Пример #1
 function check()
     $this->_error = null;
     $this->newurl = JString::trim($this->newurl);
     $this->metadesc = JString::trim($this->metadesc);
     $this->metakey = JString::trim($this->metakey);
     $this->metatitle = JString::trim($this->metatitle);
     $this->metalang = JString::trim($this->metalang);
     $this->metarobots = JString::trim($this->metarobots);
     // check for valid URLs
     if ($this->newurl == '') {
         $this->_error .= JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_EMPTYURL');
         return false;
     if (JString::substr($this->newurl, 0, 9) != 'index.php') {
         $this->_error .= JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_BADURL');
     if (is_null($this->_error)) {
         // check for existing URLS
         $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__sh404sef_metas WHERE `newurl` LIKE " . $this->_db->Quote($this->newurl));
         $xid = intval($this->_db->loadResult());
         if ($xid && $xid != intval($this->id)) {
             $this->_error = JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_URLEXIST');
             return false;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #2
  * Returns an array of options
  * @param   string   $sql		SQL with ordering As value and 'name field' AS text
  * @param   integer  $chop	The length of the truncated headline
  * @return  array  An array of objects formatted for JHtml list processing
  * @since   11.1
 public static function genericordering($sql, $chop = '30')
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     $options = array();
     $items = $db->loadObjectList();
     // Check for a database error.
     if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
         JError::raiseNotice(500, $db->getErrorMsg());
         return false;
     if (empty($items)) {
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 1, JText::_('JOPTION_ORDER_FIRST'));
         return $options;
     $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', 0, '0 ' . JText::_('JOPTION_ORDER_FIRST'));
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($items); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $items[$i]->text = JText::_($items[$i]->text);
         if (JString::strlen($items[$i]->text) > $chop) {
             $text = JString::substr($items[$i]->text, 0, $chop) . "...";
         } else {
             $text = $items[$i]->text;
         $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $items[$i]->value, $items[$i]->value . '. ' . $text);
     $options[] = JHtml::_('select.option', $items[$i - 1]->value + 1, $items[$i - 1]->value + 1 . ' ' . JText::_('JOPTION_ORDER_LAST'));
     return $options;
Пример #3
 public static function addCard(&$blog, $rawIntroText)
     $cfg = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig();
     // @rule: Check if user really wants to append the opengraph tags on the headers.
     if (!$cfg->get('main_twitter_cards')) {
         return false;
     // Get the absolute permalink for this blog item.
     $url = EasyBlogRouter::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $blog->id, false, true);
     // Get the image of the blog post.
     $image = self::getImage($blog, $rawIntroText);
     // @task: Get Joomla's document object.
     $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
     // Add card definition.
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:card" content="summary" />');
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:url" content="' . $url . '" />');
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:title" content="' . $blog->title . '" />');
     $text = EasyBlogHelper::stripEmbedTags($rawIntroText);
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     $text = str_ireplace("\r\n", "", $text);
     // Remove any " in the content as this would mess up the headers.
     $text = str_ireplace('"', '', $text);
     $maxLength = 137;
     if (!empty($maxLength)) {
         $text = JString::strlen($text) > $maxLength ? JString::substr($text, 0, $maxLength) . '...' : $text;
     $text = EasyBlogStringHelper::escape($text);
     $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:description" content="' . $text . '" />');
     if ($image) {
         $doc->addCustomTag('<meta property="twitter:image" content="' . $image . '"/> ');
     return true;
Пример #4
  * Generates the captcha image
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return	
 public function generate()
     $id = $this->input->get('id', '', 'int');
     // Load up the captcha object
     $captcha = EB::table('Captcha');
     // Clear outdated keys
     // load the captcha records.
     if (!$captcha->id) {
         return false;
     // @task: Generate a very random integer and take only 5 chars max.
