Пример #1
 public function test(CqmPatient $patient, $beginDate, $endDate)
     if (Immunizations::checkHepA($patient, $beginDate, $endDate)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #2
 public function test(CqmPatient $patient, $beginDate, $endDate)
     if (Immunizations::checkDtap($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkIpv($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkMmr($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkHib($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkHepB($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkVzv($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkPheumococcal($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkHepA($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkRotavirus_2014($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) || Immunizations::checkInfluenza($patient, $beginDate, $endDate)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #3
 public function test(CqmPatient $patient, $beginDate, $endDate)
     if (Immunizations::checkDtap($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) && Immunizations::checkIpv($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) && (Immunizations::checkMmr($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) && !Helper::checkAllergy(Allergy::POLYMYXIN, $patient, $patient->dob, $endDate)) && Immunizations::checkVzv($patient, $beginDate, $endDate) && Immunizations::checkHepB($patient, $beginDate, $endDate)) {
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #4
 private function getObjectiveExtraDataByEid($eid)
     $ExtraData = '';
     $Medications = new Medications();
     $medications = $Medications->getPatientMedicationsByEid($eid);
     if (!empty($medications)) {
         $lis = '';
         foreach ($medications as $foo) {
             $lis .= '<li>' . $foo['STR'] . '</li>';
         $ExtraData .= '<p>Medications:</p>';
         $ExtraData .= '<ul class="ProgressNote-ul">' . $lis . '</ul>';
     $Immunizations = new Immunizations();
     $immunizations = $Immunizations->getImmunizationsByEncounterID($eid);
     if (!empty($immunizations)) {
         $lis = '';
         foreach ($immunizations as $foo) {
             $lis .= '<li>Vaccine name: ' . $foo['vaccine_name'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Vaccine ID: (' . $foo['code_type'] . ')' . $foo['code'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Manufacturer: ' . $foo['manufacturer'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Lot Number: ' . $foo['lot_number'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Dose: ' . $foo['administer_amount'] . ' ' . $foo['administer_units'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Administered By: ' . $foo['administered_by'] . ' </li>';
         $ExtraData .= '<p>Immunizations:</p>';
         $ExtraData .= '<ul class="ProgressNote-ul">' . $lis . '</ul>';
     $Allergies = new Allergies();
     $allergies = $Allergies->getPatientAllergiesByEid($eid);
     if (!empty($allergies)) {
         $lis = '';
         foreach ($allergies as $foo) {
             $lis .= '<li>Allergy: ' . $foo['allergy'] . ' (' . $foo['allergy_type'] . ')<br>';
             $lis .= 'Reaction: ' . $foo['reaction'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Severity: ' . $foo['severity'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Location: ' . $foo['location'] . '<br>';
             $lis .= 'Active?: ' . ($foo['end_date'] != null ? 'Yes' : 'No') . '</li>';
         $ExtraData .= '<p>Allergies:</p>';
         $ExtraData .= '<ul class="ProgressNote-ul">' . $lis . '</ul>';
      * Active Problems found in this Encounter
     $ActiveProblems = new ActiveProblems();
     $activeProblems = $ActiveProblems->getPatientActiveProblemByEid($eid);
     if (!empty($activeProblems)) {
         $lis = '';
         foreach ($activeProblems as $foo) {
             $lis .= '<li>[' . $foo['code'] . '] - ' . $foo['code_text'] . ' </li>';
         $ExtraData .= '<p>Active Problems:</p>';
         $ExtraData .= '<ul class="ProgressNote-ul">' . $lis . '</ul>';
     return $ExtraData;
 public function postCompileBilling()
     $eid = Session::get('eid');
     $pid = Session::get('pid');
     $practice_id = Session::get('practice_id');
     $row = Demographics::find($pid);
     $encounterInfo = Encounters::find($eid);
     $dos1 = $this->human_to_unix($encounterInfo->encounter_DOS);
     $dos = date('mdY', $dos1);
     $dos2 = date('m/d/Y', $dos1);
     $pos = $encounterInfo->encounter_location;
     $assessment_data = Assessment::find($eid);
     $icd_pointer = '';
     if ($assessment_data->assessment_1 != '') {
         $icd_pointer .= "A";
     if ($assessment_data->assessment_2 != '') {
         $icd_pointer .= "B";
     if ($assessment_data->assessment_3 != '') {
         $icd_pointer .= "C";
