  * Inserts a new row into the Database with the data contained in the object.
  * @param integer $dbID The {@link DBHandler} database ID to query.
  * @access public
  * @return integer Returns the new ID of the data stored.
 function insert($dbID)
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     $newID = $idManager->createId();
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("id", "data"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($newID->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->asString()) . "'"));
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $dbID);
     if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
         throwError(new UnknownDBError("StorableString"));
         return false;
     return $newID->getIdString();
Пример #2
  * Takes a {@link DMRecord} and an optional date and creates a {@link RecordTag} in the database based
  * on the current active versions of values within the {@link DMRecord}.
  * @param ref object $record The {@link DMRecord} to be tagged.
  * @param optional object $date An optional {@link DateAndTime} object to attach to the tag instead of the current date/time.
  * @return int The new tag's ID in the database.
  * @access public
 function tagRecord($record, $date = null)
     // if the dataset is not versionControlled, there's no point in tagging
     if (!$record->isVersionControlled()) {
         return null;
     $id = $record->getID();
     if (!$date) {
         $date = DateAndTime::now();
     // spider through the record and get the IDs of the active versions.
     $ids = array();
     $schema = $record->getSchema();
     foreach ($schema->getAllIDs() as $id) {
         $values = $record->getRecordFieldValues($id);
         foreach (array_keys($values) as $key) {
             if ($values[$key]->hasActiveValue()) {
                 $actVer = $values[$key]->getActiveVersion();
                 $ids[] = $actVer->getID();
     // now let's dump it all to the DB
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("id", "fk_record", "date"));
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     $newID = $idManager->createId();
     $query->addRowOfValues(array($newID->getIdString(), $id, $dbHandler->toDBDate($date, DATAMANAGER_DBID)));
     $query2 = new InsertQuery();
     $query2->setColumns(array("fk_tag", "fk_record_field"));
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $query2->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($newID->getIdString()) . "'", $id));
     $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
     $result2 = $dbHandler->query($query2, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
     if (!$result || !$result2) {
         throwError(new UnknownDBError("RecordTagManager"));
     // we're done.
     return $newID->getIdString();
Пример #3
  * Write the cache
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 2/13/06
 function writeCache()
     $dbc = Services::getService('DatabaseManager');
     $query = new DeleteQuery();
     $query->addWhere("dr_resized_cache.fk_file = '" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'");
     $query->addWhere("dr_resized_cache.size = '" . addslashes($this->_size) . "'");
     $query->addWhere("dr_resized_cache.websafe = " . ($this->_websafe ? '1' : '0'));
     $dbc->query($query, $this->getDBIndex());
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array('fk_file', 'size', 'websafe', 'cache_time', 'fk_mime_type', 'data'));
     $values = array();
     $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'";
     $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_size) . "'";
     $values[] = $this->_websafe ? '1' : '0';
     $values[] = "NOW()";
     $imgProcessor = Services::getService("ImageProcessor");
     if ($this->_websafe) {
         $this->_mimeType = $imgProcessor->getWebsafeFormat($this->_parts['MIME_TYPE']->getValue());
         $values[] = $this->getMimeKey();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($imgProcessor->getWebsafeData($this->_parts['MIME_TYPE']->getValue(), $this->_size, $this->_parts['FILE_DATA']->getValue())) . "'";
     } else {
         $this->_mimeType = $imgProcessor->getResizedFormat($this->_parts['MIME_TYPE']->getValue());
         $values[] = $this->getMimeKey();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($imgProcessor->getResizedData($this->_parts['MIME_TYPE']->getValue(), $this->_size, $this->_parts['FILE_DATA']->getValue())) . "'";
     $dbc->query($query, $this->getDBIndex());
  * Attempts to commit our {@link DMRecord}s to the database and update our mapping.
  * @param boolean optional $ignoreMandatory If true, doesn't fail if mandatory
  *		fields don't have values.
  * @return void
 function commit($ignoreMandatory = false)
     $ids = array();
     if (count($this->_records)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_records); $i++) {
             $ids[] = $this->_records[$i]->getID();
         $this->_records = array();
         $this->_fetchMode = -1;
     if ($this->_dirty) {
         // syncrhonize the database
         $ids = array_merge($ids, $this->_storedRecordIDs);
         // Make sure that we only have one ID for each record.
         $ids = array_unique($ids);
         $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         // first delete all the old mappings
         $query = new DeleteQuery();
         $query->setWhere("dm_record_set.id='" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'");
         //			printpre(MySQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($query));
         $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         if (count($ids)) {
             // next insert all our mappings back in.
             $query = new InsertQuery();
             $query->setColumns(array("id", "fk_record"));
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'", "'" . addslashes($id) . "'"));
                 if (!in_array($id, $this->_storedRecordIDs)) {
                     $this->_storedRecordIDs[] = $id;
             //				printpre(MySQL_SQLGenerator::generateSQLQuery($query));
             $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
             // done!
Пример #5
  * Commits any changes that have been made to the database. If neither update() nor prune() have been
  * called, even if changes have been made, they will not be reflected in the database.