     $hash = JString::substr(md5(rand(0, 9999)), 0, 5);
     $captcha->response = $hash;
     // Captcha width and height
     $width = 100;
     $height = 20;
     $image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
     $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $gray = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);
     ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $white);
     ImageString($image, 5, 30, 3, $hash, $black);
     ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $gray);
     imageline($image, 0, $height / 2, $width, $height / 2, $gray);
     imageline($image, $width / 2, 0, $width / 2, $height, $gray);
     header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Пример #5
  * Sanitize a value
  * @param   mixed   Value to be sanitized
  * @return  string
 protected function _sanitize($value)
     $value = parent::_sanitize($value);
     $search_ignore = array();
     // Limit term to 20 characters
     if (JString::strlen($value) > 20) {
         $value = JString::substr($value, 0, 19);
     // Term must contain a minimum of 3 characters
     if ($value && JString::strlen($value) < 3) {
         $value = '';
     //Filter out search terms that are too small
     $words = explode(' ', JString::strtolower($value));
     foreach ($words as $word) {
         if (JString::strlen($word) < 3) {
             $search_ignore[] = $word;
     if (count($words) > 1) {
         $pruned = array_diff($words, $search_ignore);
         $value = implode(' ', $pruned);
     return $value;
Пример #6
  * Outputs the html code for Twitter button
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function html()
     // If this is a frontpage, ensure that show in frontpage is enabled
     if ($this->frontpage && !$this->config->get('main_twitter_button_frontpage', $this->config->get('social_show_frontpage'))) {
     // Get the button size
     $size = $this->getButtonSize();
     // Get the via text
     $via = $this->config->get('main_twitter_button_via_screen_name', '');
     if ($via) {
         $via = JString::substr($via, 1);
     // Get the absolute url to this blog post
     $url = $this->getUrl();
     // Ge the formatted title to this blog post
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     // Twitter's sharing shouldn't have urlencoded values
     $title = urldecode($title);
     // Remove unwanted character inside url to avoid incorrect url sharing
     $title = str_replace('"', '', $title);
     // Determines if we should track with analytics
     $tracking = $this->config->get('main_twitter_analytics');
     $placeholder = $this->getPlaceholderId();
     $theme = EB::template();
     $theme->set('tracking', $tracking);
     $theme->set('size', $size);
     $theme->set('via', $via);
     $theme->set('placeholder', $placeholder);
     $theme->set('url', $url);
     $theme->set('title', $title);
     $output = $theme->output('site/socialbuttons/twitter');
     return $output;
function DefaultViewEventCatRowNew($view, $row, $args = "")
    // I choost not to use $row->fgcolor()
    $fgcolor = "inherit";
    $router = JRouter::getInstance("site");
    $vars = $router->getVars();
    $vars["catids"] = $row->catid();
    if (array_key_exists("Itemid", $vars) && is_null($vars["Itemid"])) {
        $vars["Itemid"] = JRequest::getInt("Itemid", 0);
    $eventlink = "index.php?";
    foreach ($vars as $key => $val) {
        $eventlink .= $key . "=" . $val . "&";
    $eventlink = JString::substr($eventlink, 0, JString::strlen($eventlink) - 1);
    $eventlink = JRoute::_($eventlink);
		<a class="ev_link_cat" href="<?php 
    echo $eventlink;
"  style="color:<?php 
    echo $fgcolor;
;" title="<?php 
    echo JEventsHTML::special($row->catname());
    echo $row->catname();
 public function execute($item)
     $model = FD::model('comments');
     $users = $model->getParticipants($item->uid, $item->context_type);
     $users[] = $item->actor_id;
     $users = array_values(array_unique(array_diff($users, array(FD::user()->id))));
     $names = FD::string()->namesToNotifications($users);
     $plurality = count($users) > 1 ? '_PLURAL' : '_SINGULAR';
     $content = '';
     if (count($users) == 1 && !empty($item->content)) {
         $content = JString::substr(strip_tags($item->content), 0, 30);
         if (JString::strlen($item->content) > 30) {
             $content .= JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_ELLIPSES');
     $item->content = $content;
     list($element, $group, $verb) = explode('.', $item->context_type);
     $streamItem = FD::table('streamitem');
     $state = $streamItem->load(array('context_type' => $element, 'actor_type' => $group, 'verb' => $verb, 'context_id' => $item->uid));
     if (!$state) {
     $owner = $streamItem->actor_id;
     if ($item->target_type === SOCIAL_TYPE_USER && $item->target_id == $owner) {
         $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_ARTICLE_USER_COMMENTED_ON_YOUR_ITEM' . $plurality, $names);
         return $item;
     if ($item->actor_id == $owner && count($users) == 1) {
         $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_ARTICLE_OWNER_COMMENTED_ON_ITEM' . FD::user($owner)->getGenderLang(), $names);
         return $item;
     $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_ARTICLE_USER_COMMENTED_ON_USER_ITEM' . $plurality, $names, FD::user($owner)->getName());
     return $item;
Пример #9
 function listDirectories($path, $regex = '.', $recurse = false)
     $dirs = array();
     // Make sure path is valid
     $path = JPath::clean($path);
     $root = strlen(JPATH_ROOT) ? JPATH_ROOT : DS;
     if (empty($path) || JString::strpos($path, $root) !== 0) {
         return $dirs;
     // Find folders
     $list = JFolder::folders($path, $regex, $recurse, true);
     if (empty($list)) {
         return $dirs;
     // Create list of directories and the names
     foreach ($list as $path) {
         //$folder	= JString::str_ireplace(JPATH_ROOT, '', $path);
         $folder = JString::substr($path, JString::strlen($root));
         $folder = substr(str_replace(DS, '/', $folder), 1);
         $name = @explode('/', $folder);
         $name = array_pop($name);
         $dirs[] = array('folder' => $folder, 'name' => $name, 'path' => $path, 'path.64' => base64_encode($path));
     return $dirs;
Пример #10
  * Outputs the html code for Twitter button
  * @since	4.0
  * @access	public
  * @param	string
  * @return
 public function html()
     if (!$this->isEnabled()) {
     // Get the pinterest button style from the configuration
     $size = $this->getButtonSize();
     $url = EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $this->post->id, false, true);
     // Combine the introtext and the content
     $content = $this->post->intro . $this->post->content;
     // Get the media
     $media = $this->getMedia();
     $contentLength = 350;
     $text = $this->post->intro . $this->post->content;
     $text = nl2br($text);
     $text = strip_tags($text);
     $text = trim(preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $text));
     $text = JString::strlen($text) > $contentLength ? JString::substr($text, 0, $contentLength) . '...' : $text;
     $title = $this->post->title;
     // Urlencode all the necessary properties.
