function facebook_crawl() { //TODO Crawl Facebook posts and comments and insert them into the database global $THINKTANK_CFG; global $db; global $conn; $logger = new Logger($THINKTANK_CFG['log_location']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db, $logger); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db, $logger); $instances = $id->getAllActiveInstancesStalestFirstByNetwork('facebook'); foreach ($instances as $i) { $logger->setUsername($i->network_username); $tokens = $oid->getOAuthTokens($i->id); $session_key = $tokens['oauth_access_token']; $fb = new Facebook($THINKTANK_CFG['facebook_api_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['facebook_api_secret']); $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id); $id->updateLastRun($i->id); $crawler = new FacebookCrawler($i, $logger, $fb, $db); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserInfo($i->network_user_id, $session_key); $crawler->fetchUserPostsAndReplies($i->network_user_id, $session_key); $id->save($crawler->instance, $crawler->owner_object->post_count, $logger, $fb); } $logger->close(); # Close logging }
function twitter_crawl() { global $THINKTANK_CFG; global $db; global $conn; $logger = new Logger($THINKTANK_CFG['log_location']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db, $logger); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db, $logger); $instances = $id->getAllActiveInstancesStalestFirstByNetwork('twitter'); foreach ($instances as $i) { $logger->setUsername($i->network_username); $tokens = $oid->getOAuthTokens($i->id); $noauth = true; if (isset($tokens['oauth_access_token']) && $tokens['oauth_access_token'] != '' && isset($tokens['oauth_access_token_secret']) && $tokens['oauth_access_token_secret'] != '') { $noauth = false; } if ($noauth) { $api = new CrawlerTwitterAPIAccessorOAuth('NOAUTH', 'NOAUTH', $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_secret'], $i, $THINKTANK_CFG['archive_limit']); } else { $api = new CrawlerTwitterAPIAccessorOAuth($tokens['oauth_access_token'], $tokens['oauth_access_token_secret'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_secret'], $i, $THINKTANK_CFG['archive_limit']); } $crawler = new TwitterCrawler($i, $logger, $api, $db); $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id); $api->init($logger); if ($api->available_api_calls_for_crawler > 0) { $id->updateLastRun($i->id); // No auth req'd $crawler->fetchInstanceUserInfo(); // No auth for public Twitter users $crawler->fetchInstanceUserTweets(); if (!$noauth) { // Auth req'd, for calling user only $crawler->fetchInstanceUserRetweetsByMe(); // Auth req'd, for calling user only $crawler->fetchInstanceUserMentions(); // Auth req'd, for calling user only $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFriends(); // Auth req'd, for calling user only $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFollowers(); } $crawler->fetchStrayRepliedToTweets(); $crawler->fetchUnloadedFollowerDetails(); $crawler->fetchFriendTweetsAndFriends(); // TODO: Get direct messages // TODO: Gather favorites data if ($noauth) { // No auth req'd $crawler->fetchSearchResults($i->network_username); } $crawler->cleanUpFollows(); // Save instance $id->save($crawler->instance, $crawler->owner_object->post_count, $logger, $api); } } $logger->close(); # Close logging }
function twitter_crawl() { global $THINKTANK_CFG; global $db; global $conn; $logger = new Logger($THINKTANK_CFG['log_location']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db, $logger); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db, $logger); $lurlapi = new LongUrlAPIAccessor($THINKTANK_CFG['app_title']); $flickrapi = new FlickrAPIAccessor($THINKTANK_CFG['flickr_api_key']); $instances = $id->getAllActiveInstancesStalestFirst(); foreach ($instances as $i) { $logger->setUsername($i->network_username); $tokens = $oid->getOAuthTokens($i->id); $api = new CrawlerTwitterAPIAccessorOAuth($tokens['oauth_access_token'], $tokens['oauth_access_token_secret'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_secret'], $i, $THINKTANK_CFG['archive_limit']); $crawler = new TwitterCrawler($i, $logger, $api, $db); $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id); $api->init($logger); if ($api->available_api_calls_for_crawler > 0) { $id->updateLastRun($i->id); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserInfo(); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserTweets($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserRetweetsByMe($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserMentions($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFriends(); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFollowers(); $crawler->fetchStrayRepliedToTweets($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchUnloadedFollowerDetails(); $crawler->fetchFriendTweetsAndFriends($lurlapi, $flickrapi); // TODO: Get direct messages // TODO: Gather favorites data $crawler->cleanUpFollows(); // Save instance $id->save($crawler->instance, $crawler->owner_object->post_count, $logger, $api); } } $logger->close(); # Close logging if (isset($conn)) { $db->closeConnection($conn); } // Clean up }
