/** * Check if a request comes from a CloudFlare IP. * @return bool */ public function isCloudFlareIP() { // Store original remote address in $original_ip $this->original_ip = $this->getOriginalIP(); if (!isset($this->original_ip)) { return false; } // Process original_ip if on cloudflare $ip_ranges = $this->cf_ipv4; if (IpUtils::isIpv6($this->original_ip)) { $ip_ranges = $this->cf_ipv6; } foreach ($ip_ranges as $range) { if (IpUtils::checkIp($this->original_ip, $range)) { return true; } } return false; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} * * @api */ public function matches(Request $request) { if ($this->methods && !in_array($request->getMethod(), $this->methods)) { return false; } foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $pattern) { if (!preg_match('#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $pattern) . '#', $request->attributes->get($key))) { return false; } } if (null !== $this->path) { $path = str_replace('#', '\\#', $this->path); if (!preg_match('#' . $path . '#', rawurldecode($request->getPathInfo()))) { return false; } } if (null !== $this->host && !preg_match('#' . str_replace('#', '\\#', $this->host) . '#i', $request->getHost())) { return false; } if (null !== $this->ip && !IpUtils::checkIp($request->getClientIp(), $this->ip)) { return false; } return true; }
public function matches(Request $request) { if ($this->schemes && !in_array($request->getScheme(), $this->schemes)) { return false; } if ($this->methods && !in_array($request->getMethod(), $this->methods)) { return false; } foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $pattern) { if (!preg_match('{' . $pattern . '}', $request->attributes->get($key))) { return false; } } if (null !== $this->path && !preg_match('{' . $this->path . '}', rawurldecode($request->getPathInfo()))) { return false; } if (null !== $this->host && !preg_match('{' . $this->host . '}i', $request->getHost())) { return false; } if (IpUtils::checkIp($request->getClientIp(), $this->ips)) { return true; } return count($this->ips) === 0; }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function matches(Request $request) { if ($this->methods && !in_array($request->getMethod(), $this->methods)) { return false; } foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $pattern) { if (!preg_match('{' . $pattern . '}', $request->attributes->get($key))) { return false; } } if (null !== $this->path && !preg_match('{' . $this->path . '}', rawurldecode($request->getPathInfo()))) { return false; } if (null !== $this->host && !preg_match('{' . $this->host . '}i', $request->getHost())) { return false; } if (IpUtils::checkIp($request->getClientIp(), $this->ips)) { return true; } // Note to future implementors: add additional checks above the // foreach above or else your check might not be run! return count($this->ips) === 0; }
function actionPlay() { header('Content-type: application/json'); if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::METHOD_NOT_SUPPORT); return; } if (!IjoyPlusServiceUtils::validateAPPKey()) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::APP_KEY_INVALID); return; } $prod_id = Yii::app()->request->getParam("prod_id"); $prod_name = Yii::app()->request->getParam("prod_name"); $prod_subname = Yii::app()->request->getParam("prod_subname"); $prod_type = Yii::app()->request->getParam("prod_type"); $play_type = Yii::app()->request->getParam("play_type"); $playback_time = Yii::app()->request->getParam("playback_time"); $video_url = Yii::app()->request->getParam("video_url"); $duration = Yii::app()->request->getParam("duration"); $sid = Yii::app()->request->getParam("sid"); $cid = Yii::app()->request->getParam("cid"); $vid = Yii::app()->request->getParam("vid"); if (!isset($prod_id) || is_null($prod_id) || !isset($prod_type) || is_null($prod_type)) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::PARAM_IS_INVALID); return; } if (!isset($play_type) || is_null($play_type)) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::PARAM_IS_INVALID); return; } if (IjoyPlusServiceUtils::validateUserID()) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::USER_ID_INVALID); return; } try { $userid = Yii::app()->user->id; $ip = IpUtils::getIp(); $HTTP_CLIENT = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT'] : ""; //remove the code, needn't the requirement. // if($HTTP_CLIENT ===null || $HTTP_CLIENT ===''){ // Program::model()->incPlayCount($prod_id); // } if ($prod_type === '1') { if (is_numeric($duration) && intval($duration) >= 0) { $durations = intval($duration); if ($durations > 0) { $h = intval($durations / 3600); $m = intval($durations % 3600 / 60); $s = intval($durations % 3600 % 60); $durations = ''; if ($h > 0) { $durations = $h . ':'; } else { $durations = '00:'; } if ($m < 10) { $durations = $durations . '0' . $m . ':'; } else { $durations = $durations . $m . ':'; } if ($s < 10) { $durations = $durations . '0' . $s; } else { $durations = $durations . $s; } Program::model()->updateDuraning($prod_id, $durations); } } else { try { if ($duration === '' || $duration === '-1') { $history = new VideoFeedback(); $history->author_id = $userid; $history->client = $HTTP_CLIENT; $history->prod_type = $prod_type; $history->prod_name = $prod_name; $history->prod_id = $prod_id; $history->feedback_type = '9'; $history->create_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $history->save(); } } catch (Exception $e) { Yii::log(CJSON::encode($e), "error"); } } } if ($prod_type === '3') { $history = PlayHistory::model()->getHisotryByShowProd($userid, $prod_id, $prod_subname); } else { $history = PlayHistory::model()->getHisotryByProd($userid, $prod_id); } $remarks = Program::model()->getProgram($prod_id); $remarks = $remarks[0]->d_remarks; if ($history === null) { $history = new PlayHistory(); } $history->author_id = $userid; $history->prod_type = $prod_type; $history->prod_name = $prod_name; $history->prod_subname = $prod_subname; $history->prod_id = $prod_id; $history->status = Constants::OBJECT_APPROVAL; $history->play_type = $play_type; $history->playback_time = $playback_time; $history->video_url = $video_url; $history->duration = $duration; $history->create_date = new CDbExpression('NOW()'); $history->sid = $sid; $history->cid = $cid; $history->vid = $vid; $history->save(); $play_history = array('user_id' => $userid, 'prod_type' => $prod_type, 'prod_name' => $prod_name, 'prod_subname' => $prod_subname, 'prod_id' => $prod_id, 'play_type' => $play_type, 'playback_time' => $playback_time, 'video_url' => $video_url, 'duration' => $duration, 'sid' => $sid, 'cid' => $cid, 'vid' => $vid, 'remarks' => $remarks, 'ip' => $ip, 'create_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); SendBeanstalk::sendMessage(json_encode($play_history)); IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::SUCC); } catch (Exception $e) { IjoyPlusServiceUtils::exportServiceError(Constants::SYSTEM_ERROR); } }
private function isFromTrustedProxy() { return self::$trustedProxies && IpUtils::checkIp($this->server->get('REMOTE_ADDR'), self::$trustedProxies); }
/** * Checks whether the IP address of the client is unknown or not * @return bool True if the IP address of the client is unknown, because a proxy might be used */ public static function isClientIpUnknown() { return IpUtils::getClientIp() == ''; }
/** * @dataProvider ips **/ public function testMakeRanges($ips, $ranges) { $this->assertEquals($ranges, IpUtils::makeRanges($ips)); }