     $url = urlencode($url);
     $text = urlencode($text);
     $media = urlencode($media);
     $placeholder = $this->getPlaceholderId();
     $theme = EB::template();
     $theme->set('size', $size);
     $theme->set('placeholder', $placeholder);
     $theme->set('url', $url);
     $theme->set('title', $title);
     $theme->set('media', $media);
     $theme->set('text', $text);
     $output = $theme->output('site/socialbuttons/pinterest');
     return $output;
Пример #11
 function cutText($text, $limit_value, $limit_type, $at_end)
     // solved problem from: https://www.gavick.com/support/forums/47/12309.html?p=57464#p57464
     $cck_path = JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_cck';
     if (file_exists($cck_path)) {
         if (JComponentHelper::isEnabled('com_cck', true)) {
             // Force parsing plugin if SEBLOD is used
             if ($this->config['parse_plugins'] == FALSE) {
                 $text = JHtml::_('content.prepare', $text);
             $text = trim(substr(strip_tags($text, "<br /><br><strong></strong><p></p><i></i><b></b><span></span><ul></ul><li></li><blockquote></blockquote>"), 0));
     if ($limit_type == 'words' && $limit_value > 0) {
         $temp = explode(' ', $text);
         if (count($temp) > $limit_value) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < $limit_value; $i++) {
                 $cutted[$i] = $temp[$i];
             $cutted = implode(' ', $cutted);
             $text = $cutted . $at_end;
     } elseif ($limit_type == 'words' && $limit_value == 0) {
         return '';
     } else {
         if (JString::strlen($text) > $limit_value) {
             $text = JString::substr($text, 0, $limit_value) . $at_end;
     // replace unnecessary entities at end of the cutted text
     $toReplace = array('&&', '&a&', '&am&', '&amp&', '&q&', '&qu&', '&quo&', '&quot&', '&ap&', '&apo&', '&apos&');
     $text = str_replace($toReplace, '&', $text);
     return $text;
Пример #12
    function links($rows, $team)
		<ul class="eblog_entry_links_list">
        for ($i = 1; $i < count($rows); $i++) {
            $item = $rows[$i];
				<a href="<?php 
            echo EasyBlogRouter::_('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $item->id);
            echo JString::strlen($item->title) > 30 ? JString::substr(strip_tags($item->title), 0, 30) . '...' : strip_tags($item->title);
            echo JString::strlen($item->content) > 100 ? JString::substr(strip_tags($item->content), 0, 100) . '...' : strip_tags($item->content);
        //end for
Пример #13
function modChrome_ztxhtml($module, &$params, &$attribs)
    $titles = JString::strpos($module->title, ' ');
    $title = $titles !== false ? JString::substr($module->title, 0, $titles) . '<span>' . JString::substr($module->title, $titles) . '</span>' : $module->title;
    if (!empty($module->content)) {
		<div class="moduletable<?php 
        echo $params->get('moduleclass_sfx');
			<div class="ztmodule">
        if ($module->showtitle != 0) {
					<h3 class="moduletitle"><span class="title"><?php 
            echo $title;
				<div class="modulecontent">
        echo $module->content;
Пример #14
 public function __construct(&$subject, $config)
     parent::__construct($subject, $config);
     // Ensure that constructor is called one time
     self::$cookie = SID == '';
     if (!self::$default_lang) {
         $app = JFactory::getApplication();
         $router = $app->getRouter();
         if ($app->isSite()) {
             // setup language data
             self::$mode_sef = $router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF ? true : false;
             self::$sefs = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('sef');
             self::$lang_codes = JLanguageHelper::getLanguages('lang_code');
             self::$default_lang = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_languages')->get('site', 'en-GB');
             self::$default_sef = self::$lang_codes[self::$default_lang]->sef;
             $user = JFactory::getUser();
             $levels = $user->getAuthorisedViewLevels();
             foreach (self::$sefs as $sef => &$language) {
                 if (isset($language->access) && $language->access && !in_array($language->access, $levels)) {
             $uri = JURI::getInstance();
             if (self::$mode_sef) {
                 // Get the route path from the request.