  * @return bool
  * @access public
 function commit()
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     if ($this->_update) {
         // let's re-cast our primitive to a storablePrimitive
         // first we need to commit the actual Primitive value
         // so that we can get its ID
         if (!$this->_dataID) {
             $this->_dataID = $this->_primitive->insert(DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         } else {
             $this->_primitive->update(DATAMANAGER_DBID, $this->_dataID);
         $this->_date = DateAndTime::now();
         if ($this->_myID) {
             // we're already in the DB. just update the entry
             $query = new UpdateQuery();
             $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'");
             $query->setColumns(array("value_index", "active", "modified"));
             $query->setValues(array($this->_parent->getIndex(), $this->_active ? 1 : 0, $dbHandler->toDBDate($this->_date, DATAMANAGER_DBID)));
         } else {
             // we have to insert a new one
             $query = new InsertQuery();
             $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
             $newID = $idManager->createId();
             $this->_myID = $newID->getIdString();
             $query->setColumns(array("id", "fk_record", "fk_schema_field", "value_index", "fk_data", "active", "modified"));
             $schema = $this->_parent->_parent->_parent->getSchema();
             $schemaField = $this->_parent->_parent->getSchemaField();
             $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_parent->_parent->_parent->getID()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($schemaField->getID()) . "'", $this->_parent->getIndex(), "'" . addslashes($this->_dataID) . "'", $this->_active ? 1 : 0, $dbHandler->toDBDate($this->_date, DATAMANAGER_DBID)));
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         if (!$result) {
             throwError(new UnknownDBError("DMRecord"));
             return false;
     if ($this->_prune && $this->_dataID) {
         if ($id = $this->getID()) {
             // ok, let's get rid of ourselves... completely!
             $query = new DeleteQuery();
             $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($id) . "'");
             $res = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
             if (!$res) {
                 throwError(new UnknownDBError("DMRecord"));
             // now tell the data object to prune itself
             $this->_primitive->prune(DATAMANAGER_DBID, $this->_dataID);
             // and we have to get rid of any tag mappings where we are included.
             $query = new DeleteQuery();
             $query->setWhere("fk_record_field='" . addslashes($id) . "'");
             $res = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
             if (!$res) {
                 throwError(new UnknownDBError("DMRecord"));
     // reset the prune flag
     $this->_prune = false;
     // reset the update flag
     $this->_update = false;
     return true;
Пример #6
  * Add a Topic for this CanonicalCourse.
  * @param string $topic
  * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
  *		   with one of the following messages defined in
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
  *		   thrown:	{@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *		   OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *		   PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  *		   UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
  *		   NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#ALREADY_ADDED
  * @access public
 function addTopic($topic)
     $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("fk_cm_can='" . $this->_id->getIdString() . "'");
     $query->addWhere("topic='" . addslashes($topic) . "'");
     //not really needed, but it keeps this from crashing.
     $res = $dbManager->query($query);
     if ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 0) {
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($topic) . "'";
         $query->setColumns(array('fk_cm_can', 'topic'));
         $result = $dbManager->query($query);
     } elseif ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 1) {
         //do nothing
     } else {
         print "\n<b>Warning!<\\b> The Topic with course " . $this->getDisplayName() . " and description " . $topic . " is not unique--there are " . $res->getNumberOfRows() . " copies.\n";
Пример #7
  * Create a new unique identifier.
  * @return object Id
  * @throws object IdException An exception with one of the following
  *		   messages defined in org.osid.id.IdException:	 {@link
  *		   org.osid.id.IdException#OPERATION_FAILED OPERATION_FAILED},
  *		   {@link org.osid.id.IdException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *		   PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.id.IdException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.id.IdException#UNIMPLEMENTED UNIMPLEMENTED}
  * @access public
 function createId()
     if (isset($this->createId_stmt)) {
         $newID = $this->harmoni_db->lastInsertId('id', 'id_value');
         $this->deleteId_stmt->bindValue(1, $newID);
     } else {
         debug::output("Attempting to generate new id.", 20, "IdManager");
         $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setAutoIncrementColumn("id_value", "id_id_value_seq");
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
         if ($result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
             throwError(new Error(IdException::CONFIGURATION_ERROR(), "IdManager", true));
         $newID = $result->getLastAutoIncrementValue();
         // Clear out any values smaller than our last one to keep the table from
         // exploding size.