     if ($assessment_data->assessment_4 != '') {
         $icd_pointer .= "D";
     $labsInfo = Labs::find($eid);
     if ($labsInfo) {
         if ($labsInfo->labs_ua_urobili != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_bilirubin != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_ketones != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_glucose != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_protein != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_nitrites != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_leukocytes != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_blood != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_ph != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_spgr != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_color != '' || $labsInfo->labs_ua_clarity != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('81002', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
         if ($labsInfo->labs_upt != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('81025', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
         if ($labsInfo->labs_strep != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('87880', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
         if ($labsInfo->labs_mono != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('86308', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
         if ($labsInfo->labs_flu != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('87804', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
         if ($labsInfo->labs_glucose != '') {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing('82962', $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
     $result9 = Procedure::find($eid);
     if ($result9) {
         $this->compile_procedure_billing($result9->proc_cpt, $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
     $result11 = Immunizations::where('eid', '=', $eid)->get();
     if ($result11) {
         foreach ($result11 as $row11) {
             $this->compile_procedure_billing($row11->cpt, $eid, $pid, $dos2, $icd_pointer, $practice_id);
     echo 'CPT codes complied from the encounter!';
Пример #6
 protected function page_ccr($pid)
     $data['patientInfo'] = Demographics::find($pid);
     $data['dob'] = date('m/d/Y', $this->human_to_unix($data['patientInfo']->DOB));
     $data['insuranceInfo'] = '';
     $query_in = Insurance::where('pid', '=', $pid)->where('insurance_plan_active', '=', 'Yes')->get();
     if ($query_in) {
         foreach ($query_in as $row_in) {
             $data['insuranceInfo'] .= $row_in->insurance_plan_name . '; ID: ' . $row_in->insurance_id_num . '; Group: ' . $row_in->insurance_group . '; ' . $row_in->insurance_insu_lastname . ', ' . $row_in->insurance_insu_firstname . '<br><br>';
     $body = 'Active Issues:<br />';
     $query = Issues::where('pid', '=', $pid)->where('issue_date_inactive', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->get();
     if ($query) {
         $body .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($query as $row) {
             $body .= '<li>' . $row->issue . '</li>';
         $body .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $body .= 'None.';
     $body .= '<hr />Active Medications:<br />';
     $query1 = Rx_list::where('pid', '=', $pid)->where('rxl_date_inactive', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->where('rxl_date_old', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->get();
     if ($query1) {
         $body .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($query1 as $row1) {
             if ($row1->rxl_sig == '') {
                 $body .= '<li>' . $row1->rxl_medication . ' ' . $row1->rxl_dosage . ' ' . $row1->rxl_dosage_unit . ', ' . $row1->rxl_instructions . ' for ' . $row1->rxl_reason . '</li>';
             } else {
                 $body .= '<li>' . $row1->rxl_medication . ' ' . $row1->rxl_dosage . ' ' . $row1->rxl_dosage_unit . ', ' . $row1->rxl_sig . ' ' . $row1->rxl_route . ' ' . $row1->rxl_frequency . ' for ' . $row1->rxl_reason . '</li>';
         $body .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $body .= 'None.';
     $body .= '<hr />Immunizations:<br />';
     $query2 = Immunizations::where('pid', '=', $pid)->orderBy('imm_immunization', 'asc')->orderBy('imm_sequence', 'asc')->get();
     if ($query2) {
         $body .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($query2 as $row2) {
             $sequence = '';
             if ($row2->imm_sequence == '1') {
                 $sequence = ', first,';
             if ($row2->imm_sequence == '2') {
                 $sequence = ', second,';
             if ($row2->imm_sequence == '3') {
                 $sequence = ', third,';
             if ($row2->imm_sequence == '4') {
                 $sequence = ', fourth,';
             if ($row2->imm_sequence == '5') {
