Пример #1
 // Insert new post type...:
 // Check that this action request is not a CSRF hacked request:
 $edited_Itemtype = new ItemType();
 // Check permission:
 $current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit', true);
 // load data from request
 if ($edited_Itemtype->load_from_Request()) {
     // We could load data from form without errors:
     if ($edited_Itemtype->is_special()) {
         // is special post type
         param_error('ityp_ID', sprintf(T_('Post types with ID from %d to %d are reserved. Please use another ID.'), $special_range[0], $special_range[1]));
         // Set to 0 in order to display an edit input box for name field
         $edited_Itemtype->ID = 0;
         // Set name from request
         $edited_Itemtype->set('name', param('ityp_name', 'string', ''));
     } else {
         // ID is good
         // While inserting into DB, ID property of Userfield object will be set to autogenerated ID
         // So far as we set ID manualy, we need to preserve this value
         // When assignment of wrong value will be fixed, we can skip this
         $entered_itemtype_id = $edited_Itemtype->ID;
         // Insert in DB:
         // because of manual assigning ID,
         // member function ItemType::dbexists() is overloaded for proper functionality
         $q = $edited_Itemtype->dbexists();
         if ($q) {
             // We have a duplicate entry:
             param_error('ityp_ID', sprintf(T_('This post type already exists. Do you want to <a %s>edit the existing post type</a>?'), 'href="?ctrl=itemtypes&amp;tab=' . $tab . '&amp;tab3=' . $tab3 . '&amp;action=edit&amp;ityp_ID=' . $q . '"'));
         } else {