Пример #1
 function display($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     // Check if registration is allowed
     $usersConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users');
     if (!$usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration')) {
         JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('Access Forbidden'));
     $pathway =& $mainframe->getPathway();
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $params =& $mainframe->getParams();
     // Page Title
     $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     // because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it
     // right from the menu item itself
     if (is_object($menu)) {
         $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params);
         if (!$menu_params->get('page_title')) {
             $params->set('page_title', JText::_('Registration'));
     } else {
         $params->set('page_title', JText::_('Registration'));
     // Load the form validation behavior
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $this->assignRef('user', $user);
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
Пример #2
  * Tags Search method
  * The sql must return the following fields that are
  * used in a common display routine: href, title, section, created, text,
  * browsernav
  * @param string Target search string
  * @param string mathcing option, exact|any|all
  * @param string ordering option, newest|oldest|popular|alpha|category
  * @param mixed An array if restricted to areas, null if search all
 function onContentSearch($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
     $searchText = $text;
     if (is_array($areas)) {
         if (!array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchTagsAreas()))) {
             return array();
     // load plugin params info
     $plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('search', 'cedtags');
     $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     $limit = $pluginParams->def('search_limit', 50);
     $text = trim($text);
     if ($text == '') {
         return array();
     $rows = $this->searchForText($text, $limit);
     $count = count($rows);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
         $link = 'index.php?option=com_cedtag&task=tag&tag=' . CedTagsHelper::urlTagname($rows[$i]->name);
         $rows[$i]->href = JRoute::_($link);
         $rows[$i]->section = JText::_('TAG');
     $return = array();
     foreach ($rows as $key => $tag) {
         if (searchHelper::checkNoHTML($tag, $searchText, array('name', 'title', 'text'))) {
             $return[] = $tag;
     return $return;
Пример #3
  * Display function
  * @since 1.5
 function display($tpl = null)
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     // Get the page/component configuration
     $params =& $mainframe->getParams();
     $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     // because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it
     // right from the menu item itself
     if (is_object($menu)) {
         $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params);
         if (!$menu_params->get('page_title')) {
             $params->set('page_title', JText::_('FORGOT_YOUR_USERNAME'));
     } else {
         $params->set('page_title', JText::_('FORGOT_YOUR_USERNAME'));
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     // Load the form validation behavior
     // Add the tooltip behavior
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
Пример #4
function plgcontentloadozio($galleriaozio)
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    $query = 'SELECT published, link, id, access, params' . ' FROM #__menu' . ' WHERE id=' . (int) $galleriaozio;
    $codice = $db->loadObject();
    $query = 'SELECT *' . ' FROM #__menu' . ' WHERE (link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=01tilt3d" 
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=02flashgallery"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=03imagin"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=04carousel"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=05imagerotator"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=06accordion"	
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=07flickrslidershow"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=08flickrphoto"		
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=09mediagallery"
						OR link LIKE "index.php?option=com_oziogallery2&view=10cooliris"						
    $cp = $db->loadObject();
    $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
    if ($cp->id = $galleriaozio) {
        @($gall = JURI::root() . $codice->link . '&Itemid=' . (int) $galleriaozio);
        $parametar = new JParameter($codice->params);
        // alexred
        if (@$codice->published != 0 && @$codice->access != 1 && @$codice->access != 2) {
            $document->addScript(JURI::root(true) . '/components/com_oziogallery2/assets/js/autoHeight.js');
            $contents = '';
            $contents .= '<div class="clr"></div>';
            $contents .= '<iframe src="' . $gall . '&amp;tmpl=component" width="' . $parametar->get("width") . '" marginwidth="0px" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" class="autoHeight">';
            $contents .= '</iframe>';