                 $sequence = ', fifth,';
             $body .= '<li>' . $row2->imm_immunization . $sequence . ' given on ' . date('F jS, Y', $this->human_to_unix($row2->imm_date)) . '</li>';
         $body .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $body .= 'None.';
     $body .= '<hr />Allergies:<br />';
     $query3 = Allergies::where('pid', '=', $pid)->where('allergies_date_inactive', '=', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->get();
     if ($query3) {
         $body .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($query3 as $row3) {
             $body .= '<li>' . $row3->allergies_med . ' - ' . $row3->allergies_reaction . '</li>';
         $body .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $body .= 'No known allergies.';
     $body .= '<br />Printed by ' . Session::get('displayname') . '.';
     $data['letter'] = $body;
     return View::make('pdf.ccr_page', $data);
Пример #7
  * Method setImmunizationsSection()
 private function setImmunizationsSection()
     $Immunizations = new Immunizations();
     $immunizationsData = $Immunizations->getPatientImmunizationsByPid($this->pid);
     if (empty($immunizationsData) || $this->isExcluded('immunizations')) {
         $immunizations['@attributes'] = ['nullFlavor' => 'NI'];
     $immunizations['templateId'] = ['@attributes' => ['root' => $this->requiredImmunization ? '2.16.840.1.113883.' : '2.16.840.1.113883.']];
     $immunizations['code'] = ['@attributes' => ['code' => '11369-6', 'codeSystemName' => 'LOINC', 'codeSystem' => '2.16.840.1.113883.6.1']];
     $immunizations['title'] = 'Immunizations';
     $immunizations['text'] = '';
     if ($this->isExcluded('immunizations')) {
         $this->addSection(['section' => $immunizations]);
     if (!empty($immunizationsData)) {
         $immunizations['text'] = ['table' => ['@attributes' => ['border' => '1', 'width' => '100%'], 'thead' => ['tr' => [['th' => [['@value' => 'Vaccine'], ['@value' => 'Date'], ['@value' => 'Status']]]]], 'tbody' => ['tr' => []]]];
         $immunizations['entry'] = [];
         foreach ($immunizationsData as $item) {
             $date = preg_replace('/(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})-(\\d{2}) \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}/', '$1$2', $item['administered_date']);
             $administered_by = $this->User->getUserByUid($item['administered_uid']);
             $immunizations['text']['table']['tbody']['tr'][] = ['td' => [['@value' => ucwords($item['vaccine_name'])], ['@value' => date('F Y', strtotime($item['administered_date']))], ['@value' => 'Completed']]];
             $entry['substanceAdministration'] = ['@attributes' => ['classCode' => 'SBADM', 'moodCode' => 'EVN', 'negationInd' => 'false', 'nullFlavor' => 'NI'], 'templateId' => ['@attributes' => ['root' => '2.16.840.1.113883.']], 'id' => ['@attributes' => ['root' => UUID::v4()]], 'code' => ['@attributes' => ['xsi:type' => 'CE', 'code' => 'IMMUNIZ', 'codeSystem' => '2.16.840.1.113883.5.4', 'codeSystemName' => 'ActCode']], 'statusCode' => ['@attributes' => ['code' => 'completed']], 'effectiveTime' => ['@attributes' => ['value' => $date]]];
             if (isset($item['administer_amount']) && $item['administer_amount'] != '') {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['doseQuantity'] = ['@attributes' => ['value' => $item['administer_amount'], 'unit' => $item['administer_units']]];
             } else {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['doseQuantity'] = ['@attributes' => ['nullFlavor' => 'UNK']];
             $entry['substanceAdministration']['consumable'] = ['manufacturedProduct' => ['@attributes' => ['classCode' => 'MANU'], 'templateId' => ['@attributes' => ['root' => '2.16.840.1.113883.']], 'manufacturedMaterial' => ['code' => ['@attributes' => ['code' => $item['code'], 'codeSystemName' => 'CVX', 'codeSystem' => '2.16.840.1.113883.12.292', 'displayName' => ucwords($item['vaccine_name'])]]]]];
             if (isset($item['lot_number']) && $item['lot_number'] != '') {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['consumable']['manufacturedProduct']['manufacturedMaterial']['lotNumberText'] = $item['lot_number'];
             } else {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['consumable']['manufacturedProduct']['manufacturedMaterial']['lotNumberText'] = ['@attributes' => ['nullFlavor' => 'UNK']];
             if (isset($item['manufacturer']) && $item['manufacturer'] != '') {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['consumable']['manufacturedProduct']['manufacturerOrganization'] = ['name' => $item['manufacturer']];
             } else {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['consumable']['manufacturedProduct']['manufacturerOrganization'] = ['@attributes' => ['nullFlavor' => 'UNK']];
             // administered by...
