Пример #1
    public function GetNetworkRecord($id, $page = 0, $plimit = 4294967296, $firstfree = false)
        $network = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT no.ownerid, ne.id, ne.name, inet_ntoa(ne.address) AS address,
                ne.address AS addresslong, ne.mask, ne.interface, ne.gateway, ne.dns, ne.dns2,
                ne.domain, ne.wins, ne.dhcpstart, ne.dhcpend, ne.hostid,
                mask2prefix(inet_aton(ne.mask)) AS prefix, ne.notes,
                inet_ntoa(broadcast(ne.address, inet_aton(ne.mask))) AS broadcast
            FROM networks ne
            LEFT JOIN nodes no ON (no.netid = ne.id AND no.ipaddr = 0 AND no.ipaddr_pub = 0)
            WHERE ne.id = ?', array($id));
        if ($network['ownerid']) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $network['customername'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerName($network['ownerid']);
        $nodes = $this->db->GetAllByKey('
				SELECT id, name, ipaddr, ownerid, netdev 
				FROM vnodes WHERE netid = ? AND ipaddr > ? AND ipaddr < ?
				SELECT id, name, ipaddr_pub AS ipaddr, ownerid, netdev 
				FROM vnodes WHERE ipaddr_pub > ? AND ipaddr_pub < ?', 'ipaddr', array($id, $network['addresslong'], ip_long($network['broadcast']), $network['addresslong'], ip_long($network['broadcast'])));
        if ($network['hostid']) {
            $network['hostname'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM hosts WHERE id=?', array($network['hostid']));
        $network['size'] = pow(2, 32 - $network['prefix']);
        $network['assigned'] = sizeof($nodes);
        $network['free'] = $network['size'] - $network['assigned'] - 2;
        if ($network['dhcpstart']) {
            $network['free'] = $network['free'] - (ip_long($network['dhcpend']) - ip_long($network['dhcpstart']) + 1);
        if (!$plimit) {
            $plimit = 256;
        $network['pages'] = ceil($network['size'] / $plimit);
        if ($page > $network['pages']) {
            $page = $network['pages'];
        if ($page < 1) {
            $page = 1;
        while (1) {
            $start = $page * $plimit;
            $end = $network['size'] > $plimit ? $start + $plimit : $network['size'];
            $network['pageassigned'] = 0;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $end - $start; $i++) {
                $longip = (string) ($network['addresslong'] + $i + $start);
                $network['nodes']['addresslong'][$i] = $longip;
                $network['nodes']['address'][$i] = long2ip($longip);
                if (isset($nodes[$longip])) {
                    $network['nodes']['id'][$i] = $nodes[$longip]['id'];
                    $network['nodes']['netdev'][$i] = $nodes[$longip]['netdev'];
                    $network['nodes']['ownerid'][$i] = $nodes[$longip]['ownerid'];
                    $network['nodes']['name'][$i] = $nodes[$longip]['name'];
                } else {
                    $network['nodes']['id'][$i] = 0;
                    if ($longip == $network['addresslong']) {
                        $network['nodes']['name'][$i] = '<b>NETWORK</b>';
                    } elseif ($network['nodes']['address'][$i] == $network['broadcast']) {
                        $network['nodes']['name'][$i] = '<b>BROADCAST</b>';
                    } elseif ($network['nodes']['address'][$i] == $network['gateway']) {
                        $network['nodes']['name'][$i] = '<b>GATEWAY</b>';
                    } elseif ($longip >= ip_long($network['dhcpstart']) && $longip <= ip_long($network['dhcpend'])) {
                        $network['nodes']['name'][$i] = '<b>DHCP</b>';
                    } else {
                        $freenode = true;
            if ($firstfree && !isset($freenode)) {
                if ($page + 1 >= $network['pages']) {
            } else {
        $network['rows'] = ceil(sizeof($network['nodes']['address']) / 4);
        $network['page'] = $page + 1;
        return $network;
Пример #2
    public function GetNode($id)
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT n.*, rs.name AS linkradiosectorname,
		    inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,
		    lc.name AS city_name,
				(CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->db->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name,
				lt.name AS street_type,
			lb.name AS borough_name, lb.type AS borough_type,
			ld.name AS district_name, lst.name AS state_name
			FROM vnodes n
			LEFT JOIN netradiosectors rs ON rs.id = n.linkradiosector
			LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON (lc.id = n.location_city)
			LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = n.location_street)
			LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
			LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON (lb.id = lc.boroughid)
			LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON (ld.id = lb.districtid)
			LEFT JOIN location_states lst ON (lst.id = ld.stateid)
			WHERE n.id = ?', array($id))) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['radiosectors'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM netradiosectors WHERE netdev = ?', array($result['netdev']));
            $result['owner'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($result['lastonline']);
            $result['mac'] = preg_split('/,/', $result['mac']);
            foreach ($result['mac'] as $mac) {
                $result['macs'][] = array('mac' => $mac, 'producer' => get_producer($mac));
            if ($netname = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
				WHERE id = ?', array($result['netid']))) {
                $result['netname'] = $netname;
            if ($result['ip_pub'] != '') {
                $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['netpubid'] = $network_manager->GetNetIDByIP($result['ip_pub']);
                $result['netpubname'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
					WHERE id = ?', array($result['netpubid']));
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;