public function removeFromHomeScreen() { $config = Kurogo::getSiteConfig('navigation', 'site'); $config->removeSection($this->configModule); Kurogo::sharedInstance()->saveConfig($config); }
public function themeConfig() { if (!$this->themeConfig) { $this->themeConfig = new ConfigGroup('theme', 'site'); if ($config = Kurogo::getSiteConfig('theme')) { $this->themeConfig->addConfig($config); } if ($this->configModule) { if ($config = Kurogo::getModuleConfig('theme', $this->module, Config::OPTION_DO_NOT_CREATE)) { $this->themeConfig->addConfig($config); } } } return $this->themeConfig; }
public function initializeForCommand() { $this->requiresAdmin(); switch ($this->command) { case 'checkversion': $current = Kurogo::sharedInstance()->checkCurrentVersion(); Kurogo::log(LOG_INFO, sprintf("Checking version. This site: %s Current Kurogo Version: %s", $current, KUROGO_VERSION), 'admin'); $uptodate = version_compare(KUROGO_VERSION, $current, ">="); $messageKey = $uptodate ? 'KUROGO_VERSION_MESSAGE_UPTODATE' : 'KUROGO_VERSION_MESSAGE_NOTUPDATED'; $data = array('current' => $current, 'local' => KUROGO_VERSION, 'uptodate' => $uptodate, 'message' => $this->getLocalizedString($messageKey, $current, KUROGO_VERSION)); $this->setResponse($data); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'getlocalizedstring': $key = $this->getArg('key'); $data = array(); if (is_array($key)) { foreach ($key as $k) { $data[$k] = $this->getLocalizedString($k); } } else { $data[$key] = $this->getLocalizedString($key); } $this->setResponse($data); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'clearcaches': Kurogo::log(LOG_NOTICE, "Clearing Site Caches", 'admin'); $result = Kurogo::sharedInstance()->clearCaches(); if ($result === 0) { $this->setResponse(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); } else { $this->throwError(new KurogoError(1, "Error clearing caches", "There was an error ({$result}) clearing the caches")); } break; case 'buildNativeWebTemplates': $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $platform = $this->getArg('platform', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $module->buildNativeWebTemplatesForPlatform($platform); $this->setResponse(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'upload': $type = $this->getArg('type'); $section = $this->getArg('section', ''); $subsection = null; switch ($type) { case 'module': $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $type = $module; break; case 'site': break; default: throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid type {$type}"); } if (count($_FILES) == 0) { throw new KurogoException("No files uploaded"); } foreach ($_FILES as $key => $uploadData) { $this->uploadFile($type, $section, $subsection, $key, $uploadData); } $this->setResponseVersion(1); $this->setResponse(true); break; case 'getconfigsections': $type = $this->getArg('type'); switch ($type) { case 'module': $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $sections = $module->getModuleAdminSections(); break; case 'site': throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": getconfigsections for site not handled yet"); } $this->setResponse($sections); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'getconfigdata': $type = $this->getArg('type'); $section = $this->getArg('section', ''); switch ($type) { case 'module': $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $adminData = $this->getAdminData($module, $section); break; case 'site': $adminData = $this->getAdminData('site', $section); break; default: throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid config type {$type}"); } $this->setResponse($adminData); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'setconfigdata': $type = $this->getArg('type'); $data = $this->getArg('data', array()); $section = $this->getArg('section', ''); $subsection = null; if (empty($data)) { $data = array(); } elseif (!is_array($data)) { throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid data for {$type} {$section}"); } switch ($type) { case 'module': if ($section == 'overview') { foreach ($data as $moduleID => $props) { $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); if (!is_array($props)) { throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid properties for {$type} {$section}"); } $valid_props = array('protected', 'secure', 'disabled', 'search'); foreach ($props as $key => $value) { if (!in_array($key, $valid_props)) { throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid property {$key} for module {$module}"); } $this->setConfigVar($module, 