             $entry['substanceAdministration']['performer']['assignedEntity'] = ['id' => ['@attributes' => ['root' => 'NA']]];
             if ($administered_by !== false) {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['performer']['assignedEntity']['code'] = ['@attributes' => ['code' => $administered_by['taxonomy'], 'codeSystem' => '2.16.840.1.114222.4.11.1066', 'codeSystemName' => 'NUCC Health Care Provider Taxonomy', 'displayName' => $administered_by['title'] . ' ' . $administered_by['fname'] . ' ' . $administered_by['mname'] . ' ' . $administered_by['lname']]];
             } else {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['performer']['assignedEntity']['code'] = ['@attributes' => ['nullFlavor' => 'UNK']];
             // immunization education\
             if (isset($item['education_date']) && $item['education_date'] != '0000-00-00') {
                 $entry['substanceAdministration']['entryRelationship'] = ['@attributes' => ['typeCode' => 'SUBJ', 'inversionInd' => 'true'], 'act' => ['@attributes' => ['classCode' => 'ACT', 'moodCode' => 'INT'], 'templateId' => ['@attributes' => ['root' => '2.16.840.1.113883.']], 'code' => ['@attributes' => ['code' => '171044003', 'codeSystem' => '2.16.840.1.113883.6.96', 'displayName' => 'immunization education']], 'statusCode' => ['@attributes' => ['code' => 'completed']]]];
             $immunizations['entry'][] = $entry;
     if ($this->requiredImmunization || isset($immunizations['entry'])) {
         $this->addSection(['section' => $immunizations]);
     unset($immunizationsData, $immunizations);
Пример #8
 function sendVXU($params)
     try {
         // set these globally to be used by MSH and PID
         $this->to = $params->to;
         $this->from = $params->from;
         $this->patient = $params->pid;
         $this->encounter = isset($params->eid) ? $params->eid : 0;
         $this->type = 'VXU';
         // MSH
         $msh = $this->setMSH();
         $msh->setValue('9.1', 'VXU');
         $msh->setValue('9.2', 'V04');
         $msh->setValue('9.3', 'VXU_V04');
         // PID
         // PV1
         // Variable Objects to pass filter to MatchaCup
         $filters = new stdClass();
         $filters->filter[0] = new stdClass();
         $filters->filter[1] = new stdClass();
         // Load the List option model, to do lookups in the Value Code Sets
         $ListOptions = MatchaModel::setSenchaModel('App.model.administration.ListOptions');
         // PD1 - 3.4.10 PD1 - Patient Additional Demographic Segment
         // If the Publicity is set, on the patient contacts compile this HL7 Message line
         $filters = new stdClass();
         $filters->filter[0] = new stdClass();
         $filters->filter[1] = new stdClass();
         $filters->filter[0]->property = 'pid';
         $filters->filter[0]->value = $this->patient->pid;
         $filters->filter[1]->property = 'relationship';
         $filters->filter[1]->value = 'SEL';
         $ContactRecord = $this->PatientContacts->load($filters)->one();
         if ($this->notEmpty($ContactRecord)) {
             $PD1 = $this->hl7->addSegment('PD1');
             $filters->filter[0]->property = 'list_id';
             $filters->filter[0]->value = 132;
             $filters->filter[1]->property = 'code';
             $filters->filter[1]->value = $ContactRecord->publicity;
             $Record = $ListOptions->load($filters)->one();
             $PD1->setValue('11.1', $Record['option_value']);
             $PD1->setValue('11.2', $Record['option_name']);
             $PD1->setValue('11.3', $Record['code_type']);
             $PD1->setValue('16', 'A');
             $PD1->setValue('17', $this->date($this->patient->create_date, false));
             $PD1->setValue('18', $this->date($this->patient->create_date, false));
         // NK1 - 3.4.5 NK1 - Next of Kin / Associated Parties Segment
         $filters->filter[0]->property = 'pid';
         $filters->filter[0]->value = $params->pid;
         $filters->filter[1] = new stdClass();
         $Records = $this->PatientContacts->load($filters)->all();
         $transactionID = 0;
         foreach ($Records as $Record) {
             $PD1 = $this->hl7->addSegment('NK1');
             $PD1->setValue('1', $transactionID);
             $PD1->setValue('2.1', $Record['middle_name'] . ' ' . $Record['last_name']);
             $PD1->setValue('2.2', $Record['first_name']);
             $PD1->setValue('2.7', 'L');
             $PD1->setValue('3.1', $Record['relationship']);
             $filters->filter[0]->property = 'list_id';
             $filters->filter[0]->value = 134;
             $filters->filter[1]->property = 'option_value';
             $filters->filter[1]->value = $Record['relationship'];