         $query = new DeleteQuery();
         $query->setWhere("id_value < '" . $newID . "'");
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     $newID = $this->_prefix . strval($newID);
     debug::output("Successfully created new id '{$newID}'.", DEBUG_SYS5, "IdManager");
     $id = new HarmoniId($newID);
     // cache the id
     //		$this->_ids[$newID] = $id;
     return $id;
Пример #8
  * Installs a plugin
  * @param object HarmoniType $type gives us the location of plugin to be 
  * installed
  * @access public
  * @since 3/6/06
 function installPlugin($type)
     // @todo deal with new plugin readiness structure, and database tables
     $authZ = Services::getService("AuthZ");
     //		if ($authZ->isUserAuthorized("edu.middlebury.authorization.add_children", ??))	{
     $dr = Services::getService("Repository");
     $dm = Services::getService("DataTypeManager");
     $db = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     $id = Services::getService("Id");
     // a few things we need
     $site_rep = $dr->getRepository($id->getId("edu.middlebury.segue.sites_repository"));
     $pluginDir = $this->getConfiguration('plugin_dir');
     $types = $dm->getRegisteredTypes();
     // for partstructures
     // use the plugin type to get through the filesystem
     $domain = $type->getDomain();
     $authority = $type->getAuthority();
     $keyword = $type->getKeyword();
     $description = "The type for a {$domain} {$authority} {$keyword} plugin.";
     // write the type to the database
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("type_domain", "type_authority", "type_keyword", "type_description", "type_enabled"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($domain) . "'", "'" . addslashes($authority) . "'", "'" . addslashes($keyword) . "'", "'" . addslashes($description) . "'", '0'));
     $db->query($query, IMPORTER_CONNECTION);
     // grab the xml file
     $xmlFile = $pluginDir . "/" . $domain . "/" . $authority . "/" . $keyword . "/" . $authority . $keyword . "Plugin.xml";
     // if there is no file then the plugin has no data structures
     if (is_file($xmlFile)) {
         $document = new DOMDocument();
         $recordStructures = $document->documentElement->childNodes;
         // first create the recordstructure(s)
         foreach ($recordStructures as $rs) {
             if ($rs->hasAttribute("name")) {
                 $rsName = $rs->getAttribute("name");
                 $plugStruct = $site_rep->createRecordStructure($rsName, "This is the {$rsName} structure for holding data of the {$domain} {$authority} {$keyword} plugin", "", "");
                 $pSId = $plugStruct->getId();
                 $partStructures = $rs->childNodes;
                 // now create the partstructure(s)
                 foreach ($partStructures as $ps) {
                     if ($ps->hasAttribute("name") && $ps->hasAttribute("type")) {
                         $psName = $ps->getAttribute("name");
                         $psType = $ps->getAttribute("type");
                         if (in_array($psType, $types)) {
                             $plugStruct->createPartStructure($psName, "This is the {$psName} structure for holding data of the {$domain} {$authority} {$keyword} plugin", new Type("Repository", "edu.middlebury.segue", $psType), false, true, false);
                 // write to the DB the plugin and its structures
                 $typeId = null;
                 $query2 = new SelectQuery();
                 $query2->addWhere("type_domain = '" . addslashes($domain) . "'");
                 $query2->addWhere("type_authority = '" . addslashes($authority) . "'");
                 $query2->addWhere("type_keyword = '" . addslashes($keyword) . "'");
                 $results = $db->query($query2, IMPORTER_CONNECTION);
                 if ($results->getNumberOfRows() == 1) {
                     $result = $results->next();
                     $typeId = $result['type_id'];
                     $query3 = new InsertQuery();
                     $query3->setColumns(array("fk_plugin_type", "fk_schema"));
                     $query3->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($typeId) . "'", "'" . addslashes($pSId->getIdString()) . "'"));
                     $db->query($query3, IMPORTER_CONNECTION);
                 } else {
                     throwError(new Error("PluginType not found", "Plugins", false));
     if (!in_array($type->asString(), array_keys($this->getInstalledPlugins()))) {
     //	}
  * Does what is necessary to the temporary table for internal id association
  * @access public
  * @since 10/6/05
 function doIdMatrix()
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     // 		$dbIndexConcerto =$dbHandler->addDatabase(new
     // 			MySQLDatabase("localhost", "whitey_concerto", "test", "test"));
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("xml_id", "conc_id"));
     $xmlid = $this->_node->getAttribute("xml:id");
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($xmlid) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_myId->getIdString()) . "'"));
     $dbHandler->query($query, IMPORTER_CONNECTION);
Пример #10
  * Reflects any changes made locally to the database.
  * @param optional int $id The ID in the database to update (if not adding...).
  * @return int Returns our ID in the database or NULL upon error.
  * @access public
 function commit($id = null)
     if (!$this->_schema->getID() || !$this->_addToDB && !$id) {
         // we have no ID, we probably can't commit...unless we're going to be added to the DB.