            $contents .= '<div class="clr"></div>';
            return $contents;
Пример #5
  * Prepares the document
 protected function _prepareDocument()
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $pathway =& $app->getPathway();
     $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
     $title = null;
     // Because the application sets a default page title,
     // we need to get it from the menu item itself
     if ($menu = $menus->getActive()) {
         if (isset($menu->query['view']) && $menu->query['view'] == 'form') {
             $menuParams = new JParameter($menu->params);
             $title = $menuParams->get('page_title');
     if (empty($title)) {
         $title = JText::_('Content_Form_Edit_Article');
     $this->params->set('page_title', $title);
     $pathway =& $app->getPathWay();
     $pathway->addItem($title, '');
     // If there is a pagebreak heading or title, add it to the page title
     if (!empty($this->item->page_title)) {
         $article->title = $article->title . ' - ' . $article->page_title;
         $this->document->setTitle($article->page_title . ' - ' . JText::sprintf('Page %s', $this->state->get('page.offset') + 1));
Пример #6
 function renderItem(&$item, &$params, &$access)
     global $mainframe;
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $item->text = $item->introtext;
     $item->groups = '';
     $item->readmore = trim($item->fulltext) != '';
     $item->metadesc = '';
     $item->metakey = '';
     $item->created = '';
     $item->modified = '';
     if ($params->get('readmore') || $params->get('link_titles')) {
         if ($params->get('intro_only')) {
             // Check to see if the user has access to view the full article
             if ($item->access <= $user->get('aid', 0)) {
                 $itemparams = new JParameter($item->attribs);
                 $readmoretxt = $itemparams->get('readmore', JText::_('Read more text'));
                 $item->linkOn = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($item->slug, $item->catslug, $item->sectionid));
                 $item->linkText = $readmoretxt;
             } else {
                 $item->linkOn = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_user&view=login');
                 $item->linkText = JText::_('Login To
     if (!$params->get('image')) {
         $item->text = preg_replace('/<img[^>]*>/', '', $item->text);
     $results = $mainframe->triggerEvent('onAfterDisplayTitle', array(&$item, &$params, 1));
     $item->afterDisplayTitle = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     $results = $mainframe->triggerEvent('onBeforeDisplayContent', array(&$item, &$params, 1));
     $item->beforeDisplayContent = trim(implode("\n", $results));
     require JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath('mod_newsflash', '_item');
Пример #7
  *  prepare content method
  * Method is called by the view
  * @param	string	The context of the content being passed to the plugin.
  * @param 	object		The article object.  Note $article->text is also available
  * @param 	object		The article params
  * @param 	int			The 'page' number
 public function onContentPrepare($context, &$row, &$params, $page = 0)
     //load fabrik language
     $lang =& JFactory::getLanguage();
     $lang->load('com_fabrik', JPATH_BASE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fabrik');
     if (!defined('COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND')) {
         JError::raiseError(400, JText::_('COM_FABRIK_SYSTEM_PLUGIN_NOT_ACTIVE'));
     // Get plugin info
     $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'fabrik');
     // $$$ hugh had to rename this, it was stomping on com_content and friends $params
     // $$$ which is passed by reference to us!
     $fparams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     // simple performance check to determine whether bot should process further
     $botRegex = $fparams->get('Botregex') != '' ? $fparams->get('Botregex') : 'fabrik';
     if (JString::strpos($row->text, $botRegex) === false) {
         return true;
     require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'parent.php';
     // $$$ hugh - having to change this to use {[]}
     $regex = "/{" . $botRegex . "\\s*.*?}/i";
     $row->text = preg_replace_callback($regex, array($this, 'replace'), $row->text);
Пример #8
 function load($id = null)
     $params = new JParameter($this->settings);
     $this->settings = $params->toArray();
Пример #9
 function display($tpl = null)
     // Get the url of the Alfresco repository from the Joosco plugin
     // That's why the Joosco plugin needs to be installed and configured before the component
     $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('authentication', 'joosco');
     $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     // Here we connect to the Repository
     $repositoryUrl = $pluginParams->get('alf-url');
     $repository = new Repository($repositoryUrl);
     // The ticket is created by the plugin when a user connects
     $ticket = $_SESSION["ticket"];
     $session = $repository->createSession($ticket);
     $store = new SpacesStore($session);
     $currentNode = null;
     $uuid = null;
     $uuid =& JRequest::getVar('uuid');
     if (!isset($uuid)) {
         $currentNode = $store->companyHome;
