function shoppingsn($data = array()) { $rt = $this->App->find("SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}shipping_name`"); $this->set('rt', $rt); //分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $list = 20; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $comd = array(); $w = ""; if (isset($_GET['sid']) && $_GET['sid'] > 0) { $comd[] = "tb1.shipping_id = '" . intval($_GET['sid']) . "'"; } if (isset($_GET['keyword']) && !empty($_GET['keyword'])) { $comd[] = "tb1.shipping_sn LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['keyword']) . "%'"; } if (!empty($comd)) { $w = "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $comd); } $sql = "SELECT COUNT( FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}shipping_sn` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}shipping_name` AS tb2 ON tb1.shipping_id = tb2.shipping_id {$w}"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $rts['pages'] = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $sql = "SELECT tb1.*,tb2.shipping_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}shipping_sn` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}shipping_name` AS tb2 ON tb1.shipping_id = tb2.shipping_id {$w} ORDER BY DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rts['lists'] = $this->App->find($sql); $this->set('rts', $rts); $this->template('shoppingsn'); }
function connect($params = array()) { if (!isset($this->status)) { $obj = new Ecshop_smtp($params); if ($obj->connect()) { $obj->status = SMTP_STATUS_CONNECTED; } return $obj; } else { if (!empty($GLOBALS['LANG']['smtp_ssl'])) { $this->host = "ssl://" . $this->host; } $this->connection = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if ($this->connection === false) { $this->errors[] = 'Access is denied.'; return false; } @socket_set_timeout($this->connection, 0, 250000); $greeting = $this->get_data(); if (is_resource($this->connection)) { $this->status = 2; return $this->auth ? $this->ehlo() : $this->helo(); } else { Import::basic()->log_write($errstr, __FILE__, __LINE__); //记录错误信息 $this->errors[] = 'Failed to connect to server: ' . $errstr; return false; } } }
function ajax_select_goods($maxattr = 0, $page = 1) { $cid = isset($_COOKIE['GZ_cid']) ? $_COOKIE['GZ_cid'] : 0; $subcid = array(); if ($cid > 0) { $subcid = $this->action('catalog', 'get_goods_sub_cat_ids', $cid); } //分类 /// isset($_COOKIE['GZ_bid']) && intval($_COOKIE['GZ_bid']) > 0 ? $comd[] = "b.brand_id = '" . intval($_COOKIE['GZ_bid']) . "'" : 0; //品牌 if ($maxattr > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < $maxattr; $i++) { isset($_COOKIE['GZ_' . $i]) && !empty($_COOKIE['GZ_' . $i]) ? $comd[] = "ga.attr_value = '" . $_COOKIE['GZ_' . $i] . "'" : 0; //属性 } } if (!empty($subcid)) { $comd[] = "gc.cat_id " . db_create_in($subcid); } $w = !empty($comd) ? " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $comd) : ""; $tt = $this->__get_user_goods_select_count($w); $rt['count'] = $tt; $list = 12; $rt['goodslist'] = $this->__get_user_goods_select($w, $page, $list); $rt['goodspage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_select_goods_page'); $this->set('rt', $rt); $con = $this->fetch('ajax_user_goods_select', true); die($con); }
function index($page = 1) { $rt = $this->Cache->read(3600); if (is_null($rt)) { if (!isset($_GET['type'])) { //推荐商品 $rt['tuijian'] = $this->tuijian_goods(10); //热卖前10个商品 $rt['top10'] = $this->action('catalog', 'top10', 0, 5); //全站banner $rt['quanzhan'] = $this->action('banner', 'quanzhan'); //热门评论商品 $sql = "SELECT g.goods_id,g.goods_name,g.market_price,g.shop_price,g.promote_price,g.goods_thumb,g.promote_start_date, g.promote_end_date,g.is_promote,g.sale_count,COUNT(c.comment_id) AS comment_count FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS g LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` AS c ON g.goods_id=c.id_value WHERE c.status = '1' AND (g.goods_id IS NOT NULL AND g.goods_id!='') GROUP BY c.id_value ORDER BY comment_count DESC LIMIT 4"; $hotcommentgoods = $this->App->find($sql); $rt['hotcommentgoods'] = array(); if (!empty($hotcommentgoods)) { foreach ($hotcommentgoods as $k => $row) { $rt['hotcommentgoods'][$k] = $row; $rt['hotcommentgoods'][$k]['goods_thumb'] = SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb']; $rt['hotcommentgoods'][$k]['goods_img'] = SITE_URL . $row['goods_img']; $rt['hotcommentgoods'][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], SITE_URL . 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); if ($row['is_promote'] == '1') { //促销 价格 if ($row['promote_start_date'] < mktime() && $row['promote_end_date'] > mktime()) { $row['promote_price'] = format_price($row['promote_price']); } else { $row['promote_price'] = "0.00"; } } else { $row['promote_price'] = "0.00"; } $rt['hotcommentgoods'][$k]['promote_price'] = $row['promote_price']; } unset($hotcommentgoods); } } $list = 15; $page = !$page ? 1 : $page; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $tt = $this->action('product', 'get_comment_count'); $rt['pagelink'] = Import::basic()->gethtmlpage($tt, $list, $page, SITE_URL . 'comment/p%d/'); $rt['commentlist'] = $this->action('product', 'get_comment_list', 0, $start, $list); $this->Cache->write($rt); } $this->set('rt', $rt); if (isset($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'ajax') { echo $this->fetch('ajax_jifen_goods', true); exit; } //设置页面meta $title = '评论中心-用户评论'; $this->title($title . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']['site_name']); $this->meta("title", $title); $this->meta("keywords", $title); $this->meta("description", $title); $this->template('comment_index'); }