$fb_user = null; $facebook = new Facebook($THINKTANK_CFG['facebook_api_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['facebook_api_secret']); try { $fb_user = $facebook->api_client->users_getLoggedInUser(); echo "Facebook user is logged in and user ID set<br />"; $fb_username = $facebook->api_client->users_getInfo($fb_user, 'name'); $fb_username = $fb_username[0]['name']; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "EXCEPTION: " . $e->message; } if (isset($_GET['sessionKey']) && isset($fb_user) && $fb_user > 0) { $session_key = $_GET['sessionKey']; echo "DEBUG:"; echo "Session Key: " . $session_key . "<br />"; $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); $ud = new UserDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $i = $id->getByUserId($fb_user); if (isset($i)) { echo "Instance exists<br />"; $oi = $oid->get($owner->id, $i->id); if ($oi == null) { //Instance already exists, owner instance doesn't $oid->insert($owner->id, $i->id, $session_key); //Add owner instance with session key echo "Created owner instance.<br />"; } } else { //Instance does not exist
<?php session_start(); isset($_SESSION['user']) ? $_u = $_SESSION['user'] : ($_u = ''); isset($_SESSION['instance']) ? $_i = $_SESSION['instance'] : ($_i = ''); //Print_r ($_i); require_once "common/init.php"; $db = new Database($THINKTANK_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $cfg = new Config(); $pd = new PostDAO($db); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); //Pagination $count = 15; if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; } else { $page = 1; } if ($page > 1) { $s->assign('prev_page', $page - 1); } $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $i = $id->getInstanceFreshestOne(); $s->assign('crawler_last_run', $i->crawler_last_run); $s->assign('i', $_i); // show tweet with public replies if (isset($_REQUEST['t']) && $pd->isPostByPublicInstance($_REQUEST['t'])) { if (!$s->is_cached('public.tpl', $_REQUEST['t'])) { $post = $pd->getPost($_REQUEST['t']);
$to = new TwitterOAuth($cfg->oauth_consumer_key, $cfg->oauth_consumer_secret, $request_token, $request_token_secret); $tok = $to->getAccessToken(); if (isset($tok['oauth_token']) && isset($tok['oauth_token_secret'])) { $api = new TwitterAPIAccessorOAuth($tok['oauth_token'], $tok['oauth_token_secret'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_secret']); $u = $api->verifyCredentials(); // echo "User ID: ". $u['user_id']; // echo "User name: ". $u['user_name']; $twitter_id = $u['user_id']; $tu = $u['user_name']; $db = new Database($THINKTANK_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); if ($twitter_id > 0) { echo "Twitter authentication successful.<br />"; $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $i = $id->getByUsername($tu); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); if (isset($i)) { echo "Instance already exists.<br />"; $oi = $oid->get($owner->id, $i->id); if ($oi != null) { echo "Owner already has this instance, no insert or update.<br />"; } else { $oid->insert($owner->id, $i->id, $tok['oauth_token'], $tok['oauth_token_secret']); echo "Added owner instance.<br />"; } } else { echo "Instance does not exist.<br />"; $id->insert($twitter_id, $tu); echo "Created instance.<br />";
if (!$session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) { $errormsg = "Old password does not match or empty."; } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) { $errormsg = "New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) { $errormsg = "New password must be at least 5 characters. Your password has not been changed."; } else { $cryptpass = $session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']); $od->updatePassword($_SESSION['user'], $cryptpass); $successmsg = "Your password has been updated."; } } $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); $s->caching = 0; $cfg = new Config(); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $s->assign('owner', $owner); // grab instance from session variable $i = unserialize($_SESSION['instance']); $s->assign('instance', $i); if ($owner->is_admin) { $owners = $od->getAllOwners(); foreach ($owners as $o) { $instances = $id->getByOwner($o, true); $o->setInstances($instances); } $s->assign('owners', $owners);
