function show_action() { $this->rightinfo(); $this->get_moblie(); $UserinfoM = $this->MODEL('userinfo'); $CacheM = $this->MODEL('cache'); $CacheList = $CacheM->GetCache(array('job', 'com', 'city', 'hy')); $this->yunset($CacheList); $row = $UserinfoM->GetUserinfoOne(array('uid' => (int) $_GET['id']), array('usertype' => 2)); $row['lastupdate'] = date("Y-m-d", $row['lastupdate']); $this->yunset("row", $row); $data['company_name'] = $row['name']; $data['company_name_desc'] = $row['content']; $this->data = $data; //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->seo("company_index"); $this->yunset("headertitle", "公司详情"); $this->yuntpl(array('wap/company_show')); }
static function media_get($media_id) { require_once PATH_LIBS . "/wechat/jssdk.php"; $jssdk = new JSSDK(Model_Setting::get("WX_APPID"), Model_Setting::get("WX_APPSECRET")); $url = $jssdk->media_get($media_id); return $url; }
function _initialize() { $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if ($_GET != null) { $info["openid"] = $_GET["openid"]; cookie('USER_INFO', $info, 3600 * 24 * 365); } $time = date("Y-m-d"); if (D("time")->where(array("time" => $time))->find() != null) { D("time")->where(array("time" => $time))->setInc("no"); } else { D("time")->add(array("time" => $time, "no" => 1)); } $temp = get_config(); $this->assign("con", $temp); // cookie('USER_INFO', array('openid' => 'ooJsMuBae9b3XHJVptSqp1Jr9Tw4'), 3600 * 521); $user = cookie('USER_INFO'); $openid = $user['openid']; vendor('Wx.Jssdk'); $jssdk = new JSSDK($temp["AppId"], $temp["AppSecret"]); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->assign("signPackage", $signPackage); $one = D("Account")->where(array("openid" => $openid))->find(); if ($one["nickname"] == "" || $one["nickname"] != null) { D("Account")->where(array("openid" => $openid))->save(array("nickname" => $user["nickname"])); } if (empty($openid)) { //$this->redirect("Auth/oauth"); header("Location:" . '' . $url); } else { } }
public function showVoteAction() { $voteid = I('get.voteid'); $sortby = I('get.sortby'); require_once APP_PATH . "Common/Common/jssdk.php"; $jssdk = new \JSSDK($this->app_id, $this->app_secret); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $refresh_token = session('refresh_token'); $code = I('get.code'); if (!$refresh_token) { if (!$code) { $this->redirect('gotoOauth', array('voteid' => $voteid)); } $url = "" . $this->app_id . "&secret=" . $this->app_secret . "&code=" . $code . "&grant_type=authorization_code"; $json_content = file_get_contents($url); $json_obj = json_decode($json_content, true); session(array('name' => 'access_token_id', 'expire' => $json_obj['expires_in'])); session('refresh_token', $json_obj['refresh_token']); } else { $url = "" . $this->app_id . "&grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=" . $refresh_token; $json_content = file_get_contents($url); $json_obj = json_decode($json_content, true); } $_SESSION['user_id'] = $json_obj['openid']; if (!$_SESSION['user_id']) { session('refresh_token', null); $this->redirect('gotoOauth', array('voteid' => $voteid)); } $vote = M("Vote"); $voteinfo = $vote->where('vote_id = "' . $voteid . '"')->find(); if (!$voteinfo) { $this->error("无此投票", U('vote/index')); } $this->assign('voteinfo', $voteinfo); $piao = M("piao"); $total_piao = $piao->where('vote_id = "' . $voteid . '"')->count(); $this->assign('total_piao', $total_piao); $baoming = M("baoming"); if (!$sortby || $sortby == 'new') { $orderby = 'baoming_date desc'; } else { $orderby = 'total_piao desc'; } $count = $baoming->where('vote_id = "' . $voteid . '"')->count(); $page = new \Think\Page($count, 18); $bmlist = $baoming->where('vote_id = "' . $voteid . '"')->limit($page->firstRow . ',' . $page->listRows)->order($orderby)->select(); $show = $page->show(); $this->assign('page', $show); $this->assign('total_baoming', $count); $this->assign('bmlist', $bmlist); $this->assign('signPackage', $signPackage); $this->assign('sortby', $sortby); $this->display(); }