function find_password($rt = array()) { $datanew['name'] = '亲爱的' . $rt['user_name']; $datanew['email'] = $rt['email']; $datanew['subject'] = '密码找回,请查收!'; $this->set('rt', $rt); $datanew['content'] = $this->fetch('email_tpl/find_password', true); $datanew['type'] = 1; $datanew['notification'] = false; Import::basic()->ecshop_sendemail($datanew); unset($datanew); }
function index($page = 1, $type = "") { $rt = $this->Cache->read(3600); if (is_null($rt)) { $rt['tuijian'] = $this->tuijian_goods(5); $list = 20; //$page = (!isset($_GET['page']) || intval($_GET['page'])<1) ? 1 : intval($_GET['page']); $page = empty($page) || !($page > 0) ? 1 : $page; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $tt = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='1' AND is_alone_sale='1' AND is_jifen='1'"); $rt['jifengoodspage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_jifen_page'); //分页 $sql = "SELECT goods_id,goods_name,market_price,shop_price,promote_price,goods_thumb,goods_img,is_jifen,need_jifen FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='1' AND is_alone_sale='1' AND is_jifen='1' ORDER BY sort_order ASC, goods_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $jifengoods = $this->App->find($sql); $rt['jifengoods'] = array(); if (!empty($jifengoods)) { foreach ($jifengoods as $k => $row) { $rt['jifengoods'][$k] = $row; $rt['jifengoods'][$k]['goods_thumb'] = SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb']; $rt['jifengoods'][$k]['goods_img'] = SITE_URL . $row['goods_img']; $rt['jifengoods'][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); } unset($jifengoods); } //不是AJAX请求 if (empty($_GET['type'])) { $sql = "SELECT a.article_id,a.article_title,a.article_img,a.content FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS a LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS ac ON a.cat_id=ac.cat_id WHERE ac.type='customer'"; $this->App->fieldkey('article_id'); $rt['jifenart'] = $this->App->find($sql); //积分换取banner $rt['jifenbanner'] = $this->action('banner', 'index_hot_banner', '积分换取'); //积分换取banner $rt['jifenyoubanner'] = $this->action('banner', 'index_hot_banner', '积分右侧'); } $this->Cache->write($rt); } $this->set('rt', $rt); if (!empty($_GET['type']) && $_GET['type'] == 'ajax') { echo $this->fetch('ajax_jifen_goods', true); //ajax请求 exit; } //设置页面meta $title = '积分换取、积分获得、礼品相送'; $this->title($title . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']['site_name']); $this->meta("title", $title); //$this->meta("keywords",htmlspecialchars($rt['goodsinfo']['meta_keys'])); //$this->meta("description",htmlspecialchars($rt['goodsinfo']['meta_desc'])); $this->template('jifen_index'); }
function add_edit($type = 'add', $id = 0) { $rt = array(); if ($type == 'edit') { if (empty($id) || !Import::basic()->int_preg($id)) { $this->jump('friendlink.php?type=list'); exit; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}friend_link` WHERE link_id='{$id}'"; $rt = $this->App->findrow($sql); } $this->set('rt', $rt); $this->set('type', $type); $this->template('friendlink_edit'); }
function index() { //分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $list = 10; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(group_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_groupbuy`"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $pagelink = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $this->set("pagelink", $pagelink); $sql = "SELECT tb1.*,tb2.goods_name,tb2.is_delete,tb2.is_on_sale FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_groupbuy` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS tb2 ON tb1.goods_id=tb2.goods_id ORDER BY tb1.group_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $this->set('rt', $this->App->find($sql)); $this->template('groupbuy_index'); }
function index() { $id = isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) > 0 ? intval($_GET['id']) : 0; if ($id > 0) { //删除 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}topic` WHERE topic_id='{$id}'"; $rows = $this->App->findrow($sql); if (empty($rows)) { $this->jump(ADMIN_URL . 'topic.php?type=list'); exit; } $topic_img = SYS_PATH . $rows['topic_img']; $topic_flash = SYS_PATH . $rows['topic_flash ']; if (file_exists($topic_img) && is_file($topic_img)) { Import::fileop()->delete_file($topic_img); } if (file_exists($topic_flash) && is_file($topic_img)) { Import::fileop()->delete_file($topic_flash); } //删除数据库内容 $this->App->delete('topic', 'topic_id', $id); $this->jump(ADMIN_URL . 'topic.php?type=list'); exit; } //分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $list = 10; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(topic_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}topic`"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $pagelink = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $this->set("pagelink", $pagelink); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}topic` ORDER BY topic_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rt = $this->App->find($sql); $this->set('rt', $rt); $this->template('topiclist'); }