'general', $subsection, $key, $value); } } foreach ($this->changedConfigs as $config) { Kurogo::sharedInstance()->saveConfig($config); } $this->setResponse(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break 2; } else { $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $type = $module; } break; case 'site': break; default: throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid type {$type}"); } foreach ($data as $section => $fields) { $adminData = $this->getAdminData($type, $section); if ($adminData['sectiontype'] == 'sections') { $subsection = key($fields); $fields = current($fields); $adminData = $this->getAdminData($type, $section, $subsection); } $fields = is_array($fields) ? $fields : array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { if ($adminData['sectiontype'] == 'section' && isset($adminData['sectionclearvalues']) && $adminData['sectionclearvalues']) { if ($config = $this->getAdminConfig($type, $adminData['config'], Config::OPTION_DO_NOT_CREATE)) { $config->removeSection($key); } } // ignore prefix values. We'll put it back together later if (preg_match("/^(.*?)_prefix\$/", $key, $bits)) { continue; } $prefix = isset($fields[$key . '_prefix']) ? $fields[$key . '_prefix'] : ''; if ($prefix && defined($prefix)) { $value = constant($prefix) . '/' . $value; } $this->setConfigVar($type, $section, $subsection, $key, $value); } } if ($sectionorder = $this->getArg('sectionorder')) { foreach ($sectionorder as $section => $order) { $this->setSectionOrder($type, $section, $subsection, $order); } } foreach ($this->changedConfigs as $config) { Kurogo::sharedInstance()->saveConfig($config); } $this->setResponse(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'removeconfigsection': $type = $this->getArg('type'); $section = $this->getArg('section', ''); $key = $this->getArg('key', null); switch ($type) { case 'site': $subsection = $this->getArg('subsection', null); $sectionData = $this->getAdminData($type, $section, $subsection); $config = Kurogo::getSiteConfig($sectionData['config'], 'site'); break; case 'module': $moduleID = $this->getArg('module', ''); $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); $sectionData = $this->getAdminData($module, $section); $config = Kurogo::getModuleConfig($sectionData['config'], $moduleID); $subsection = $moduleID; break; default: throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Invalid type {$type}"); } if (!isset($sectionData['sections']) || (!isset($sectionData['sectiondelete']) || !$sectionData['sectiondelete'])) { throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Section '{$section}' does not permit removal of items"); } if (!isset($sectionData['sections'][$key])) { throw new KurogoConfigurationException(__LINE__ . ": Section {$key} not found in config '{$section}' of {$type} {$subsection}"); } Kurogo::log(LOG_NOTICE, "Removing section {$key} from {$type} {$section} {$subsection}", 'admin'); if (!($result = $config->removeSection($key))) { throw new KurogoException(__LINE__ . ": Error removing item {$key} from config '" . $sectionData['config'] . "'"); } else { Kurogo::sharedInstance()->saveConfig($config); } $this->setResponse(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; case 'addNewModule': $moduleData = $this->getArg('newModule'); $module = $this->addNewModule($moduleData); $this->setResponseVersion(1); $this->setResponse(true); break; case 'removeModule': $moduleID = $this->getArg('configModule'); try { $module = WebModule::factory($moduleID); } catch (KurogoException $e) { throw new KurogoException($this->getLocalizedString('ERROR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND', $moduleID)); } $module->removeModule(true); $this->setResponseVersion(1); $this->setResponse(true); break; case 'setmodulelayout': Kurogo::log(LOG_NOTICE, "Updating module layout", 'admin'); $data = $this->getArg('data', array()); if (!isset($data['primary_modules'])) { $data['primary_modules'] = array(); } if (!isset($data['secondary_modules'])) { $data['secondary_modules'] = array(); } $config = Kurogo::getSiteConfig('navigation', 'site'); $sections = array(); foreach ($data['primary_modules'] as $moduleID => $title) { $sections[$moduleID] = array('title' => $title); } foreach ($data['secondary_modules'] as $moduleID => $title) { $sections[$moduleID] = array('type' => 'secondary', 'title' => $title); } $config->setSectionVars($sections); $result = Kurogo::sharedInstance()->saveConfig($config); $this->setResponse($result); $this->setResponseVersion(1); break; default: $this->invalidCommand(); break; } }