/** hasItem
	 * run a check to see if this user has an item. never call from a view
	 * @params $itemId, $itemParam
	 * @return (bool) $hasItem or throw an exception
    public function hasItem($itemId, $itemParam, $quantity=null){
        $itemId = (int) $itemId;
        if (!ctype_digit($itemParam)) throw new CircuitException("Invalid serial number");
		$ir = new InventoryReader($this->userId);
		$rs = $ir->execute();
		if(!$rs->isSuccess()) {
			throw new CircuitExecutionException('Could not retrieve inventory, maybe trying again will help?');
		//do they have the item?
		if( !$rs->hasItem($itemId)) {
			$this->messenger->addMessage("The item you specified is no longer available. Please make sure the item is in your inventory and not equipped on your avatar. ");
			return FALSE;
		$user_quantity = $rs->getQuantityByItemId($itemId);
		//do they have the quantity required?
		$user_quantity = $rs->getQuantityByItemId($itemId);
		if($quantity > $user_quantity) {
			$this->messenger->addMessage("The item you specified is no longer avaialable or is not available in the <i>quantity</i> you specified.  ");
			return FALSE;
		return TRUE;
Пример #2
 public function swapItem($from_serial, $to_item_id, $user_id = NULL)
     // default the user_id to the current logged in user if nothing was passed in
     $user_id = empty($user_id) ? SC::get('userdata.user_id') : intval($user_id);
     // validate that the serial we want to delete belongs to the user
     $ir = new InventoryReader($user_id);
     $rs = $ir->execute();
     if (!$rs->isSuccess()) {
         return $this->throwError('Unable to load your inventory at this time. Please try again later. Error: ' . $rs->getError(), $rs);
     $data = $rs->getItems();
     // data is empty so that means the user doesn't own this serial
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->throwError('The item was not found in your inventory.');
     // validate that the item we want to swap to exists
     // to_item_id can be either an INT (item_id that we want to grant) or
     // an array of item_ids that we want to grant and how many of each we want to grant
     // get the ids of the items we want to grant
     $item_ids = array();
     if (is_array($to_item_id)) {
         foreach ($to_item_id as $item) {
             $item_ids[] = $item['item_id'];
     } else {
         $item_ids[] = $to_item_id;
     // check to see if the items we want to grant exist
     $idr = new ItemDefinitionReader();
     if (!$idr->execute('__meta__')) {
         return $this->throwError('Unable to load item detail, please try again. ' . $idr->getError(), $idr);
     $found_ids = $idr->getItemIds();
     // if item_ids contains ids that arent in $found_ids then an item doesn't exist
     $difference = array_diff($item_ids, $found_ids);
     if (!empty($difference)) {
         return $this->throwError('Item(s) not found', $difference);
     // at this point we have a valid serial that belongs to the user_id and valid items that we want to grant
     $txn = DaoFactory::create('transactionmanager');
     // clear frozen status (if any) as we should allow users to open frozen letters
     $prop = PropertyReader::instance()->getProperties($from_serial, $user_id);
     $from_item_frozen_property = NULL;
     if (isset($prop['frozen']) && FrozenChecker::isFrozenByProperty($prop)) {
         $from_item_frozen_property = $prop['frozen'];
         // would be nice if we can attach $txn to $iw here, but it would create a dirty read
         // problem. we could potentially fail later after clearing the frozen status. we will live
         // with the unlikely case for now.
         $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM);
         $iw->deleteProperty($from_serial, $user_id, INVENTORY_LOCATION_MAIN, 'frozen');
         $iwr = $iw->execute();
         if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
             return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     //delete item we are swapping out
     $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM, $txn);
     $iw->deleteSerializedItem($user_id, $from_serial);
     //grant item(s) we are swapping in
     if (is_array($to_item_id)) {
         foreach ($to_item_id as $item) {
             $quantity = isset($item['quantity']) ? $item['quantity'] : 1;
             $iw->grantNewItems($user_id, $item['item_id'], $quantity);
     } else {
         $iw->grantNewItems($user_id, $to_item_id, 1);
     $iwr = $iw->execute(FALSE);
     if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
         return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     // get the serials of the granted items
     $this->granted_items = $iwr->getGeneratedSerials();
     if ($from_item_frozen_property) {
         // transfer the frozen property value to the swapped item
         // with packages it's not possible that a frozen item will grant multiple items.
         // all these items should be frozen
         $iw = new InventoryWriter(IW_APPCODE_FUNC_SWAP_ITEM, $txn);
         foreach ($this->granted_items as $new_serial) {
             $iw->setProperty($new_serial, $user_id, INVENTORY_LOCATION_MAIN, 'frozen', $from_item_frozen_property);
         if (!$iwr->isSuccess()) {
             return $this->throwError($iwr->getError());
     // set the new serials associated with the item_ids
     return TRUE;
Пример #3
	private function getInventory()
	        $this->page = $this->page ? $this->page : 1;
		$ir = new InventoryReader($this->userId);
		$ir->setPage( $this->page );
		$ir->setPerpage( $this->resultsPerPage );
		// set filter for inventory reader
		switch( $this->type )
			case 'zomg':
				$ir->addFilter( new MainInventoryFilter() );
				$ir->addFilter( new ZomgFilter() );             
			case 'game':
				$ir->addFilter( new GameItemsFilter() );
				$ir->addFilter( new NotLootFilter() );              
			case 'equip':
				$ir->addFilter( new UnequippedFilter() );
                $ir->addFilter( new EquippablesFilter() );                
			case 'housing':
				$ir->addFilter( new HousingItemsFilter() );
                $ir->addFilter( new UnequippedFilter() );
			case 'special':
				$ir->addFilter( new SpecialsFilter() );                
                $ir->addFilter( new UnequippedFilter() );
				$ir->addFilter( new MainInventoryFilter() );
                $ir->addFilter( new UnequippedFilter() );
		$rs = $ir->execute();
		//error handling
		if( !$rs->isSuccess())	{		
			throw new CircuitExecutionException($rs->whyYouBreak(), $rs->getDebug()); 
		//format data
        $items = $rs->getItems();
		$item_ids = $rs->getItemIds();
		$items_total = $rs->getTotalItems();
		$serials = $rs->getSerials();

		if ( $this->type == 'zomg'&& count($items) < $this->resultsPerPage )
			$ir = new InventoryReader($this->userId);
			$ir->addFilter( new LootFilter() );
			$rs = $ir->execute();
			if( !$rs->isSuccess())	{				
				throw new CircuitExecutionException($rs->whyYouBreak(), $rs->getDebug()); 
			$items = array_merge($items,$rs->getItems());
			$item_ids = array_merge($item_ids,$rs->getItemIds());
			$items_total += $rs->getTotalItems();
			$serials = array_merge($serials,$rs->getSerials());

		// save stuff for later.
		$this->set('inventory', $items);
		$this->set('serials', $serials);		
        $this->set('page', $this->page);		
		$this->set('totalPages', ceil($items_total / $this->resultsPerPage));		
		$this->set('resultsPerPage', $this->resultsPerPage);
		return $item_ids;