Пример #1
 public function getEntitledKusers()
     $entitledKusersPublish = explode(',', $this->getEntitledKusersPublish());
     $entitledKusersEdit = explode(',', $this->getEntitledKusersEdit());
     $entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext = array_merge($entitledKusersPublish, $entitledKusersEdit);
     $entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext[] = $this->getKuserId();
     foreach ($entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext as $key => $value) {
         if (!$value) {
     $entitledKusers = array();
     if (count(array_unique($entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext))) {
         $entitledKusers[kEntitlementUtils::ENTRY_PRIVACY_CONTEXT] = array_unique($entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext);
     $allCategoriesIds = $this->getAllCategoriesIds(true);
     if (!count($allCategoriesIds)) {
         return kEntitlementUtils::ENTRY_PRIVACY_CONTEXT . '_' . implode(' ' . kEntitlementUtils::ENTRY_PRIVACY_CONTEXT . '_', $entitledKusersNoPrivacyContext);
     $categoryGroupSize = kConf::get('max_number_of_memebrs_to_be_indexed_on_entry');
     $partner = $this->getPartner();
     if ($partner && $partner->getCategoryGroupSize()) {
         $categoryGroupSize = $partner->getCategoryGroupSize();
     //get categories for this entry that have small amount of members.
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::ID, $allCategoriesIds, Criteria::IN);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::MEMBERS_COUNT, $categoryGroupSize, Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::ENTRIES_COUNT, kConf::get('category_entries_count_limit_to_be_indexed'), Criteria::LESS_EQUAL);
     $categories = categoryPeer::doSelect($c);
     //get all memebrs
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         if (!count($category->getMembers())) {
         $privacyContexts = explode(',', $category->getPrivacyContexts());
         if (!count($privacyContexts)) {
             $privacyContexts = array(kEntitlementUtils::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $this->getPartnerId());
         foreach ($privacyContexts as $privacyContext) {
             $privacyContext = trim($privacyContext);
             if (isset($entitledKusers[$privacyContext])) {
                 $entitledKusers[$privacyContext] = array_merge($entitledKusers[$privacyContext], $category->getMembers());
             } else {
                 $entitledKusers[$privacyContext] = $category->getMembers();
     $entitledKusersByContexts = array();
     foreach ($entitledKusers as $privacyContext => $kusers) {
         $entitledKusersByContexts[] = $privacyContext . '_' . implode(' ' . $privacyContext . '_', $kusers);
     return implode(' ', $entitledKusersByContexts);
Пример #2
 protected function doGetListResponse(KalturaFilterPager $pager)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $disableWidgetSessionFilters = false;
     if ($this && ($this->idEqual != null || $this->idIn != null || $this->referenceIdEqual != null || $this->redirectFromEntryId != null || $this->referenceIdIn != null || $this->parentEntryIdEqual != null)) {
         $disableWidgetSessionFilters = true;
     $c = $this->prepareEntriesCriteriaFilter($pager);
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     $totalCount = $c->getRecordsCount();
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = null;
     return array($list, $totalCount);
Пример #3
 public static function executeDynamicPlaylist($partner_id, $xml, $filter = null, $detailed = true, $pager = null)
     list($total_results, $list_of_filters) = self::getPlaylistFilterListStruct($xml);
     $entry_filters = array();
     if (!$list_of_filters) {
         return null;
     // TODO - for now we assume that there are more or equal filters in the XML than the ones from the request
     $filterLimit = null;
     if ($filter && $filter->getLimit() > 0) {
         $filterLimit = $filter->getLimit();
         // Get the max results from the limit of the first filter
         $total_results = min($total_results, $filterLimit);
         // Clear this limit so it won't overcloud the limits of $entry_filter_xml rules
     $numFiltersInList = count($list_of_filters);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $numFiltersInList; $i++) {
         $entry_filter_xml = $list_of_filters[$i];
         /* @var $entry_filter_xml SimpleXMLElement */
         // 	in general this service can fetch entries from kaltura networks.
         // for each filter we should decide if thie assumption is true...
         $allow_partner_only = true;
         // compile all the filters - only then execute them if not yet reached the total_results
         // TODO - optimize - maybe create them only when needed. - For now it's safer to compile all even if not needed.
