Пример #1
 public function offsetGet($index)
     if ($index == 'db' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
         $v = Kwf_Setup::createDb();
         $this->offsetSet('db', $v);
         return $v;
     } else {
         if ($index == 'config' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
             $v = Kwf_Config_Web::getInstance();
             $this->offsetSet('config', $v);
             return $v;
         } else {
             if ($index == 'dao' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
                 $v = Kwf_Setup::createDao();
                 $this->offsetSet('dao', $v);
                 return $v;
             } else {
                 if ($index == 'acl' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
                     $v = Kwf_Acl::getInstance();
                     $this->offsetSet('acl', $v);
                     return $v;
                 } else {
                     if ($index == 'userModel' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
                         $v = self::get('config')->user->model;
                         if ($v) {
                             $v = Kwf_Model_Abstract::getInstance($v);
                         $this->offsetSet('userModel', $v);
                         return $v;
                     } else {
                         if ($index == 'trl' && !parent::offsetExists($index)) {
                             $v = Kwf_Trl::getInstance();
                             $this->offsetSet('trl', $v);
                             return $v;
     return parent::offsetGet($index);
Пример #2
 public static function getValue($var)
     $cacheId = 'config-' . $var;
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if ($success) {
         return $ret;
     $cfg = Kwf_Config_Web::getInstance();
     foreach (explode('.', $var) as $i) {
         if (!isset($cfg->{$i})) {
             $cfg = null;
         $cfg = $cfg->{$i};
     $ret = $cfg;
     if (is_object($ret)) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception("this would return an object, use getValueArray instead");
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
Пример #3
 public static function getValue($var)
     $cacheId = 'config-' . $var;
     $ret = Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::fetch($cacheId, $success);
     if ($success) {
         return $ret;
     $cfg = Kwf_Config_Web::getInstance();
     foreach (explode('.', $var) as $i) {
         if (!isset($cfg->{$i})) {
             $cfg = null;
         $cfg = $cfg->{$i};
     $ret = $cfg;
     if (is_object($ret)) {
         $ret = $ret->toArray();
     Kwf_Cache_SimpleStatic::add($cacheId, $ret);
     return $ret;
Пример #4
 public function testStaticConfigMerge()
     // main config
     $mainContent = array('foo' => 'bar', 'blubb' => array('firstname' => 'Hermann'), 'tags' => array('tag1', 'tag2', 'tag3'));
     $main = new Zend_Config($mainContent, true);
     // config to merge
     $mergeContent = array('blubb' => array('lastname' => 'Kunz'), 'tags' => array('newtag1', 'newtag2'));
     $merge = new Zend_Config($mergeContent, true);
     // do it
     $merged = Kwf_Config_Web::mergeConfigs($main, $merge);
     $mergedArray = $merged->toArray();
     $expectedResult = $mainContent;
     $expectedResult['blubb']['lastname'] = 'Kunz';
     $expectedResult['tags'] = array('newtag1', 'newtag2');
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $mergedArray);
     // config to merge
     $mergeContent = array('blubb' => array('firstname' => 'Kurt'));
     $merge = new Zend_Config($mergeContent, true);
     // do it
     $merged = Kwf_Config_Web::mergeConfigs($merged, $merge);
     $mergedArray = $merged->toArray();
     $expectedResult['blubb']['firstname'] = 'Kurt';
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $mergedArray);
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     if (!file_exists($_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.aws/config')) {
         throw new \Exception("Can't get aws config, set up eb cli first");
     $awsConfig = parse_ini_file($_SERVER['HOME'] . '/.aws/config', true);
     $awsConfig = array('key' => $awsConfig['profile eb-cli']['aws_access_key_id'], 'secret' => $awsConfig['profile eb-cli']['aws_secret_access_key']);
     $s3 = new \Kwf_Util_Aws_S3($awsConfig);
     $prodSection = $input->getOption('server');
     $prodConfig = \Kwf_Config_Web::getInstance($prodSection);
     $bucket = $prodConfig->aws->uploadsBucket;
     if (!$bucket) {
         throw new \Exception("No aws.uploadBucket configured for '{$prodSection}'");
     $model = \Kwf_Model_Abstract::getInstance('Kwf_Uploads_Model');
     $select = new \Kwf_Model_Select();
     $it = new \Kwf_Model_Iterator_Packages(new \Kwf_Model_Iterator_Rows($model, $select));
     $it = new \Kwf_Iterator_ConsoleProgressBar($it);
     foreach ($it as $row) {
         $file = $row->getFileSource();
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             if ($s3->if_object_exists($bucket, $row->id)) {
                 echo "already existing: {$row->id}\n";
             } else {
                 echo "uploading: {$row->id}";
                 $contents = file_get_contents($file);
                 $r = $s3->create_object($bucket, $row->id, array('body' => $contents, 'length' => strlen($contents), 'contentType' => $row->mime_type));
                 if (!$r->isOk()) {
                     throw new \Exception($r->body);
                 echo " OK\n";
Пример #6
 public function __construct($section, array $options = array())
     $options['webPath'] = 'tests';
     parent::__construct($section, $options);
Пример #7
  * Diesen Merge sollte eigentlich das Zend machen, aber das merged nicht so
  * wie wir das erwarten. Beispiel:
  * Main Config:
  * bla.blubb[] = x
  * bla.blubb[] = y
  * bla.blubb[] = z
  * Merge Config:
  * bla.blubb[] = a
  * bla.blubb[] = b
  * Nach den Config-Section regeln würde man erwarten, dass nach dem mergen nur mehr
  * a und b drin steht. Tatsächlich merget Zend aber so, dass a, b, z überbleibt.