                 $path = JString::substr($uri->toString(), JString::strlen($uri->base()));
                 // Apache mod_rewrite is Off
                 $path = JFactory::getConfig()->get('sef_rewrite') ? $path : JString::substr($path, 10);
                 // Trim any spaces or slashes from the ends of the path and explode into segments.
                 $path = JString::trim($path, '/ ');
                 $parts = explode('/', $path);
                 // The language segment is always at the beginning of the route path if it exists.
                 $sef = $uri->getVar('lang');
                 if (!empty($parts) && empty($sef)) {
                     $sef = reset($parts);
             } else {
                 $sef = $uri->getVar('lang');
             if (isset(self::$sefs[$sef])) {
                 $lang_code = self::$sefs[$sef]->lang_code;
                 // Create a cookie
                 $conf = JFactory::getConfig();
                 $cookie_domain = $conf->get('config.cookie_domain', '');
                 $cookie_path = $conf->get('config.cookie_path', '/');
                 setcookie(JApplication::getHash('language'), $lang_code, $this->getLangCookieTime(), $cookie_path, $cookie_domain);
                 $app->input->cookie->set(JApplication::getHash('language'), $lang_code);
                 // set the request var
                 $app->input->set('language', $lang_code);
         parent::__construct($subject, $config);
         // 	Detect browser feature
         if ($app->isSite()) {
             $app->setDetectBrowser($this->params->get('detect_browser', '1') == '1');
Пример #15
 function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__mt_customfields WHERE published = 1');
     $fields = $db->loadObjectList();
     if (!is_array($value)) {
         $value = array($value);
     $html = '';
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $html .= '<div style="width:125px;float:left;padding: 4px 3px"><input type="checkbox"';
         $html .= ' name="' . $control_name . '[' . $name . '][]' . '"';
         $html .= ' id="' . $control_name . $name . $field->cf_id . '"';
         $html .= ' value="' . $field->cf_id . '"';
         if (in_array($field->cf_id, $value)) {
             $html .= ' checked';
         $html .= ' />';
         $field->caption = stripslashes($field->caption);
         $html .= '&nbsp;<label for="' . $control_name . $name . $field->cf_id . '" title="' . $field->caption . '">';
         if (JString::strlen($field->caption) > $this->_max_caption_length - 3) {
             $html .= JString::substr($field->caption, 0, $this->_max_caption_length - 3);
             $html .= '...';
         } else {
             $html .= $field->caption;
         $html .= '</label>';
         $html .= '</div>';
     return $html;
Пример #16
  * Generates a random captcha image
 function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
     // @TODO: Run some cleaning query here to clear the database.
     $id = JRequest::getInt('captcha-id', '');
     $captcha = DiscussHelper::getTable('Captcha');
     // clearing the oudated keys.
     // load the captcha records.
     if (!$captcha->id) {
         return false;
     // @task: Generate a very random integer and take only 5 chars max.
     $hash = JString::substr(md5(rand(0, 9999)), 0, 5);
     $captcha->response = $hash;
     // Captcha width and height
     $width = 100;
     $height = 20;
     $image = ImageCreate($width, $height);
     $white = ImageColorAllocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
     $black = ImageColorAllocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
     $gray = ImageColorAllocate($image, 204, 204, 204);
     ImageFill($image, 0, 0, $white);
     ImageString($image, 5, 30, 3, $hash, $black);
     ImageRectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height - 1, $gray);
     imageline($image, 0, $height / 2, $width, $height / 2, $gray);
     imageline($image, $width / 2, 0, $width / 2, $height, $gray);
     header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
Пример #17
 public function getThumbnail($obj)
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $file = $obj->thumb;
     // Site origin
     if (JString::substr($file, 0, 4) == 'http') {
         $uri = $file;
         return $uri;
     // Remote storage
     if ($obj->storage != 'file') {
         $storage = CStorage::getStorage($obj->storage);
         $uri = $storage->getURI($file);
         return $uri;
     // Default thumbnail
     if (empty($file) || !JFile::exists(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . $file)) {
         $template = new CTemplateHelper();
         $asset = $template->getTemplateAsset('video_thumb.png', 'images');
         $uri = $asset->url;
         return $uri;
     // Strip cdn path if exists.
     // Note: At one point, cdn path was stored along with the thumbnail path
     //       in the db which is the mistake we are trying to rectify here.