function show_action() { $this->rightinfo(); $ResumeM = $this->MODEL('resume'); if ($_GET['uid']) { if ($_GET['type'] == "2") { $user = $ResumeM->GetResumeExpectOne(array("uid" => (int) $_GET['uid'], "height_status" => '2')); $id = $user['id']; } else { $def_job = $ResumeM->SelectResumeOne(array("uid" => (int) $_GET['uid'], "`r_status`<>'2'")); $id = $def_job['def_job']; } } else { $id = (int) $_GET['id']; } $user = $ResumeM->resume_select($_GET['id']); $ResumeM->AddExpectHits($id); if ($_COOKIE['usertype'] == "2" || $_COOKIE['usertype'] == "3") { $this->yunset("uid", $_COOKIE['uid']); $ResumeM->RemindDeal("userid_job", array("is_browse" => "2"), array("com_id" => $this->uid, "eid" => (int) $_GET['id'])); if ($_COOKIE['usertype'] == "2") { $this->unset_remind("userid_job", '2'); } else { $this->unset_remind("userid_job3", '3'); } $look_resume = $ResumeM->SelectLookResumeOne(array("com_id" => $this->uid, "resume_id" => $id)); if (!empty($look_resume)) { $ResumeM->SaveLookResume(array("datetime" => time()), array("resume_id" => $id, "com_id" => $this->uid)); } else { $data['uid'] = $user['uid']; $data['resume_id'] = $id; $data['com_id'] = $this->uid; $data['datetime'] = time(); $ResumeM->SaveLookResume($data); } } $data['resume_username'] = $user['username_n']; $data['resume_city'] = $user['city_one'] . "," . $user['city_two']; $data['resume_job'] = $user['hy']; $this->data = $data; //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->seo("resume"); $this->yunset("Info", $user); $this->yunset("headertitle", "找人才"); $this->yuntpl(array('mobile/resume_show')); }
function loginout_action() { $this->unset_cookie(); //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->wapheader('index.php'); }
function index_action() { $this->get_moblie(); //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->yunset("title", "附近职位"); $this->yunset('JobList', $JobList); $this->yuntpl(array('wap/map')); }
function index_action() { $this->get_moblie(); $this->yunset("headertitle", "找回密码"); $this->seo("forgetpw"); //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->yuntpl(array('wap/forgetpw')); }
public function result(Requests\YikangQustionnaireRequest $request) { $jssdk = new JSSDK(env('WX_APPID'), env('WX_SECRET')); $signPackage = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $request->persist(); /** @var Customer $customer */ $customer = \Helper::getCustomerOrFail(); $q = $customer->yikangQuestionnaire()->first(); if ($q->q1 == '口服药等其他治疗方式' || $q->q2 == '已停用') { $result = 1; } else { $result = 2; } return view('questionnaire.finish2')->with(['result' => $result, 'signPackage' => $signPackage]); }
public function _initialize() { // // $this->assign("header_navigation", $this->header_navigation(C('HEADER_NAVIGATION_ID'))); #网站头部导航 dapeng.chen 2012.12.5 // // //网站底部的导航 // $bottom_navigation = $this->bottom_news(); // $this->assign('bottom_navigation',$bottom_navigation); // // $news_faq=$this->get_news_faq(); // // $this->assign('faq_list',$news_faq); #faq 信息 2012.12.10 dapeng.chen // // // //网站的客服信息 // $this->assign('customer_service',C('CUSTOMER_SERVICE'));//$CUSTOMER_SERVICE defined in /Common/common.php // $this->site_config(); // $this->checkAllowedPages(); // $this->setReferer(); // $islogin=0; // if(!empty($_SESSION['user_id']) AND $_SESSION['user_id']>=1){ #dapeng.chen 是否登陆 // $islogin=1; #已登陆 // $user_info = $this->get_userinfo(); #获取用户信息 // $this->assign('user_info',$user_info); // $this->recently_login_game(); #最近登陆的游戏 // } // $this->system_config(); // $this->assign("islogin",$islogin); #dapeng.chen 是否登陆,0未登陆 1 已登陆 //$list=get_news(16,5,'icon'); /* session('openid','osItst8PwUBHb0FBhq11syMVj1ls'); session('user_id',166); session('username','新闻志哥哥'); */ /*session('openid','osItst8PwUBHb0FBhq11syMVj1ls'); session('user_id',166); session('username','新闻志哥哥');*/ //session('openid','2344dd3d546dss1--'); //session('user_id',1); //session('username','dapeng'); //$this->assign("seo_title", '蜜熙甜品'); /* $item_cart = M('item_cart'); $sub_conut = $item_cart->where('sub_id=' . session('sub.sub_id'))->count(); $this->assign("sub_conut", intval($sub_conut)); */ $jssdk = new JSSDK(C('APPID'), C('SECRET')); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->assign('signPackage', $signPackage); }