         $entry_filter = new entryFilter();
         // add the desired prefix "_" because the XML is not expected to have it while the entryFilter class expects it
         $entry_filter->fillObjectFromXml($entry_filter_xml, "_");
         // make sure there is alway a limit for each filter - if not an explicit one - the system limit should be used
         if ($entry_filter->getLimit() == null || $entry_filter->getLimit() < 1) {
         // merge the current_filter with the correcponding extra_filter
         // allow the extra_filter to override properties of the current filter
         if ($filter) {
             if ($filterLimit && $i == $numFiltersInList - 1) {
                 // Hack (in order to preserve old behavior):
                 // If the filter contained a limit, we'll add it to the last XML filter on the list
                 // in order to make sure the number of requested ($limit) entries will be supplied.
                 // This handles requests of a $limit which is higher than the total sum of inner XML filter limits.
             $entry_filter->fillObjectFromObject($filter, myBaseObject::CLONE_FIELD_POLICY_THIS, myBaseObject::CLONE_POLICY_PREFER_NEW, null, null, false);
         self::updateEntryFilter($entry_filter, $partner_id, true);
         $entry_filters[] = $entry_filter;
     if ($pager) {
         $startOffset = $pager->calcOffset();
         $pageSize = $pager->calcPageSize();
         if ($startOffset > $total_results) {
             return array();
         $total_results = min($total_results, $startOffset + $pageSize);
     $entry_ids_list = array();
     foreach ($entry_filters as $entry_filter) {
         $current_limit = max(0, $total_results - count($entry_ids_list));
         // if the current_limit is < 0 - set it to be 0
         // no need to fetch any more results
         if ($current_limit <= 0) {
         $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
         // don't fetch the same entries twice - filter out all the entries that were already fetched
         if ($entry_ids_list) {
             $c->add(entryPeer::ID, $entry_ids_list, Criteria::NOT_IN);
         $filter_limit = $entry_filter->getLimit();
         if ($filter_limit > $current_limit) {
             // set a smaller limit incase the filter's limit is to high
         // read the _eq_display_in_search field but ignore it because it's part of a more complex criterion
         $display_in_search = $entry_filter->get("_eq_display_in_search");
         if ($display_in_search >= 2) {
             $entry_filter->set("_eq_display_in_search", null);
         // add some hard-coded criteria
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::TYPE, array(entryType::MEDIA_CLIP, entryType::MIX, entryType::LIVE_STREAM), Criteria::IN);
         // search only for clips or roughcuts
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::STATUS, entryStatus::READY);
         // search only for READY entries
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_SYSTEM, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         if ($display_in_search >= 2) {
             // We don't allow searching in the KalturaNEtwork anymore (mainly for performance reasons)
             // allow only assets for the partner
             $c->addAnd(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partner_id);
             				$crit = $c->getNewCriterion ( entryPeer::PARTNER_ID , $partner_id );
             				$crit->addOr ( $c->getNewCriterion ( entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH , $display_in_search ) );
             				$c->addAnd ( $crit );
         if (!self::$isAdminKs) {
         $c = entryPeer::prepareEntitlementCriteriaAndFilters($c);
         $entry_ids_list_for_filter = $c->getFetchedIds();
         // update total count and merge current result with the global list
         $entry_ids_list = array_merge($entry_ids_list, $entry_ids_list_for_filter);
     if ($pager) {
         // Keep the paged entries only
         $entry_ids_list = array_slice($entry_ids_list, $startOffset, $pageSize);
     // Disable entitlement, which was already applied in entryPeer::prepareEntitlementCriteriaAndFilters()
     // otherwise we will hit the 150 entries limit from SphinxCriterion
     $db_entry_list = entryPeer::retrieveByPKs($entry_ids_list);
     // Map the entries to their IDs
     $entry_map = array();
     foreach ($db_entry_list as $entry) {
         $entry_map[$entry->getId()] = $entry;
     // Build entry_list according to the playlist order
     $entry_list = array();
     foreach ($entry_ids_list as $entryId) {
         $entry_list[] = $entry_map[$entryId];
     return $entry_list;
Пример #4
  * Get category by full name using exact match (returns null or category object)
  * @param $fullName
  * @param $ignoreCategoryId
  * @param $partnerId
  * @return category
 public static function getByFullNameExactMatch($fullName, $ignoreCategoryId = null, $partnerId = null)
     $fullName = self::getParsedFullName($fullName);
     if (trim($fullName) == '') {
         return null;
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::FULL_NAME, $fullName);
     if ($ignoreCategoryId) {
         $c->add(categoryPeer::ID, $ignoreCategoryId, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     $tagDisabled = false;
     if (!is_null($partnerId)) {
         $tagDisabled = true;
         $c->add(categoryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     $ret = categoryPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if ($tagDisabled) {
     return $ret;
Пример #5
  * To validate if user is entitled to the category � all needed is to select from the db.