         $path = 'Company Home';
     } else {
         $currentNode = $session->getNode($store, JRequest::getVar('uuid'));
         $path = JRequest::getVar('path') . '|' . JRequest::getVar('uuid') . '|' . JRequest::getVar('name');
     // Pass the values to the rest of the template
     $this->assignRef('path', $path);
     $this->assignRef('session', $session);
     $this->assignRef('store', $store);
     $this->assignRef('currentNode', $currentNode);
     $this->assignRef('option', JRequest::getVar('option'));
     $this->assignRef('view', JRequest::getVar('view'));
     $this->assignRef('itemid', JRequest::getVar('Itemid'));
Пример #10
 function display($tpl = null)
     // redirect guests to login page
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     if ($user->id != 0) {
         $Lists = $this->get('Lists');
         $this->assignRef('lists', $Lists);
         //--Creating a link to the edit form
         $this->assignRef('editlink', JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_joomailermailchimpintegration&view=subscriptions&task=edit'));
         // retrieve page title from the menuitem
         $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
         $menu = $menus->getActive();
         $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params);
         $this->assignRef('page_title', $menu_params->get('page_title'));
     } else {
         // Redirect to login
         $uri = JFactory::getURI();
         $return = $uri->toString();
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_users&view=login';
         } else {
             $url = 'index.php?option=com_user&view=login';
         $url .= '&return=' . base64_encode($return);
         $mainframe->redirect($url, JText::_('JM_ONLY_LOGGED_IN_USERS_CAN_VIEW_SUBSCRIPTIONS'));
Пример #11
 function bindSetValues($ext_params = null)
     if (!empty($this->_menuid)) {
         if (is_array($this->_menuid)) {
             $menuid = $this->_menuid[0];
         } else {
             $menuid = $this->_menuid;
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         $query = "SELECT params FROM #__menu WHERE id = " . $menuid;
         $row = $db->loadObject();
         if (!empty($row)) {
             $params = new JParameter($row->params);
             $list_params = $ext_params->renderToArray("params", "params");
             foreach ($list_params as $key => $value) {
                 if (!empty($key) && strpos($key, "ytext_") !== false) {
                     $tmp_value = $params->get($key, "");
                     if (is_array($tmp_value)) {
                         $tmp_value = implode("|", $tmp_value);
                     $ext_params->set($key, $tmp_value);
     return $ext_params;
  * Up
 public function up()
     $query = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `jos_announcements` (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`scope` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`scope_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`content` text,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`priority` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`created` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`created_by` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`state` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`publish_up` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`publish_down` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n\t\t\t\t\t\t`sticky` tinyint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n\t\t\t\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`id`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
     $params = array('plugin_access' => 'members', 'display_tab' => 1);
     $this->addPluginEntry('groups', 'announcements', 1, $params);
     //get citation params
     if ($this->db->tableExists('#__extensions')) {
         $sql = "SELECT `params` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE `type`='plugin' AND `element`='messages' AND `folder` = 'groups'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT `params` FROM `#__plugins` WHERE `element`='messages' AND `folder`='groups'";
     $p = $this->db->loadResult();
     //load params object
     $params = new \JParameter($p);
     //set param to hide messages tab
     $params->set('display_tab', 0);
     //save new params
     if ($this->db->tableExists('#__extensions')) {
         $query = "UPDATE `#__extensions` SET `params`=" . $this->db->quote(json_encode($params->toArray())) . " WHERE `element`='messages' AND `folder`='groups'";
     } else {
         $query = "UPDATE `#__plugins` SET `params`='" . $params->toString() . "' WHERE `element`='messages' AND `folder`='groups'";
Пример #13
 public function render()
     $model = $this->getModel();
     $module = $model->getRow();
     if ($this->getLayout() == 'modal') {
         $this->menus = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.menus')->sort('title')->getRowset();
         $this->pages = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.pages')->application('site')->getRowset();
         $this->modules = $this->getObject('com:pages.model.modules')->application('site')->getRowset();
     if ($this->getModel()->getState()->isUnique()) {
         if ($module->isNew()) {
