$E->h2('Users'); $E->blockquote($E->loremIpsum); $E->h3('Permissions'); $E->p($E->loremIpsum); $E->h4('General Concept'); $E->p($E->loremIpsum); $E->h4('Exceptions'); $E->p($E->loremIpsum); $E->h3('Usability'); $E->ul(); // An empty body will just open the tag: <ul> $E->li('Point 1'); $E->li('Point 2'); $E->li(); $E->strong('Point 3'); $E->br(null); // NULL will make a self closing tag: <br /> $E->span('Has some implications.'); $E->li(false); $E->ul(false); // False will close the tag: </ul> // Save both chucks so further KvzHTML calls // wont impact them anymore $toc = $E->getToc(); $document = $E->getBuffer(); // Print a heading that says TOC $E->h1('Table of Contents', array('__buffer' => false)); // Print toc echo $toc; // Print original document echo $document;
public function generate() { switch ($this->_type) { case 'html': $Html = new KvzHTML(); $photovirt = $this->getOption('photovirt'); $head = $Html->title('Movies') . $Html->css('moviexplore.css') . $Html->js('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js') . $Html->js('moviexplore.js'); $body = ''; $index = ''; $prevdirname = ''; $dircontent = ''; ksort($this->_movies); foreach ($this->_movies as $file => $movie) { if (empty($movie)) { echo 'Skipping ' . $file . '. Invalid movie information' . "\n"; continue; } if ($separate_on_dir = $this->getOption('separate_on_dir')) { $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); $dirname = $parts[$separate_on_dir - 1]; } $imgFile = Movie::imageFromFile($file, $photovirt); if (!file_exists(realpath($this->getOption('outputdir') . '/' . $imgFile))) { $imgFile = 'title_noposter.gif'; } if (!is_array($movie['cast'])) { $movie['cast'] = array(); } if (!is_array($movie['genres'])) { $movie['genres'] = array(); } // 4 --- 9 // 7 // 1 --- 6 -3 // $rateColor = statusColor(6 - ($movie['rating'] - 3.5) . '/6'); $movie['cast'] = array_slice($movie['cast'], 0, 3); $castar = array(); foreach ($movie['cast'] as $actor) { $castar[] = $Html->span($actor['name'], array('class' => 'actor')); } foreach ($movie['director'] as $director) { $castar[] = $Html->span($director['name'], array('class' => 'director')); } foreach ($movie['writing'] as $writter) { $castar[] = $Html->span($writter['name'], array('class' => 'writer')); } $cast = implode(', ', $castar); if ($separate_on_dir) { if ($prevdirname != $dirname) { $index .= $Html->div(ucwords($dirname), array('class' => 'directory')); $index .= $Html->hr(null); } } $movie['tagline'] = strip_tags($movie['tagline']); $movie['plotoutline'] = strip_tags($movie['plotoutline']); $index .= $Html->div($Html->div($Html->a($movie['main_url'], $Html->img($imgFile, array('class' => 'poster'))) . $Html->p($movie['rating'], array('class' => 'rating', 'style' => '"color:' . $rateColor . ';"')) . $Html->p($movie['runtime'] ? $movie['runtime'] . 'm' : '', 'runtime'), array('class' => 'left')) . $Html->div($Html->h1($movie['title'], array('class' => 'title')) . $Html->h2($movie['tagline'], array('class' => 'tagline')) . $Html->p($movie['plotoutline'], array('class' => 'plotoutline')) . $Html->p(implode(', ', $movie['genres']), array('class' => 'genres')) . $Html->p($cast, array('class' => 'cast')), array('class' => 'right')) . $Html->div('', array('class' => 'end')), array('class' => 'movie')); if ($separate_on_dir) { $prevdirname = $dirname; } } $body .= $Html->div($index, array('class' => 'index')); $this->_output = $Html->html($Html->head($head) . $Html->body($body)); break; } }
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); if (!defined('DIR_KVZLIB')) { define('DIR_KVZLIB', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))))); } ?> // Sample starts here <?php require_once DIR_KVZLIB . '/php/classes/KvzHTML.php'; $E = new KvzHTML(array('echo' => true)); $E->p(); $E->span('You dont need to nest tags if you dont want to.'); $E->br(null); $E->span('KvzHTML is flexible.'); $E->p(false); $E->ul(); $E->li('Leaving a tag empty will just result in an open tag in HTML'); $E->li('Close tags with FALSE'); $E->li('For selfclosing tags like BR, use NULL'); $E->ul(false);