     $file = str_ireplace($config->get('videocdnpath'), '', $file);
     // CDN or local
     $baseUrl = $config->get('videobaseurl') or $baseUrl = JURI::root();
     $uri = str_replace('\\', '/', rtrim($baseUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($file, '/'));
     return $uri;
Пример #18
  * Description
  * @param string SQL with ordering As value and 'name field' AS text
  * @param integer The length of the truncated headline
  * @since 1.5
 function genericordering($sql, $chop = '30')
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $order = array();
     if (!($orders = $db->loadObjectList())) {
         if ($db->getErrorNum()) {
             echo $db->stderr();
             return false;
         } else {
             $order[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 1, JText::_('first'));
             return $order;
     $order[] = JHTML::_('select.option', 0, '0 ' . JText::_('first'));
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($orders); $i < $n; $i++) {
         if (JString::strlen($orders[$i]->text) > $chop) {
             $text = JString::substr($orders[$i]->text, 0, $chop) . "...";
         } else {
             $text = $orders[$i]->text;
         $order[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $orders[$i]->value, $orders[$i]->value . ' (' . $text . ')');
     $order[] = JHTML::_('select.option', $orders[$i - 1]->value + 1, $orders[$i - 1]->value + 1 . ' ' . JText::_('last'));
     return $order;
Пример #19
  * Get sub string (by words)
  * @param $text
  * @param $searchword
  * @return mixed|string
 public function smartSubstr($text, $searchword)
     $length = self::MAX_LENGTH;
     $textlen = JString::strlen($text);
     $lsearchword = JString::strtolower($searchword);
     $wordfound = false;
     $pos = 0;
     $chunk = '';
     while ($wordfound === false && $pos < $textlen) {
         if (($wordpos = @JString::strpos($text, ' ', $pos + $length)) !== false) {
             $chunk_size = $wordpos - $pos;
         } else {
             $chunk_size = $length;
         $chunk = JString::substr($text, $pos, $chunk_size);
         $wordfound = JString::strpos(JString::strtolower($chunk), $lsearchword);
         if ($wordfound === false) {
             $pos += $chunk_size + 1;
     if ($wordfound !== false) {
         return ($pos > 0 ? '...' : '') . $chunk;
     } elseif (($wordpos = @JString::strpos($text, ' ', $length)) !== false) {
         return JString::substr($text, 0, $wordpos) . '...';
     } else {
         return JString::substr($text, 0, $length);
Пример #20
  * truncString.
  * @param   string   $text       Param
  * @param   integer  $max_chars  Param
  * @param   bool     $withDots   Param
  * @return	string
 public static function truncString($text, $max_chars, $withDots = null)
     if ($withDots === null) {
         $withDots = !EParameter::getComponentParam(CAUTOTWEETNG, 'donot_add_dots');
     $length = JString::strlen($text);
     if ($length > $max_chars) {
         if ($withDots) {
             // -Dots
             // -2 Utf8 case
             $max_chars = $max_chars - 3 - 2;
         $text = JString::substr($text, 0, $max_chars);
         // Yes, it can return more characters, but utf8_strlen($text) is Ok, so ...
         $l = $max_chars;
         // Strlen shorter than JString::strlen for UTF-8  - 2 char languages E.g. Hebrew
         while (strlen($text) > $max_chars) {
             $text = JString::substr($text, 0, $l);
         if ($withDots) {
             $text = $text . '...';
     return $text;
Пример #21
 function save($url = null)
     if (!JSession::checkToken('post')) {
         $this->app->enqueueMessage(JText::_('COM_KUNENA_ERROR_TOKEN'), 'error');
         $this->app->redirect(KunenaRoute::_($this->baseurl, false));
     $properties = $this->config->getProperties();
     foreach (JRequest::get('post', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML) as $postsetting => $postvalue) {
         if (JString::strpos($postsetting, 'cfg_') === 0) {
             //remove cfg_ and force lower case
             if (is_array($postvalue)) {
                 $postvalue = implode(',', $postvalue);
             $postname = JString::strtolower(JString::substr($postsetting, 4));
             // No matter what got posted, we only store config parameters defined
             // in the config class. Anything else posted gets ignored.
             if (array_key_exists($postname, $properties)) {
                 $this->config->set($postname, $postvalue);
     if (empty($url)) {
         $this->app->redirect(KunenaRoute::_($this->kunenabaseurl, false));
     } else {
         $this->app->redirect(KunenaRoute::_($url, false));
Пример #22
    public function getFieldHTML($field, $required)
        $required = $field->required == 1 ? ' data-required="true"' : '';
        //a fix for wrong data
        $field->value = JString::trim($field->value);
        if (JString::strrpos($field->value, ',') == JString::strlen($field->value) - 1) {
            $field->value = JString::substr($field->value, 0, -1);
        $lists = explode(',', $field->value);
        //CFactory::load( 'helpers' , 'string' );
        $html = '<select id="field' . $field->id . '" name="field' . $field->id . '[]" type="select-multiple" multiple="multiple" class="joms-select joms-select--multiple" title="' . CStringHelper::escape(JText::_($field->tips)) . '" ' . $required . '>';
        $elementSelected = 0;
        foreach ($field->options as $option) {
            $selected = in_array($option, $lists) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
            if (empty($selected)) {
            $html .= '<option value="' . $option . '"' . $selected . '>' . JText::_($option) . '</option>';
        if ($elementSelected == 0) {
            //if nothing is selected, we default the 1st option to be selected.