if (empty($value)) { return $value; } else { return is_array($value) ? array_map('addslashes_deep', $value) : addslashes($value); } } /* 对用户传入的变量进行转义操作。*/ if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { if (!empty($_GET)) { $_GET = addslashes_deep($_GET); } if (!empty($_POST)) { $_POST = addslashes_deep($_POST); } $_COOKIE = addslashes_deep($_COOKIE); $_REQUEST = addslashes_deep($_REQUEST); } /*if(in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],array('','','localhost','localhost:8080',''))){ define('SITE_URL', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/chaoshi/'); }else{ define('SITE_URL', Import::basic()->siteurl()); } define('SITE_JS', SITE_URL.'js/'); $re = Import::route(); //入口 */ define('SITE_URL', Import::basic()->siteurl()); //标识:相对网站根目录链接 define('ROOT_URL', SITE_URL); //标识:运行根目录链接 $re = Import::route();
function ajax_user_mymoney() { $page = isset($_POST['page']) && intval($_POST['page']) > 0 ? intval($_POST['page']) : 1; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $uid = $_POST['uid']; $list = 5; //每页显示多少个 $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $tt = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(cid) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_money_change` WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); $rt['usermoneypage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_usermoney_page_list', array($uid)); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_money_change` WHERE uid='{$uid}' ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rt['usermoneylist'] = $this->App->find($sql); $this->set('rt', $rt); echo $this->fetch('ajax_user_money', true); exit; }
<div class="gehang"> </div> <div class="li_list" style="min-height:200px;"> <h4>相关文章</h4> <ul> <?php if (!empty($rt['rand_list']) && is_array($rt['rand_list'])) { foreach ($rt['rand_list'] as $row) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo $row['url']; ?> " title="<?php echo $row['article_title']; ?> "><?php echo Import::basic()->wordcut($row['article_title'], 40); ?> </a></li> <?php } } ?> </ul> </div> <div class="gehang"> </div> <div class="li_list_goods li_list"> <h4>推荐商品</h4> <?php if (!empty($rt['tuijian'])) { foreach ($rt['tuijian'] as $row) {
function __category_goods_where($data = array()) { if (empty($data)) { return ""; } $cid = isset($data['cid']) && intval($data['cid']) > 0 ? intval($data['cid']) : 0; $bid = isset($data['bid']) && intval($data['bid']) > 0 ? intval($data['bid']) : 0; $price = isset($data['price']) ? $data['price'] : ""; $keyword = isset($data['keyword']) ? $data['keyword'] : ""; $comd[] = "g.is_on_sale = '1' AND g.is_delete = '0' AND g.is_alone_sale='1'"; $bid > 0 ? $comd[] = "b.brand_id='{$bid}'" : ""; //品牌 if (!empty($price)) { //价格 $p_ar = @explode('-', $price); if (count($p_ar) == 2) { if (empty($p_ar[1])) { $p_ar[1] = 10000; } sort($p_ar); $price1 = intval(trim($p_ar[0])); $price2 = intval(trim($p_ar[1])); if ($price1 >= 0 && $price2 > 0) { $comd[] = "(g.pifa_price between {$price1} and {$price2})"; } } } $subsql = ""; if ($cid > 0) { //子分类 $sub_cid = $this->get_goods_sub_cat_ids_model($cid); //子分类id $comd[] = "(g.cat_id" . db_create_in($sub_cid) . " OR csg.cat_id='{$cid}')"; } if (!empty($keyword)) { $act = array('is_best', 'is_new', 'is_hot', 'is_promote', 'is_qianggou'); if (in_array($keyword, $act)) { switch ($keyword) { case 'is_best': $comd[] = "g.is_best='1'"; break; case 'is_new': $comd[] = "g.is_new='1'"; break; case 'is_hot': $comd[] = "g.is_hot='1'"; break; case 'is_promote': $time = mktime(); // $comd[] = "AND g.is_promote = '1' AND g.promote_start_date <= '$time' AND g.promote_end_date >= '$time'"; look注释 $comd[] = "g.is_promote = '1' AND g.promote_start_date <= '{$time}' AND g.promote_end_date >= '{$time}'"; // look添加 break; case 'is_qianggou': $time = mktime(); // $comd[] = "AND g.is_qianggou = '1' AND g.qianggou_start_date <= '$time' AND g.qianggou_end_date >= '$time'"; $comd[] = "g.is_qianggou = '1' AND g.qianggou_start_date <= '{$time}' AND g.qianggou_end_date >= '{$time}'"; break; } } else { $comd[] = "(gc.cat_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR g.goods_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR g.goods_bianhao LIKE '%{$keyword}%')"; if (!isset($data['count_where'])) { //如果是通过搜索进来的,那么将关键字添加到数据库表中 $keyid = $this->findvar("SELECT key_id FROM `{$this->prefix()}stats_keywords` WHERE keyword='{$keyword}' LIMIT 1"); if (empty($keyid)) { //插入 $dd = array(); $n = Import::basic()->Pinyin($keyword); $dd['tag_n'] = !empty($n) ? ucwords(substr($n, 0, 1)) : "NAL"; $dd['keyword'] = $keyword; $dd['date'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime()); $dd['count'] = 1; $this->insert('stats_keywords', $dd); unset($dd); } else { //数量增加1 $sd = "UPDATE `{$this->prefix()}stats_keywords` SET `date` = '" . date('Y-m-d', mktime()) . "',`count`=`count`+1 WHERE `key_id` = '{$keyid}' LIMIT 1"; $this->query($sd); } } } } $w = ""; if (!empty($comd)) { $w = "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $comd); } return $w; }