             $List = $ListOptions->load($filters)->one();
             $PD1->setValue('3.2', $List['option_name']);
             $PD1->setValue('3.3', $List['code_type']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.1', $Record['street_mailing_address']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.3', $Record['city']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.4', $Record['state']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.5', $Record['zip']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.6', $Record['country']);
             $PD1->setValue('4.7', 'L');
             $PD1->setValue('5.2', 'PRN');
             $PD1->setValue('5.3', 'PH');
             $PD1->setValue('5.6', $Record['phone_area_code']);
             $PD1->setValue('5.7', $Record['phone_local_number']);
         $this->i = MatchaModel::setSenchaModel('App.model.patient.PatientImmunization');
         include_once ROOT . '/dataProvider/Immunizations.php';
         include_once ROOT . '/dataProvider/Services.php';
         $immunization = new Immunizations();
         $EncounterServices = new Services();
         // Immunizations loop
         foreach ($params->immunizations as $i) {
             $immu = $this->i->load($i)->one();
             // ORC - 4.5.1 ORC - Common Order Segment
             $ORC = $this->hl7->addSegment('ORC');
             $ORC->setValue('1', 'RE');
             $ORC->setValue('3.1', 'GAIA10001');
             $ORC->setValue('3.2', $immu['id']);
             // RXA - 4.14.7 RXA - Pharmacy/Treatment Administration Segment
             $RXA = $this->hl7->addSegment('RXA');
             $RXA->setValue('3.1', $this->date($immu['administered_date']));
             //Date/Time Start of Administration
             $RXA->setValue('4.1', $this->date($immu['administered_date']));
             //Date/Time End of Administration
             //Administered Code
             $RXA->setValue('5.1', $immu['code']);
             $RXA->setValue('5.2', $immu['vaccine_name']);
             $RXA->setValue('5.3', $immu['code_type']);
             //Name of Coding System
             if ($this->isPresent($immu['administer_amount'])) {
                 $RXA->setValue('6', $immu['administer_amount']);
                 //Administered Amount
                 $RXA->setValue('7.1', $immu['administer_units']);
                 $RXA->setValue('7.2', $immu['administer_units']);
                 // Text
                 $RXA->setValue('7.3', 'UCUM');
                 //Name of Coding System HL70396
             } else {
                 $RXA->setValue('6', '999');
                 //Administered Amount
             $RXA->setValue('15', $immu['lot_number']);
             //Substance LotNumbers
             // get immunization manufacturer info
             $mvx = $immunization->getMvxByCode($immu['manufacturer']);
             $mText = isset($mvx['manufacturer']) ? $mvx['manufacturer'] : '';
             //Substance ManufacturerName
             $RXA->setValue('17.1', $immu['manufacturer']);
             $RXA->setValue('17.2', $mText);
             $RXA->setValue('17.3', 'MVX');
             //Name of Coding System HL70396
             $RXA->setValue('21', 'A');
             //Action Code
             // RXR - 4.14.2 RXR - Pharmacy/Treatment Route Segment
             $RXR = $this->hl7->addSegment('RXR');
             // Route
             $filters->filter[0]->property = 'list_id';
             $filters->filter[0]->value = 6;
             $filters->filter[1]->property = 'option_value';
             $filters->filter[1]->value = $immu['route'];
             $Record = $ListOptions->load($filters)->one();
             $RXR->setValue('1.1', $Record['option_value']);
             $RXR->setValue('1.2', $Record['option_name']);
             $RXR->setValue('1.3', $Record['code_type']);
             // Administration Site
             $filters->filter[0]->property = 'list_id';
             $filters->filter[0]->value = 119;
             $filters->filter[1]->property = 'code';
             $filters->filter[1]->value = $immu['administration_site'];
             $Record = $ListOptions->load($filters)->one();
             $RXR->setValue('2.1', $Record['option_value']);
             $RXR->setValue('2.2', $Record['option_name']);
             $RXR->setValue('2.3', $Record['code_type']);
             // OBX - 7.4.2 OBX - Observation/Result Segment
             $filters->filter[0]->property = 'eid';
             $filters->filter[0]->value = $immu['eid'];
             $filters->filter[1]->property = 'pid';
             $filters->filter[1]->value = $immu['pid'];
             $Records = $EncounterServices->getEncounterServicesByEIDandPID($filters);
             $obxCount = 1;
             foreach ($Records as $Record) {