         // we'll also fail if our dataSetTypeDef doesn't have an ID. that meaning it wasn't meant to be
         // synchronized into the database.
         throwError(new Error("Could not commit() to database because either: 1) we don't have a local ID, \n\t\t\tmeaning we were not meant to be synchronized with the database, or 2) the Schema to which we \n\t\t\tbelong is not linked with the database. (label: " . $this->_label . ", schema name: " . $this->_schema->getDisplayName() . ")", "DataManager", true));
         return null;
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     if ($this->_addToDB) {
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array("id", "fk_schema", "name", "mult", "fieldtype", "active", "required", "description"));
         $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($id) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_schema->getID()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_displayName) . "'", $this->_mult ? 1 : 0, "'" . addslashes($this->_type) . "'", 1, $this->_required ? 1 : 0, "'" . addslashes($this->_description) . "'"));
         $this->_addToDB = false;
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
             throwError(new UnknownDBError("DataManager"));
             return false;
         return $id;
     if ($this->_update) {
         // do some updating
         $query = new UpdateQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array("name", "mult", "active", "required", "description"));
         $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($id) . "'");
         $query->setValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_displayName) . "'", $this->_mult ? 1 : 0, $this->_active ? 1 : 0, $this->_required ? 1 : 0, "'" . addslashes($this->_description) . "'"));
         $this->_update = false;
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
             throwError(new UnknownDBError("DataManager"));
             return null;
         return $id;
     if ($this->_delete) {
         // let's get rid of this bad-boy
         $query = new UpdateQuery();
         $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($id) . "'");
         $this->_delete = false;
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         // 			if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
         // 				throwError( new UnknownDBError("DataManager") );
         // 				return false;
         // 			}
         return $id;
     // if we're here... nothing happened... no problems
     return $id;
  * Add an Agent commitment to this ScheduleItem.
  * @param object Id $agentId
  * @param object Type $agentStatus
  * @throws object SchedulingException An exception with one of
  *         the following messages defined in
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException may be thrown:   {@link
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *         OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *         PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *         CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  *         UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#UNKNOWN_ID UNKNOWN_ID},
  *         {@link org.osid.scheduling.SchedulingException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
  *         UNKNOWN_TYPE}, {@link
  *         org.osid.shared.SharedException#ALREADY_ADDED ALREADY_ADDED}
  * @access public
 function addAgentCommitment(Id $agentId, Type $agentStatus)
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("fk_sc_item='" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'");
     $query->addWhere("fk_agent_id='" . addslashes($agentId->getIdString()) . "'");
     //@TODO id is not really needed here--a count should probably be returned.
     $res = $dbHandler->query($query);
     if ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 0) {
         $typeIndex = $this->_typeToIndex('commit_stat', $agentStatus);
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($agentId->getIdString()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($typeIndex) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'";
         $query->setColumns(array('fk_agent_id', 'fk_sc_commit_stat_type', 'fk_sc_item'));
         $query->setAutoIncrementColumn('id', 'id_sequence');
     } else {
         print "<b>Warning!</b> Agent with id " . $agentId->getIdString() . "is already added to ScheduleItem " . $this->getDisplayName() . ".  Use changeAgentCommitment() to change the commitment status.";
  * Answer the database id for the type passed.
  * @param object Type $type
  * @return string
  * @access public
  * @since 3/1/06
 function _getTypeId(Type $type)
     if (!isset($this->_typeIds)) {
         $this->_typeIds = array();
     if (!isset($this->_typeIds[$type->asString()])) {
         $dbc = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         $query = new SelectQuery();
         $query->addWhere("domain = '" . addslashes($type->getDomain()) . "'");
         $query->addWhere("authority = '" . addslashes($type->getAuthority()) . "'");
         $query->addWhere("keyword = '" . addslashes($type->getKeyword()) . "'");
         $results = $dbc->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
         if ($results->getNumberOfRows()) {
             $this->_typeIds[$type->asString()] = $results->field("id");
         } else {
             $query = new InsertQuery();
             $query->setAutoIncrementColumn("id", "log_type_id_seq");
             $query->setColumns(array("domain", "authority", "keyword", "description"));
             $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($type->getDomain()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($type->getAuthority()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($type->getKeyword()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($type->getDescription()) . "'"));
             $results = $dbc->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
             $this->_typeIds[$type->asString()] = $results->getLastAutoIncrementValue();
     return $this->_typeIds[$type->asString()];
  * Add a PartStructureId for which Tags should be auto-generated, in the
  * given repository
  * @param object Id $repositoryId
  * @param object Id $partStructureId
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/21/06
 function addPartStructureIdForTagGeneration($repositoryId, $partStructureId)
     if ($this->shouldGenerateTagsForPartStructure($repositoryId, $partStructureId)) {
     // Insert it into the database
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array('fk_repository', 'fk_partstruct'));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($repositoryId->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($partStructureId->getIdString()) . "'"));
     $dbc = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $result = $dbc->query($query, $this->getDatabaseIndex());
     // Add it to the cache
     $this->_cache[$repositoryId->getIdString()][] = $partStructureId;
Пример #14
  * Adds a {@link Schema} to the list of registered types, and
  * makes sure that it is reference in the database as well.
  * @param string $type A DNS-style unique ID. Example: "edu.middlebury.schemas.person"
  * @param string $displayName This Schema's display name. 
  * @param int $revision The revision of this schema, useful for updating data structures. (default=1)
  * @param string $description A longer description of this Schema.
  * @return ref object The new Schema object.
