/** * Lazily append the next iterator to the chain */ private function lazyAppend() { if (!parent::valid() and $this->iterators->valid()) { $this->append($this->iterators->current()); $this->iterators->next(); } }
public function next() { $this->it->next(); if ($this->currentLen !== 0) { --$this->currentLen; } }
/** * @param ObserverInterface $observer * @param SchedulerInterface|null $scheduler * @return \Rx\Disposable\CompositeDisposable|\Rx\DisposableInterface */ public function subscribe(ObserverInterface $observer, SchedulerInterface $scheduler = null) { $scheduler = $scheduler ?: new ImmediateScheduler(); $key = 0; return $scheduler->scheduleRecursive(function ($reschedule) use(&$observer, &$key) { try { //HHVM requires you to call next() before current() if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $this->items->next(); $key = $this->items->key(); } if (null === $key) { $observer->onCompleted(); return; } $current = $this->items->current(); $observer->onNext($current); if (!defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $this->items->next(); $key = $this->items->key(); } $reschedule(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $observer->onError($e); } }); }
public function next() { if (!$this->usingCache) { $this->innerIterator->next(); } ++$this->position; }
public function next() { $this->i++; if ($this->valid()) { $this->it->next(); } }
public function next() { $this->projectionNeeded = true; unset($this->current); unset($this->currentKey); return $this->innerIterator->next(); }
public function next() { parent::next(); if (!parent::valid()) { $this->source->next(); } }
public function next() { while (true) { $this->it->next(); if ($this->it->valid()) { if ($this->fetch()) { break; } } else { if ($this->it === $this->it0) { $this->it = $this->it1; $this->it->rewind(); if ($this->it->valid()) { if ($this->fetch()) { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function next() { $this->neighbour->next(); if (!$this->neighbour->valid()) { $this->neighbour->rewind(); parent::next(); } }
public function next() { $this->currentIt->next(); if ($this->state === 1 && !$this->currentIt->valid()) { $this->currentIt = $this->it2; $this->state = 2; } }
public function next() { $this->i++; if ($this->cacheSize == $this->i) { $this->it->next(); $this->memo(); } }
public function next() { $this->i++; $this->it->next(); if ($this->it === $this->it0 && !$this->it->valid()) { $this->it = $this->it1; } }
public function next() { $this->points->next(); if (!$this->points->valid()) { $this->series->next(); $serie = $this->series->current(); $this->points = new \ArrayIterator($serie ? $serie['values'] : []); } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function next() { $this->key++; $this->getCurrentIterator()->next(); if (!$this->currentIterator->valid()) { $this->mainIterator->next(); $this->currentIterator = $this->mainIterator->current(); } }
public function next() { $this->i++; $this->it->next(); $v = $this->it->valid(); if (!$v) { $this->it->rewind(); } }
public function next() { $this->inner->next(); if (!$this->inner->valid()) { $this->outer->next(); $this->fetchOuter(); } $this->fetchInner(); }
public function fetch($fetchMode = null) { if (!$this->currentIterator) { $this->currentIterator = $this->getIterator(); } $data = $this->currentIterator->current(); $this->currentIterator->next(); return $data; }
public function next() { if ($this->skipNext === true) { $this->skipNext = false; return; } $this->iterator->next(); $this->stack->push($this->iterator->current()); }
/** * @param $limit * @return Resource[] */ public function collect($limit = -1) { $resources = array(); while ($limit && $this->iterator->valid()) { $resources[] = $this->iterator->current(); $this->iterator->next(); $limit--; } return $resources; }
/** * @return string */ public function dir_readdir() { if ($this->iterator->valid()) { $result = $this->iterator->current(); $this->iterator->next(); return $result; } else { return false; } }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function next() { if ($this->subIterate && $this->subIterate->valid()) { $this->subIterate->next(); } if (!$this->subIterate->valid()) { $this->toIterate->next(); $this->initializeSubIterate(); } ++$this->position; }
public function rewind() { $this->i = 0; $this->it->rewind(); for ($j = 0; $j < $this->n; $j++) { if ($this->it->valid()) { $this->it->next(); } else { break; } } }
public function rewind() { $this->i = 0; $this->it->rewind(); while ($this->it->valid()) { if ($this->predicate->predicate($this->it->current(), $this->it->key())) { $this->it->next(); } else { break; } } }
public function next() { $this->inner->next(); while (!$this->inner->valid()) { $this->outer->next(); $this->fetchOuter(); if ($this->inner === null) { break; } } $this->fetchInner(); }
public function next() { while (true) { $this->it->next(); if ($this->it->valid()) { if ($this->fetch()) { break; } } else { break; } } }
/** * @inheritdoc */ public function current() { $current = $this->delegatorReader->current(); if (!$current) { $this->iterator->next(); if (!$this->iterator->valid()) { return false; } $resource = $this->convertResource($this->resource, $this->iterator->current()); $this->delegatorReader->open($resource); return $this->current(); } return $current; }
/** * @return Generator */ private function iterateAndCache() { foreach ($this->cache as $key => $value) { (yield $key => $value); } if ($this->innerIterator !== null) { while ($this->innerIterator->valid()) { $this->cache[$this->innerIterator->key()] = $this->innerIterator->current(); (yield $this->innerIterator->key() => $this->innerIterator->current()); $this->innerIterator->next(); } $this->innerIterator = null; } }
/** * (PHP 5 >= 5.0.0)<br/> * Return the current element * @link http://php.net/manual/en/iterator.current.php * @return array Can return any type. */ public function current() { if ($this->currentGroup == null) { $left = $this->groupSize; $this->currentGroup = array(); while ($this->innerIterator->valid()) { if ($left-- <= 0) { break; } $this->currentGroup[] = $this->innerIterator->current(); $this->innerIterator->next(); } } return $this->currentGroup; }
public function read() { if (!isset($this->iterator)) { $this->initializeIterator(); } if (!$this->iterator->valid()) { return null; } $current = $this->iterator->current(); if ($this->stepExecution) { $this->stepExecution->incrementSummaryInfo('read'); } $this->iterator->next(); return $current; }
public function read() { if (!isset($this->iterator)) { $this->initializeIterator(); } if (!$this->iterator->valid()) { return null; } $current = $this->iterator->current(); if ($this->stepExecution) { $this->stepExecution->incrementSummaryInfo('read'); } $this->iterator->next(); return $this->convertNumericIdentifierToString($current); }