            $elementName = 'field' . $field->id;
            $html .= <<<HTML

                   <script type='text/javascript'>
                       var slt = document.getElementById('{$elementName}');
                       if(slt != null){
                          slt.options[0].selected = true;
        $html .= '</select>';
        return $html;
 public function execute($item, $calendar)
     $model = FD::model('comments');
     $users = $model->getParticipants($item->uid, $item->context_type);
     // Include the notification actor
     $users[] = $item->actor_id;
     // Exclude the current user
     $users = array_values(array_unique(array_diff($users, array(FD::user()->id))));
     $names = FD::string()->namesToNotifications($users);
     $plurality = count($users) > 1 ? '_PLURAL' : '_SINGULAR';
     $content = '';
     if (count($users) == 1 && !empty($item->content)) {
         $content = JString::substr(strip_tags($item->content), 0, 30);
         if (JString::strlen($item->content) > 30) {
             $content .= JText::_('COM_EASYSOCIAL_ELLIPSES');
     $item->content = $content;
     if ($calendar->user_id == $item->target_id && $item->target_type == SOCIAL_TYPE_USER) {
         $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_CALENDAR_USER_COMMENTED_ON_YOUR_EVENT' . $plurality, $names);
         return $item;
     if ($calendar->user_id == $item->actor_id && count($users) == 1) {
         $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_CALENDAR_OWNER_COMMENTED_ON_EVENT' . FD::user($calendar->user_id)->getGendarLang(), $names);
         return $item;
     $item->title = JText::sprintf('APP_USER_CALENDAR_USER_COMMENTED_ON_USER_EVENT' . $plurality, $names, FD::user($calendar->user_id)->getName());
     return $item;
Пример #24
 function check()
     $this->_error = null;
     $this->oldurl = JString::trim($this->oldurl);
     $this->newurl = JString::trim($this->newurl);
     // check for valid URLs
     if ($this->oldurl == '' || $this->newurl == '') {
         $this->_error .= JTExt::_('COM_SH404SEF_EMPTYURL');
         return false;
     if (JString::substr($this->oldurl, 0, 1) == '/') {
         $this->_error .= JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_NOLEADSLASH');
     if (JString::substr($this->newurl, 0, 9) != 'index.php') {
         $this->_error .= JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_BADURL');
     // V 1.2.4.t remove this check. We check for pre-existing non-sef instead of SEF
     if (is_null($this->_error)) {
         // check for existing URLS
         $this->_db->setQuery("SELECT id,oldurl FROM #__sh404sef_urls WHERE `newurl` LIKE " . $this->_db->Quote($this->newurl));
         $xid = $this->_db->loadObject();
         // V 1.3.1 don't raise error if both newurl and old url are same. It means we may have changed alias list
         if ($xid && $xid->id != intval($this->id)) {
             $this->_error = JText::_('COM_SH404SEF_URLEXIST');
             return false;
         $identical = $xid->id == intval($this->id) && $xid->oldurl == $this->oldurl;
         return $identical ? 'identical' : true;
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #25
 protected function prepareGroupField()
     $basetype = isset($this->element['basetype']) ? $this->element['basetype'] : 'text';
     $basetype = (string) $basetype;
     $first_char = JString::substr($this->element['name'], 0, 1);
     $last_char = JString::substr($this->element['name'], JString::strlen($this->element['name']) - 1, 1);
     if ($basetype == 'group') {
         //If start or end of group
         if ($first_char == "{") {
             // Починаю нову групу (може бути будь-якого рівня вкладеності)
             $GLOBALS['variablefield']['output'] = false;
             $GLOBALS['variablefield']['current_group'][] = (string) $this->element['name'] . '}';
             // Lower in the code I know, that last element of array $GLOBALS['variablefield']['current_group'] is always the current group.