             $module->application = $model->application;
             $module->name = $model->name;
         $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication($module->application);
         JFactory::getLanguage()->load(substr($module->extension_name, 4), $module->name, $path);
     // Build path to module config file
     $path = Library\ClassLoader::getInstance()->getApplication('site');
     $path .= '/component/' . substr($module->extension_name, 4) . '/module/' . substr($module->name, 4) . '/config.xml';
     $params = new \JParameter(null, $path);
     $this->params = $params;
     return parent::render();
 function display($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $client = JRequest::getWord('client', 'site');
     $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors', 'jce');
     $params = new JParameter($plugin->params);
     $num = intval($params->get('layout_rows', 5));
     $rows = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $num; $i++) {
         $query = "SELECT id, title, name, type, layout, icon" . "\n FROM #__jce_plugins" . "\n WHERE row = " . $i . "" . "\n AND published = 1" . "\n AND icon != ''" . "\n ORDER BY ordering ASC";
         $rows[] = $db->loadObjectList();
     $dimensions['width'] = $params->get('width', '600');
     $dimensions['height'] = $params->get('height', '600');
     if ($client == 'admin') {
         $client_id = 1;
     } else {
         $client_id = 0;
     $this->assignRef('dimensions', $dimensions);
     $this->assignRef('client', $client_id);
     $this->assignRef('items', $rows);
Пример #15
 public function display($cachable = false, $urlparams = false)
     // Redirect profile to integrated component if profile integration is turned on
     $redirect = 1;
     $active = $this->app->getMenu()->getActive();
     if (!empty($active)) {
         if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6', '>')) {
             // Joomla 1.6+
             $params = $active->params;
         } else {
             // Joomla 1.5
             $params = new JParameter($active->params);
         $redirect = $params->get('integration', 1);
     if ($redirect && JRequest::getCmd('format') == 'html') {
         $profileIntegration = KunenaFactory::getProfile();
         if ($profileIntegration instanceof KunenaProfileKunena) {
             // Continue
         } elseif (JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default') == 'default') {
             $url = $this->me->getUrl(false);
         } elseif (JRequest::getCmd('layout') == 'list') {
             $url = $profileIntegration->getUserListURL('', false);
         if (!empty($url)) {
Пример #16
 protected function _getFiles()
     $page = $this->getObject('application.pages')->getActive();
     $params = new JParameter($page->params);
     $state = $this->getModel()->getState();
     $request = $this->getObject('lib:controller.request');
     if ($this->getLayout() == 'gallery') {
         $request->query->set('types', array('image'));
     $request->query->set('thumbnails', true);
     $request->query->set('sort', $params->get('sort'));
     $request->query->set('direction', $params->get('direction'));
     $request->query->set('offset', $state->offset);
     $request->query->set('folder', $state->folder);
     $request->query->set('container', $state->container);
     $request->query->set('limit', $state->limit);
     $identifier = clone $this->getIdentifier();
     $identifier->path = array('controller');
     $identifier->name = 'file';
     $controller = $this->getObject($identifier, array('request' => $request));
     $files = $controller->browse();
     $total = $controller->getModel()->getTotal();
     if ($params->get('humanize_filenames', 1)) {
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             $file->display_name = ucfirst(preg_replace('#[-_\\s\\.]+#i', ' ', $file->filename));
     return array('items' => $files, 'total' => $total);
Пример #17
 function _displayForm($tpl = null)
     global $mainframe;
     // Load the form validation behavior
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $params =& $mainframe->getParams();
     // check to see if Frontend User Params have been enabled
     $usersConfig =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_users');
     $check = $usersConfig->get('frontend_userparams');
     if ($check == '1' || $check == 1 || $check == NULL) {
         if ($user->authorize('com_user', 'edit')) {
             $params = $user->getParameters(true);
     $menus =& JSite::getMenu();
     $menu = $menus->getActive();
     // because the application sets a default page title, we need to get it
     // right from the menu item itself
     if (is_object($menu)) {
         $menu_params = new JParameter($menu->params);
         if (!$menu_params->get('page_title')) {
             $params->set('page_title', JText::_('Edit Your Details'));
     } else {
         $params->set('page_title', JText::_('Edit Your Details'));
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $this->assignRef('user', $user);
     $this->assignRef('params', $params);
 private function _setConfWizStatus()
     static $enableconfwiz;
     $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_akeeba');
     if (is_object($component->params) && $component->params instanceof JRegistry) {