                 $OBX = $this->hl7->addSegment('OBX');
                 $OBX->setValue('1', $obxCount);
                 $OBX->setValue('2', 'CE');
                 $OBX->setValue('3.1', '64994-7');
                 $OBX->setValue('3.2', 'Vaccine funding program eligibility category');
                 $OBX->setValue('3.3', 'LN');
                 $OBX->setValue('4', $Record['eid']);
                 $OBX->setValue('5.1', $Record['financial_class']);
                 $OBX->setValue('5.2', $Record['financial_name']);
                 $OBX->setValue('5.3', $Record['code_type']);
                 $OBX->setValue('11', 'F');
                 $OBX->setValue('17.1', 'VXC40');
                 $OBX->setValue('17.2', 'Eligibility captured at the immunization level');
                 $OBX->setValue('17.3', 'CDCPHINVS');
             $OBX = $this->hl7->addSegment('OBX');
             $OBX->setValue('1', $obxCount);
             $OBX->setValue('2', 'CE');
             $OBX->setValue('3.1', '30956-7');
             $OBX->setValue('3.2', 'vaccine type');
             $OBX->setValue('3.3', 'LN');
             $OBX->setValue('4', $immu['id']);
             $OBX->setValue('5.1', $immu['code']);
             $OBX->setValue('5.2', $immu['vaccine_name']);
             $OBX->setValue('5.3', $immu['code_type']);
             $OBX->setValue('11', 'F');
             $OBX = $this->hl7->addSegment('OBX');
             $OBX->setValue('1', $obxCount);
             $OBX->setValue('2', 'TS');
             $OBX->setValue('3.1', '29768-9');
             $OBX->setValue('3.2', 'Date vaccine information statement published');
             $OBX->setValue('3.3', 'LN');
             $OBX->setValue('4', $immu['id']);
             $OBX->setValue('5', $this->date($immu['education_doc_published'], false));
             $OBX->setValue('11', 'F');
             $OBX = $this->hl7->addSegment('OBX');
             $OBX->setValue('1', $obxCount);
             $OBX->setValue('2', 'TS');
             $OBX->setValue('3.1', '29769-7');
             $OBX->setValue('3.2', 'Date vaccine information statement presented');
             $OBX->setValue('3.3', 'LN');
             $OBX->setValue('4', $immu['id']);
             $OBX->setValue('5', $this->date($immu['education_date'], false));
             $OBX->setValue('11', 'F');
         $msgRecord = $this->saveMsg();
         if (isset($params->delivery) && ($params->delivery = 'download')) {
         if ($this->to['route'] == 'file') {
             $response = $this->Save();
         } else {
             $response = $this->Send();
         $msgRecord->response = $response['message'];
         if ($response['success']) {
             $msgRecord->status = 3;
         } else {
             $msgRecord->status = preg_match('/^socket/', $response['message']) ? 2 : 4;
             // if socket error put back in queue
             $msgRecord->error = $response['message'];
         return ['success' => true];
     } catch (Exception $Error) {
         return ['success' => false];
 public function postImmunizationsList()
     $query = Immunizations::where('pid', '=', Session::get('pid'))->orderBy('imm_immunization', 'asc')->orderBy('imm_sequence', 'asc')->get();
     $result = '';
     if ($query) {
         $result .= '<ul>';
         foreach ($query as $row) {
             $sequence = '';
             if ($row->imm_sequence == '1') {
                 $sequence = ', first';
             if ($row->imm_sequence == '2') {
                 $sequence = ', second';
             if ($row->imm_sequence == '3') {
                 $sequence = ', third';
             if ($row->imm_sequence == '4') {
                 $sequence = ', fourth';
             if ($row->imm_sequence == '5') {
                 $sequence = ', fifth';
             $result .= '<li>' . $row->imm_immunization . $sequence . '</li>';
         $result .= '</ul>';
     } else {
         $result .= ' None.';
     echo $result;
Пример #10
 public function postImmunizationsList($mobile = false)
     $query = Immunizations::where('pid', '=', Session::get('pid'))->orderBy('imm_immunization', 'asc')->orderBy('imm_sequence', 'asc')->get();
     $result = '';
     if ($query) {
         if ($mobile == false) {
             $result .= '<ul>';
             foreach ($query as $row) {
                 $sequence = '';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '1') {
                     $sequence = ', first';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '2') {
                     $sequence = ', second';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '3') {
                     $sequence = ', third';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '4') {