  * Zend überschreibt die Werte, was wir nicht wollen, deshalb dieses
  * händische mergen hier.
 public static function mergeConfigs(Zend_Config $main, Zend_Config $merge)
     // check if all keys are of type 'integer' and if so, only use merge config
     $everyKeyIsInteger = true;
     foreach ($merge as $key => $item) {
         if (!is_int($key)) {
             $everyKeyIsInteger = false;
     if ($everyKeyIsInteger) {
         return $merge;
     foreach ($merge as $key => $item) {
         if (isset($main->{$key})) {
             if ($item instanceof Zend_Config && $main->{$key} instanceof Zend_Config) {
                 $main->{$key} = Kwf_Config_Web::mergeConfigs($main->{$key}, new Zend_Config($item->toArray(), !$main->readOnly()));
             } else {
                 $main->{$key} = $item;
         } else {
             if ($item instanceof Zend_Config) {
                 $main->{$key} = new Zend_Config($item->toArray(), !$main->readOnly());
             } else {
                 $main->{$key} = $item;
     return $main;
Пример #8
 public static function setUp($configClass = 'Kwf_Config_Web')
     error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT);
     define('APP_PATH', getcwd());
     Kwf_Setup::$configClass = $configClass;
     if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
         //don't use cached setup on cli so clear-cache will always work even if eg. paths change
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Kwf/Util/Setup.php';
         eval(substr(Kwf_Util_Setup::generateCode(), 5));
     } else {
         if (!@(include APP_PATH . '/cache/setup' . self::CACHE_SETUP_VERSION . '.php')) {
             if (!file_exists(APP_PATH . '/cache/setup' . self::CACHE_SETUP_VERSION . '.php')) {
                 require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Kwf/Util/Setup.php';
             include APP_PATH . '/cache/setup' . self::CACHE_SETUP_VERSION . '.php';
     if (!defined('VKWF_PATH') && PHP_SAPI != 'cli' && self::getBaseUrl() === null) {
         //if server.baseUrl is not set try to auto detect it and generate config.local.ini accordingly
         //this code is not used if server.baseUrl is set to "" in vkwf
         if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
             echo "Can't detect baseUrl, PHP_SELF is not set\n";
         $baseUrl = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/'));
         if (substr($baseUrl, -16) == '/kwf/maintenance') {
             $baseUrl = substr($baseUrl, 0, -16);
         $cfg = "[production]\n";
         $cfg .= "server.domain = \"{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}\"\n";
         $cfg .= "server.baseUrl = \"{$baseUrl}\"\n";
         $cfg .= "setupFinished = false\n";
         if (file_exists('config.local.ini') && filesize('config.local.ini') > 0) {
             echo "config.local.ini already exists but server.baseUrl is not set\n";
         if (!is_writable('.')) {
             echo "'" . getcwd() . "' is not writable, can't create config.local.ini\n";
         file_put_contents('config.local.ini', $cfg);
         unlink('cache/setup' . self::CACHE_SETUP_VERSION . '.php');
         echo "<h1>" . Kwf_Config::getValue('application.name') . "</h1>\n";
         echo "<a href=\"{$baseUrl}/kwf/maintenance/setup\">[start setup]</a>\n";
     if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 5) == '/kwf/') {
         if (substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, 9) == '/kwf/pma/' || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/kwf/pma') {
         } else {
             if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/kwf/check') {
                 $ok = true;
                 $msg = '';
                 if (Kwf_Setup::hasDb()) {
                     $date = Kwf_Registry::get('db')->query("SELECT NOW()")->fetchColumn();
                     if (!$date) {
                         $ok = false;
                         $msg .= 'mysql connection failed';
                 if (file_exists('instance_startup')) {
                     //can be used while starting up autoscaling instances
                     $ok = false;
                     $msg .= 'instance startup in progress';
                 if (!$ok) {
                     header("HTTP/1.0 500 Error");
                     echo "<h1>Check failed</h1>";
                     echo $msg;
                 } else {
                     echo "ok";
Пример #9
 protected function _refreshCache($options)
Пример #10
 protected static function _getConfigSectionsWithHost()
     $webConfigFull = new Zend_Config_Ini('config.ini', null);