function ajax_getcategoodslist($w = array()) { $err = 0; $json = Import::json(); $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => ''); if (empty($w)) { $result['error'] = 2; $result['message'] = '传送的数据为空!'; die($json->encode($result)); } $wobj = $json->decode($w); //反json ,返回值为对象 $page = $wobj->page; if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $cid = $wobj->cid; if (!$cid) { $cid = 0; } $bid = $wobj->bid; if (!$bid) { $bid = 0; } $price = $wobj->price; if (!$price) { $price = ""; } $order_type = $wobj->order; if (!$order_type) { $order_type = "goods_id"; } $keyword = $wobj->keyword; if (!$keyword) { $keyword = ""; } $sort_type = $wobj->sorts; if (empty($sort_type)) { $sort_type = "DESC"; } $list = $wobj->limit; if (!$list) { $list = 40; } if (!empty($keyword) && !(preg_match('/^.*$/u', $keyword) > 0)) { $keyword = Import::gz_iconv()->ec_iconv('GB2312', 'UTF8', $keyword); //编码转换 } $rt['thiscid'] = $cid; $rt['thisbid'] = $bid; $rt['price'] = $price; $rt['page'] = $page; $rt['sort'] = $sort_type; $rt['order'] = $order_type; $rt['limit'] = $list; //当前分类的基本信息 if ($cid > 0) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_cate` WHERE cat_id='{$cid}' LIMIT 1"; $rt['cateinfo'] = $this->App->findrow($sql); } else { $rt['cateinfo'] = array(); //查找时没有cid } //品牌信息 if ($bid > 0) { $sql = "SELECT brand_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}brand` WHERE brand_id='{$bid}' LIMIT 1"; $rt['brandinfo']['brand_name'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); } else { $rt['brandinfo']['brand_name'] = ""; } //显示方式 if (!isset($_COOKIE['DISPLAY_TYPE']) || empty($_COOKIE['DISPLAY_TYPE']) || !in_array($_COOKIE['DISPLAY_TYPE'], array('list', 'text'))) { $rt['display'] = 'text'; } else { $rt['display'] = $_COOKIE['DISPLAY_TYPE']; } //start 当前位置 $rt['hear'] = array(); $perend_id = 0; $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . '">首页</a>'; $hear[] = '<a href="' . get_url('商品中心', 0, SITE_URL . "costume.php", 'goodscate', array('catalog', 'index')) . '">商品中心</a>'; if ($cid > 0) { $rts_ = $this->get_goods_parent_cats($cid); //父类ID $rts = Import::basic()->array_sort($rts_, 'cat_id'); //根据cat_id排序 if (!empty($rts)) { $perend_id = $rts[count($rts) - 1]['cat_id']; foreach ($rts as $rows) { $hear[] = '<a href="' . get_url($rows['cat_name'], $rows['cat_id'], "costume.php?cid=" . $rows["cat_id"], 'goodscate', array('catalog', 'index', $row['cat_id'])) . '">' . $rows['cat_name'] . '</a>'; } } unset($rts, $rts_); } elseif ($bid > 0) { //品牌 $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITEURL . 'brand/">品牌中心</a>'; $hear[] = '<a href="' . get_url($rt['brandinfo']['brand_name'], $rt['brandinfo']['brand_id'], "costume.php?bid=" . $rt['brandinfo']['brand_id'], 'brand') . '">' . $rt['brandinfo']['brand_name'] . '</a>'; } elseif (!empty($keyword)) { $perend_id = -1; switch ($keyword) { case 'is_hot': $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . 'hotproduct/">热销商品</a>'; break; case 'is_new': $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . 'newproduct/">新商推荐</a>'; break; case 'is_best': $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . 'bestproduct/">精品推荐</a>'; break; case 'is_promote': $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . 'promote/">促销商品</a>'; break; default: $hear[] = '<a href="javascript:;">商品查找</a>'; $hear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . 'costume.php?keyword=' . $keyword . '">' . $keyword . '</a>'; break; } } elseif (!empty($price)) { $perend_id = -1; $hear[] = '<a href="javascript:;">价格商品</a>'; } else { $perend_id = -1; $hear[] = '<a href="' . get_url('商品中心', 0, SITE_URL . "costume.php", 'goodscate', array('catalog', 'index')) . '">商品分类</a>'; } if (!empty($hear)) { $rt['hear'] = implode(' > ', $hear); } else { $rt['hear'] = ""; } unset($hear); //end 当前位置 //分类信息 if (!empty($rt['cateinfo']['cat_name'])) { $rt['infoname'] = $pcat_name . $rt['cateinfo']['cat_name']; } elseif (!empty($rt['brandinfo']['brand_name'])) { $rt['infoname'] = $rt['brandinfo']['brand_name']; } elseif (!empty($keyword)) { switch ($keyword) { case 'is_hot': $rt['infoname'] = "热销商品专区"; break; case 'is_new': $rt['infoname'] = "新品推荐"; break; case 'is_best': $rt['infoname'] = "精品推荐"; $rt['cateinfo']['cat_title'] = "精选商品-%100满意"; break; case 'is_promote': $rt['infoname'] = "促销商品专区"; break; default: $rt['infoname'] = "商品搜索中心:" . $keyword; break; } } elseif (!empty($price)) { $rt['infoname'] = $price . '价格商品'; } else { $rt['infoname'] = '商品中心'; } //条件 $comd = array('cid' => $cid, 'bid' => $bid, 'price' => $price, 'keyword' => $keyword); $orderby = " ORDER BY g.{$order_type} {$sort_type}"; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $tt = $this->App->__get_goods_count_category($comd); //获取商品的数量 $rt['categoodspage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_categoods_page_list', array($cid, $bid, $price, $order_type, $sort_type, $list)); $rt['categoodslist'] = $this->App->__get_categoods_list_category($comd, $orderby, $start, $list); //商品列表 $this->set('rt', $rt); $con = $this->fetch('ajax_goods_connent', true); $result = array('error' => $err, 'message' => $con); die($json->encode($result)); }
function ajax_del_comment($ids = 0) { if (empty($ids)) { die("非法删除,删除ID为空!"); } $id_arr = @explode('+', $ids); foreach ($id_arr as $id) { if (Import::basic()->int_preg($id)) { $this->App->delete('comment', 'comment_id', $id); } } $this->action('system', 'add_admin_log', '删除商品评论:' . $ids); }
