/** * @param \JenkinsRun $run * @param \Jenkins $jenkins * @param $isRunning * @param $isJenkinsAvailable * * @return array */ private function buildDropdownLinksJenkinsRun(JenkinsRun $run, Jenkins $jenkins, $isRunning, $isJenkinsAvailable) { $links = array(); $urlBuild = $run->getUrlBuild($jenkins); if ($isRunning || $run->isRebuildable()) { $links[] = array('label' => 'Delay', 'title' => 'Relaunch build (delayed)', 'url' => $this->generateUrl('run_rebuild_delayed', $run)); } $links[] = array('label' => 'Remove build', 'title' => 'Remove build from build branch', 'url' => $this->generateUrl('run_remove', $run)); $isJenkinsAvailable && ($links[] = array('label' => 'Go to console log', 'title' => 'View Jenkins console log', 'url' => $urlBuild . '/console', 'options' => array('class' => 'jenkins', 'target' => '_blank'))); $isJenkinsAvailable && ($links[] = array('label' => 'Go to test report', 'url' => $urlBuild . '/testReport', 'options' => array('class' => 'jenkins', 'target' => '_blank'))); return $links; }
/** * Execute any application/business logic for this component. * * @param sfRequest $request The current sfRequest object * * @return mixed A string containing the view name associated with this action */ function execute($request) { //pas de jenkins => pas de form if (!$this->getJenkins()->isAvailable()) { $this->redirect('jenkins/index'); } if (is_array($buildRequest = $request->getParameter('build'))) { $groupRunId = isset($buildRequest['group_run_id']) ? $buildRequest['group_run_id'] : null; } else { $groupRunId = $request->getParameter('group_run_id'); } $this->forward404If($groupRunId === null, 'group_run_id parameter is required'); $jenkinsGroupRun = JenkinsGroupRunPeer::retrieveByPK($groupRunId); $this->forward404Unless($jenkinsGroupRun instanceof JenkinsGroupRun, sprintf('Can\'t create JenkinsGroupRun with id %s', $groupRunId)); $defaults = array(); if ($request->hasParameter('auto_launch')) { $autoLaunch = $request->getParameter('auto_launch'); if ('on' === $autoLaunch) { $defaults = array('auto_launch' => true); } } else { $defaults = array('auto_launch' => true); } $form = new BuildForm($defaults, array('jenkins' => $this->getJenkins(), 'group_run' => $jenkinsGroupRun)); if (sfRequest::POST === $request->getMethod()) { $form->bind($buildRequest); if ($form->isValid()) { $jobName = $form->getValue('job'); $autoLaunch = 'on' === $form->getValue('auto_launch'); $extraParameters = $form->getValue('parameters'); $jobParameters = array(); if (isset($extraParameters[$jobName])) { $jobParameters = $extraParameters[$jobName]; } //créer les builds $run = new JenkinsRun(); $run->setJenkinsGroupRun($jenkinsGroupRun); $run->setJobName($jobName); $run->encodeParameters($jobParameters); $run->setLaunched($autoLaunch); $run->save(); //launcher les builds if ($autoLaunch) { $run->launch($this->getJenkins(), $jobParameters); $run->computeJobBuildNumber($this->getJenkins(), $this->getUser()); } $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', sprintf('Build [%s] has been added to build branch [%s]', $run->getJobName(), $jenkinsGroupRun->getLabel())); if ($request->hasParameter('add_and_continue')) { $urlRedirect = sprintf('jenkins/addBuild?auto_launch=%s&group_run_id=%s', $autoLaunch ? 'on' : 'off', $jenkinsGroupRun->getId()); } else { $urlRedirect = $this->generateUrl('branch_view', $jenkinsGroupRun); } $this->redirect($urlRedirect); } } $this->setVar('form', $form); $this->setVar('group_run', array('label' => $jenkinsGroupRun->getLabel(), 'git_branch' => $jenkinsGroupRun->getGitBranch(), 'git_branch_slug' => $jenkinsGroupRun->getGitBranchSlug(), 'result' => $jenkinsGroupRun->getResult($this->getJenkins()), 'url' => $this->generateUrl('branch_view', $jenkinsGroupRun))); }