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: /session/login.php"); } $u = $_GET["u"]; $p = $_GET["p"]; if ($p != 1) { $p = 0; } chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $cfg = new Config(); $db = new Database($TWITALYTIC_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $id->setPublic($u, $p); $db->closeConnection($conn);
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: /session/login.php"); } // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database($TWITALYTIC_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $cfg = new Config($db); $s = new SmartyTwitalytic(); $s->caching = 0; $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $owner_instances = $id->getByOwner($owner); $to = new TwitterOAuth($cfg->oauth_consumer_key, $cfg->oauth_consumer_secret); /* Request tokens from twitter */ $tok = $to->getRequestToken(); $token = $tok['oauth_token']; $_SESSION['oauth_request_token_secret'] = $tok['oauth_token_secret']; /* Build the authorization URL */ $oauthorize_link = $to->getAuthorizeURL($token); $s->assign('owner_instances', $owner_instances); $s->assign('owner', $owner); $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $s->assign('oauthorize_link', $oauthorize_link);
<?php chdir(".."); require_once "common/init.php"; session_start(); $session = new Session(); if (!$session->isLoggedIn()) { header("Location: ../index.php"); } $u = $_GET["u"]; $p = $_GET["p"]; if ($p != 1) { $p = 0; } $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $id->setActive($u, $p); $db->closeConnection($conn);
/** * @return */ public function launchStreams() { $logger = Logger::getInstance('stream_log_location'); if (!$this->php_path) { $logger->logError("php path is not set: check Twitter Realtime plugin configuration", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); return; } // get information from database about all streams. This data is indexed by email + instance id. $stream_hash = $this->stream_proc_dao->getAllStreamProcesses(); // get all owners $owners = $this->owner_dao->getAllOwners(); $count = 0; // exec the stream processing script for each owner. This will fire up the // stream consumption if the owner has a twitter instance. foreach ($owners as $owner) { if ($count == self::MAX_INSTANCES) { break; // only open user stream process for up to MAX_INSTANCES instances } // the last argument in the following causes only active instances to be retrieved. $instances = $this->instance_dao->getByOwnerAndNetwork($owner, 'twitter', true, true); foreach ($instances as $instance) { $owner_email = $owner->email; if (isset($owner_email)) { $idx = $owner_email . "_" . $instance->id; $start_new_proc = false; // if a 'live' process for that user is already running, take no action if (isset($stream_hash[$idx]) && $stream_hash[$idx]['email'] == $owner_email && $stream_hash[$idx]['instance_id'] == $instance->id) { if (strtotime($stream_hash[$idx]['last_report']) < time() - self::GAP_TIME) { $logger->logInfo("killing process " . $stream_hash[$idx]['process_id'] . " -- it has not updated recently", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); $this->psKill($stream_hash[$idx]['process_id']); $this->stream_proc_dao->deleteProcess($stream_hash[$idx]['process_id']); $start_new_proc = true; } else { $logger->logInfo("process " . $stream_hash[$idx]['process_id'] . " listed with recent update time for instance with {$owner_email} and " . $stream_hash[$idx]['instance_id'] . "-- not starting another one", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); $count++; // include this proc in the count of running processes } } else { // start up a process for that instance $start_new_proc = true; } if ($start_new_proc) { $logger->logInfo("starting new process for " . "{$owner_email} and " . $instance->id, __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); $pass = $this->owner_dao->getPass($owner_email); if ($pass && isset($this->php_path)) { // @TODO - check that the dir paths are set properly // then exec using that owner email and the encrypted pwd as args $logfile = $this->log_dir . '/' . $owner_email . '_' . $instance->id . '.log'; $pid = shell_exec('cd ' . $this->streaming_dir . '; ' . $this->php_path . ' stream2.php ' . ' ' . $instance->id . ' ' . $owner_email . ' ' . $pass . ' > ' . $logfile . ' 2>&1 & echo $!'); if (!isset($pid)) { throw new StreamingException("error: could not obtain PID when starting stream2 process."); } // insert PID and email/instance id information into the database. $res = $this->stream_proc_dao->insertProcessInfo(trim($pid), $owner_email, $instance->id); if (!