function seo_category_content($data = array(), $type = 'new') { extract($data); switch ($type) { case 'new': $na = "新闻咨询"; break; case 'customer': $na = "客户列表"; break; case 'case': $na = "模版案例"; break; case 'web': $na = "网站建设"; break; } if (!empty($article_id)) { if (count($article_id) == count($article_title) && count($meta_keys) == count($meta_desc) && count($meta_desc) == count($article_id)) { foreach ($article_id as $k => $cid) { if ($cid <= 0) { continue; } if (isset($sdata)) { unset($sdata); } $sdata = array('article_title' => $article_title[$k], 'meta_keys' => $meta_keys[$k], 'meta_desc' => $meta_desc[$k]); $this->App->update('article', $sdata, 'article_id', $cid); } $this->action('system', 'add_admin_log', '批量修改' . $na . '内容SEO优化:'); $this->action('common', 'showdiv', $this->getthisurl()); } } unset($data); //分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $list = 10; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(tb1.article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2"; $sql .= " ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}'"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $pagelink = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $this->set("pagelink", $pagelink); $sql = "SELECT tb1.article_title,tb1.article_id,tb1.meta_keys,tb1.meta_desc,tb2.cat_name FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2"; $sql .= " ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}' ORDER BY tb1.article_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $this->set('articlelist', $this->App->find($sql)); $this->template('seo_category_content'); }
<p style="padding-top:5px; padding-left:10px; font-size:14px;">配送方式:<b>快递免邮</b></p> </td> </tr> </table> <div> <a href="#" class="btn-buy button ui-btn ui-btn-text-only dddddd"><span class="ui-btn-text">查看订单</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="show_zhuan" style=" display:none;width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0px; right:0px; z-index:9999999;filter:alpha(opacity=90);-moz-opacity:0.9;opacity:0.9; background:url(<?php echo $this->img('gz/121.png'); ?> ) right top no-repeat #000;background-size:100% auto;" onclick="$(this).hide();"></div> <?php $thisurl = Import::basic()->thisurl(); $rr = explode('?', $thisurl); $t2 = isset($rr[1]) && !empty($rr[1]) ? $rr[1] : ""; $dd = array(); if (!empty($t2)) { $rr2 = explode('&', $t2); if (!empty($rr2)) { foreach ($rr2 as $v) { $rr2 = explode('=', $v); if ($rr2[0] == 'from' || $rr2[0] == 'isappinstalled' || $rr2[0] == 'code' || $rr2[0] == 'state') { continue; } $dd[] = $v; } } }
function mymes() { $this->title("欢迎进入用户后台管理中心" . ' - 我的信箱 - ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']['site_name']); $uid = $this->check_is_login(); //if(empty($uid)){ $this->jump(SITE_URL.'user.php?act=login',0,'请先登录!'); exit;} //删除 if (isset($_GET['op']) && $_GET['op'] == 'del' && isset($_GET['id']) && intval($_GET['id']) > 0) { $this->App->delete('user_message', 'mes_id', intval($_GET['id'])); $url = $this->getthisurl(); $this->jump(str_replace('&op=del&id=' . $_GET['id'], '', $url), 0); exit; } $page = isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 0 ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1; $list = 10; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $tt = $this->App->findvar("SELECT COUNT(mes_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_message` WHERE uid = '{$uid}'"); $rt['pagelink'] = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $sql = "SELECT tb1.*,tb2.user_name,tb3.adminname FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_message` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS tb2 ON tb1.uid=tb2.user_id LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}admin` AS tb3 ON tb1.adminid=tb3.adminid WHERE tb1.uid = '{$uid}' ORDER BY mes_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rt['meslist'] = $this->App->find($sql); //商品分类列表 //$rt['menu'] = $this->action('catalog','get_goods_cate_tree'); $this->set("rt", $rt); $this->template('user_mail'); }
if ($rr2[0] == 'from' || $rr2[0] == 'isappinstalled' || $rr2[0] == 'code' || $rr2[0] == 'state') { continue; } $dd[] = $v; } } } $thisurl = $rr[0] . '?' . (!empty($dd) ? implode('&', $dd) : 'tid=0'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function _report(a,c){ $.post('<?php ADMIN_URL; ?> product.php',{action:'ajax_share',type:a,msg:c,thisurl:'<?php echo Import::basic()->thisurl(); ?> ',imgurl:'<?php echo !empty($lang['site_logo']) ? SITE_URL . $lang['site_logo'] : $this->img('logo4.png'); ?> ',title:'<?php echo $title; ?> '},function(data){ }); } <?php $t = mktime(); $signature = sha1('jsapi_ticket=' . $lang['jsapi_ticket'] . '&noncestr=' . $lang['nonceStr'] . '×tamp=' . $t . '&url=' . $thisurl1); ?>
function ajax_delarticle($data = array()) { $ids = $data['ids']; if (empty($ids)) { die("非法删除,删除ID为空!"); } $id_arr = @explode('+', $ids); $sql = "SELECT article_img FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}wx_article` WHERE article_id IN(" . @implode(',', $id_arr) . ")"; $imgs = $this->App->findcol($sql); if (!empty($imgs)) { foreach ($imgs as $img) { if (empty($img)) { continue; } Import::fileop()->delete_file(SYS_PATH . $img); //删除图片 $q = dirname($img); $h = basename($img); Import::fileop()->delete_file(SYS_PATH . $q . DS . 'thumb_s' . DS . $h); Import::fileop()->delete_file(SYS_PATH . $q . DS . 'thumb_b' . DS . $h); } unset($imgs); } foreach ($id_arr as $id) { if (Import::basic()->int_preg($id)) { $this->App->delete('wx_article', 'article_id', $id); } } }
