Пример #1
    static function EditorTextArea($id, $name, $content, $buttons, $context, $arributes = array(), $asset = null, $author = null)
        $html = JCKHtmlwriter::textarea($id, $name, $content, $arributes);
        //load CKEditor script
        $javascript = new JCKJavascript();
        $id = JCKOutput::fixId($id);
					CKEDITOR.config.expandedToolbar = true;
					CKEDITOR.tools.callHashFunction("' . $id . '","' . $id . '");
        //set event handlers
        $args['name'] = $id;
        $args['event'] = 'onGetInsertMethod';
        $results[] = $context->update($args);
        foreach ($results as $result) {
            if (is_string($result) && trim($result)) {
                $html .= $result;
        //Get buttons
        if (!empty($buttons) || is_array($buttons) && !array_key_exists(0, $buttons)) {
            // Load modal popup behavior
            JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button');
            $editor = JFactory::getEditor('jckeditor');
            $plugins = $editor->getButtons($id, $buttons, $asset, $author);
            $buttons = '';
            $container = '';
            if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'ge')) {
                foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                    $className = $plugin->get('modal') ? "modal-button btn" : 'btn';
                    $url = $plugin->get('link') ? JURI::base() . $plugin->get('link') : '';
                    $click = $plugin->get('onclick') ? $plugin->get('onclick') : 'IeCursorFix(); return false;';
                    $options = $plugin->get('options');
                    $content = $plugin->get('text');
                    $buttonName = $plugin->get('name');
                    $content = '<i class="icon-' . $buttonName . '"></i>' . $content;
                    $linkAttributes = array("rel" => $options, 'onclick' => $click);
                    $buttons .= JCKHtmlwriter::link($url, $content, '', $className, $linkAttributes);
                $innerContainer = JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($buttons, '', 'btn-toolbar');
                $container = JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($innerContainer, 'editor-xtd-buttons', 'btn-toolbar pull-left');
            } else {
                foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                    $className = $plugin->get('modal') ? "modal-button" : '';
                    $url = $plugin->get('link') ? JURI::base() . $plugin->get('link') : '';
                    $click = $plugin->get('onclick') ? $plugin->get('onclick') : '';
                    $options = $plugin->get('options');
                    $content = $plugin->get('text');
                    $buttonName = $plugin->get('name');
                    $buttons .= JCKHtmlwriter::buttonModalLink($url, $content, $options, $buttonName, $className, $click, array("class" => "button2-left"));
                $container = JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($buttons, 'editor-xtd-buttons');
            $html .= $container;
        return $html;
Пример #2
 static function buttonModalLink($url, $content, $options, $name, $className = '', $click = '', $attributes = array())
     $linkAttributes["rel"] = $options;
     if ($click) {
         $linkAttributes["onclick"] = $click;
     $link = JCKHtmlwriter::link($url, $content, '', $className, $linkAttributes);
     $container = JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($link, '', $name);
     return JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($container, '', '', $attributes);
Пример #3
    static function EditorTextArea($name, $content, $buttons, $context)
        $html = JCKHtmlwriter::textarea($name, $content);
        //load CKEditor script
        $javascript = new JCKJavascript();
        $filtername = JCKOutput::cleanString($name);
        $name = JCKOutput::fixId($name);
					CKEDITOR.config.expandedToolbar = true;
					CKEDITOR.tools.callHashFunction("' . $name . '","' . $name . '");
        $html .= $javascript->toString();
        //Get buttons
        if (!empty($buttons) || is_array($buttons) && !array_key_exists(0, $buttons)) {
            // Load modal popup behavior
            JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button');
            $editor = JFactory::getEditor('jckeditor');
            //set event handlers
            $args['name'] = $name;
            $args['event'] = 'onGetInsertMethod';
            $results[] = $context->update($args);
            foreach ($results as $result) {
                if (is_string($result) && trim($result)) {
                    $html .= $result;
            $plugins = $editor->getButtons($name, $buttons);
            $buttons = '';
            foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                $className = $plugin->get('modal') ? "modal-button" : '';
                $url = $plugin->get('link') ? $plugin->get('link') : '';
                $click = $plugin->get('onclick') ? $plugin->get('onclick') : '';
                $options = $plugin->get('options');
                $content = $plugin->get('text');
                $buttonName = $plugin->get('name');
                $buttons .= JCKHtmlwriter::buttonModalLink($url, $content, $options, $buttonName, $className, $click, array("class" => "button2-left"));
            $container = JCKHtmlwriter::DivContainer($buttons, 'editor-xtd-buttons');
            $html .= $container;
        return $html;
Пример #4
     * ckeditor Lite WYSIWYG Editor - display the editor
     * @param string The name of the editor area
     * @param string The content of the field
     * @param string The name of the form field
     * @param string The width of the editor area
     * @param string The height of the editor area
     * @param int The number of columns for the editor area
     * @param int The number of rows for the editor area
     * @param mixed Can be boolean or array.
    function onDisplay($name, $content, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true, $id = null, $asset = null, $author = null)
        // Load modal popup behavior
        JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button');
        // initialise $error varable
        $errors = '';
        static $loaded;
        if (empty($id)) {
            $id = $name;
        if (!$width) {
            $width = "100%";
        if (!$height) {
            $height = "350px";
        $skin = $this->params->get('skin');
        if ($skin == 'kama' && $width == '100%') {
            $width = '99%';
        $arributes = array("rows" => $row, 'cols' => $col, "style" => "width:{$width};height:{$height}");
        if (!$loaded) {
            /* Generate the Output */
            $this->params->set('editorname', $id);
            if (!$this->params->get('hheight', '')) {
                $this->params->set('hheight', $height);
            if (!$this->params->get('wwidth', '')) {
                $this->params->set('wwidth', $width);
            $javascript = JCKJavascriptHelper::getHeadJavascript($this->params, $errors, $return_script);
            $loaded = JCKOutput::fixId($id);
            if (!$return_script) {
            //Here we will use JFCKJavascript output to screen //html element as well
            return $errors . JCKHtmlwriterHelper::EditorTextArea($id, $name, $content, $buttons, $this, $arributes, $asset, $author);
        //end if
        return JCKHtmlwriter::TextArea($id, $name, $content, $arributes) . '<script>window.addDomReadyEvent.add( function(){ 
				if(evt.editor.name == "' . $loaded . '")
					var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( "' . JCKOutput::fixId($id) . '", CKEDITOR.instances["' . $loaded . '"].config ); 
					var xtdbuttons = CKEDITOR.document.getById("editor-xtd-buttons");
						buttonsHtml = xtdbuttons.getOuterHtml().replace(/' . $loaded . '/g,"' . JCKOutput::fixId($id) . '");
						var buttonsElement = CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml(buttonsHtml); 
						var elements = buttonsElement.getElementsByTag("a");
						for(i= 0; i < elements.count();i++)
							//override mootools model click event
									var el = $(elements.getItem(i).$);
									el.addEvent("click", function(e) 
										new Event(e).stop();
										SqueezeBox.fromElement(el,	{
																		parse: "rel"