  * @access private
 function _addSchema($type, $displayName, $revision, $description)
     debug::output("Adding Schema type '" . $type . "' to database.", DEBUG_SYS1, "DataManager");
     if ($this->schemaExists($type)) {
         throwError(new Error("A Schema for this Type already exists, so the existing one has been returned.", "DataManager", false));
         debug::output("Returning existing Schema for '" . $type . "'", DEBUG_SYS5, "DataManager");
         return $this->_schemas[$id];
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("id", "displayname", "description", "revision"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($type) . "'", "'" . addslashes($displayName) . "'", "'" . addslashes($description) . "'", $revision));
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
     if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
         throwError(new UnknownDBError("DataManager"));
     $newSchema = new Schema($type, $displayName, $revision, $description);
     // add it to our local arrays
     $this->_schemas[$type] = $newSchema;
     debug::output("Created new Schema object for '" . $type . "', revision {$revision}.", DEBUG_SYS5, "DataManager");
     return $newSchema;
  * Add an authoritative value
  * @param object $value
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 4/25/06
 function addAuthoritativeValue($value)
     if (!$this->isAuthoritativeValue($value)) {
         // add the object to our objects array
         $this->_authoritativeValueObjects[$value->asString()] = $value;
         // add the string to our strings array
         $this->_authoritativeValueStrings[] = $value->asString();
         // add the value to our database
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array('fk_partstructure', 'fk_repository', 'value'));
         $id = $this->getId();
         $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($id->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_repositoryId->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($value->asString()) . "'"));
         $dbc = Services::getService("DBHandler");
         $configuration = $this->manager->_configuration;
         $dbc->query($query, $configuration->getProperty('database_index'));
Пример #16
  * Inserts a new row into the Database with the data contained in the object.
  * @param integer $dbID The {@link DBHandler} database ID to query.
  * @access public
  * @return integer Returns the new ID of the data stored.
 function insert($dbID)
     $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
     $newID = $idManager->createId();
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("id", "jdn", "seconds"));
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     // Convert to UTC for storage
     $utc = $this->asUTC();
     $utcTime = $utc->asTime();
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($newID->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($utc->julianDayNumber()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($utcTime->asSeconds()) . "'"));
     $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $dbID);
     if (!$result || $result->getNumberOfRows() != 1) {
         throwError(new UnknownDBError("StorableTime"));
         return false;
     return $newID->getIdString();
Пример #17
  * Add a student to the roster and assign the specified Enrollment Status
  * Type.
  * @param object Id $agentId
  * @param object Type $enrollmentStatusType
  * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
  *		   with one of the following messages defined in
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
  *		   thrown:	{@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *		   OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *		   PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  *		   UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#NULL_ARGUMENT
  *		   NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNKNOWN_TYPE
  *		   UNKNOWN_TYPE}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#ALREADY_ADDED
  * @access public
 function addStudent(Id $agentId, Type $enrollmentStatusType)
     $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("fk_cm_section='" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'");
     $query->addWhere("fk_student_id='" . addslashes($agentId->getIdString()) . "'");
     //I don't need Id, but I need to select something for the query to work
     $res = $dbManager->query($query);
     if ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 0) {
         $typeIndex = $this->_typeToIndex('enroll_stat', $enrollmentStatusType);
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($agentId->getIdString()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($typeIndex) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'";
         $query->setColumns(array('fk_student_id', 'fk_cm_enroll_stat_type', 'fk_cm_section'));
         $query->setAutoIncrementColumn('id', 'id_sequence');
     } else {
         print "<b>Warning!</b> Student with id " . $agentId->getIdString() . " is already enrolled in section " . $this->getDisplayName() . ".";
Пример #18
 function test_All_Queries()
     $value = "'Depeche Mode rocks!'";
     // create a new queue of queries to execuete
     $queryQueue = new Queue();
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array(id, value));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array("3000000", $value));
     $query = new DeleteQuery();
     $query->setWhere("id = 3000000");
     $query = new UpdateQuery();
     $query->setWhere("id > 1000 AND id < 1006");
     $resultQueue = $this->dbhandler->queryQueue($queryQueue);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfQueries(), 4);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfSuccessfulQueries(), 4);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfFailedQueries(), 0);
     $result = $resultQueue->next();
     $this->assertEqual($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $id = $result->getLastAutoIncrementValue();
     $result = $resultQueue->next();
     $this->assertEqual($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $result = $resultQueue->next();
     $this->assertEqual($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $result = $resultQueue->next();
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->setWhere("id = {$id}");
     $result = $this->dbhandler->query($query);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfQueries(), 5);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfSuccessfulQueries(), 5);
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbhandler->getTotalNumberOfFailedQueries(), 0);
     $this->assertEqual("'" . $result->field("value") . "'", $value);
  * Find the index for our Type of type $type in its table.  If it is not there,
  * put it into the table and return the index.
  * @param string $typename the type of Type that is passed in.