function _initialize() { $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $temp = get_config(); cookie('USER_INFO', array('openid' => 'ooJsMuBae9b3XHJVptSqp1Jr9Tw4'), 3600 * 521); $user = cookie('USER_INFO'); $openid = $user['openid']; vendor('Wx.Jssdk'); $jssdk = new JSSDK($temp["AppId"], $temp["AppSecret"]); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->assign("signPackage", $signPackage); // $this->createj($signPackage,$temp); $one = D("Account")->where(array("openid" => $openid))->find(); if ($one["nickname"] == "" || $one["nickname"] != null) { D("Account")->where(array("openid" => $openid))->save(array("nickname" => $user["nickname"])); } if (empty($openid)) { $this->redirect("Auth/oauth"); } }
function _initialize() { if ($_GET["xxx"] == "admin") { D("jp")->where("`time` < " . time() . " and (shop_id=19 or shop_id=20)")->delete(); echo D()->getLastSql(); exit; } $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $temp = get_config(); $this->assign("con", $temp); $openid = cookie("openid"); vendor('Wx.Jssdk'); $jssdk = new JSSDK($temp["AppId"], $temp["AppSecret"]); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->assign("signPackage", $signPackage); if (empty($openid)) { $this->redirect("Auth/oauth"); } else { } }
$url = ''; header("Location:" . $url); } $get_token_url = '' . $appid . '&secret=' . $secret . '&code=' . $code . '&grant_type=authorization_code'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $get_token_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10); $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $json_obj = json_decode($res, true); //根据openid和access_token查询用户信息 $access_token = $json_obj['access_token']; $openid = $json_obj['openid']; $jsapi = new JSSDK("wxa3363e46c74608f3", "52be407940dece37327465c1d211cfb4"); $signPackage = $jsapi->getSignPackage(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>叮叮猫</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" /> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style/style.css?v=1"/> <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/"/> <script> var openid = "<?php
} else { $access_token = $data->access_token; } return $access_token; } private function httpGet($url) { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 500); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $res = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); return $res; } } session_start(); // if(!isset($_REQUEST['url'])) { // echo "invalid arguments"; // exit; // } $appID = "微信公众号"; $appSecret = "秘钥"; $url = $_REQUEST['url']; $url = base64_decode($url); $jssdk = new JSSDK($appID, $appSecret); $signPackage = $jssdk->getSignPackage($url); $signPackage['jsApiList'] = array('checkJsApi', 'chooseImage', 'onMenuShareTimeline', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ', 'previewImage', 'uploadImage', 'downloadImage', 'getNetworkType'); echo json_encode($signPackage);