         $params = $component->params;
     } else {
         $params = new JParameter($component->params);
     if (empty($enableconfwiz)) {
         $lv = $params->get('lastversion', '');
         $enableconfwiz = empty($lv);
     $minStability = $params->get('minstability', 'stable');
     $acceptlicense = $params->get('acceptlicense', '0');
     $acceptsupport = $params->get('acceptsupport', '0');
     $acceptbackuptest = $params->get('acceptbackuptest', '0');
     $angieupgrade = $params->get('angieupgrade', '0');
     $this->assign('enableconfwiz', $enableconfwiz);
     $this->assign('minstability', $minStability);
     $this->assign('acceptlicense', $acceptlicense);
     $this->assign('acceptsupport', $acceptsupport);
     $this->assign('acceptbackuptest', $acceptbackuptest);
     $this->assign('showangieupgrade', $angieupgrade == 0);
     return $enableconfwiz;
Пример #19
 function processSize($size = 'big', $form, $actiondata, $photo, $filein, $upload_path, $file_info)
     $params = new JParameter($actiondata->params);
     $quality = $params->get('quality', 90);
     $dir = '';
     if ($params->get($size . '_directory', '')) {
         $dir .= $params->get($size . '_directory', '');
     } else {
         $dir .= $upload_path;
     // add a final slash if needed
     if (substr($dir, -1) != DS) {
         $dir .= DS;
     $fileout = $dir . $params->get($size . '_image_prefix', '') . str_replace('.' . $file_info['extension'], '', $photo) . $params->get($size . '_image_suffix', '_' . $size) . '.' . $file_info['extension'];
     $crop = $params->get($size . '_image_method', 0);
     $imagethumbsize_w = $params->get($size . '_image_width', 400);
     $imagethumbsize_h = $params->get($size . '_image_height', 300);
     $red = $params->get($size . '_image_r', 255);
     $green = $params->get($size . '_image_g', 255);
     $blue = $params->get($size . '_image_b', 255);
     $use = $params->get($size . '_image_use', 0);
     if ($size == 'big') {
         $use = true;
     if ($use) {
         if ($crop) {
             $this->resizeThenCrop($filein, $fileout, $imagethumbsize_w, $imagethumbsize_h, $red, $green, $blue, $quality);
         } else {
             $this->resize($filein, $fileout, $imagethumbsize_w, $imagethumbsize_h, $red, $green, $blue, $quality);
         return $params->get($size . '_image_prefix', '') . str_replace('.' . $file_info['extension'], '', $photo) . $params->get($size . '_image_suffix', '_' . $size) . '.' . $file_info['extension'];
     return null;
Пример #20
 function run($form, $actiondata)
     if (isset($form->form_actions) && !empty($form->form_actions)) {
         $params = new JParameter($actiondata->params);
         $lang = JFactory::getLanguage();
         if ($lang->getTag() == $params->get('lang_tag', '')) {
             $lang_strings = explode("\n", $actiondata->content1);
             usort($lang_strings, array('CfactionMultiLanguage', 'sortByLength'));
             foreach ($lang_strings as $lang_string) {
                 if (!empty($lang_string) && strpos($lang_string, "=") !== false) {
                     $texts = explode("=", $lang_string, 2);
                     $original = trim($texts[0]);
                     $new = trim($texts[1]);
                     //do replacements in all loaded actions
                     foreach ($form->form_actions as $k => $action) {
                         if ($action->type != 'multi_language') {
                             //do replacements in params
                             $form->form_actions[$k]->params = str_replace($original, $new, $form->form_actions[$k]->params);
                             //do replacements in content1
                             $form->form_actions[$k]->content1 = str_replace($original, $new, $form->form_actions[$k]->content1);
                     //do replacements in main form code and params
                     //do replacements in params
                     $form->form_details->params = str_replace($original, $new, $form->form_details->params);
                     //do replacements in content1
                     $form->form_details->content = str_replace($original, $new, $form->form_details->content);
Пример #21
 public function load($config)
     if (!array_key_exists('component', $config)) {
         self::$component = $config['extensionName'];
     } else {
         self::$component = $config['component'];
     if (!array_key_exists('key', $config)) {
         self::$key = 'liveupdate';
     } else {
         self::$key = $config['key'];
     // Not using JComponentHelper to avoid conflicts ;)
     $db = JFactory::getDbo();
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
         $sql = $db->getQuery(true)->select($db->nq('params'))->from($db->nq('#__extensions'))->where($db->nq('type') . ' = ' . $db->q('component'))->where($db->nq('element') . ' = ' . $db->q(self::$component));
     } else {
         $sql = 'SELECT ' . $db->nameQuote('params') . ' FROM ' . $db->nameQuote('#__components') . ' WHERE ' . $db->nameQuote('option') . ' = ' . $db->Quote(self::$component) . " AND `parent` = 0 AND `menuid` = 0";
     $rawparams = $db->loadResult();
     if (version_compare(JVERSION, '1.6.0', 'ge')) {
         $params = new JRegistry();
     } else {
         $params = new JParameter($rawparams);
     $data = $params->getValue(self::$key, '');
