Пример #1
 function Comment($template, $commentid, $comment, $articlescomments)
     global $Settings, $ACDB, $UserDB;
     $Config = $Settings->co;
     $output = $template[comment];
     $output = str_replace("{number}", $i, $output);
     if ($comment[parentcid]) {
         $quotecomment = $articlescomments[$comment[parentcid]];
         $quoteout = $template[quote];
         $quoteout = str_replace("{name}", $quotecomment[name], $quoteout);
         $quoteout = str_replace("{quote}", Markdown(kses_filter($quotecomment[content])), $quoteout);
         $output = str_replace("{parentquote}", $quoteout, $output);
     } else {
         $output = str_replace("{parentquote}", "", $output);
     # date
     $dateregexp = '#\\{date=(.*?)\\}#i';
     preg_match_all($dateregexp, $output, $datematches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     if (!empty($datematches)) {
         foreach ($datematches as $null => $match) {
             $output = str_replace($match[0], date($match[1], $commentid + $adjust * 60), $output);
     $output = str_replace("{comment}", Markdown(kses_filter($comment[content])), $output);
     $output = str_replace("{ip}", $comment[ip], $output);
     $output = str_replace("{author}", $comment[name], $output);
     $output = str_replace("{url}", $comment[url], $output);
     # Output mail if given
     $comment[email] ? $output = preg_replace("/\\[mail\\=\"(.*)\"\\]/ui", "<a href=\"mailto:{$comment['email']}\">\\1</a>", $output) : ($output = preg_replace("/\\[mail\\=\"(.*)\"\\]/ui", "", $output));
     $output = str_replace("{reply}", '<a href="' . $currenturl . '?replyto=' . $commentid . '">reply</a>', $output);
     # The following will be set if the user is registered
     $checkuser = KUsers::indatabase(false, $comment[name]);
     if (eregi("{gravatar}", $output)) {
         if ($comment[email]) {
             $gravatarid = trim(md5($comment[email]));
             $size = $Config[comments][avatar][size];
             $default = $Config[comments][avatar][defaulturl];
             $gravatarurl = "http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id={$gravatarid}&amp;size={$size}&amp;default={$default}&amp;border={$border}";
             $output = str_replace("{gravatar}", "<img src=\"{$gravatarurl}\" alt=\"{$comment['name']}_gravatar\" />", $output);
         } else {
             $output = str_replace("{gravatar}", "", $output);
     $output = make_clickable($output);
     return $output;
if (!defined("KNIFE_PATH")) {
    define("KNIFE_PATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
    # Absolute path to current script
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.articles.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.comments.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.users.php';
# load userclass - can't live without
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.settings.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.parse.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/functions.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/plugins/markdown.php';
$pathinfo_array = explode("/", $_SERVER[PATH_INFO]);
$ACDB = new KComments();
$UserDB = new KUsers();
$AADB = new KArticles();
$Settings = new KSettings();
$Parser = new Parser();
#	Initialize settings
$settingsdatabase = new SettingsStorage('settings');
$alltemplates = $Settings->te;
$allcats = $Settings->ca;
$Config = $Settings->co;
$allusers = $UserDB->getusers();
#	$null = $UserDB->verify();
Пример #3
 *	Required setup
$Settings = new KSettings();
# Initiate the settings class
# Load the configuration
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/config.php';
# Include config file (FIXME)
if ($Settings->co[storage][backend] == "mysql") {
    define("KNIFESQL", "yes");
    # Flat or mysql
# 	Load the user class and run verify
$User = new KUsers();
$null = $User->verify();