function downloadWeiXinFile($url) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURL_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURL_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $package = curl_exec($ch); $httpinfo = curl_getinfo($ch); curl_close($ch); $imageAll = array_merge(array('header' => $httpinfo), array('body' => $package)); return $imageAll; } function saveWeixinFile($filename, $filecontent) { $local_file = fopen($filename, 'w'); if (false !== $local_file) { if (false !== fwrite($local_file, $filecontent)) { fclose($local_file); } } } } $jsonData = '{ "card_id": "pSz8NuBa1Ic5Rn7wtphdga4Zzt20" }'; $jssdk = new JSSDK('wxfcea725d621989f7', 'c732e508229ddb6568e2216fa7c62fa2'); //$a = $jssdk->wxBatchQueryCardList(); $a = $jssdk->wxCardGetInfo($jsonData); var_dump($a);
<?php require_once "jssdk.php"; $jssdk = new JSSDK("wx0fed524d0dbafd1e", "b3fca70bef3775f844f3597bb09a2e9d"); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $api_ticket = $jssdk->GetCardApiticket(); $timestamp = $signPackage["timestamp"]; $nonce_str = $signPackage["nonceStr"]; $input = array("pzO-Ujm3KC3edMEbR6ziHYd5iRGs", "pzO-Ujt78kJxomc_KgRmbYTuMxLA", "pzO-UjmMjTYkFwOkq3gTMJaOQ0Kc", "pzO-Ujg196H9psKF48t44d3rwM4c", "pzO-Uju1BzG7Xk38egCSH4zi4SXo", "pzO-Ujlc0AOjSGaAX1_4z44d_YCc", "pzO-Ujr6SzYzrYWkBPbriumqJBhY", "pzO-Ujoj4EFjcJNYzGRy6rPqPs80"); $index = rand(0, count($input) - 1); $card_id = $input[$index]; $array = array("{$api_ticket}", "{$timestamp}", "{$nonce_str}", "{$card_id}"); asort($array); $new = implode('', $array); $ticketsignature = sha1($new); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>平潭冠超市摇一摇领代金券活动开始啦</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0"> <meta content="yes" name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable"> <meta content="black" name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style"> <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css"> <link href="images/members_wap.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="images/animate.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/master_csf.css" media="screen" title="no title" charset="utf-8">
public function doMobileIndex() { global $_GPC, $_W; $rid = intval($_GPC['id']); if (empty($rid)) { message('参数错误!'); } $reply = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablename) . " WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY `id` DESC", array(':rid' => $rid)); if (empty($reply)) { message('未找到游戏!'); } $openid = $_W['openid']; //是否关注 $followed = !empty($openid); if ($followed) { $f = pdo_fetch("select follow from " . tablename('mc_mapping_fans') . " where openid=:openid limit 1", array(":openid" => $openid)); $followed = !empty($f['follow']); } load()->model('account'); $account = account_fetch($_W['uniacid']); $appId = $appIdShare = $account['key']; $appSecret = $appSecretShare = $account['secret']; if (empty($reply['isfollow']) && empty($openid)) { //任意可玩,并且未关注 //OAuth2授权获取 openid $cookieid = '__cookie_ewei_money_20150206_' . $rid; if ($_W['account']['level'] != 4) { //不是认证服务号 $set = $this->get_sysset(); if (!empty($set['appid']) && !empty($set['appsecret'])) { $appId = $set['appid']; $appSecret = $set['appsecret']; } else { //如果没有借用,判断是否认证服务号 message('请使用认证服务号进行活动,或借用其他认证服务号权限!'); } if (!empty($set['appid_share']) && !empty($set['appsecret_share'])) { $appIdShare = $set['appid_share']; $appSecretShare = $set['appsecret_share']; } } if (empty($appId) || empty($appSecret)) { message('请到管理后台设置完整的 AppID 和AppSecret !'); } $cookie = json_decode(base64_decode($_COOKIE[$cookieid])); if (!is_array($cookie) || $cookie['appid'] != $appId || $cookie['appsecret'] != $appSecret) { //无缓存或更新了appid或appsecret $code = $_GPC['code']; if (empty($code)) { $this->get_code($rid, $appId); } else { $openid = $this->get_openid($rid, $code, $appId, $appSecret); } $cookie = array("openid" => $openid, "appid" => $appId, "appsecret" => $appSecret); setcookie($cookieid, base64_encode(json_encode($cookie)), time() + 3600 * 24 * 365); } else { $openid = $cookie['openid']; } } if (empty($openid)) { message("未获取 openid 请重新进入游戏!"); } $jssdk = new JSSDK($appIdShare, $appSecretShare); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $ifans = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM " . tablename($this->tablefans) . " WHERE rid = :rid and from_user = :from_user ", array(':from_user' => $openid, ':rid' => $rid)); $reply['daytimes'] = !empty($ifans) ? $ifans['daytimes'] : $reply['daytimes']; $reply['alltimes'] = !empty($ifans) ? $ifans['alltimes'] : $reply['alltimes']; pdo_query("update " . tablename($this->tablename) . " set view_times=view_times+1 where rid=" . $rid . ""); include $this->template('index'); }
