/** * Simple Input text * @param type $element * @return string */ public static function render($element) { $element = parent::getExtraInfo($element); $label = parent::getLabel($element); $type = !empty($element['type_input']) ? $element['type_input'] : 'text'; $output = "<input type='{$type}' class='{$element['class']}' value=\"" . $element['std'] . "\" id='{$element['id']}' name='{$element['id']}' DATA_INFO />"; return parent::finalElement($element, $output, $label); }
/** * Simple Input text * @param type $element * @return string */ public static function render($element) { $element = parent::getExtraInfo($element); $label = parent::getLabel($element); $type = !empty($element['type_input']) ? $element['type_input'] : 'module'; $output = "<div id='jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-list-container'>"; $output .= '<input type="text" value="" disabled="disabled" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-position"/> <div class="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-position-wrapper jsn-megamenu-loading" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-position-wrapper"> <iframe width="100%" height="500px" src="index.php?widget=megamenu&action=get-module-position&shortcode=jsn_tpl_mm_moduleposition&rformat=raw&template=' . JFactory::getApplication()->input->getString('template', '') . '" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-position-iframe-content" class="hidden"></iframe> </div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= "<input type='{$type}' class='{$element['class']}' value='{$element['std']}' id='{$element['id']}' name='{$element['id']}' DATA_INFO />"; return parent::finalElement($element, $output, $label); }
/** * Checkbox option * @param type $element * @return type */ static function render($element) { $element = parent::getExtraInfo($element); $label = parent::getLabel($element); $type = isset($element['type_input']) ? $element['type_input'] : 'checkbox'; $element['std'] = explode('__#__', $element['std']); $output = $add_class = $linebreak = ''; $_class = isset($element['class']) ? $element['class'] : 'checkbox-inline'; $_class = str_replace('form-control', '', $_class); $_jsn_tpl_mm_has_depend = !empty($element['has_depend']) && $element['has_depend'] == '1' ? ' jsn_tpl_mm_has_depend' : ''; foreach ($element['options'] as $key => $text) { $checked = in_array($key, $element['std']) || $element['std'][0] == 'all' ? 'checked' : ''; $action_item = ''; if (isset($element['popover_items']) && is_array($element['popover_items'])) { $action_item = in_array($key, $element['popover_items']) ? "data-popover-item='yes'" : ''; } if (isset($element['label_type'])) { if ($element['label_type'] == 'image') { // hide radio button $add_class = ' hidden'; $option_html = ''; $dimension = $element['dimension']; $widthHeight = "width:{$dimension[0]}px;height:{$dimension[1]}px;"; if (!is_array($text)) { $option_html .= "<span style='{$widthHeight}' class='radio_image'></span>"; } else { $linebreak = isset($text['linebreak']) ? '<br>' : ''; $background = isset($text['img']) ? "background-image:url( {$text['img']} )" : ''; $option_html .= "<span style='{$widthHeight} {$background}' title='{$text[0]}' class='radio_image'></span>"; } $text = $option_html; } } $str = "<label class='" . $_class . "'><input class='{$_jsn_tpl_mm_has_depend}{$add_class}' type='" . $type . "' value='{$key}' id='{$element['id']}' name='{$element['id']}' {$checked} DATA_INFO {$action_item}/>{$text}</label>{$linebreak}"; if (isset($element['wrapper_item_start'])) { $str = $element['wrapper_item_start'] . $str; } if (isset($element['wrapper_item_end'])) { $str = $str . $element['wrapper_item_end']; } $output .= $str; } if ($type == 'checkbox') { $output .= "<input type='hidden' value=' ' id='{$element['id']}' name='{$element['id']}' />"; } return parent::finalElement($element, $output, $label); }
