / column
             $replace = $row[$i];
             // What if this column is an image column type?
             if ($dataSetResults['Columns'][$i]['DataTypeID'] == 4) {
                 // Download the image, alter the replace to wrap in an image tag
                 $file = $media->addModuleFileFromUrl(str_replace(' ', '%20', htmlspecialchars_decode($replace)), 'datasetview_' . md5($dataSetId . $dataSetResults['Columns'][$i]['DataSetColumnID'] . $replace), $expires);
                 // Tag this layout with this file
                 $layout->AddLk($this->layoutid, 'module', $file['mediaId']);
                 $replace = $isPreview ? '<img src="index.php?p=module&mod=image&q=Exec&method=GetResource&mediaid=' . $file['mediaId'] . '" />' : '<img src="' . $file['storedAs'] . '" />';
             $table .= '<td class="DataSetColumn" id="column_' . ($i + 1) . '"><span class="DataSetCellSpan" id="span_' . $rowCount . '_' . ($i + 1) . '">' . $replace . '</span></td>';
         $table .= '</tr>';
     $table .= '</tbody>';
     $table .= '</table>';
     $table .= '</div>';
     return $table;