     self::$registry = new JRegistry('update');
Пример #22
 function getParams($data)
     if (class_exists('JForm')) {
         //JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/jcemediabox');
         $xml = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/jcemediabox/jcemediabox.xml';
         $params = new WFParameter($data, $xml, '', array('control' => 'config:fields:fieldset'));
         $params->addElementPath(JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/jcemediabox/elements');
         $groups = array();
         $array = array();
         foreach ($params->getGroups() as $group) {
             $groups[] = $params->getParams('params', $group);
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             $array = array_merge($array, $group);
         return $array;
     } else {
         // get params definitions
         $params = new JParameter($data, JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/jcemediabox.xml');
         $xml = JPATH_PLUGINS . '/system/jcemediabox.xml';
         return $params->getParams();
Пример #23
 function run($form, $actiondata)
     $mainframe =& JFactory::getApplication();
     $params = new JParameter($actiondata->params);
     if (function_exists('curl_init')) {
         $form->debug['curl'][] = "CURL OK : the CURL function was found on this server.";
     } else {
         $form->debug['curl'][] = "CURL problem : the CURL function was not found on this server.";
     if (!empty($actiondata->content1)) {
         $list = explode("\n", trim($actiondata->content1));
         $curl_values = array();
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $fields_data = explode("=", $item);
             $curl_values[$fields_data[0]] = $form->data[trim($fields_data[1])];
     $query = JURI::buildQuery($curl_values);
     $form->debug['curl'][] = '$curl_values: ' . print_r($query, true);
     $form->debug['curl'][] = 'curl_target_url: ' . $params->get('target_url');
     $ch = curl_init($params->get('target_url'));
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $params->get('header_in_response', 0));
     // set to 0 to eliminate header info from response
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     // Returns response data instead of TRUE(1)
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query);
     // use HTTP POST to send form data
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     $response = curl_exec($ch);
     //execute post and get results
     //add the response in the form data array
     $form->data['curl'] = $response;
Пример #24
* Plugin that loads module positions within content
function plgContentLoadModule(&$row, &$params, $page = 0)
    $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
    // simple performance check to determine whether bot should process further
    if (JString::strpos($row->text, 'loadposition') === false) {
        return true;
    // Get plugin info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'loadmodule');
    // expression to search for
    $regex = '/{loadposition\\s*.*?}/i';
    $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
    // check whether plugin has been unpublished
    if (!$pluginParams->get('enabled', 1)) {
        $row->text = preg_replace($regex, '', $row->text);
        return true;
    // find all instances of plugin and put in $matches
    preg_match_all($regex, $row->text, $matches);
    // Number of plugins
    $count = count($matches[0]);
    // plugin only processes if there are any instances of the plugin in the text
    if ($count) {
        // Get plugin parameters
        $style = $pluginParams->def('style', -2);
        plgContentProcessPositions($row, $matches, $count, $regex, $style);
Пример #25
function plgSearchEvents($text, $phrase = '', $ordering = '', $areas = null)
    require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_search' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'search.php';
    if (is_array($areas)) {
        if (!array_intersect($areas, array_keys(plgSearchEventsAreas()))) {
            return array();
    // load plugin params info
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('search', 'events');
    $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
    $limit = $pluginParams->def('search_limit', 50);
    $text = trim($text);
    if ($text == '') {
        return array();
    $events = KService::get('com://admin/calendar.model.events')->sort('tbl.start_date')->direction('ASC')->limit($limit)->search($text)->getList();
    $return = array();
    foreach ($events as $event) {
        if (searchHelper::checkNoHTML($event, $text, array('title', 'description'))) {
            $event->text = $event->description;
            $event->origin = 'events';
            $event->href = 'index.php?option=com_calendar&view=event&id=' . $event->id . '&slug=' . $event->slug;
            $event->section = JText::_('Events');
            $return[] = $event->getData();
    return $return;
 function _populateSingleItem($itemId)
     global $gantry;
     $ini_string = $gantry->readMenuItemParams($itemId);
     $menu_params = new JParameter($ini_string);
     foreach ($gantry->_preset_names as $param_name) {
         $menuitem_param_name = $param_name;
         if (in_array($param_name, $gantry->_setbymenuitem) && $menu_params->get($menuitem_param_name, null) != null) {
