Пример #1
 * Merges vertical and horizontal coordinates in a bidimensional point array.
 * Stops coordinates (hesitations) are removed. 
 * @param   array  $xcoords        horizontal coordinates
 * @param   array  $ycoords        vertical coordinates
 * @param   array  $getDistances   if TRUE, the result array contains euclidean distances
 * @return  array                  2D points or euclidean distances array
function convert_points($xcoords, $ycoords, $getDistances = false)
    // initialize points array
    $pointArray = array();
    // check for illegal offsets on $coords
    $maxCount = count($xcoords) - 1;
    // transform arrays in a single points array
    foreach ($xcoords as $i => $value) {
        $p = array($value, $ycoords[$i]);
        // check if next point exists
        if ($i >= $maxCount) {
        $q = array($xcoords[$i + 1], $ycoords[$i + 1]);
        $distance = KMeans::getDistance($p, $q);
        // check
        if ($getDistances) {
            $pointArray[] = $distance;
        } else {
            // append point to the points array, discarding null distances
            if ($distance > 0) {
                $pointArray[] = $p;
    return $pointArray;
Пример #2
     // check whether URLs should be merged (just remove query string)
     if (db_option(TBL_PREFIX . TBL_CMS, "mergeCacheUrl")) {
         $urlparts = explode("?", $url);
         $url = $urlparts[0];
     if (isset($pages[$url])) {
         $pages[$url] += 1;
     } else {
         $pages[$url] = 1;
     $dict_user[] = $row['id'];
     $dict_page[] = $url;
 $n = count($pages);
 $k = ceil(sqrt($n / 2));
 $km = new KMeans(whiten($users), $k);
 $groups = array();
 foreach ($km->clusters as $j => $cluster) {
     //echo '['.$j.']<br>';
     $groups[$j] = array();
     foreach ($cluster as $id => $feats) {
         //echo $id.': '.$dict_page[$id].', '.$dict_user[$id].'<br>';
         $url = $dict_page[$id];
         if (!isset($groups[$j][$url])) {
             $groups[$j][$url] = 1;
         } else {
             $groups[$j][$url] += 1;
Пример #3
$xcoords = explode(",", $coordsX);
$ycoords = explode(",", $coordsY);
//echo count($xcoords)." points (duplicated ones will be removed)\n";
// transform arrays in a single points array
$pointArray = convert_points($xcoords, $ycoords);
/* We can do as many clusters as (to the extreme) the sample points size, 
 * but use the rule of thumb: k ~ sqrt(n/2)
$n = count($pointArray);
$k = ceil(sqrt($n / 2));
echo $n . " points and " . $k . " clusters.\n";
$prevVar = 0;
// compute K-means
for ($i = 1; $i <= $n; ++$i) {
    ini_set('max_execution_time', 30);
    $km = new KMeans($pointArray, $k);
    $km->maxIterations = 5;
    $c = $km->distributeOverClusters();
    $clusterVarX = array();
    $clusterVarY = array();
    // store points
    foreach ($c as $cluster) {
        $clusterVarX[] = $cluster->variance->x;
        $clusterVarY[] = $cluster->variance->y;
    //var_dump($clusterVarX, $clusterVarY);
    $jointVar = array_sum($clusterVarX) * array_sum($clusterVarY);
    //$jointVar = (array_sum($clusterVarX)/count($clusterVarX) + array_sum($clusterVarY)/count($clusterVarY) ) / 2;
    if ($prevVar == 0) {
        $prevVar = $jointVar;