/** * Simple Input text * @param type $element * @return string */ public static function render($element) { $moduleInfo = self::getModuleInfoByID($element['std']); $element = parent::getExtraInfo($element); $label = parent::getLabel($element); $type = !empty($element['type_input']) ? $element['type_input'] : 'module'; $output = "<div id='jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-list-container' data-start='0' data-module-total='0'>"; $output .= '<input type="text" value="' . (string) @$moduleInfo->title . '" disabled="disabled" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-name"/> <div class="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-load-more"> <div id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-btn-group-container"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-btn-reset" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-btn-reset">Reset</button> <input type="text" value="" class="input-sm pull-right" placeholder="Search..." id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-input-search" /> </div> <div id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-content"></div> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="jsn-add-more" id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-load-more-btn">' . JText::_('JSN_TPLFW_MEGAMENU_LOAD_MORE', true) . ' <i id="jsn-tpl-mm-element-module-icon-loading" class="jsn-icon16 jsn-icon-loading hidden"></i></a> </div>'; $output .= '</div>'; $output .= "<input type='{$type}' class='{$element['class']}' value='{$element['std']}' id='{$element['id']}' name='{$element['id']}' DATA_INFO />"; return parent::finalElement($element, $output, $label); }
/** * get HTML of Modal Settings Box of Shortcode * @param array $options * @return string */ public static function getShortcodeModalSettings($settings, $shortcode = '', $input_params = null, $raw_shortcode = null) { $i = 0; $tabs = $contents = $actions = $general_actions = array(); if ($shortcode != '') { $shortcodeName = strtolower(JSNTplMMHelperShortcode::shortcodeName($shortcode)); if ($shortcodeName != '') { JSNTplMMLoader::register(JSN_PATH_TPLFRAMEWORK_MEGAMENU_LIBRARIES . '/shortcodes/elements/' . $shortcodeName . '/html', 'JSNTplHelperHtml'); } } foreach ($settings as $tab => $options) { $options = self::ignoreSettings($options); if ($tab == 'action') { foreach ($options as $option) { $actions[] = JSNTplMMHelperShortcode::renderParameter($option['type'], $option); } } else { if ($tab == 'generalaction') { foreach ($options as $option) { $option['id'] = isset($option['id']) ? 'param-' . $option['id'] : ''; $general_actions[] = JSNTplMMHelperShortcode::renderParameter($option['type'], $option); } } else { $active = $i++ == 0 ? 'active' : ''; if (strtolower($tab) != 'notab') { $data_ = isset($settings[$tab]['settings']) ? $settings[$tab]['settings'] : array(); $data_['href'] = "#{$tab}"; $data_['data-toggle'] = 'tab'; $content_ = ucfirst($tab); $tabs[] = "<li class='{$active}'>" . self::tabSettings('a', $data_, $content_) . '</li>'; } $has_margin = 0; $param_html = array(); foreach ($options as $idx => $option) { // check if this element has Margin param (1) if (isset($option['name']) && $option['name'] == 'Margin' && $option['id'] != 'div_margin') { $has_margin = 1; } // if (1), don't use the 'auto extended margin ( top, bottom ) option' if ($has_margin && isset($option['id']) && $option['id'] == 'div_margin') { continue; } $type = $option['type']; $option['id'] = isset($option['id']) ? 'param-' . $option['id'] : "{$idx}"; if (!is_array($type)) { $param_html[$option['id']] = JSNTplMMHelperShortcode::renderParameter($type, $option, $input_params); } else { $output_inner = ''; foreach ($type as $sub_options) { $sub_options['id'] = isset($sub_options['id']) ? 'param-' . $sub_options['id'] : ''; /* for sub option, auto assign bound = 0 {not wrapped by <div class='controls'></div> } */ $sub_options['bound'] = '0'; /* for sub option, auto assign 'input-small' class */ $sub_options['class'] = isset($sub_options['class']) ? $sub_options['class'] : ''; $type = $sub_options['type']; $output_inner .= JSNTplMMHelperShortcode::renderParameter($type, $sub_options); } $option = JSNTplMMHelperHtml::getExtraInfo($option); $label = JSNTplMMHelperHtml::getLabel($option); $param_html[$option['id']] = JSNTplMMHelperHtml::finalElement($option, $output_inner, $label); } } if (!empty($param_html['param-copy_style_from'])) { array_pop($param_html); // move "auto extended margin ( top, bottom ) option" to top of output $style_copy = array_shift($param_html); // Shift Preview frame from the array $preview = array_shift($param_html); if (!empty($param_html['param-div_margin'])) { $margin = $param_html['param-div_margin']; $param_html = array_merge(array($preview, $style_copy, $margin), $param_html); } else { $param_html = array_merge(array($preview, $style_copy), $param_html); } } $param_html = implode('', $param_html); $content_tab = "<div class='tab-pane {$active} jsn-mm-setting-tab' id='{$tab}'>{$param_html}</div>"; $contents[] = $content_tab; } } } return self::settingTabHtml($shortcode, $tabs, $contents, $general_actions, $settings, $actions); }