/** * @param JenkinsRun $jenkinsRun * @param Jenkins $jenkins */ private function cancelJenkinsRun(JenkinsRun $jenkinsRun, Jenkins $jenkins) { if (($build = $jenkinsRun->getJenkinsBuild($jenkins)) instanceof Jenkins_Build) { /** @var Jenkins_Build $build */ if (null !== ($executor = $build->getExecutor())) { /** @var Jenkins_Executor $executor */ $executor->stop(); $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', sprintf('Build [%s] has been canceled', $jenkinsRun->getJobName())); } else { $this->getUser()->setFlash('warning', sprintf('Build [%s] can\'t be canceled, because this build is not running', $jenkinsRun->getJobName())); } } elseif (null !== ($jobQueue = $jenkinsRun->getJenkinsQueue($jenkins))) { $jobQueue->cancel(); $jenkinsRun->computeJobBuildNumber($jenkins, $this->getUser()); $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', sprintf('Build [%s] has been removed from Jenkins queue.', $jenkinsRun->getJobName())); } else { $this->getUser()->setFlash('warning', sprintf('Build [%s] can\'t be canceled, because it can\'t be possible to associate it to a Jenkins Build. Maybe he is now in Jenkins queue.', $jenkinsRun->getJobName())); } }
/** * Execute any application/business logic for this component. * * @param sfRequest $request The current sfRequest object * * @return mixed A string containing the view name associated with this action */ function execute($request) { //pas de jenkins => pas de form if (!$this->getJenkins()->isAvailable()) { $this->redirect('jenkins/index'); } $default = array('sf_guard_user_id' => $this->getUser()->getUserId()); if ($request->hasParameter('from_group_run_id')) { //duplication de la configuration $groupRun = JenkinsGroupRunPeer::retrieveByPK($request->getParameter('from_group_run_id')); if (null !== $groupRun) { $default = $groupRun->buildDefaultFormValue($this->getJenkins(), $default); } } if ($request->hasParameter('branch')) { $branch = $request->getParameter('branch'); $default['git_branch'] = $branch; $default['label'] = $branch; } $form = new GroupRunForm($default, array('jenkins' => $this->getJenkins(), 'sf_guard_user_id' => $this->getUser()->getUserId())); if (sfRequest::POST === $request->getMethod()) { $form->bind($request->getParameter('group_run')); if ($form->isValid()) { $autoLaunch = 'on' === $form->getValue('auto_launch'); //création du group run $runGroup = new JenkinsGroupRun(); $runGroup->setSfGuardUserId($this->getUser()->getUserId()); $runGroup->setDate(new DateTime()); $runGroup->setGitBranch($form->getValue('git_branch')); $runGroup->setLabel($form->getValue('label')); $runGroup->save(); $nbJobs = 0; foreach ($form->getValue('builds') as $jobName => $jobInfo) { if (!$jobInfo['job_name']) { continue; } $parameters = array(); if (isset($jobInfo['parameters'])) { $parameters = $jobInfo['parameters']; } //créer les builds $run = new JenkinsRun(); $run->setJenkinsGroupRun($runGroup); $run->setJobName($jobName); $run->encodeParameters($parameters); $run->setLaunched($autoLaunch); $run->save(); $nbJobs++; if ($autoLaunch) { //launcher les builds $run->launch($this->getJenkins(), $parameters); $run->computeJobBuildNumber($this->getJenkins(), $this->getUser()); } } if (0 === $nbJobs) { $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', sprintf('Build branch [%s] has been created', $runGroup->getLabel())); } else { $label = 1 === $nbJobs ? 'Job has ' : 'Jobs have '; $this->getUser()->setFlash('info', $label . ($autoLaunch ? "been launched" : "been registered in delayed list")); } $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('branch_view', $runGroup)); } } $views = $this->getViews($this->getJenkins()); $defaultView = $this->getJenkins()->getPrimaryView(); $this->setVar('form', $form); $this->setVar('view_by_jobs', $this->buildViewByJobs($this->getJenkins())); $this->setVar('views', $views); $this->setVar('default_active_view', null === $defaultView ? null : $defaultView->getName()); }