<?php require_once "jssdk.php"; $jssdk = new JSSDK("wxb959b9317dd0b640", "41b38fa3cbd209b713dd91764666379e"); $jsoncallback = $_GET['jsoncallback']; $url1 = $_GET['url1']; $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage($url1); echo $jsoncallback . '(' . json_encode($signPackage) . ')';
function ask_content_action() { $this->rightinfo(); $this->get_moblie(); //这里是微信 $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); $M = $this->MODEL('ask'); $UserInfoM = $this->MODEL('userinfo'); $FriendM = $this->MODEL('friend'); $ID = (int) $_GET['id']; $show = $M->GetQuestionOne(array("id" => $ID)); if (empty($show)) { $this->ACT_msg($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "问答不存在或被删除!"); } if ($_GET['orderby']) { $order = " order by support desc"; } $pageurl = Url('ask', array("c" => $_GET['c'], 'id' => $ID, 'orderby' => $_GET['orderby'], "page" => "{{page}}")); $rows = $M->get_page("answer", "`qid`='" . $ID . "'" . $order, $pageurl, "10"); $this->yunset($rows); $answer = $M->GetAnswerList($rows['rows']); $Userinfo = $FriendM->GetFriendInfo(array('uid' => $show['uid'])); if ($this->uid) { $atten_ask = $M->GetAttentionList(array('uid' => $this->uid, 'type' => 1)); $atn = $M->GetAtnList(array('uid' => $this->uid), array('field' => 'sc_uid')); $myinfo = $FriendM->GetFriendInfo(array('uid' => $this->uid), array('field' => '`nickname`,`description`,`pic`,`uid`')); if ($myinfo['pic'] == '') { $myinfo['pic'] = $this->config['sy_friend_icon']; } } else { $myinfo['pic'] = $this->config['sy_friend_icon']; } if (!empty($answer)) { foreach ($answer as $key => $val) { if ($val['uid'] == $this->uid) { $answer[$key]['is_atn'] = '2'; } else { foreach ($atn as $a_v) { if ($a_v['sc_uid'] == $val['uid']) { $answer[$key]['is_atn'] = '1'; } } } if ($val['pic']) { $answer[$key]['pic'] = str_replace("..", $this->config['sy_weburl'], $val['pic']); } else { $answer[$key]['pic'] = $this->config['sy_weburl'] . '/' . $this->config['sy_friend_icon']; } } } if ($Userinfo['uid'] == $this->uid) { $Userinfo['useratn'] = '2'; $show['qatn'] = '2'; } else { if (!empty($atn)) { foreach ($atn as $val) { if ($Userinfo['uid'] == $val['sc_uid']) { $Userinfo['useratn'] = '1'; } } } } if ($atten_ask && is_array($atten_ask) && $show['qatn'] == '') { $ids = explode(',', rtrim($atten_ask['ids'], ',')); if (in_array($show['id'], $ids)) { $show['qatn'] = '1'; } } $CacheM = $this->MODEL('cache'); $reason = $CacheM->GetCache('reason'); $M->AddQuestionHits(array("id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); $show['pic'] ? $show['pic'] = str_replace("..", $this->config['sy_weburl'], $show['pic']) : $this->config['sy_weburl'] . '/' . $this->config['sy_friend_icon']; $this->yunset("userinfo", $Userinfo); $this->yunset("myinfo", $myinfo); $this->yunset(array("reason" => $reason, "show" => $show, "uid" => $this->uid, "answer" => $answer, "title" => $show['title'] . ' - ' . $this->config['sy_webname'], "c" => "index")); $this->ask_tpl('wap/ask_content'); }
<?php include "getJsSign_app.php"; $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $getSignPackage = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>qr</title> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <script> wx.config({ debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。 appId: '<?php echo $getSignPackage['appId']; ?> ', // 必填,公众号的唯一标识 timestamp: '<?php echo $getSignPackage['timestamp']; ?> ', // 必填,生成签名的时间戳 nonceStr: '<?php echo $getSignPackage['nonceStr']; ?> ', // 必填,生成签名的随机串 signature: '<?php