                     $sequence = ', fourth';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '5') {
                     $sequence = ', fifth';
                 $result .= '<li>' . $row->imm_immunization . $sequence . '</li>';
             $result .= '</ul>';
         } else {
             $list_array = [];
             $form = [];
             $i = 1;
             $columns = Schema::getColumnListing('immunizations');
             $row_index = $columns[0];
             $list_array[] = ['label' => 'Add Immunization', 'pid' => Session::get('pid'), 'href' => action('AjaxChartController@postMobileEditPage', array('immunizations', $row_index, '0')), 'origin' => '../ajaxchart/immunizations-list/true'];
             foreach ($query as $row) {
                 $sequence = '';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '1') {
                     $sequence = ', first';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '2') {
                     $sequence = ', second';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '3') {
                     $sequence = ', third';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '4') {
                     $sequence = ', fourth';
                 if ($row->imm_sequence == '5') {
                     $sequence = ', fifth';
                 $label = $row->imm_immunization . $sequence;
                 $list_array[] = ['label' => $label, 'pid' => Session::get('pid'), 'href' => action('AjaxChartController@postMobileEditPage', array('immunizations', $row_index, $row->{$row_index})), 'origin' => '../ajaxchart/immunizations-list/true'];
             $result .= $this->mobile_result_build($list_array, 'mobile_immunizations_list');
     } else {
         $result .= ' None.';
     echo $result;
Пример #11
 public function get_EncounterTokensData($eid, $allNeededInfo, $tokens)
     $params = new stdClass();
     $params->eid = $eid;
     $encounter = $this->encounter->getEncounter($params);
     if (!isset($encounter['encounter'])) {
         return $allNeededInfo;
     $encounterCodes = $this->encounter->getEncounterCodes($params);
     $vitals = end($encounter['encounter']['vitals']);
     $soap = $encounter['encounter']['soap'];
     if (isset($encounter['encounter']['reviewofsystemschecks'])) {
         $rosCks = $encounter['encounter']['reviewofsystemschecks'];
         unset($rosCks['id'], $rosCks['pid'], $rosCks['eid'], $rosCks['uid'], $rosCks['date']);
         foreach ($rosCks as $rosc => $num) {
             if ($num == '' || $num == null || $num == 0) {
     if (isset($encounter['encounter']['reviewofsystems'])) {
         $reviewofsystems = $encounter['encounter']['reviewofsystems'];
         unset($reviewofsystems['pid'], $reviewofsystems['eid'], $reviewofsystems['uid'], $reviewofsystems['id'], $reviewofsystems['date']);
         foreach ($reviewofsystems as $ros => $num) {
             if ($num == '' || $num == null || $num == 'null') {
     $cpt = [];
     $dx = [];
     $hcpc = [];
     $cvx = [];
     if (isset($encounterCodes['rows'])) {
         foreach ($encounterCodes['rows'] as $code) {
             if ($code['code_type'] == 'CPT') {
                 $cpt[] = $code;
             } elseif ($code['code_type'] == 'ICD' || $code['code_type'] == 'ICD9' || $code['code_type'] == 'ICD10') {
                 $dx[] = $code;
             } elseif ($code['code_type'] == 'HCPC') {
                 $hcpc[] = $code;
             } elseif ($code['code_type'] == 'CVX') {
                 $cvx[] = $code;
     $Medications = new Medications();
     $medications = $Medications->getPatientMedicationsByEid($eid);
     $Immunizations = new Immunizations();
     $immunizations = $Immunizations->getImmunizationsByEid($eid);
     $Allergies = new Allergies();
     $allergies = $Allergies->getPatientAllergiesByEid($eid);
     $ActiveProblems = new ActiveProblems();
     $activeProblems = $ActiveProblems->getPatientActiveProblemByEid($eid);
     $encounter = $encounter['encounter'];
     $encounterInformation = ['[ENCOUNTER_START_DATE]' => $encounter['service_date'], '[ENCOUNTER_END_DATE]' => $encounter['close_date'], '[ENCOUNTER_BRIEF_DESCRIPTION]' => $encounter['brief_description'], '[ENCOUNTER_SENSITIVITY]' => $encounter['priority'], '[ENCOUNTER_WEIGHT_LBS]' => $vitals['weight_lbs'], '[ENCOUNTER_WEIGHT_KG]' => $vitals['weight_kg'], '[ENCOUNTER_HEIGHT_IN]' => $vitals['height_in'], '[ENCOUNTER_HEIGHT_CM]' => $vitals['height_cm'], '[ENCOUNTER_BP_SYSTOLIC]' => $vitals['bp_systolic'], '[ENCOUNTER_BP_DIASTOLIC]' => $vitals['bp_diastolic'], '[ENCOUNTER_PULSE]' => $vitals['pulse'], '[ENCOUNTER_RESPIRATION]' => $vitals['respiration'], '[ENCOUNTER_TEMP_FAHRENHEIT]' => $vitals['temp_f'], '[ENCOUNTER_TEMP_CELSIUS]' => $vitals['temp_c'], '[ENCOUNTER_TEMP_LOCATION]' => $vitals['