 public function validateCategories()
     $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id : kCurrentContext::$partner_id;
     if (implode(',', kEntitlementUtils::getKsPrivacyContext()) != kEntitlementUtils::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $partnerId && ($this->categoriesIds != null || $this->categories != null)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_CATEGORY_FIELD_IS_DEPRECATED);
     if ($this->categoriesIds != null) {
         $catsNames = array();
         $cats = explode(",", $this->categoriesIds);
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             $catName = categoryPeer::retrieveByPK($cat);
             if (is_null($catName)) {
                 throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND, $cat);
     if ($this->categories != null) {
         $catsNames = array();
         $cats = explode(",", $this->categories);
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             $catName = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if (is_null($catName)) {
                 $catName = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
                 if ($catName) {
                     throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::CATEGORY_NOT_PERMITTED, $cat);
 public static function syncEntriesCategories(entry $entry, $isCategoriesModified)
     self::$skipEntrySave = true;
     if ($entry->getNewCategories() != null && $entry->getNewCategories() !== "") {
         $newCats = explode(entry::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $entry->getNewCategories());
     } else {
         $newCats = array();
     if (!$isCategoriesModified) {
         if ($entry->getNewCategoriesIds() != null && $entry->getNewCategoriesIds() !== "") {
             $newCatsIds = explode(entry::ENTRY_CATEGORY_SEPARATOR, $entry->getNewCategoriesIds());
         } else {
             $newCatsIds = array();
         $dbCategories = categoryPeer::retrieveByPKs($newCatsIds);
         foreach ($dbCategories as $dbCategory) {
             //skip categoy with privacy contexts.
             if ($dbCategory->getPrivacyContexts() != null && $dbCategory->getPrivacyContexts() != '') {
             $newCats[] = $dbCategory->getFullName();
     $newCats = array_unique($newCats);
     $allIds = array();
     $allCats = array();
     $allIdsWithParents = array();
     $addedCats = array();
     $removedCats = array();
     $remainingCats = array();
     $oldCats = array();
     $oldCatsIds = array();
     $dbOldCategoriesEntry = categoryEntryPeer::selectByEntryId($entry->getId());
     foreach ($dbOldCategoriesEntry as $dbOldCategoryEntry) {
         $oldCatsIds[] = $dbOldCategoryEntry->getCategoryId();
     $oldCategoris = categoryPeer::retrieveByPKsNoFilter($oldCatsIds);
     foreach ($oldCategoris as $category) {
         if ($category->getPrivacyContexts() != '' && $category->getPrivacyContexts() != null) {
         $oldCats[] = $category->getFullName();
     foreach ($oldCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $newCats) === false) {
             $removedCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($newCats as $cat) {
         if (array_search($cat, $oldCats) === false) {
             $addedCats[] = $cat;
         } else {
             $remainingCats[] = $cat;
     foreach ($remainingCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             if ($category->getPrivacyContext() == '' || $category->getPrivacyContext() == null) {
                 $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                 $allIds[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents[] = $category->getId();
             $allIdsWithParents = array_merge($allIdsWithParents, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyAddedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($addedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if (!$category) {
             $unentitedCategory = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if (!$unentitedCategory) {
                 $category = category::createByPartnerAndFullName($entry->getPartnerId(), $cat);
                 //it is possible to add on an entry a few new categories on the same new parent -
                 //and we need to sync sphinx once we add so the category will not be duplicated
         } else {
             $categoryKuser = categoryKuserPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndActiveKuserId($category->getId(), kCurrentContext::$ks_kuser_id);
             if (kEntitlementUtils::getEntitlementEnforcement() && $category->getContributionPolicy() != ContributionPolicyType::ALL && (!$categoryKuser || $categoryKuser->getPermissionLevel() == CategoryKuserPermissionLevel::MEMBER)) {
                 //user is not entitled to add entry to this category
                 $category = null;
         if (!$category) {
         //when use caetgoryEntry->add categoryEntry object was alreay created - and no need to create it.