     $sections = array();
     $processedDomains = array();
     foreach ($webConfigFull as $k => $i) {
         if ($k == 'dependencies') {
         $config = Kwf_Config_Web::getInstance($k);
         if ($config->server && $config->server->host) {
             $sections[] = $k;
     return $sections;
Пример #11
 public function warmupCaches()
     $cacheFile = $this->_getCacheFileName();
     $useCache = false;
     if (file_exists("{$cacheFile}.sourcetimes")) {
         $useCache = true;
         $sourceTimes = unserialize(file_get_contents("{$cacheFile}.sourcetimes"));
         foreach ($sourceTimes as $i) {
             if ($i['mtime']) {
                 if (!file_exists($i['file']) || filemtime($i['file']) != $i['mtime']) {
                     //file was modified or deleted
                     $useCache = false;
             } else {
                 if (file_exists($i['file'])) {
                     //file didn't exist, was created
                     $useCache = false;
     if (!$useCache) {
         $fileName = $this->getAbsoluteFileName();
         static $loadPath;
         if (!isset($loadPath)) {
             $loadPath = array();
             foreach (glob(VENDOR_PATH . '/bower_components/*') as $p) {
                 $bowerMain = null;
                 $mainExt = null;
                 if (file_exists($p . '/bower.json')) {
                     $bower = json_decode(file_get_contents($p . '/bower.json'));
                     if (isset($bower->main) && is_string($bower->main)) {
                         $bowerMain = $bower->main;
                         $mainExt = substr($bowerMain, -5);
                 if ($mainExt == '.scss' || $mainExt == '.sass') {
                     $mainDir = substr($bowerMain, 0, strrpos($bowerMain, '/'));
                     $loadPath[] = $p . '/' . $mainDir;
                 } else {
                     if (file_exists($p . '/scss')) {
                         $loadPath[] = $p . '/scss';
             $loadPath[] = './scss';
             if (KWF_PATH == '..') {
                 $loadPath[] = substr(getcwd(), 0, strrpos(getcwd(), '/')) . '/sass/Kwf/stylesheets';
             } else {
                 $loadPath[] = KWF_PATH . '/sass/Kwf/stylesheets';
             $loadPath = escapeshellarg(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $loadPath));
         if (substr($fileName, 0, 2) == './') {
             $fileName = getcwd() . substr($fileName, 1);
         $bin = Kwf_Config::getValue('server.nodeSassBinary');
         if (!$bin) {
             $bin = getcwd() . "/" . VENDOR_PATH . "/bin/node " . dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))) . '/node_modules/node-sass/bin/node-sass';
         $cmd = "{$bin} --include-path {$loadPath} --output-style compressed ";
         $cmd .= " --source-map " . escapeshellarg($cacheFile . '.map');
         $cmd .= " " . escapeshellarg($fileName) . " " . escapeshellarg($cacheFile);
         $cmd .= " 2>&1";
         $out = array();
         exec($cmd, $out, $retVal);
         if ($retVal) {
             throw new Kwf_Exception("compiling sass failed: " . implode("\n", $out));
         $map = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$cacheFile}.map"));
         $sourceFiles = array();
         foreach ($map->sources as $k => $i) {
             //sources are relative to cache/sass, strip that
             if (substr($i, 0, 6) != '../../') {
                 throw new Kwf_Exception('source doesn\'t start with ../../');
             $i = substr($i, 6);
             $f = self::getPathWithTypeByFileName(getcwd() . '/' . $i);
             if (!$f) {
                 throw new Kwf_Exception("Can't find path for '" . getcwd() . '/' . $i . "'");
             $map->sources[$k] = $f;
             $sourceFiles[] = $f;
             if (substr($f, 0, 16) == 'web/scss/config/') {
                 $sourceFiles[] = 'kwf/sass/Kwf/stylesheets/config/' . substr($f, 16);
             } else {
                 if (substr($f, 0, 32) == 'kwf/sass/Kwf/stylesheets/config/') {
                     $sourceFiles[] = 'web/scss/config/' . substr($f, 32);
         $map->file = $cacheFile;
         file_put_contents("{$cacheFile}.map", json_encode($map));
         $ret = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
         $ret = str_replace("@charset \"UTF-8\";\n", '', $ret);
         //remove charset, no need to adjust sourcemap as sourcemap doesn't include that (bug in libsass)
         $ret = preg_replace("#/\\*\\# sourceMappingURL=.* \\*/#", '', $ret);
         $map = new Kwf_SourceMaps_SourceMap(file_get_contents("{$cacheFile}.map"), $ret);