# 	$User will be false if no login could be found
# 	User data is accessible via $Userclass->username, etc, or $User[username], etc.
#	Now, load the language file chosen or load default one
if ($User->language) {
    include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/lang/' . $User->language;
} else {
    include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/lang/' . $Settings->co[general][defaultlanguage];
#	We need to display the login form if no good login data is found
if (!$User->username) {
    $moduletitle = SCRIPT_TITLE . " - " . i18n("login_modtitle");
    $menus[0] = "";
Пример #4
 function verify()
     $userdata = KUsers::collectlogin();
     if (!$userdata) {
         return false;
     $users = KUsers::getusers();
     $unique = UNIQUE;
     $return = false;
     # $unique_password = $userdata[ . $unique;
     if ($userdata[logintype] == "standard") {
         $e_md5 = md5($userdata[password]);
         $e_given = sha1($e_md5 . $unique);
     } elseif ($userdata[logintype] == "comment") {
         $e_md5 = md5($userdata[password]);
         $e_given = sha1($e_md5 . $unique);
     } else {
         $e_given = sha1($userdata[password] . $unique);
     foreach ($users as $thisuser => $thisuserdata) {
         if (urlTitle($userdata[username]) == urlTitle($thisuser)) {
             if ($e_given == $thisuserdata[password]) {
                 $this->username = $thisuser;
                 $this->nickname = $thisuserdata[nickname];
                 $this->status = "verified";
                 $this->level = $thisuserdata[level];
                 $this->language = $userdata[language];
                 $this->type = $userdata[logintype];
                 if ($userdata[logintype] == "standard") {
                     setcookie("kusername", $thisuser, time() + 3600);
                     setcookie("kmd5password", $e_md5, time() + 3600);
                     setcookie("klanguage", $userdata[language]);
Пример #5
 function verify($SentHeaders = false)
     global $Settings;
     $userdata = KUsers::collectlogin();
     if (!$userdata) {
         return false;
     $users = KUsers::getusers();
     $unique = $Settings->unique;
     $return = false;
     if ($userdata[logintype] == "standard") {
         $e_md5 = md5($userdata[password]);
         $e_given = sha1($e_md5 . $unique);
     } elseif ($userdata[logintype] == "comment") {
         $e_md5 = md5($userdata[password]);
         $e_given = sha1($e_md5 . $unique);
     } else {
         $e_given = sha1($userdata[password] . $unique);
     foreach ($users as $thisuser => $thisuserdata) {
         if (urlTitle($userdata[username]) == urlTitle($thisuser)) {
             if ($e_given == $thisuserdata[password]) {
                 $this->username = $thisuser;
                 $this->nickname = $thisuserdata[nickname];
                 $this->url = $thisuserdata[url];
                 $this->email = $thisuserdata[email];
                 $this->status = "verified";
                 $this->level = $thisuserdata[level];
                 $this->language = $userdata[language];
                 $this->type = $userdata[logintype];
                 if ($userdata[logintype] == "standard") {
                     if (!$SentHeaders) {
                         setcookie("allegory_username", $thisuser, time() + 14400, "/");
                         setcookie("allegory_md5password", $e_md5, time() + 14400, "/");
                         setcookie("allegory_language", $userdata[language], time() + 100000, "/");
                     } else {
                         # Set the cookies via echoing a javascript here.
                         # Will probably also need a JS refresh ( FIXME )
                         echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\tvar now = new Date();\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnow.setTime(now.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAllegory_Setcookie(\"allegory_username\", \"{$thisuser}\", now, \"/\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\tAllegory_Setcookie(\"allegory_md5password\", \"{$e_md5}\", now, \"/\");\n\t\t\t\t\t\t</script>";
    define("KNIFE_PATH", dirname(__FILE__) . "/");
    # Absolute path to current script
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/config.php';
# load temporary config
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.articles.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.comments.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.users.php';
# load userclass - can't live without
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/lang/nb_no.php';
# load a language
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/functions.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/plugins/markdown.php';
$pathinfo_array = explode("/", $_SERVER[PATH_INFO]);
$commentsclass = new KComments();
$Userclass = new KUsers();
$KAclass = new KArticles();
#	Reset some variables
$timestamp = 0;
#	Display articles
$settingsdatabase = new SettingsStorage('settings');
$alltemplates = $settingsdatabase->settings['templates'];
$allcats = $settingsdatabase->settings['categories'];
$allusers = $Userclass->getusers();
if ($template) {
    $template = $alltemplates[$template];
} else {
Пример #7
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.users.php';
# load userclass - can't live without
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/class.settings.php';
include_once KNIFE_PATH . '/inc/functions.php';
if (!$Settings) {
    $Settings = new KSettings();
    #	Initialize settings
if (!$UserDB) {
    $UserDB = new KUsers();
echo '<script type="text/javascript">

function Allegory_Setcookie(name, value, expires, path, domain, secure) {
  var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) +
      ((expires) ? "; expires=" + expires.toGMTString() : "") +
      ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
      ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "") +
      ((secure) ? "; secure" : "");
  document.cookie = curCookie;

function Allegory_Getcookie(name) {
  var dc = document.cookie;
  var prefix = name + "=";