  * @param object Type $type the Type itself
  * @return object Type
  * @access private
 function _typeToIndex($typename, $type)
     //the appropriate table names and fields must be given names according to the pattern indicated below
     //validate the Type
     ArgumentValidator::validate($type, ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("Type"), true);
     //query to see if it exists
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addTable('cm_' . $typename . "_type");
     $query->addWhere("domain='" . $type->getDomain() . "'");
     $query->addWhere("authority='" . $type->getAuthority() . "'");
     $query->addWhere("keyword='" . $type->getKeyword() . "'");
     $res = $dbHandler->query($query);
     if ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 0) {
         //if not query to create it
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setTable('cm_' . $typename . '_type');
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($type->getDomain()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($type->getAuthority()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($type->getKeyword()) . "'";
         if (is_null($type->getDescription())) {
             $query->setColumns(array('domain', 'authority', 'keyword'));
         } else {
             $query->setColumns(array('domain', 'authority', 'keyword', 'description'));
             $values[] = "'" . addslashes($type->getDescription()) . "'";
         $query->setAutoIncrementColumn('id', 'cm_' . $typename . '_type_id_seq');
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query);
         return $result->getLastAutoIncrementValue();
     } elseif ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 1) {
         //if it does exist, create it
         $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
         $the_index = $row['id'];
         return $the_index;
     } else {
         //print a warning if there is more than one such type.  Should never happen.
         print "\n<b>Warning!<\\b> The Type with domain " . $type->getDomain() . ", authority " . $type->getAuthority() . ", and keyword " . $type->getKeyword() . " is not unique--there are " . $res->getNumberOfRows() . " copies.\n";
         //return either one anyway.
         $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
         $the_index = $row['id'];
         return $the_index;
  * Tests the generateSQLQuery() without WHERE clause.
 function test()
     // insert one row
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setAutoIncrementColumn("id", "test1_id_seq");
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $lastId = $result->getLastAutoIncrementValue();
     // insert it again, the id must have increased by one
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getLastAutoIncrementValue(), $lastId + 1);
     // add several rows at the same time
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getLastAutoIncrementValue(), $lastId + 3);
     // now insert in the other test table
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("FK", "value"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array($lastId, "'Ziggy'"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array($lastId + 1, "'Lost in the Stars'"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array($lastId + 2, "'Headstar'"));
     $query->addRowOfValues(array($lastId + 3, "'Stardust'"));
     $query->setAutoIncrementColumn("id", "test1_id_seq");
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     // join the inserted rows
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addTable("test", INNER_JOIN, "test.FK = test1.id");
     $query->addColumn("id", "dm86_id", "test");
     $query->addColumn("FK", "dm86_fk", "test");
     $query->addColumn("value", "dm86_value", "test");
     $query->addColumn("id", "dm98_id", "test1");
     $query->addColumn("value", "dm98_value", "test1");
     $query->addWhere("test1.id >= " . $lastId);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 4);
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm86_fk"), $lastId);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm86_value"), "Ziggy");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm98_id"), $lastId);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm98_value"), "Spaceboy");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm86_fk"), $lastId + 1);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm86_value"), "Lost in the Stars");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm98_id"), $lastId + 1);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm98_value"), "Spaceboy");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm86_fk"), $lastId + 2);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm86_value"), "Headstar");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm98_id"), $lastId + 2);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm98_value"), "Spaceboy");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm86_fk"), $lastId + 3);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm86_value"), "Stardust");
     $this->assertIdentical((int) $result->field("dm98_id"), $lastId + 3);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("dm98_value"), "Astrogirl");
     $query = new UpdateQuery();
     $query->setValues(array("'I changed you MF!'"));
     $query->addWhere("id = " . $lastId);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("test1.id = " . $lastId);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->field("value"), "I changed you MF!");
     $query = new DeleteQuery();
     $query->addWhere("id = " . $lastId);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 1);
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("test1.id = " . $lastId);
     $result = $this->db->query($query);
     $this->assertIdentical($result->getNumberOfRows(), 0);
Пример #21
  * Build the ancestory rows for a given node
  * @param object Id $id
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/4/05
 function rebuildNodeAncestory(Id $id)
     if (isset($this->harmoni_db)) {
         return $this->rebuildNodeAncestory_Harmoni_Db($id);
     // 		print "<hr/><hr/>";
     // 		print "<strong>"; printpre($id); print "</strong>";
     $idString = $id->getIdString();
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     // Delete the old ancestory rows
     // Make sure we have traversed the authoratative parent/child hierarchy
     // To determine the new ancestory of the nodes
     if (!$this->_isCachedUp($idString, -1)) {
         $this->_traverseUp($idString, -1);
     // now that all nodes are cached, add their ids to the ancestor table for
     // easy future searching.