function detail() { vendor('jssdk'); $jssdk = new \JSSDK(); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); //dump($signPackage);exit(); $this->assign('signPackage', $signPackage); $map['id'] = I('', 0, 'intval'); $info = M('custom_reply_news')->where($map)->find(); $this->assign('info', $info); M('custom_reply_news')->where($map)->setInc('view_count'); // 增加积分 add_credit('custom_reply', 300); $this->display(); }
function view_action() { $this->rightinfo(); $this->get_moblie(); $JobM = $this->MODEL('job'); $CacheM = $this->MODEL('cache'); $ResumeM = $this->MODEL('resume'); $UserinfoM = $this->MODEL('userinfo'); $CacheArr = $CacheM->GetCache(array('job', 'city', 'hy', 'com')); $job = $JobM->GetComjobOne(array("id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); $welfare = @explode(",", $job['welfare']); foreach ($welfare as $k => $v) { if (!$v) { unset($welfare[$k]); } } $job['welfare'] = $welfare; $lang = @explode(",", $job['lang']); $job['lang'] = $lang; $company = $UserinfoM->GetUserinfoOne(array("uid" => $job['uid']), array("usertype" => '2')); $JobM->UpdateComjob(array("`jobhits`=`jobhits`+1"), array("id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); if ($this->config['com_resume_link'] == '1') { $userinfo['uid'] = $this->uid; $userinfo['usertype'] = $_COOKIE['usertype']; } else { $userinfo['uid'] = $userinfo['usertype'] = 1; } if ($_COOKIE['usertype'] == "1" && $this->uid) { if ($this->config['com_resume_link'] == '1') { $userinfo['resumenum'] = $ResumeM->GetResumeExpectNum(array("uid" => $this->uid)); } else { $userinfo['resumenum'] = '1'; } $look_job = $JobM->GetLookJobOne(array("uid" => $this->uid, "jobid" => (int) $_GET['id'])); if (!empty($look_job)) { $JobM->UpdateLookJob(array("datetime" => time()), array("uid" => $this->uid, "jobid" => (int) $_GET['id'])); } else { $data['uid'] = $this->uid; $data['jobid'] = (int) $_GET['id']; $data['com_id'] = $job['uid']; $data['datetime'] = time(); $JobM->AddLookJob($data); } } if ($_GET['type']) { if (!$this->uid || !$this->username || $_COOKIE['usertype'] != 1) { $data['msg'] = '您不是个人用户!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } else { if ($_GET['type'] == 'sq') { $row = $JobM->GetUserJobNum(array("uid" => $this->uid, "job_id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); $resume = $ResumeM->SelectExpectOne(array("uid" => $this->uid, "defaults" => 1), "id"); if (!$resume['id']) { $data['msg'] = '您还没有简历,请先添加简历!' . $this->uid; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } else { if (intval($row) > 0) { $data['msg'] = '您已经申请过该职位,请不要重复申请!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } else { $info = $JobM->GetComjobOne(array("id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); $value['job_id'] = $_GET['id']; $value['com_name'] = $info['com_name']; $value['job_name'] = $info['name']; $value['com_id'] = $info['uid']; $value['uid'] = $this->uid; $value['eid'] = $resume['id']; $value['datetime'] = mktime(); $nid = $JobM->AddUseridJob($value); if ($nid) { $UserinfoM->UpdateUserStatis("`sq_job`=`sq_job`+1", array("uid" => $value['com_id']), array('usertype' => '2')); $UserinfoM->UpdateUserStatis("`sq_jobnum`=`sq_jobnum`+1", array("uid" => $value['uid']), array('usertype' => '1')); if ($info['link_type'] == '1') { $ComM = $this->MODEL("company"); $job_link = $ComM->GetCompanyInfo(array("uid" => $info['uid']), array("field" => "`linkmail`")); $info['email'] = $job_link['linkmail']; } if ($this->config["sy_smtpserver"] != "" && $this->config["sy_smtpemail"] != "" && $this->config["sy_smtpuser"] != "") { if ($info['email']) { $contents = @file_get_contents(Url("resume", array("c" => "sendresume", "job_link" => '1', "id" => $resume['id']))); $smtp = $this->email_set(); $smtpusermail = $this->config['sy_smtpemail']; $sendid = $smtp->sendmail($info['email'], $smtpusermail, "您收到一份新的求职简历!