public static function main() { // The path to the documents directory. $dataDir = "/usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.22/webapps/JavaBridge/Aspose_Words_Java_For_PHP/src/programmingwithdocuments/workingwithimages/compressimages/data/"; $srcFileName = $dataDir . "Test.docx"; $messageFormat = new Java("java.text.MessageFormat"); $file_size = CompressImages::getFileSize($srcFileName); echo java_values($messageFormat->format("Loading {0}. Size {1}.", $srcFileName, $file_size)); die("I M HERE"); $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", $srcFileName); // 220ppi Print - said to be excellent on most printers and screens. // 150ppi Screen - said to be good for web pages and projectors. // 96ppi Email - said to be good for minimal document size and sharing. $desiredPpi = 150; // In Java this seems to be a good compression / quality setting. $jpegQuality = 90; // Resample images to desired ppi and save. $resampler = new Java("com.aspose.words.Resampler"); $count = $resampler->resample($doc, $desiredPpi, $jpegQuality); echo $MessageFormat->format("Resampled {0} images.", $count); if ($count != 1) { echo "<br> We expected to have only 1 image resampled in this test document!"; } $dstFileName = $srcFileName . "Resampled Out.docx"; $doc->save($dstFileName); echo $messageFormat->format("Saving {0}. Size {1}.", $dstFileName, CompressImages::getFileSize($dstFileName)); // Verify that the first image was compressed by checking the new Ppi. $doc = new Java("com.aspose.words.Document", $dstFileName); $nodeType = new Java("com.aspose.words.NodeType"); $shape = $doc->getChild($nodeType->DRAWING_ML, 0, true); $convertUtil = new Java("com.aspose.words.ConvertUtil"); $imagePpi = $shape->getImageData()->getImageSize()->getWidthPixels() / $convertUtil->pointToInch($shape->getSize()->getX()); if ($imagePpi < 150) { echo "Image was not resampled successfully."; } }
<html> <? $system = new Java("java.lang.System"); print "Java version=".$system->getProperty("java.version")." <br>\n"; print "Java vendor=".$system->getProperty("java.vendor")." <p>\n\n"; print "OS=".$system->getProperty("")." ". $system->getProperty("os.version")." on ". $system->getProperty("os.arch")." <br>\n"; $formatter = new Java("java.text.SimpleDateFormat", "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz"); print $formatter->format(new Java("java.util.Date"))."\n"; ?> </html>
<?php //phpinfo(); include "phpjasper/"; $system = new Java('java.lang.System'); // accéder aux propriétés echo 'Java version=' . $system->getProperty('java.version') . ' <br />'; echo 'Java vendor=' . $system->getProperty('java.vendor') . '<br />'; echo 'OS=' . $system->getProperty('') . ' ' . $system->getProperty('os.version') . ' on ' . $system->getProperty('os.arch') . '<br />'; $formater = new Java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat', "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz"); echo $formater->format(new Java('java.util.Date')); ?>
/** * * @param string * The name of a {@link Property} of $this {@link Node} * @param mixed * The value to be assigned * @param int|null * The type of the {@link Property} (Optional: NULL if not * specified). * @return object * A {@link Property} object * @throws {@link ValueFormatException} * If <i>$value</i> cannot be converted to the specified type or * if the property already exists and is multi-valued. * @throws {@link VersionException} * If this node is versionable and checked-in or is non-versionable but * its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in and this implementation * performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until * {@link save()}. * @throws {@link LockException} * If a lock prevents the setting of the property and this implementation * performs this validation immediately instead of waiting until * {@link save()}. * @throws {@link ConstraintViolationException} * If the change would violate a node-type or other constraint and this * implementation performs this validation immediately instead of * waiting until {@link save()}. * @throws {@link RepositoryException} * If another error occurs. * @see PHPCR_Node::setProperty() */ public function setProperty($name, $value, $type = 1) { $isNew = true; if ($this->hasProperty($name)) { $isNew = false; } $filename = null; switch ($type) { case PHPCR_PropertyType::BINARY: $pr = new Java("javax.jcr.PropertyType"); $type = $pr->BINARY; $strlen = strlen($value); // keep it in memory, if small if ($strlen < 500) { $out = new Java(""); $arr = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $strlen; $i++) { $val = ord(substr($value, $i, 1)); if ($val >= 128) { $val = $val - 256; } $arr[] = $val; } $out->write($arr); $value = new Java("", $out->toByteArray()); } else { $filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "jrcr"); chmod($filename, 0666); file_put_contents($filename, $value); $value = new Java("", $filename); } break; case PHPCR_PropertyType::DATE: $pr = new Java("javax.jcr.PropertyType"); $type = $pr->DATE; //$ValueFactory = new Java("javax.jcr.ValueFactory"); $cal = new Java("java.util.Calendar"); $val = $cal->getInstance(); if ($value instanceof DateTime) { $val->setTimeInMillis($value->format('U') * 1000); } else { $val->setTimeInMillis($value * 1000); } $value = $val; break; } if (!is_object($value) && $type) { $jrprop = $this->JRnode->setProperty($name, $value, $type); } elseif ($value instanceof jr_cr_node) { $jrprop = $this->JRnode->setProperty($name, $value->JRnode); } else { $jrprop = $this->JRnode->setProperty($name, $value); } if (null === $jrprop) { throw new PHPCR_RepositoryException("Couldn't create new property"); } if ($filename) { unlink($filename); } $property = new jr_cr_property($this, $jrprop); $this->addPropertyToList($property); if ($isNew) { $property->setNew(true); } $property->setModified(true); $this->setModified(true); if ($this->session->cache) { $this->session->cache->clean(Zend_Cache::CLEANING_MODE_ALL); } }
} else { echo "java extension not installed."; } } } check_extension(); if (1) { phpinfo(); print "\n\n"; $v = new Java("java.lang.System"); $p = @$v->getProperties(); if ($ex = java_last_exception_get()) { $trace = new Java(""); $ex->printStackTrace(new java("", $trace)); echo "Exception {$ex} occured:<br>\n" . $trace . "\n"; exit(1); } $arr = $p; foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { print $key . " -> " . $value . "<br>\n"; } echo "<br>\n"; echo "<br>\n"; // java.util.Date example $formatter = new Java('java.text.SimpleDateFormat', "EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz"); print $formatter->format(new Java('java.util.Date')); echo "<br>\n"; } else { phpinfo(); print "\n\n"; }