         //when using baseEntry->categories = 'my category' will need to add the new category.
         $categoryEntry = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndEntryId($category->getId(), $entry->getId());
         if (!$categoryEntry) {
             $categoryEntry = new categoryEntry();
         if ($category->getPrivacyContext() == '' || $category->getPrivacyContext() == null) {
             // only categories with no context should be set on entry->categories and entry->categoriesIds
             $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
             $allIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
         $alreadyAddedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyAddedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
     $alreadyRemovedCatIds = $allIdsWithParents;
     foreach ($removedCats as $cat) {
         $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
         if ($category) {
             $categoryEntryToDelete = categoryEntryPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndEntryId($category->getId(), $entry->getId());
             if ($categoryEntryToDelete) {
                 $categoryKuser = categoryKuserPeer::retrieveByCategoryIdAndActiveKuserId($categoryEntryToDelete->getCategoryId(), kCurrentContext::$ks_kuser_id);
                 if ($category->getPrivacyContexts() && (!$categoryKuser || $categoryKuser->getPermissionLevel() == CategoryKuserPermissionLevel::MEMBER)) {
                     //not entiteld to delete - should be set back on the entry.
                     $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                     $allIds[] = $category->getId();
                 } else {
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds[] = $category->getId();
             $alreadyRemovedCatIds = array_merge($alreadyRemovedCatIds, $category->getAllParentsIds());
         } else {
             //category was not found - it could be that user is not entitled to remove it
             $category = categoryPeer::getByFullNameExactMatch($cat);
             if ($category) {
                 $allCats[] = $category->getFullName();
                 $allIds[] = $category->getId();
     self::$skipEntrySave = false;
     $entry->parentSetCategories(implode(",", $allCats));
     $entry->parentSetCategoriesIds(implode(',', $allIds));
 protected function listEntriesByFilter(KalturaBaseEntryFilter $filter = null, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null)
     myDbHelper::$use_alternative_con = myDbHelper::DB_HELPER_CONN_PROPEL3;
     $disableWidgetSessionFilters = false;
     if ($filter && ($filter->idEqual != null || $filter->idIn != null || $filter->referenceIdEqual != null || $filter->referenceIdIn != null)) {
         $disableWidgetSessionFilters = true;
     if (!$pager) {
         $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
     $c = $this->prepareEntriesCriteriaFilter($filter, $pager);
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     $totalCount = $c->getRecordsCount();
     if ($disableWidgetSessionFilters) {
     return array($list, $totalCount);
Пример #8
 private static function applyEntitlementCriteria(Criteria &$c)
     $skipApplyFilters = false;
     if (kEntitlementUtils::getEntitlementEnforcement() && KalturaCriterion::isTagEnable(KalturaCriterion::TAG_ENTITLEMENT_ENTRY) && self::$kuserBlongToMoreThanMaxCategoriesForSearch && !$c->getOffset()) {
         $entitlementCrit = clone $c;
         if ($entitlementCrit->getRecordsCount() < $entitlementCrit->getLimit()) {
             $c = $entitlementCrit;
             $skipApplyFilters = true;
             self::$filerResults = true;
         } else {
             self::$filerResults = false;
             //TODO add header that not full search
     return $skipApplyFilters;
  * List base entries by filter according to reference id
  * @action listByReferenceId
  * @param string $refId Entry Reference ID
  * @param KalturaFilterPager $pager Pager
  * @throws KalturaErrors::MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER
 function listByReferenceId($refId, KalturaFilterPager $pager = null)
     if (!$refId) {
         //if refId wasn't provided return an error of missing parameter
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::MISSING_MANDATORY_PARAMETER, $refId);