             $this->groupstate = 'start';
             $GLOBALS['variablefield']['fields'][] = clone $this;
             // I must clone
         } else {
             if ($last_char == "}") {
                 $this->groupstate = 'end';
                 $GLOBALS['variablefield']['fields'][] = clone $this;
                 if (empty($GLOBALS['variablefield']['current_group'])) {
                     $GLOBALS['variablefield']['output'] = true;
     } else {
         if (!empty($GLOBALS['variablefield']['current_group'])) {
             // If in element from inside the group
             $this->groupstate = 'continue';
             $this->defaultvalue = $this->value;
             $GLOBALS['variablefield']['fields'][] = clone $this;
Пример #26
 private function format(&$articles, $params)
     if (!$articles) {
     foreach ($articles as $article) {
         $category = JTable::getInstance('Category');
         $article->category = $category;
         $article->permalink = ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($article->id . ':' . $article->alias, $article->catid);
         $article->permalink = JRoute::_($article->permalink);
         $article->category->permalink = ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($category->id . ':' . $category->alias);
         $article->category->permalink = JRoute::_($article->category->permalink);
         $article->content = empty($article->introtext) ? $article->fulltext : $article->introtext;
         $titleLength = $params->get('title_length');
         $contentLength = $params->get('content_length');
         if ($titleLength) {
             $article->title = JString::substr($article->title, 0, $titleLength);
         // Try to get image of the article
         $image = $this->processContentImage($article->content);
         if ($image) {
             $article->image = $image;
         if ($contentLength) {
             $article->content = JString::substr(strip_tags($article->content), 0, $contentLength) . ' ...';
         } else {
             $base = JURI::base(true) . '/';
             $protocols = '[a-zA-Z0-9]+:';
             //To check for all unknown protocals (a protocol must contain at least one alpahnumeric fillowed by :
             $regex = '#(src|href|poster)="(?!/|' . $protocols . '|\\#|\')([^"]*)"#m';
             $article->content = preg_replace($regex, "\$1=\"{$base}\$2\"", $article->content);
Пример #27
 function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name)
     $size = $node->attributes('size') ? 'size="' . $node->attributes('size') . '"' : '';
     $class = $node->attributes('class') ? 'class="' . $node->attributes('class') . '"' : 'class="text_area"';
     if (empty($value) && !is_array($value)) {
         $value = array('', '=', '');
     $html = '';
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $db->setQuery('SELECT cf_id AS value, caption AS text FROM #__mt_customfields WHERE published = 1 AND iscore = 0');
     $customfields[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '', JText::_('- Select a field -'));
     $customfields = array_merge($customfields, $db->loadObjectList());
     // trim long caption
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($customfields as $customfield) {
         if (JString::strlen($customfields[$i]->text) > $this->_max_caption_length - 3) {
             $customfields[$i]->text = JString::substr($customfields[$i]->text, 0, $this->_max_caption_length - 3) . '...';
     $html .= JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $customfields, $control_name . '[' . $name . '][]', 'class="inputbox"', 'value', 'text', $value[0], $control_name . $name);
     $operators[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '=', JText::_('is equal to'));
     $operators[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '!=', JText::_('is not equal to'));
     $operators[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '>', JText::_('is more than'));
     $operators[] = JHTML::_('select.option', '<', JText::_('is less than'));
     $html .= JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $operators, $control_name . '[' . $name . '][]', 'class="inputbox"', 'value', 'text', $value[1], $control_name . $name);
     $html .= '<input type="text" name="' . $control_name . '[' . $name . '][]" id="' . $control_name . $name . '" value="' . $value[2] . '" ' . $class . ' ' . $size . ' />';
     return $html;
Пример #28
 function onActivityContentDisplay($args)
     $model =& CFactory::getModel('Wall');
     $wall =& JTable::getInstance('Wall', 'CTable');
     $my = CFactory::getUser();
     if (empty($args->content)) {
         return '';
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'privacy');
     CFactory::load('libraries', 'comment');
     $comment = CComment::stripCommentData($wall->comment);
     $config = CFactory::getConfig();
     $commentcut = false;
     if (strlen($comment) > $config->getInt('streamcontentlength')) {
         $origcomment = $comment;
         $comment = JString::substr($comment, 0, $config->getInt('streamcontentlength')) . ' ...';
         $commentcut = true;
     if (CPrivacy::isAccessAllowed($my->id, $args->target, 'user', 'privacyProfileView')) {
         CFactory::load('helpers', 'videos');
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'videos');
         CFactory::load('libraries', 'wall');
         $videoContent = '';
         $params = new CParameter($args->params);
         $videoLink = $params->get('videolink');
         $image = $params->get('url');
         // For older activities that does not have videoLink , we need to process it the old way.