function message_list($status = 0) { $w = ""; if ($status == 1) { $w = " WHERE tb1.status='1'"; $ws = " WHERE status='1'"; } elseif ($status == 2) { $w = " WHERE tb1.status='2'"; $ws = " WHERE status='1'"; } $orderby = ""; if (isset($_GET['desc'])) { $orderby = ' ORDER BY tb1.`' . $_GET['desc'] . '` DESC'; } else { if (isset($_GET['asc'])) { $orderby = ' ORDER BY tb1.`' . $_GET['asc'] . '` ASC'; } else { $orderby = ' ORDER BY tb1.`mes_id` DESC'; } } $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $list = 10; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(mes_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` {$ws}"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $pagelink = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $this->set("pagelink", $pagelink); $sql = "SELECT tb1.mes_id,tb1.comment_title,tb1.user_name,tb1.rp_content,tb1.addtime,tb1.ip_from,tb1.status, tb2.user_name AS dbuser_name,tb2.nickname,tb3.goods_name,tb3.goods_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user` AS tb2 ON tb1.user_id=tb2.user_id"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` AS tb3 ON tb1.goods_id=tb3.goods_id"; $sql .= " {$w} {$orderby} LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $this->set('meslist', $this->App->find($sql)); $this->template('mes_list'); }
function getcount() { //新闻 /*$sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='new'"; $rt['newcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); //客户列表 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='customer'"; $rt['customercount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); //模板 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='case'"; $rt['casecount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); //网站建设文章 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .=" LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2 ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .=" WHERE tb2.type='web'"; $rt['webcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); */ //会员数量 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user`"; $rt['usercount']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE active='1'"; $rt['usercount']['yescount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(user_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE active='0'"; $rt['usercount']['nocount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); //留言数 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(mes_id) AS mescount FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}message` WHERE parent_id='0' GROUP BY status ORDER BY status DESC"; $rt['mescount'] = $this->App->findcol($sql); //评论数 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(comment_id) AS comcount FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}comment` WHERE parent_id='0' GROUP BY status ORDER BY status DESC"; $rt['commentcount'] = $this->App->findcol($sql); //商品数 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods`"; $rt['goods']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='1'"; $rt['goods']['sale'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_on_sale='0'"; $rt['goods']['no_sale'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(goods_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods` WHERE is_best='1' OR is_hot='1' OR is_new='1'"; $rt['goods']['promote'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); //订单数量 $sql = "SELECT COUNT(order_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order_info`"; $rt['order']['zcount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(order_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_order_info` WHERE pay_status='1'"; $rt['order']['yescount'] = $this->App->findvar($sql); $rt['os'] = Import::basic()->get_os(); $rt['browser'] = Import::basic()->get_user_browser(); $rt['bsip'] = Import::basic()->getip(); $rt['ip_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($rt['bsip']); $rt['csip'] = Import::basic()->serverIP(); return $rt; }
function ajax_categoods_list($page = 0, $cid = 0) { if (empty($cid) || !($cid > 0)) { die(""); } $cid_arr = $this->action('catalog', 'get_goods_sub_cat_ids', $cid); $list = 5; $tt = $this->App->__get_categoods_count_goods($cid_arr); $rt['categoods_count'] = $tt; $args = array($cid); if (!$page) { $page = 1; } $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $rt['categoodspage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_categoods_page', $args); $categoods = $this->App->__get_categoods_list_goods($cid_arr, $start, $list); $rt['categoods'] = array(); if (!empty($categoods)) { foreach ($categoods as $k => $row) { // if($row['goods_id']==$gid) continue; $rt['categoods'][$k] = $row; $rt['categoods'][$k]['goods_thumb'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_thumb']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_thumb'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rt['categoods'][$k]['goods_img'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['goods_img']) ? SITE_URL . $row['goods_img'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rt['categoods'][$k]['original_img'] = is_file(SYS_PATH . $row['original_img']) ? SITE_URL . $row['original_img'] : SITE_URL . 'theme/images/no_picture.gif'; $rt['categoods'][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['goods_name'], $row['goods_id'], 'product.php?id=' . $row['goods_id'], 'goods', array('product', 'index', $row['goods_id'])); if ($row['is_promote'] == '1') { //促销 价格 if ($row['promote_start_date'] < mktime() && $row['promote_end_date'] > mktime()) { $row['promote_price'] = format_price($row['promote_price']); } else { $row['promote_price'] = "0.00"; } } else { $row['promote_price'] = "0.00"; } $rt[$k]['promote_price'] = $row['promote_price']; } unset($categoods); } $this->set('rt', $rt); $result = $this->fetch('ajax_categoods', true); unset($rt, $categoods); die($result); }