     if (!$pager) {
         $pager = new KalturaFilterPager();
     $entryFilter = new entryFilter();
     //setting reference ID
     $entryFilter->set('_eq_reference_id', $refId);
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_SYSTEM, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
     $list = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
     $totalCount = $c->getRecordsCount();
     $newList = KalturaBaseEntryArray::fromEntryArray($list, false);
     $response = new KalturaBaseEntryListResponse();
     $response->objects = $newList;
     $response->totalCount = $totalCount;
     return $response;
Пример #10
 public function reSetDirectSubCategoriesCount()
     $partnerId = kCurrentContext::$partner_id ? kCurrentContext::$partner_id : kCurrentContext::$ks_partner_id;
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::STATUS, array(CategoryStatus::DELETED, CategoryStatus::PURGED), Criteria::NOT_IN);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::PARENT_ID, $this->getId(), Criteria::EQUAL);
 public function addIndexCategoryInheritedTreeJob($fullIdsStartsWithCategoryId)
     $featureStatusToRemoveIndex = new kFeatureStatus();
     $featureStatusesToRemove = array();
     $featureStatusesToRemove[] = $featureStatusToRemoveIndex;
     $filter = new categoryFilter();
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $categories = categoryPeer::doSelect($c);
     if (count($categories)) {
         kJobsManager::addIndexJob($this->getPartnerId(), IndexObjectType::CATEGORY, $filter, true, $featureStatusesToRemove);
 public static function getPrivacyContextForEntry(entry $entry)
     $privacyContexts = array();
     $entryPrivacy = null;
     $categories = array();
     if (count($entry->getAllCategoriesIds(true))) {
         $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
         $c->add(categoryPeer::ID, $entry->getAllCategoriesIds(true), Criteria::IN);
         $categories = categoryPeer::doSelect($c);
         foreach ($categories as $category) {
             $categoryPrivacy = $category->getPrivacy();
             $categoryPrivacyContexts = $category->getPrivacyContexts();
             if (!$categoryPrivacyContexts) {
                 $categoryPrivacyContexts = self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $entry->getPartnerId();
             $categoryPrivacyContexts = explode(',', $categoryPrivacyContexts);
             foreach ($categoryPrivacyContexts as $categoryPrivacyContext) {
                 if (trim($categoryPrivacyContext) == '') {
                     $categoryPrivacyContext = self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $entry->getPartnerId();
                 if (!isset($privacyContexts[$categoryPrivacyContext]) || $privacyContexts[$categoryPrivacyContext] > $categoryPrivacy) {
                     $privacyContexts[trim($categoryPrivacyContext)] = $categoryPrivacy;
     //Entry That doesn't assinged to any category is public.
     if (!count($categories)) {
         $privacyContexts[self::DEFAULT_CONTEXT . $entry->getPartnerId()] = PrivacyType::ALL;
     $entryPrivacyContexts = array();
     foreach ($privacyContexts as $categoryPrivacyContext => $Privacy) {
         $entryPrivacyContexts[] = $categoryPrivacyContext . '_' . $Privacy;
     KalturaLog::debug('Privacy by context: ' . print_r($entryPrivacyContexts, true));
     return $entryPrivacyContexts;
 public static function executeDynamicPlaylist($partner_id, $xml, $extra_filters = null, $detailed = true)
     list($total_results, $list_of_filters) = self::getPlaylistFilterListStruct($xml);
     $entry_filters = array();
     if (!$list_of_filters) {
         return null;
     // TODO - for now we assume that there are more or equal filters in the XML than the ones from the request
     $i = 1;
     // the extra_filter is 1-based
     foreach ($list_of_filters as $entry_filter_xml) {
         // 	in general this service can fetch entries from kaltura networks.
         // for each filter we should decide if thie assumption is true...
         $allow_partner_only = true;
         // compile all the filters - only then execute them if not yet reached the total_results
         // TODO - optimize - maybe create them only when needed. - For now it's safer to compile all even if not needed.