         if (!$videoLink) {
             $html = CWallLibrary::_processWallContent($comment);
             $tmpl = new CTemplate();
             $html = CStringHelper::escape($html);
             if ($commentcut) {
                 //add read more/less link for content
                 $html .= '<br /><br /><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="jQuery(\'#shortcomment_' . $args->cid . '\').hide(); jQuery(\'#origcomment_' . $args->cid . '\').show();" >' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_READ_MORE') . '</a>';
                 $html = '<div id="shortcomment_' . $args->cid . '">' . $html . '</div>';
                 $html .= '<div id="origcomment_' . $args->cid . '" style="display:none;">' . $origcomment . '<br /><br /><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="jQuery(\'#shortcomment_' . $args->cid . '\').show(); jQuery(\'#origcomment_' . $args->cid . '\').hide();" >' . JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_READ_LESS') . '</a></div>';
             $tmpl->set('comment', $html);
             $html = $tmpl->fetch('activity.wall.post');
         } else {
             $html = '<ul class ="cDetailList clrfix">';
             $html .= '<li>';
             $image = !$image ? rtrim(JURI::root(), '/') . '/components/com_community/assets/playvideo.gif' : $image;
             $videoLib = new CVideoLibrary();
             $provider = $videoLib->getProvider($videoLink);
             $html .= '<!-- avatar --><div class="avatarWrap"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="joms.activities.showVideo(\'' . $args->id . '\');"><img width="64" src="' . $image . '" class="cAvatar"/></a></div><!-- avatar -->';
             $videoPlayer = $provider->getViewHTML($provider->getId(), '300', '300');
             $comment = CString::str_ireplace($videoLink, '', $comment);
             $html .= '<!-- details --><div class="detailWrap alpha">' . $comment . '</div><!-- details -->';
             if (!empty($videoPlayer)) {
                 $html .= '<div style="display: none;clear: both;padding-top: 5px;" class="video-object">' . $videoPlayer . '</div>';
             $html .= '</li>';
             $html .= '</ul>';
         return $html;
Пример #29
 public static function wordDelete($string, $length, $end = '...')
     if (JString::strlen($string) < $length || JString::strlen($string) == $length) {
         return $string;
     } else {
         return JString::substr($string, 0, $length) . $end;
Пример #30
 protected function getListQuery()
     // TODO: filter deleted comments
     $query = $this->_db->getQuery(true);
     $reportsSubQuery = ', (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $this->_db->quoteName('#__jcomments_reports') . ' AS r  WHERE r.commentid = jc.id) AS reports';
     $query->select('jc.*' . $reportsSubQuery);
     $query->from($this->_db->quoteName('#__jcomments') . ' AS jc');
     // Join over the objects
     $query->select('jo.title as object_title, jo.link as object_link');
     $query->join('LEFT', $this->_db->quoteName('#__jcomments_objects') . ' AS jo ON jo.object_id = jc.object_id AND jo.object_group = jc.object_group AND jo.lang = jc.lang');
     // Join over the users
     $query->select('u.name AS editor');
     $query->join('LEFT', $this->_db->quoteName('#__users') . ' AS u ON u.id = jc.checked_out');
     // Filter by published state
     $state = $this->getState('filter.state');
     if (is_numeric($state)) {
         if ($state == 2) {
             $query->where('EXISTS (SELECT * FROM ' . $this->_db->quoteName('#__jcomments_reports') . ' AS jr WHERE jr.commentid = jc.id)');
         } else {
             $query->where('jc.published = ' . (int) $state);
     // Filter by component (object group)
     $object_group = $this->getState('filter.object_group');
     if ($object_group != '') {
         $query->where('jc.object_group = ' . $this->_db->Quote($this->_db->escape($object_group)));
     // Filter by language
     $language = $this->getState('filter.language');
     if ($language != '') {
         $query->where('jc.lang = ' . $this->_db->Quote($this->_db->escape($language)));
     // Filter by search in name or email
     $search = $this->getState('filter.search');
     if (!empty($search)) {
         if (stripos($search, 'id:') === 0) {
             $query->where('jc.id = ' . (int) substr($search, 3));
         } else {
             if (stripos($search, 'user:'******'%' . $this->_db->escape(JString::substr($search, 5), true) . '%');
                 $query->where('(jc.email LIKE ' . $escaped . ' OR jc.name LIKE ' . $escaped . ' OR jc.username LIKE ' . $escaped . ')');
             } else {
                 if (stripos($search, 'object:') === 0) {
                     $escaped = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->escape(JString::substr($search, 7), true) . '%');
                     $query->where('jo.title LIKE ' . $escaped);
                 } else {
                     $search = $this->_db->Quote('%' . $this->_db->escape($search, true) . '%');
                     $query->where('(jc.comment LIKE ' . $search . ' OR jc.title LIKE ' . $search . ')');
     $ordering = $this->state->get('list.ordering', 'jc.date');
     $direction = $this->state->get('list.direction', 'DESC');
     $query->order($this->_db->escape($ordering . ' ' . $direction));
     // echo $query->__toString();
     return $query;