function index($cat_id = 0, $page = 0) { $rt = $this->Cache->read(3600); $type = 'about'; if (is_null($rt)) { $parent_id = true; if (empty($cat_id)) { $cat_id = $this->App->findvar("SELECT cat_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` WHERE type='{$type}' AND parent_id='0' ORDER BY cat_id ASC"); $parent_id = false; } //获取当前分类信息 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` WHERE type='{$type}' AND cat_id='{$cat_id}' LIMIT 1"; $rt['catemes'] = $this->App->findrow($sql); if (empty($rt['catemes'])) { $this->jump(SITE_URL); exit; } //当前位置 $thishear = array(); $rts_ = $this->action('article', 'get_parent_cats', $cat_id); $rts = Import::basic()->array_sort($rts_, 'cat_id'); $thishear[] = '<a href="' . SITE_URL . '">首页</a>'; if (!empty($rts)) { foreach ($rts as $rows) { $urlobj[] = $this->__module; $urlobj[] = 'index'; if ($rows['parent_id'] != 0) { $urlobj[] = $rows['cat_id']; } $thishear[] = ' > <a href="javascript:;">' . $rows['cat_name'] . '</a>'; unset($urlobj); } unset($rts, $rts_); } $rt['here'] = implode('', $thishear); unset($thishear); //文章列表 $sql = "SELECT tb1.article_title,tb1.article_id,tb2.cat_name,tb2.cat_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2"; $sql .= " ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}' ORDER BY tb1.vieworder ASC,tb1.article_id DESC"; $article_list = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($article_list)) { foreach ($article_list as $k => $row) { $dd[] = $this->__module; $dd[] = 'article'; $dd[] = $row['article_id']; $rt['article_list'][$row['cat_name']][$k] = $row; $rt['article_list'][$row['cat_name']][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['article_title'], $row['article_id'], SITE_URL . $type . '.php?id=' . $row['article_id'], 'article', array($row['type'], 'article', $row['article_id'])); unset($dd); } unset($article_list); } //查找一篇文章 $rt['article_con'] = array(); $sql = "SELECT tb1.* FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` AS tb1"; $sql .= " LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}article_cate` AS tb2"; $sql .= " ON tb1.cat_id = tb2.cat_id"; $sql .= " WHERE tb2.type='{$type}' AND tb1.cat_id!='88' ORDER BY tb1.vieworder ASC LIMIT 1"; $rt['article_con'] = $this->App->findrow($sql); $rt['article_con']['article_img'] = !empty($rt['article_con']['article_img']) ? SITE_URL . $rt['article_con']['article_img'] : ""; $rt['showtmp'] = "article_" . $type; $this->Cache->write($rt); } //页面头信息 $title = $rt['article_con']['article_title']; $this->title($title . ' - ' . $GLOBALS['LANG']['site_name']); $this->meta("title", $title); $this->meta("keywords", $rt['article_con']['meta_keys']); $this->meta("description", $rt['article_con']['meta_desc']); $this->set('rt', $rt); $this->template($rt['showtmp']); }
<?php define('LOGIN', 1); require_once 'load.php'; if ($app->action('manager', 'is_login')) { Import::basic()->redirect(ADMIN_URL); exit; } //ajax登录 if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == "login") { $data['adminname'] = $_POST['adminname']; $data['password'] = $_POST['password']; $data['vifcode'] = $_POST['vifcode']; $app->action('manager', 'login', $data); exit; } $app->action('manager', 'index');
function restoredblist() { require_once SYS_PATH . 'lib/class/class.file.php'; if (class_exists('FileOp')) { $filedir = SYS_PATH . 'data' . DS . 'backup'; $fileobj = new FileOp(); $ar = $fileobj->list_files($filedir); $art_ = array(); if (!empty($ar)) { foreach ($ar as $var) { if (!empty($var)) { $type = substr($var, -4); if ($type != '.sql') { continue; } } else { continue; } $isize = filesize($var); if ($isize < 1000000) { $size = sprintf("%.2f", $isize / 1024) . 'KB'; } else { $size = sprintf("%.2f", $isize / 1024 / 1024) . 'MB'; } $art_[] = array('filename' => basename($var), 'size' => $size, 'titme' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($var)), 'filedir' => $var); } } unset($ar); $art = Import::basic()->array_sort($art_, 'titme', 'desc'); $this->set('restoredblist', $art); unset($art_); } else { die("请你检查你的文件处理类是否存在!=>FileOp"); } $this->template('database_restore'); }
function check_isMobile() { $site = Basic::thisurl(); $istrue = Import::basic()->isMobile(); if ($istrue == true && !strpos($site, 'ajaxfile') && !strpos($site, 'user.php')) { $this->jump(SITE_URL . 'm/'); exit; } }
function ajax_user_register($data = array()) { $json = Import::json(); $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '传送的数据为空!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } $fromAttr = $json->decode($data['fromAttr']); //反json ,返回值为对象 unset($data); $uid = $this->Session->read('User.uid'); $wecha_id = $this->Session->read('User.wecha_id'); if (!($uid > 0)) { $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE wecha_id ='{$wecha_id}' LIMIT 1"; $uid = $this->App->findvar($sql); if (!($uid > 0)) { die("无法登录代理用户,麻烦通知我们管理员,谢谢"); } } //以下字段对应评论的表单页面 一定要一致 $datas['user_rank'] = $fromAttr->user_rank; //用户级别 $datas['mobile_phone'] = $fromAttr->username; //用户名 if (empty($datas['mobile_phone'])) { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '请输入手机号码作为登录帐号!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } } if (preg_match("/1[3458]{1}\\d{9}\$/", $datas['mobile_phone'])) { } else { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '手机号码不合法,请重新输入!