——" . $this->config['sy_webname'], $contents); } } $this->obj->member_log("我申请了职位:" . $info['name'], 6); $data['msg'] = '申请成功!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } else { $data['msg'] = '申请失败!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } } } } else { if ($_GET[type] == 'fav') { $rows = $ResumeM->GetFavjobOne(array("uid" => $this->uid, 'job_id' => (int) $_GET['id'])); if ($rows['id']) { $data['msg'] = '您已经收藏过该职位,请不要重复收藏!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } $job = $JobM->GetComjobOne(array("id" => (int) $_GET['id'])); $data['job_id'] = $job['id']; $data['com_name'] = $job['com_name']; $data['job_name'] = $job['name']; $data['com_id'] = $job['uid']; $data['uid'] = $this->uid; $data['datetime'] = time(); $nid = $JobM->AddFavJob($data); if ($nid) { $UserinfoM->UpdateUserStatis("`fav_jobnum`=`fav_jobnum`+1", array("uid" => $this->uid), array('usertype' => '1')); $data['msg'] = '收藏成功!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } else { $data['msg'] = '收藏失败!'; $data['url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data['msg'] = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8", $data['msg']); echo json_encode($data); die; } } } } } $data['job_name'] = $job['name']; $data['company_name'] = $job['com_name']; $data['industry_class'] = $job['job_hy']; $data['job_class'] = $job['job_class_one'] . "," . $job['job_class_two'] . "," . $job['job_class_three']; $data['job_desc'] = $this->GET_content_desc($job['description']); $this->data = $data; //这里是微信jssdk $jssdk = new JSSDK(); $WxData = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); $this->yunset("wxAppid", $WxData['appId']); $this->yunset('wxNonceStr', $WxData['nonceStr']); $this->yunset('wxTimestamp', $WxData['timestamp']); $this->yunset('wxSignature', $WxData['signature']); //微信jssdk结束 $this->seo("comapply"); $this->yunset("job", $job); $this->yunset($CacheArr); $this->yunset("company", $company); $this->yunset("userinfo", $userinfo); $this->yunset("headertitle", "职位详情"); $this->yuntpl(array('wap/job_show')); }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Han * Date: 14/10/2015 * Time: 1:59 PM */ include "functions.php"; require 'class/jssdk.php'; global $cookies; $get = FALSE; $req_uri = explode('/', $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], -1); $req_uri = implode('/', $req_uri); $jssdk = new JSSDK("wx2d39a6c422ad663c", "e339b975f47c4a16b2b4b41f10fb5ef1"); // 测试id //$jssdk = new JSSDK("wxae45c193de06d5a4", "f9a61bd7a83a5302a9960a84eb9e8ba3"); global $user_class; $user_info = new stdClass(); if (isset($_GET['code']) && isset($_GET['state']) && strlen($_GET['code']) == 32) { $get = TRUE; $code = sanitize_text_field($_GET['code']); $state = sanitize_text_field($_GET['state']); } if ($get) { //As long as we get here, there is no need to check $user_info = $jssdk->getPageUserInfo($code); if (!empty($user_info->openid)) { // if successfully get the user information, then we are able to process. $cookies->set("nickname", $user_info->nickname, 30, "days"); $cookies->set('user_id', $user_info->user_id, 30, "days");
<?php require_once './jssdk.php'; $url = $_GET['url']; $jssdk = new JSSDK('<% your appid %>', '<% your appsecret %>'); $wxconfig = $jssdk->getSignPackage($url); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); echo json_encode($wxconfig);