temp_location'], '[ENCOUNTER_OXYGEN_SATURATION]' => $vitals['oxygen_saturation'], '[ENCOUNTER_HEAD_CIRCUMFERENCE_IN]' => $vitals['head_circumference_in'], '[ENCOUNTER_HEAD_CIRCUMFERENCE_CM]' => $vitals['head_circumference_cm'], '[ENCOUNTER_WAIST_CIRCUMFERENCE_IN]' => $vitals['waist_circumference_in'], '[ENCOUNTER_WAIST_CIRCUMFERENCE_CM]' => $vitals['waist_circumference_cm'], '[ENCOUNTER_BMI]' => $vitals['bmi'], '[ENCOUNTER_BMI_STATUS]' => $vitals['bmi_status'], '[ENCOUNTER_SUBJECTIVE]' => isset($soap['subjective']) ? $soap['subjective'] : '', '[ENCOUNTER_OBJECTIVE]' => isset($soap['objective']) ? $soap['objective'] : '', '[ENCOUNTER_ASSESSMENT]' => isset($soap['assessment']) ? $soap['assessment'] : '', '[ENCOUNTER_PLAN]' => isset($soap['plan']) ? $soap['plan'] : '', '[ENCOUNTER_CPT_CODES]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($cpt, 1), '[ENCOUNTER_ICD_CODES]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($dx, 2), '[ENCOUNTER_HCPC_CODES]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($hcpc, 3), '[ENCOUNTER_ALLERGIES_LIST]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($allergies, 4), '[ENCOUNTER_MEDICATIONS_LIST]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($medications, 5), '[ENCOUNTER_ACTIVE_PROBLEMS_LIST]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($activeProblems, 6), '[ENCOUNTER_IMMUNIZATIONS_LIST]' => $this->tokensForEncountersList($immunizations, 7), '[ENCOUNTER_REVIEWOFSYSTEMSCHECKS]' => isset($rosCks) ? $this->tokensForEncountersList($rosCks, 11) : '', '[ENCOUNTER_REVIEWOFSYSTEMS]' => isset($reviewofsystems) ? $this->tokensForEncountersList($reviewofsystems, 12) : ''];
     foreach ($tokens as $i => $tok) {
         if (isset($encounterInformation[$tok]) && ($allNeededInfo[$i] == '' || $allNeededInfo[$i] == null)) {
             $allNeededInfo[$i] = $encounterInformation[$tok];
     return $allNeededInfo;
Пример #12
 function sendVXU($params)
     // set these globally to be used by MSH and PID
     $this->to = $params->to;
     $this->from = $params->from;
     $this->patient = $params->pid;
     $this->encounter = isset($params->eid) ? $params->eid : 0;
     $this->type = 'VXU';
     // MSH
     $msh = $this->setMSH();
     $msh->setValue('9.1', 'VXU');
     $msh->setValue('9.2', 'V04');
     //		$msh->setValue('9.3', 'VXU_V04');
     // PID
     // PV1
     $this->i = MatchaModel::setSenchaModel('App.model.patient.PatientImmunization');
     include_once ROOT . '/dataProvider/Immunizations.php';
     $immunization = new Immunizations();
     // immunizations loop
     foreach ($params->immunizations as $i) {
         $immu = $this->i->load($i)->one();
         // ROC
         $roc = $this->hl7->addSegment('ORC');
         $roc->setValue('1', 'RE');
         // RXA
         $rxa = $this->hl7->addSegment('RXA');
         $rxa->setValue('3.1', $this->date($immu['administered_date']));
         //Date/Time Start of Administration
         $rxa->setValue('4.1', $this->date($immu['administered_date']));
         //Date/Time End of Administration
         //Administered Code
         $rxa->setValue('5.1', $immu['code']);
         $rxa->setValue('5.2', $immu['vaccine_name']);
         $rxa->setValue('5.3', $immu['code_type']);
         //Name of Coding System
         if ($this->isPresent($immu['administer_amount'])) {
             $rxa->setValue('6', $immu['administer_amount']);
             //Administered Amount
             $rxa->setValue('7.1', $immu['administer_amount']);
             $rxa->setValue('7.2', 'millimeters');
             $rxa->setValue('7.3', 'ISO+');
             //Name of Coding System HL70396
         } else {
             $rxa->setValue('6', '999');
             //Administered Amount
         $rxa->setValue('15', $immu['lot_number']);
         //Substance LotNumbers
         // get immunization manufacturer info
         $mvx = $immunization->getMvxByCode($immu['manufacturer']);
         $mText = isset($mvx['manufacturer']) ? $mvx['manufacturer'] : '';
         //Substance ManufacturerName
         $rxa->setValue('17.1', $immu['manufacturer']);
         $rxa->setValue('17.2', $mText);
         $rxa->setValue('17.3', 'MVX');
         //Name of Coding System HL70396
         $rxa->setValue('21', 'A');
         //Action Code
     $msgRecord = $this->saveMsg();
     if ($this->to['route'] == 'file') {
         $response = $this->Save();
     } else {
         $response = $this->Send();
     $msgRecord->response = $response['message'];
     if ($response['success']) {
         $msgRecord->status = 3;
     } else {
         $msgRecord->status = preg_match('/^socket/', $response['message']) ? 2 : 4;
         // if socket error put back in queue
         $msgRecord->error = $response['message'];