Пример #1
 // get originals
 $query = 'SELECT * FROM `images` WHERE `is_orig`=1 AND `image_id` IN(' . implode(',', $image_ids) . ')';
 $originals = Database::sql2array($query, 'image_id');
 foreach ($tasks as $task) {
     echo "\n";
     if (isset($originals[$task['image_id']])) {
         $or = $originals[$task['image_id']];
         $orig_file_path = ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($or['image_id'], $or['size_id']);
         log_('task#' . $task['id'] . ' original imageid#' . $or['image_id'] . ' ' . $or['width'] . 'x' . $or['height'] . ', ' . round($or['bytes'] / 1024 / 1024 * 1000) / 1000 . ' Mb');
         if (!is_readable($orig_file_path)) {
             $to_delete[$task['id']] = $task['id'];
             $to_error[$task['id']] = ImgStore::ERROR_NOT_READABLE;
             log_($orig_file_path . ' is not readable');
         } else {
             log_($orig_file_path . ' is readable, processing to ' . $task['width_requested'] . 'x' . $task['height_requested']);
             $target_file_path = ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($task['image_id'], $task['size_id']);
             $settings = array('width' => $or['width'], 'height' => $or['height'], 'crop_method' => $task['crop_method'], 'width_requested' => $task['width_requested'], 'height_requested' => $task['height_requested'], 'size_id' => $task['size_id']);
             log_('saving to ' . $target_file_path);
             list($new_width, $new_height, $target_width, $target_height) = ImgStore::resize($orig_file_path, $settings, $target_file_path);
             $bytes = filesize($target_file_path);
             log_('saved as ' . $new_width . 'x' . $new_height . '[requested ' . $target_width . 'x' . $target_height . '], ' . round($bytes / 1024 / 1024 * 1000) / 1000 . ' Mb');
             Database::query('UPDATE `images` SET 
                 `width`=' . $new_width . ',
                 `height`=' . $new_height . ',
                 `server_id`=' . ImgStore::SERVER_ORIG . ',
                 `bytes` =' . $bytes . ' WHERE `id`=' . $task['id']);
     } else {
         log_('task# ' . $task['id'] . ' original missed!');
         $to_delete[$task['id']] = $task['id'];
Пример #2
                    if (filesize($real_private_path)) {
                        $amazon_dest = str_replace(ImgStore::$server_urls[ImgStore::SERVER_AMAZONS3], '', $fetch_url);
                        $res = Amazon::delete($amazon_dest);
                        log_('deleted ' . $amazon_dest . ' from amazon with code:' . $res);
                        Database::query('UPDATE `images` SET `server_id`=' . ImgStore::SERVER_PRIVATE . ', `private_real`=1 WHERE `id`=' . $image['id']);
                } else {
                    // get from local file, delete amazon copy
                    $amazon_dest = str_replace(ImgStore::$server_urls[ImgStore::SERVER_AMAZONS3], '', ImgStore::getUrl($image['image_id'], $image['size_id'], 0));
                    $res = Amazon::delete($amazon_dest);
                    log_('deleted ' . $amazon_dest . ' from amazon with code:' . $res);
                    $real_path = ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($image['image_id'], $image['size_id']);
                    log_($image['id'] . ' at original server in ' . $real_path . ' ' . filesize($real_path) . ' bytes');
                    // change location to private folder
                    $real_private_path = ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($image['image_id'], $image['size_id'], $private = true);
                    log_('will be moved to ' . $real_private_path);
                    if (copy($real_path, $real_private_path)) {
                        log_('succesfully copied');
                        Database::query('UPDATE `images` SET `server_id`=' . ImgStore::SERVER_PRIVATE . ', `private_real`=1 WHERE `id`=' . $image['id']);
                    } else {
                        log_('cant copy');
function log_($txt)
Пример #3

ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$end = array_pop(explode('/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
list($image_id, $size) = explode('-', $end);
$image_id = (int) $image_id;
$size = (int) $size;
if ($image_id) {
    $core_path = 'core/';
    require_once $core_path . 'config.php';
    require_once $core_path . 'include.php';
    $authorized = CurrentUser::authorize_cookie();
    if ($authorized) {
        $owner = Database::sql2single('SELECT `creator_id` FROM `album_events` WHERE `picture`=' . $image_id);
        if ($owner == CurrentUser::$id) {
            header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
            header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename=protected_' . $image_id . '-' . $size . '.jpg');
            header('X-Accel-Redirect: /images_private/' . str_replace(ImgStore::ROOT_PRIVATE_FOLDER, '', ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($image_id, $size, $private = true)));
        } else {
            die('Изображение является приватным и доступно только владельцу');
    } else {
        die('Изображение является приватным и доступно только владельцу');
Пример #4
 foreach ($to_export as $image) {
     if ($limit['uploaded_bytes'] > $day_limit_bytes) {
         log_('LIMIT REACHED[BYTES]:' . $limit['uploaded_bytes'] . ' FROM ' . $day_limit_bytes);
     } else {
         log_('LIMIT [BYTES]:' . $limit['uploaded_bytes'] . ' FROM ' . $day_limit_bytes);
     if ($limit['uploaded_count'] > $day_limit_count) {
         log_('LIMIT REACHED[COUNT]:' . $limit['uploaded_count'] . ' FROM ' . $day_limit_count);
     } else {
         log_('LIMIT [COUNT]:' . $limit['uploaded_count'] . ' FROM ' . $day_limit_count);
     $real_path = ImgStore::getFileLocalPath($image['image_id'], $image['size_id']);
     log_($real_path . ' ' . floor($image['bytes'] / 1024 / 1024 * 1000) / 1000 . 'Mb');
     $target_path = str_replace(ImgStore::$server_urls[ImgStore::SERVER_ORIG], '', ImgStore::getUrl($image['image_id'], $image['size_id'], 0));
     log_('saving to ' . $target_path);
     $result = Amazon::store($real_path, $target_path);
     if ($result) {
         $limit['uploaded_bytes'] += $image['bytes'];
         log_('Stored at amazon at ' . ImgStore::$server_urls[ImgStore::SERVER_AMAZONS3] . $target_path);
         Database::query('UPDATE `images` SET 
             `server_id`=' . ImgStore::SERVER_AMAZONS3 . ',
             `amazon_stored_time`=' . time() . ' WHERE `id`=' . $image['id']);
     } else {
         log_('Cant store file to amazon');
         Database::query('UPDATE `images` SET `amazon_stored_time`=' . time() . ' WHERE `id`=' . $image['id']);