Пример #1
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Set database to connect to
     // Define fields
     $meta->fields(array('id' => Jelly::field('primary'), 'name' => Jelly::field('string'), 'test_posts' => Jelly::field('manytomany'), 'parent' => Jelly::field('belongsto', array('foreign' => 'test_category', 'column' => 'parent_id'))));
Пример #2
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Set database to connect to
     // Define fields
     $meta->fields(array('id' => Jelly::field('primary'), 'name' => Jelly::field('string'), 'password' => Jelly::field('password'), 'email' => Jelly::field('email'), 'test_posts' => Jelly::field('hasmany'), 'test_post' => Jelly::field('hasone'), 'permission' => Jelly::field('belongsto', array('foreign' => 'test_role', 'column' => 'test_role_id')), '_id' => 'id'));
Пример #3
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Set database to connect to
     // Define fields
     $meta->fields(array('id' => Jelly::field('primary'), 'name' => Jelly::field('string')));
Пример #4
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Set database to connect to
     // All fields are aliased to different columns
     $meta->fields(array('id' => Jelly::field('primary', array('column' => 'id-alias')), 'name' => Jelly::field('string', array('column' => 'name-alias')), 'description' => Jelly::field('string', array('column' => 'description-alias')), '_id' => 'id', '_name' => 'name', '_description' => 'description', '_bar' => 'foo'));
Пример #5
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Set database to connect to
     // Posts always load_with an author
     // Set fields
     $meta->fields(array('id' => Jelly::field('primary'), 'name' => Jelly::field('string'), 'slug' => Jelly::field('slug', array('unique' => TRUE)), 'status' => Jelly::field('enum', array('choices' => array('draft', 'published', 'review'))), 'created' => Jelly::field('timestamp', array('auto_now_create' => TRUE)), 'updated' => Jelly::field('timestamp', array('auto_now_update' => TRUE)), 'test_author' => Jelly::field('belongsto'), 'test_categories' => Jelly::field('manytomany'), 'approved_by' => Jelly::field('belongsto', array('foreign' => 'test_author.id', 'column' => 'approved_by')), '_id' => 'id', '_slug' => 'slug'));
Пример #6
  * Tests various properties on a meta object.
 public function test_properties()
     $fields = array('id' => new Jelly_Field_Primary(), 'id2' => new Jelly_Field_Primary(), 'name' => new Jelly_Field_String());
     $meta = new Jelly_Meta();
     $meta->db('foo')->table('foo')->builder('Jelly_Builder_Foo')->fields($fields)->fields(array('_id' => 'id2'))->sorting(array('foo' => 'bar'))->primary_key('id2')->name_key('name')->foreign_key('meta_fk')->load_with(array('test_post'))->behaviors(array(new Jelly_Behavior_Test()))->finalize('meta');
     // Ensure the simple properties are preserved
     $expected = array('initialized' => TRUE, 'db' => 'foo', 'table' => 'foo', 'model' => 'meta', 'primary_key' => 'id2', 'name_key' => 'name', 'foreign_key' => 'meta_fk', 'builder' => 'Jelly_Builder_Foo', 'sorting' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'load_with' => array('test_post'));
     foreach ($expected as $property => $value) {
         $this->assertSame($meta->{$property}(), $value);
     // Ensure we can retrieve fields properly
     $this->assertSame($meta->field('_id'), $fields['id2']);
     $this->assertSame($meta->field('id2')->name, 'id2');
     // Ensure all fields match
     $this->assertSame($meta->fields(), $fields);
     // Ensure defaults are set properly
     $this->assertSame($meta->defaults(), array('id' => NULL, 'id2' => NULL, 'name' => ''));
     foreach ($meta->behaviors() as $behavior) {
         // Ensure Behaviors return actual objects
         $this->assertTrue($behavior instanceof Jelly_Behavior);
Пример #7
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Notice how the MPTT fields are added automatically
     $meta->db('unit_testing')->table('jelly_mptt_owner')->fields = array('id' => new Field_Primary(), 'owned' => new Field_HasMany(array('foreign' => 'owned.owner_id')));
Пример #8
 public static function initialize(Jelly_Meta $meta)
     // Notice how the MPTT fields are added automatically
     $meta->db('unit_testing')->table('jelly_mptt_test')->fields = array('id' => new Field_Primary(), 'name' => new Field_String());