$res) { throw new StreamingException("error: issue inserting process information into database."); } $logger->logInfo("started pid " . trim($pid) . " for {$owner_email} and instance id " . $instance->id, __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); $count++; } else { $logger->logError("error: not launching stream for {$owner_email}-- error " . "with specified password or php path", __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); } } if ($count == self::MAX_INSTANCES) { break; // only open user stream process for up to MAX_OWNERS instances } } else { $logger->logError("error: email info not available. not launching stream for instance " . $instance->id, __METHOD__ . ',' . __LINE__); } } // end foreach instance } // end foreach owner }
if (!$session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) { $errormsg = "Old password does not match or empty."; } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) { $errormsg = "New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) { $errormsg = "New password must be at least 5 characters. Your password has not been changed."; } else { $cryptpass = $session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']); $od->updatePassword($_SESSION['user'], $cryptpass); $successmsg = "Your password has been updated."; } } $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); $s->caching = 0; $cfg = new Config(); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $s->assign('owner', $owner); if ($owner->is_admin) { $owners = $od->getAllOwners(); foreach ($owners as $o) { $instances = $id->getByOwner($o, true); $o->setInstances($instances); } $s->assign('owners', $owners); } /* Begin plugin-specific configuration handling */ $cmi = $webapp->getConfigMenu();
header("Location: /session/login.php"); } // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $pd = new PostDAO($db); if (isset($_REQUEST['t']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['t']) && $pd->isPostInDB($_REQUEST['t'])) { $status_id = $_REQUEST['t']; $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); if (!$s->is_cached('status.index.tpl', $status_id)) { $post = $pd->getPost($status_id); $u = new Utils(); // BUG: THIS ISN'T GOING TO WORK WHEN LOOKING AT POSTS OF OTHER USERS BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE INSTANCES $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $i = $id->getByUsername($post->author_username); if (isset($i)) { $s->assign('likely_orphans', $pd->getLikelyOrphansForParent($post->pub_date, $i->network_user_id, $post->author_username, 15)); $s->assign('all_tweets', $pd->getAllPosts($i->network_user_id, 15)); } $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id); // instantiate data access objects $ud = new UserDAO($db); $all_replies = $pd->getRepliesToPost($status_id); $all_replies_count = count($all_replies); $all_retweets = $pd->getRetweetsOfPost($status_id); $retweet_reach = $pd->getPostReachViaRetweets($status_id); $public_replies = $pd->getPublicRepliesToPost($status_id); $public_replies_count = count($public_replies); $private_replies_count = $all_replies_count - $public_replies_count;
} // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . ":" . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database(); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $td = new TweetDAO(); if (isset($_REQUEST['t']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['t']) && $td->isTweetInDB($_REQUEST['t'])) { $status_id = $_REQUEST['t']; $s = new SmartyTwitalytic(); if (!$s->is_cached('status.index.tpl', $status_id)) { $tweet = $td->getTweet($status_id); $u = new Utils(); $id = new InstanceDAO(); $i = $id->getByUsername($tweet['author_username']); if (isset($i)) { $s->assign('likely_orphans', $td->getLikelyOrphansForParent($tweet['pub_date'], $i->twitter_user_id, $tweet['author_username'], 15)); $s->assign('all_tweets', $td->getAllTweets($i->twitter_user_id, 15)); } $cfg = new Config($i->twitter_username, $i->twitter_user_id); // instantiate data access objects $ud = new UserDAO(); $all_replies = $td->getRepliesToTweet($status_id); $all_replies_count = count($all_replies); $public_replies = $td->getPublicRepliesToTweet($status_id); $public_replies_count = count($public_replies); $private_replies_count = $all_replies_count - $public_replies_count; $tweet = $td->getTweet($status_id); $s->assign('tweet', $tweet);
} // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database($TWITALYTIC_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $td = new TweetDAO($db); if (isset($_REQUEST['t']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['t']) && $td->isTweetInDB($_REQUEST['t'])) { $status_id = $_REQUEST['t']; $s = new SmartyTwitalytic(); if (!$s->is_cached('status.index.tpl', $status_id)) { $tweet = $td->getTweet($status_id); $u = new Utils(); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $i = $id->getByUsername($tweet->author_username); if (isset($i)) { $s->assign('likely_orphans', $td->getLikelyOrphansForParent($tweet->pub_date, $i->twitter_user_id, $tweet->author_username, 15)); $s->assign('all_tweets', $td->getAllTweets($i->twitter_user_id, 15)); } $cfg = new Config($i->twitter_username, $i->twitter_user_id); // instantiate data access objects $ud = new UserDAO($db); $all_replies = $td->getRepliesToTweet($status_id); $all_replies_count = count($all_replies); $public_replies = $td->getPublicRepliesToTweet($status_id); $public_replies_count = count($public_replies); $private_replies_count = $all_replies_count - $public_replies_count; $tweet = $td->getTweet($status_id); $s->assign('tweet', $tweet);
session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: /session/login.php"); } // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database($THINKTANK_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $td = new TweetDAO($db); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && $id->isUserConfigured($_REQUEST['u'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['u']; $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); if (!$oid->doesOwnerHaveAccess($owner, $username)) { echo 'Insufficient privileges. <a href="/">Back</a>.'; $db->closeConnection($conn); die; } else { $tweets = $td->getAllTweetsByUsername($username); } } else { echo 'No access'; $db->closeConnection($conn); die; }
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: ../session/login.php"); } // set up chdir(".."); require_once "common/init.php"; $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $ud = new UserDAO($db); $fd = new FollowDAO($db); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $pd = new PostDAO($db); $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && $ud->isUserInDBByName($_REQUEST['u']) && isset($_REQUEST['i'])) { $user = $ud->getUserByName($_REQUEST['u']); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); // let's use the session variable to guarantee a value rather than the $i POST value, which can be blank $i = $id->getByUsername($_SESSION['network_username']); //$i = $id->getByUsername($_SESSION['i']); if (isset($i)) { $cfg = new Config($i->network_username, $i->network_user_id); if (!$s->is_cached('user.index.tpl', $i->network_username . "-" . $user->username)) { $s->assign('instances', $id->getByOwner($owner)); $s->assign('profile', $user); $s->assign('user_statuses', $pd->getAllPosts($user->user_id, 20)); $s->assign('sources', $pd->getStatusSources($user->user_id)); $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $s->assign('instance', $i); $s->assign('i', $i);
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: /session/login.php"); } // set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database($TWITALYTIC_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $ud = new UserDAO($db); $fd = new FollowDAO($db); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $td = new TweetDAO($db); if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && $ud->isUserInDBByName($_REQUEST['u']) && isset($_REQUEST['i'])) { $user = $ud->getUserByName($_REQUEST['u']); $i = $id->getByUsername($_REQUEST['i']); if (isset($i)) { $cfg = new Config($i->twitter_username, $i->twitter_user_id); $s = new SmartyTwitalytic(); if (!$s->is_cached('user.index.tpl', $i->twitter_username . "-" . $user['user_name'])) { $s->assign('profile', $user); $s->assign('user_statuses', $td->getAllTweets($user['user_id'], 20)); $s->assign('sources', $td->getStatusSources($user['user_id'])); $s->assign('cfg', $cfg); $s->assign('instance', $i); $exchanges = $td->getExchangesBetweenUsers($cfg->twitter_user_id, $user['user_id']); $s->assign('exchanges', $exchanges);
if ($_POST['changepass'] == 'Change Password') { $originalpass = $od->getPass($_SESSION['user']); $origpass = $originalpass['pwd']; if (!$session->pwdCheck($_POST['oldpass'], $origpass)) { $errormsg = "Old password does not match or empty."; } elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) { $errormsg = "New passwords did not match. Your password has not been changed."; } elseif (strlen($_POST['pass1']) < 5) { $errormsg = "New password must be at least 5 characters. Your password has not been changed."; } else { $cryptpass = $session->pwdcrypt($_POST['pass1']); $od->updatePassword($_SESSION['user'], $cryptpass); $successmsg = "Your password has been updated."; } } $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $cfg = new Config(); $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); $s->caching = 0; $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $owner_instances = $id->getByOwner($owner); $to = new TwitterOAuth($cfg->oauth_consumer_key, $cfg->oauth_consumer_secret); /* Request tokens from twitter */ $tok = $to->getRequestToken(); $token = $tok['oauth_token']; $_SESSION['oauth_request_token_secret'] = $tok['oauth_token_secret']; /* Build the authorization URL */ $oauthorize_link = $to->getAuthorizeURL($token); if ($owner->is_admin) { $owners = $od->getAllOwners();
