Пример #1
require $root_path . 'include/inc_environment_global.php';
* CARE2X Integrated Hospital Information System Deployment 2.1 - 2004-10-02
* GNU General Public License
* Copyright 2005 Robert Meggle based on the development of Elpidio Latorilla (2002,2003,2004,2005)
* elpidio@care2x.org, meggle@merotech.de
* See the file "copy_notice.txt" for the licence notice
$lang_tables[] = 'billing.php';
$lang_tables[] = 'aufnahme.php';
require $root_path . 'include/inc_front_chain_lang.php';
require_once $root_path . 'include/care_api_classes/class_tz_insurance.php';
$insurance_tz = new Insurance_tz();
if ($mode == 'insert') {
    //Error checking
    if (strlen(trim($name)) < 3) {
        $error['name'] = true;
    if (!is_numeric($ceiling)) {
        $error['ceiling'] = true;
    if (!$error) {
        if ($insurance_tz->InsertInsuranceType($_POST)) {
            header("location: insurance_types_tz.php");
    $this_insurance = $_POST;
require "gui/gui_insurance_types_tz_new.php";