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>流量君电影</title> <meta content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" id="viewport" name="viewport"> <meta content="流量君,流量君电影|微信电影,值得信任的安全电影,最新免费电影,热播剧,热门综艺,喜剧片" name="Description"> <meta content="流量君电影|我的少女时代,夏洛特烦恼,北京时间,坏蛋必须死" name="Keywords"> <meta content="telephone=no" name="format-detection"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-siteapp"> <meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-transform"> <link href="css/global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link href="css/index_v2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <script src="js/jquery-2.2.0.min.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <?php $jssdk = new JSSDK(APPID, SECRET); $jsbag = $jssdk->getSignPackage(); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> wx.config({"debug":false, "beta":false, "appId":"<?php echo $jsbag['appId']; ?> ", "nonceStr":"<?php echo $jsbag['nonceStr']; ?> ", "timestamp":<?php echo $jsbag['timestamp'];
public function buyAction() { //微信分享 $jssdk = new JSSDK("你的appId", "你的appSecret"); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $data['appId'] = $signPackage['appId']; $data['nonceStr'] = $signPackage['nonceStr']; $data['timestamp'] = $signPackage['timestamp']; $data['signature'] = $signPackage['signature']; $this->_redis->set('token', json_encode($data)); $diypicture = $this->_session->get('diypicture'); $userShare = $this->_req->getQuery('userShare', 0); $this->getView()->assign("data", $diypicture); $this->getView()->assign("token", json_encode($data)); $this->getView()->assign("userShare", $userShare); $this->getView()->display('index/buy.html'); }
private function initPublic() { $token = get_token(); if (!$token || $token == -1) { return false; } $info = get_token_appinfo($token); if (!$info) { return false; } // 设置公众号管理者信息 if ($info['uid']) { $manager_id = $info['uid']; session('manager_id', $manager_id); } $manager = get_userinfo($manager_id); // 设置版权信息 $this->assign('system_copy_right', empty($manager['copy_right']) ? C('COPYRIGHT') : $manager['copy_right']); $tongji_code = empty($manager['tongji_code']) ? C('TONGJI_CODE') : $manager['tongji_code']; $param = $_GET; $param['publicid'] = $info['id']; $param['m'] = MODULE_NAME; $param['c'] = CONTROLLER_NAME; $param['a'] = ACTION_NAME; $param['uid'] = intval(session('mid')); $tongji_code .= '<script>$.post("' . SITE_URL . '/log.php?' . http_build_query($param) . '");</script>'; $this->assign('tongji_code', $tongji_code); // 公众号接口权限 $config = S('PUBLIC_AUTH_' . $info['type']); if (!$config) { $config = M('public_auth')->getField('name,type_' . intval($info['type']) . ' as val'); S('PUBLIC_AUTH_' . $info['type'], $config, 86400); } C($config); // 公众号接口权限 // 初始化微信JSAPI需要的参数 Vendor('jssdk.jssdk'); $jssdk = new \JSSDK($info['appid'], $info['secret']); $jsapiParams = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->assign('jsapiParams', $jsapiParams); $this->assign('page_title', $info['public_name']); // 用公众号名作为默认的页面标题 $this->assign('public_info', $info); // 通用公众号信息 return $info; }
/** * 好产品手机报名页面 */ public function actionGindex() { include_once "../../common/weixinjssdk/JSSDK.php"; $jssdk = new \JSSDK("wx708acc93bd6ad1b0", "d05a63f65046e95d4d41dc7858aa9624"); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $this->layout = false; return $this->render('goodh5', ['signPackage' => $signPackage, 'goodproduct_city' => ActivityBase::GOODPRODUCT_CITY]); }
<?php /* * 74cms WAP * ============================================================================ * 版权所有: 骑士网络,并保留所有权利。 * 网站地址:; * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 这不是一个自由软件!您只能在不用于商业目的的前提下对程序代码进行修改和 * 使用;不允许对程序代码以任何形式任何目的的再发布。 * ============================================================================ */ define('IN_QISHI', true); define('REQUEST_MOBILE', true); require_once QISHI_ROOT_PATH . 'include/jssdk.php'; $jssdk = new JSSDK($_CFG['weixin_appid'], $_CFG['weixin_appsecret'], get_access_token()); $signPackage = $jssdk->GetSignPackage(); $smarty->assign("signPackage", $signPackage);
function getJSSDKSignPackage() { $js = new JSSDK('wx5510644a09934bfd', 'ffad1f7211b582beb538a091d00d2d33'); return $js->getSignPackage(); }