<?php require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $db = new Database($THINKTANK_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $logger = new Logger($THINKTANK_CFG['log_location']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db, $logger); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db, $logger); $lurlapi = new LongUrlAPIAccessor($THINKTANK_CFG['app_title']); $flickrapi = new FlickrAPIAccessor($THINKTANK_CFG['flickr_api_key']); $instances = $id->getAllInstancesStalestFirst(); foreach ($instances as $i) { $logger->setUsername($i->twitter_username); $tokens = $oid->getOAuthTokens($i->id); $api = new CrawlerTwitterAPIAccessorOAuth($tokens['oauth_access_token'], $tokens['oauth_access_token_secret'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_key'], $THINKTANK_CFG['oauth_consumer_secret'], $i, $THINKTANK_CFG['archive_limit']); $crawler = new Crawler($i, $logger, $api, $db); $cfg = new Config($i->twitter_username, $i->twitter_user_id); $api->init($logger); if ($api->available_api_calls_for_crawler > 0) { $id->updateLastRun($i->id); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserInfo(); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserTweets($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserRetweetsByMe($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserMentions($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFriends(); $crawler->fetchInstanceUserFollowers(); $crawler->fetchStrayRepliedToTweets($lurlapi, $flickrapi); $crawler->fetchUnloadedFollowerDetails(); $crawler->fetchFriendTweetsAndFriends($lurlapi, $flickrapi);
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { header("Location: session/login.php"); } // set up require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && $id->isUserConfigured($_REQUEST['u'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['u']; $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); if (!$oid->doesOwnerHaveAccess($owner, $username)) { echo 'Insufficient privileges. <a href="/">Back</a>.'; $db->closeConnection($conn); die; } else { $i = $id->getByUsername($username); } } else { $db->closeConnection($conn); die; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['d'])) { $_REQUEST['d'] = "all-tweets"; } $s = new SmartyThinkTank();
// set up chdir(".."); require_once ''; ini_set("include_path", ini_get("include_path") . PATH_SEPARATOR . $INCLUDE_PATH); require_once "init.php"; $tu = $_POST['twitter_username']; $tp = $_POST['twitter_password']; $db = new Database($THINKTANK_CFG); $conn = $db->getConnection(); $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $api = new TwitterAPIAccessor($tu, $tp); $twitter_id = $api->doesAuthenticate(); if ($twitter_id > 0) { echo "Twitter authentication successful.<br />"; $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $i = $id->getByUsername($tu); $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); if (isset($i)) { echo "Instance already exists.<br />"; $id->updatePassword($tu, $tp); echo "Updated existing instance's password.<br />"; $oi = $oid->get($owner->id, $i->id); if ($oi != null) { echo "Owner already has this instance, no insert or update.<br />"; } else { $oid->insert($owner->id, $i->id); echo "Added owner instance.<br />"; } } else { echo "Instance does not exist.<br />";
<?php session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { require_once 'public.php'; die; } else { require_once "common/init.php"; $od = new OwnerDAO($db); $owner = $od->getByEmail($_SESSION['user']); $id = new InstanceDAO($db); $s = new SmartyThinkTank(); if (isset($_REQUEST['u']) && $id->isUserConfigured($_REQUEST['u'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['u']; $oid = new OwnerInstanceDAO($db); if (!$oid->doesOwnerHaveAccess($owner, $username)) { echo 'Insufficient privileges. <a href="/">Back</a>.'; $db->closeConnection($conn); die; } else { $i = $id->getByUsername($username); } } else { $i = $id->getFreshestByOwnerId($owner->id); if (!isset($i) && $i == null) { $s->assign('msg', 'You have no Twitter accounts configured. <a href="' . $THINKTANK_CFG['site_root_path'] . 'account/?p=twitter">Set up a Twitter account here</a>'); $s->display('message.tpl'); $db->closeConnection($conn); die; } }