         if (strpos($ret, 'cssClass') !== false && (strpos($ret, '$cssClass') !== false || strpos($ret, '.cssClass') !== false)) {
             $cssClass = $this->_getComponentCssClass();
             if ($cssClass) {
                 if (strpos($ret, '.cssClass') !== false) {
                     $map->stringReplace('.cssClass', ".{$cssClass}");
                 if (strpos($ret, '$cssClass') !== false) {
                     $map->stringReplace('$cssClass', ".{$cssClass}");
         if (strpos($ret, 'kwfup-') !== false) {
             if (Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix')) {
                 $map->stringReplace('kwfup-', Kwf_Config::getValue('application.uniquePrefix') . '-');
             } else {
                 $map->stringReplace('kwfup-', '');
         $usesVars = false;
         $assetVars = self::getAssetVariables();
         foreach ($assetVars as $k => $i) {
             $search = 'var(' . $k . ')';
             if (strpos($ret, $search) !== false) {
                 $map->stringReplace($search, $i);
                 $usesVars = true;
         $map->save("{$cacheFile}.map", $cacheFile);
         $sourceTimes = array();
         foreach ($sourceFiles as $f) {
             $f = new Kwf_Assets_Dependency_File($f);
             $f = $f->getAbsoluteFileName();
             $sourceTimes[] = array('file' => $f, 'mtime' => file_exists($f) ? filemtime($f) : null);
         if ($usesVars) {
             $files = array('assetVariables.ini', 'config.ini', KWF_PATH . '/config.ini');
             if (Kwf_Config::getValue('kwc.theme')) {
                 $files[] = Kwf_Config_Web::findThemeConfigIni(Kwf_Config::getValue('kwc.theme'));
             foreach ($files as $f) {
                 $sourceTimes[] = array('file' => $f, 'mtime' => file_exists($f) ? filemtime($f) : null);
         file_put_contents("{$cacheFile}.sourcetimes", serialize($sourceTimes));
 public function jsonInstallAction()
     $cfg = "[production]\n";
     $cfg .= "database.web.username = "******"\n";
     $cfg .= "database.web.password = "******"\n";
     $cfg .= "database.web.dbname = " . $this->_getParam('db_dbname') . "\n";
     $cfg .= "database.web.host = " . $this->_getParam('db_host') . "\n";
     $cfg .= "\n";
     $cfg .= "server.domain = " . $this->getRequest()->getHttpHost() . "\n";
     $cfg .= "server.baseUrl = \"" . $this->getRequest()->getBaseUrl() . "\"\n";
     $cfg .= "\n";
     $cfg .= "debug.error.log = " . (!$this->_getParam('display_errors') ? 'true' : 'false') . "\n";
     file_put_contents('config.local.ini', $cfg);
     file_put_contents('config_section', $this->_getParam('config_section'));
     //re-create config to load changed config.local.ini
     Zend_Registry::getInstance()->offsetSet('dao', new Kwf_Dao());
     $updates = array();
     foreach (Kwf_Util_Update_Helper::getUpdateTags() as $tag) {
         $file = KWF_PATH . '/setup/' . $tag . '.sql';
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $update = new Kwf_Update_Sql(0, null);
             $update->sql = file_get_contents($file);
             $updates[] = $update;
     $updates = array_merge($updates, Kwf_Util_Update_Helper::getUpdates());
     $updates[] = new Kwf_Update_Setup_InitialDb('setup/setup.sql');
     $updates[] = new Kwf_Update_Setup_InitialUploads('setup/uploads');
     $update = new Kwf_Update_Sql(0, null);
     $db = Kwf_Registry::get('db');
     mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000);
     $passwordSalt = substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 10);
     $update->sql = "TRUNCATE TABLE kwf_users;\n";
     $update->sql .= "INSERT INTO kwf_users SET\n            role='admin',\n            email=" . $db->quote($this->_getParam('admin_email')) . ",\n            password="******",\n            password_salt=" . $db->quote($passwordSalt) . ";\n";
     $updates[] = $update;
     $c = new Kwf_Util_ProgressBar_Adapter_Cache($this->_getParam('progressNum'));
     $runner = new Kwf_Util_Update_Runner($updates);
     $progress = new Zend_ProgressBar($c, 0, $runner->getProgressSteps());
     if (!$runner->checkUpdatesSettings()) {
         throw new Kwf_Exception_Client("checkSettings failed, setup stopped");
     $doneNames = $runner->executeUpdates(array('refreshCache' => false));
     $errors = $runner->getErrors();
     if ($errors) {
         $errMsg = count($errors) . " setup script(s) failed:\n";
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             $errMsg .= $error['name'] . ": \n";
             $errMsg .= $error['message'] . "\n\n";
         throw new Kwf_Exception_Client(nl2br($errMsg));