             $param =& $gantry->_working_params[$param_name];
             $menuitem_value = $menu_params->get($menuitem_param_name);
             $menuitem_preset_params = $gantry->_getPresetParams($param['name'], $menuitem_value);
             foreach ($menuitem_preset_params as $menuitem_preset_param_name => $menuitem_preset_param_value) {
                 if (!is_null($menuitem_preset_param_value)) {
                     $gantry->_working_params[$menuitem_preset_param_name]['value'] = $menuitem_preset_param_value;
                     $gantry->_working_params[$menuitem_preset_param_name]['setby'] = 'menuitem';
     // set individual values
     foreach ($gantry->_param_names as $param_name) {
         $menuitem_param_name = $param_name;
         if (in_array($param_name, $gantry->_setbymenuitem) && $menu_params->get($menuitem_param_name, null) != null) {
             $param =& $gantry->_working_params[$param_name];
             $menuitem_value = $menu_params->get($menuitem_param_name);
             if (!is_null($menuitem_value)) {
                 $gantry->_working_params[$param['name']]['value'] = $menuitem_value;
                 $gantry->_working_params[$param['name']]['setby'] = 'menuitem';
Пример #27
function plgContentChronoforms($context, &$row, &$params, $page = 0)
    $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'chronoforms');
    $pluginParams = new JParameter($plugin->params);
    // define the regular expression for the bot
    $regex = "#{chronoforms}(.*?){/chronoforms}#s";
    if (isset($row->text)) {
        $row->text = preg_replace_callback($regex, '_processForm', $row->text);
    } else {
        $row->text = '';
    //check after text forms
    $after_text = trim($pluginParams->get('after_text_forms'));
    if (!empty($after_text)) {
        $details = explode("\n", $after_text);
        foreach ($details as $detail) {
            $form_details = explode("=", $detail);
            if (count($form_details) == 2 && !empty($form_details[1])) {
                $cats = explode(',', $form_details[1]);
                foreach ($cats as $cat) {
                    if ($cat == $row->catid) {
                        $row->text = $row->text . _displayForm($form_details[0]);
    return true;
Пример #28
	function getLoggedInUserLiked(){
		  global $facebook;
		try {
			$plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'myApiConnect');
			$com_params = new JParameter( $plugin->params );
		  $fql['email'] =   "SELECT email FROM user WHERE uid = me()";
		  $fql['like'] = "SELECT uid FROM page_fan WHERE uid = me() AND page_id = ".$com_params->get('appId');
		  $param  =   array(
		   'method'    => 'fql.multiquery',
		   'queries'     => json_encode($fql),
		   'callback'  => ''
		  $fqlResult   =   $facebook->api($param);
		   $return['email'] = $fqlResult[0]['fql_result_set'][0]['email'];
		  if(sizeof($fqlResult[1]['fql_result_set']) > 0)
		  	$return['liked'] = true;
			$return['liked'] = false;
		  } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
		  return false;
		return $return;
Пример #29
  * get all events_categories to use category color
  * @return  object
 function getCategoryData()
     static $cats;
     if (!isset($cats)) {
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         if (JVersion::isCompatible("1.6.0")) {
             $sql = "SELECT c.* FROM #__categories as c WHERE extension='" . JEV_COM_COMPONENT . "' order by c.lft asc";
             $cats = $db->loadObjectList('id');
             foreach ($cats as &$cat) {
                 $cat->name = $cat->title;
                 $params = new JParameter($cat->params);
                 $cat->color = $params->get("catcolour", "");
                 $cat->overlaps = $params->get("overlaps", 0);
         } else {
             $sql = "SELECT c.*, e.color FROM #__jevents_categories AS e LEFT JOIN #__categories as c ON c.id=e.id";
             $cats = $db->loadObjectList('id');
         $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
         $dispatcher->trigger('onGetCategoryData', array(&$cats));
     $dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();
     $dispatcher->trigger('onGetAccessibleCategories', array(&$cats));
     return $cats;
Пример #30
    public function getList()
        if (!isset($this->_list))
            $rowset = KFactory::get('com://admin/settings.database.rowset.settings');
            //Insert the system configuration settings
            //Insert the component configuration settings
            $components = KFactory::get('com://admin/extensions.model.components')->enabled(1)->parent(0)->getList();
            foreach($components as $component)
                $path   = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.'/components/'.$component->option.'/config.xml';
                $params = new JParameter( $component->params);
                $config = array(
                	'name' => strtolower(substr($component->option, 4)),
                    'path' => file_exists($path) ? $path : '',
                    'id'   => $component->id,
                    'data' => $params->toArray(),
                $row = KFactory::get('com://admin/settings.database.row.component', $config);
            $this->_list = $rowset;

        return $this->_list;    