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } } //检查该手机是否已经使用了 $mobile_phone = $datas['mobile_phone']; $sql = "SELECT user_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE user_id !='{$uid}' AND mobile_phone='{$mobile_phone}'"; $uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql); if ($uuid > 0) { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '抱歉,该手机号码已经被使用了!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } } $datas['password'] = $fromAttr->password; if (empty($datas['password'])) { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '用户密码不能为空!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } } $rp_pass = $fromAttr->rp_pass; if ($rp_pass != $datas['password']) { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '两次密码不相同!'); if (empty($data['fromAttr'])) { die($json->encode($result)); } } $datas['password'] = md5($datas['password']); /*if(!($datas['user_rank']>0)) */ $datas['user_rank'] = 10; /* $yyy = $fromAttr->yyy; $mmm = $fromAttr->mmm; $ddd = $fromAttr->ddd; $datas['birthday'] = $yyy.'-'.$mmm.'-'.$ddd; $datas['sex'] = $fromAttr->sex;*/ //$regcode = $fromAttr->regcode; /*$regcode = ''; if(!empty($regcode)){ //检查该注册码是否有效 $sql = "SELECT tb1.bonus_id FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user_coupon_list` AS tb1 LEFT JOIN `{$this->App->prefix()}user_coupon_type` AS tb2 ON tb1.type_id = tb2.type_id WHERE tb1.bonus_sn='$regcode' AND tb1.is_used='0' LIMIT 1"; $uuid = $this->App->findvar($sql); if($uuid > 0){ }else{ $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '请检查该注册码是否有效!'); die($json->encode($result)); } } $emails = ''; if(!empty($emails)){ $sql = "SELECT email FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}user` WHERE email='$emails' AND user_rank='10'"; $dbemail = $this->App->findvar($sql); if(!empty($dbemail)){ $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '该电子邮箱已经被使用了!'); die($json->encode($result)); } }*/ $ip = Import::basic()->getip(); $reg_ip = $ip ? $ip : ''; //$datas['reg_time'] = mktime(); //$datas['reg_from'] = Import::ip()->ipCity($ip); //$datas['last_login'] = mktime(); $datas['last_ip'] = $reg_ip; $datas['active'] = 0; if ($this->App->update('user', $datas, 'user_id', $uid)) { /*$this->Session->write('Agent.username',$uname); $this->Session->write('User.uid',$uid); $this->Session->write('',$datas['active']); $this->Session->write('Agent.rank','10'); $this->Session->write('Agent.lasttime',$datas['last_login']); $this->Session->write('Agent.lastip',$datas['last_ip']); //注册码表 if(!empty($regcode)){ $this->App->insert('user_regcode',array('code'=>$regcode,'uid'=>$uid,'addtime'=>mktime())); $this->App->update('user_coupon_list',array('is_used'=>'1','user_id'=>$uid,'used_time'=>mktime()),'bonus_sn',$regcode); }*/ $result = array('error' => 0, 'message' => '登记成功,正等待管理员审核!'); unset($datas, $datass); } else { $result = array('error' => 2, 'message' => '登记失败!'); } die($json->encode($result)); }
function ajax_article_list($cid = 0, $page = 1, $type = 'new', $list = 10) { //下级分类ID if (!($cid > 0)) { echo "获取数据失败!"; exit; } $sourceid = array($cid); $get_cid = $this->get_sub_cat_ids($cid, $type); if (!empty($get_cid)) { $subcid = array_merge($get_cid, $sourceid); } else { $subcid = $sourceid; } unset($sourceid, $get_cid); //分页 if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } if (!($list > 0)) { $list = 10; } $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(article_id) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` WHERE is_show='1' AND cat_id IN(" . @implode(',', $subcid) . ")"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $rt['categorypage'] = Import::basic()->ajax_page($tt, $list, $page, 'get_cate' . $type . '_page_list', array($cid)); //获取内容列表 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}article` WHERE is_show='1' AND cat_id IN(" . @implode(',', $subcid) . ") ORDER BY is_top DESC,vieworder ASC,article_id DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rt['catecon'] = $this->App->find($sql); if (!empty($rt['catecon'])) { foreach ($rt['catecon'] as $k => $row) { if (!empty($row['article_img'])) { $pa = dirname($row['article_img']); $thumb = basename($row['article_img']); $rt['catecon'][$k]['thumb_s'] = SITE_URL . $pa . '/thumb_b/' . $thumb; $rt['catecon'][$k]['thumb_b'] = SITE_URL . $pa . '/thumb_b/' . $thumb; } else { $rt['catecon'][$k]['thumb_s'] = ""; $rt['catecon'][$k]['thumb_b'] = ""; } $rt['catecon'][$k]['url'] = get_url($row['article_title'], $row['article_id'], 'article.php?id=' . $row['article_id'], 'article', array($type, 'article', $row['article_id'])); } } else { $rt['catecon'] = array(); } $this->set('rt', $rt); $con = $this->fetch('ajax_' . $type . '_connent', true); echo $con; exit; }
function ajax_show_goods_url($gcid = 0) { if (!($gcid > 0)) { return array(); } $w = "WHERE gcid='{$gcid}'"; //分页 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : ''; if (empty($page)) { $page = 1; } $list = 12; $start = ($page - 1) * $list; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(gcuid) FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_cache_url` {$w}"; $tt = $this->App->findvar($sql); $pagelink = Import::basic()->getpage($tt, $list, $page, '?page=', true); $rt['pagelink'] = $pagelink; $sql = "SELECT * FROM `{$this->App->prefix()}goods_cache_url` {$w} ORDER BY active DESC,gcuid DESC LIMIT {$start},{$list}"; $rt['list'] = $this->App->find($sql); return $rt; }