     $query = new InsertQuery();
     $query->setColumns(array("fk_hierarchy", "fk_node", "fk_ancestor", "level", "fk_ancestors_child"));
     $treeNode = $this->_tree->getNode($idString);
     $treeNodes = $this->_tree->traverse($treeNode, false, -1);
     if (count($treeNodes) > 1) {
         foreach (array_keys($treeNodes) as $i => $key) {
             $node = $this->_cache[$key][0];
             // If the node was deleted, but the cache still has a key for it,
             // continue.
             if (!is_object($node)) {
             $nodeId = $node->getId();
             // 				printpre($nodeId->getIdString());
             if (!$nodeId->isEqual($id)) {
                 foreach ($treeNodes[$key]['children'] as $ancestorChildId) {
                     $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_hierarchyId) . "'", "'" . addslashes($idString) . "'", "'" . addslashes($nodeId->getIdString()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($treeNodes[$key][1]) . "'", "'" . addslashes($ancestorChildId) . "'"));
             } else {
                 $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_hierarchyId) . "'", "'" . addslashes($idString) . "'", "NULL", "'0'", "NULL"));
         $queryResult = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
         // 		$queryResult->free();
Пример #22
  * Add an Asset for this CourseOffering.  Does nothing if the course has a 
  * single copy of the asset and prints a warning if there is more than one
  * copy of that asset in one course.
  * @param object Id $assetId
  * @throws object CourseManagementException An exception
  *		   with one of the following messages defined in
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException may be
  *		   thrown:	{@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *		   OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *		   PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *		   CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  *		   UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link
  *		   org.osid.coursemanagement.CourseManagementException#ALREADY_ADDED
  * @access public
 function addAsset(Id $assetId)
     $dbManager = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addWhere("fk_course_id='" . $this->_id->getIdString() . "'");
     $query->addWhere("fk_asset_id='" . addslashes($assetId->getIdString()) . "'");
     $res = $dbManager->query($query);
     if ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 0) {
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($this->_id->getIdString()) . "'";
         $values[] = "'" . addslashes($assetId->getIdString()) . "'";
         $query->setColumns(array('fk_course_id', 'fk_asset_id'));
         $result = $dbManager->query($query);
     } elseif ($res->getNumberOfRows() == 1) {
         //do nothing
     } else {
         print "\n<b>Warning!<\\b> The asset with course " . $this->getDisplayName() . " and id " . $assetId->getIdString() . " is not unique--there are " . $res->getNumberOfRows() . " copies.\n";
  * A public function that stores all of the properties of the property 		
  * object sent to it.  
  * It deletes the old entries no matter what to avoid arduous checking to
  * if each needed to be deleted.  The properties are then rewritten to the
  * database in the form the agent has them.
  * @param int $object_id
  * @param object Property $properties
  * @return boolean
  * @access public
 function storeProperties($object_id, $properties)
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     //ArgumentValidator::validate($object_id, new StringValidatorRule("Type"), true);
     if ($properties === NULL) {
         return false;
     $type = $properties->getType();
     //so we know the type
     $typeIdString = $this->getTypeId($type);
     //get the database id for type
     //If we don't delete them all every time we store then if we've deleted one off of the object it will remain in the DB
     $query = new DeleteQuery();
     $query->addWhere("fk_object_id='{$object_id}' AND fk_type_id='{$typeIdString}'");
     $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     $keys = $properties->getKeys();
     //all the keys for the various properties
     while ($keys->hasNextObject()) {
         //loop through all the properties
         $key = $keys->nextObject();
         //get the next key
         $propertyValue = $properties->getProperty($key);
         //get the value of the property
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array("fk_object_id", "fk_type_id", "property_key", "property_value"));
         $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($object_id) . "'", $typeIdString, "'" . addslashes($key) . "'", "'" . addslashes($propertyValue) . "'"));
         //	}
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
         if (!$result) {
             //at the first failure we'll stop and return false
             return false;
     return true;
Пример #24
  * Commits (either inserts or updates) the data for this DMRecord into the database.
  * @param boolean optional $ignoreMandatory If true, doesn't fail if mandatory
  *		fields don't have values.
  * @return bool
 function commit($ignoreMandatory = false)
     // Ensure that we have fields for all labels, incase
     // the schema has changed since we were loaded.
     foreach ($this->_schema->getAllLabels() as $label) {
     // Get the DBHandler
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
     // the first thing we're gonna do is check to make sure that all our required fields
     // have at least one value.
     if (!$this->_delete) {
         foreach ($this->_schema->getAllIDs() as $id) {
             $fieldDef = $this->_schema->getField($id);
             if ($fieldDef->isRequired() && ($this->_fields[$id]->numValues(true) == 0 || $this->_fields[$id]->numValues() == 0) && !$ignoreMandatory) {
                 throwError(new Error("Could not commit DMRecord to database because the required field '{$id}' does\n\t\t\t\t\tnot have any values!", "DMRecord", true));
                 return false;
         if ($this->_myID) {
             // we're already in the database
             $query = new UpdateQuery();
             $query->setValues(array($this->_versionControlled ? 1 : 0));
             $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'");
         } else {
             // we'll have to make a new entry
             $schemaManager = Services::getService("SchemaManager");
             $newID = $this->_idManager->createId();
             $this->_myID = $newID->getIdString();
             $query = new InsertQuery();
             $query->setColumns(array("id", "fk_schema", "created", "ver_control"));
             $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($this->_myID) . "'", "'" . addslashes($this->_schema->getID()) . "'", $dbHandler->toDBDate($this->_creationDate, DATAMANAGER_DBID), $this->_versionControlled ? 1 : 0));
         // execute the query;
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         if (!$result) {
             throwError(new UnknownDBError("DMRecord"));
             return false;
     // now let's cycle through our FieldValues and commit them
     foreach ($this->_schema->getAllIDs() as $id) {
     if ($this->_prune) {
         $constraint = $this->_pruneConstraint;
         // check if we have to delete any dataset tags based on our constraints
         $tagMgr = Services::getService("RecordTagManager");
         // if we are no good any more, delete ourselves completely
         if ($this->_delete) {
             // now, remove any tags from the DB that have to do with us, since they will no longer
             // be valid.