         $entry_filter = new entryFilter();
         // add the desired prefix "_" because the XML is not expected to have it while the entryFilter class expects it
         $entry_filter->fillObjectFromXml($entry_filter_xml, "_");
         // make sure there is alway a limit for each filter - if not an explicit one - the system limit should be used
         if ($entry_filter->getLimit() == null || $entry_filter->getLimit() < 1) {
         $extra_filter = @$extra_filters[$i];
         // merge the current_filter with the correcponding extra_filter
         // allow the extra_filter to override properties of the current filter
         if ($extra_filter) {
             $entry_filter->fillObjectFromObject($extra_filter, myBaseObject::CLONE_FIELD_POLICY_THIS, myBaseObject::CLONE_POLICY_PREFER_NEW, null, null, false);
         self::updateEntryFilter($entry_filter, $partner_id, true);
         $entry_filters[] = $entry_filter;
     $number_of_entries = 0;
     $entry_list = array();
     $i = 1;
     foreach ($entry_filters as $entry_filter) {
         $current_limit = max(0, $total_results - $number_of_entries);
         // if the current_limit is < 0 - set it to be 0
         $exclude_id_list = self::getIds($entry_list);
         $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
         // don't fetch the same entries twice - filter out all the entries that were already fetched
         if ($exclude_id_list) {
             $c->add(entryPeer::ID, $exclude_id_list, Criteria::NOT_IN);
         // no need to fetch any more results
         if ($current_limit <= 0) {
         $filter_limit = $entry_filter->getLimit();
         if ($filter_limit > $current_limit) {
             // set a smaller limit incase the filter's limit is to high
         // read the _eq_display_in_search field but ignore it because it's part of a more complex criterion
         $display_in_search = $entry_filter->get("_eq_display_in_search");
         if ($display_in_search >= 2) {
             $entry_filter->set("_eq_display_in_search", null);
         // add some hard-coded criteria
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::TYPE, array(entryType::MEDIA_CLIP, entryType::MIX, entryType::LIVE_STREAM), Criteria::IN);
         // search only for clips or roughcuts
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::STATUS, entryStatus::READY);
         // search only for READY entries
         $c->addAnd(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_SYSTEM, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL);
         if ($display_in_search >= 2) {
             // We don't allow searching in the KalturaNEtwork anymore (mainly for performance reasons)
             // allow only assets for the partner
             $c->addAnd(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partner_id);
             				$crit = $c->getNewCriterion ( entryPeer::PARTNER_ID , $partner_id );
             				$crit->addOr ( $c->getNewCriterion ( entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH , $display_in_search ) );
             				$c->addAnd ( $crit );
         if (!self::$isAdminKs) {
         if ($detailed) {
             $entry_list_for_filter = entryPeer::doSelectJoinkuser($c);
         } else {
             $entry_list_for_filter = entryPeer::doSelect($c);
         // maybe join with kuser to add some data about the contributor
         // update total count and merge current result with the global list
         $number_of_entries += count($entry_list_for_filter);
         $entry_list = array_merge($entry_list, $entry_list_for_filter);
     return $entry_list;
Пример #14
 private static function getCategoriesByIds($categoriesIds)
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(categoryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->add(categoryPeer::ID, $categoriesIds, Criteria::IN);
     $categories = categoryPeer::doSelect($c);
     return $categories;
  * Get web playable Flavor Assets for Entry
  * @action getWebPlayableByEntryId
  * @param string $entryId
  * @return KalturaFlavorAssetArray
 public function getWebPlayableByEntryIdAction($entryId)
     // entry could be "display_in_search = 2" - in that case we want to pull it although KN is off in services.ct for this action
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->addAnd(entryPeer::ID, $entryId);
     $criterionPartnerOrKn = $c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $this->getPartnerId());
     $criterionPartnerOrKn->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_KALTURA_NETWORK));
     // there could only be one entry because the query is by primary key.
     // so using doSelectOne is safe.
     $dbEntry = entryPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     if (!$dbEntry) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND, $entryId);
     $flavorAssetsDb = assetPeer::retrieveReadyWebByEntryId($entryId);
     if (count($flavorAssetsDb) == 0) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::NO_FLAVORS_FOUND);
     $flavorAssets = KalturaFlavorAssetArray::fromDbArray($flavorAssetsDb);
     return $flavorAssets;
 public static function filterEntriesByPartnerOrKalturaNetwork(array $entryIds, $partnerId)
     $c = KalturaCriteria::create(entryPeer::OM_CLASS);
     $c->addAnd(entryPeer::ID, $entryIds, Criteria::IN);
     $criterionPartnerOrKn = $c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::PARTNER_ID, $partnerId);
     $criterionPartnerOrKn->addOr($c->getNewCriterion(entryPeer::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH, mySearchUtils::DISPLAY_IN_SEARCH_KALTURA_NETWORK));
     $dbEntries = self::doSelect($c);
     $entryIds = array();
     foreach ($dbEntries as $dbEntry) {
         $entryIds[] = $dbEntry->getId();
     return $entryIds;