             $query = new DeleteQuery();
             $query->setWhere("id='" . addslashes($this->getID()) . "'");
             $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
             $query = new DeleteQuery();
             $query->setWhere("fk_record='" . addslashes($this->getID()) . "'");
             $dbHandler->query($query, DATAMANAGER_DBID);
         } else {
             // if we're pruning but not deleting the whole shebang, let's
             // make sure that there are no tags in the database with no
             // mappings whatsoever.
     return true;
Пример #25
  * Add the specified RecordStructure and all the related Records from the
  * specified asset.  The current and future content of the specified
  * Record is synchronized automatically.
  * @param object Id $assetId
  * @param object Id $recordStructureId
  * @throws object RepositoryException An exception with one of
  *         the following messages defined in
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException may be thrown: {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#OPERATION_FAILED
  *         OPERATION_FAILED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#PERMISSION_DENIED
  *         PERMISSION_DENIED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#CONFIGURATION_ERROR
  *         CONFIGURATION_ERROR}, {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#UNIMPLEMENTED
  *         UNIMPLEMENTED}, {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#NULL_ARGUMENT
  *         NULL_ARGUMENT}, {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#UNKNOWN_ID UNKNOWN_ID},
  *         {@link
  *         org.osid.repository.RepositoryException#ALREADY_INHERITING_STRUCTURE
  * @access public
 function inheritRecordStructure(Id $assetId, Id $recordStructureId)
     // If this is a schema that is hard coded into our implementation, create
     // a record for that schema.
     if (in_array($recordStructureId->getIdString(), array_keys($this->_repository->_builtInTypes))) {
         // Create an Id for the record;
         $idManager = Services::getService("Id");
         $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         // get the record ids that we want to inherit
         $query = new SelectQuery();
         $query->addWhere("fk_asset = '" . $assetId->getIdString() . "'");
         $query->addWhere("structure_id = '" . $recordStructureId->getIdString() . "'", _AND);
         $result = $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
         // store a relation to the record
         $dbHandler = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array("fk_asset", "fk_record", "structure_id"));
         $myId = $this->getId();
         while ($result->hasMoreRows()) {
             $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . $myId->getIdString() . "'", "'" . $result->field("fk_record") . "'", "'" . $recordStructureId->getIdString() . "'"));
             $dbHandler->query($query, $this->_dbIndex);
     } else {
         // Get our managers:
         $recordMgr = Services::getService("RecordManager");
         $idMgr = Services::getService("Id");
         // Get the DataSetGroup for this Asset
         $myId = $this->_node->getId();
         $mySet = $recordMgr->fetchRecordSet($myId->getIdString());
         // Get the DataSetGroup for the source Asset
         $otherSet = $recordMgr->fetchRecordSet($assetId->getIdString());
         $records = $otherSet->getRecords();
         // Add all of DataSets (Records) of the specified RecordStructure and Asset
         // to our RecordSet.
         foreach (array_keys($records) as $key) {
             // Get the ID of the current DataSet's TypeDefinition
             $schema = $records[$key]->getSchema();
             $schemaId = $idMgr->getId($schema->getID());
             // If the current DataSet's DataSetTypeDefinition's ID is the same as
             // the RecordStructure ID that we are looking for, add that dataSet to our
             // DataSetGroup.
             if ($recordStructureId->isEqual($schemaId)) {
         // Save our DataSetGroup
  * Add tokens to the system.
  * @param object AuthNTokens $authNTokens
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 3/1/05
 function addTokens($authNTokens)
     ArgumentValidator::validate($authNTokens, ExtendsValidatorRule::getRule("AuthNTokens"));
     if ($this->tokensExist($authNTokens)) {
         throwError(new Error("Token Addition Error: " . "'" . $authNTokens->getUsername() . "' already exists.", "SQLDatabaseAuthNMethod", true));
     } else {
         $dbc = Services::getService("DatabaseManager");
         $dbId = $this->_configuration->getProperty('database_id');
         $authenticationTable = $this->_configuration->getProperty('authentication_table');
         $usernameField = $this->_configuration->getProperty('username_field');
         $passwordField = $this->_configuration->getProperty('password_field');
         $query = new InsertQuery();
         $query->setColumns(array($usernameField, $passwordField));
         $query->addRowOfValues(array("'" . addslashes($authNTokens->getUsername()) . "'", "'" . addslashes($authNTokens->getPassword()) . "'"));
         $result = $dbc->query($query, $dbId);