public static function getLocalLink($objImage, $intType = ImagesType::normal, $AbsoluteUrl = false) { list($intWidth, $intHeight) = ImagesType::GetSize($intType); if (!is_null($objImage)) { //See if image exists for chosen size $objImageThumbnail = Images::LoadByRowidSize($objImage->id, $intType); //If exists, return URL based on stored path if ($objImageThumbnail && $objImageThumbnail->ImageFileExists()) { return Images::GetImageUri($objImageThumbnail->image_path, $AbsoluteUrl); } //If we are to this point, we don't have the size of thumbnail we need, so can we create it on the fly //from the parent image $objParentImage = Images::LoadByParent($objImage->id); if ($objParentImage && $objParentImage->ImageFileExists()) { $objProduct = Product::model()->findByPk($objParentImage->product_id); $strPath = $objParentImage->image_path; if (!empty($strPath)) { //We have a parent image //Kick our thumbnail creation back to the processor $blbImage = imagecreatefrompng(Images::GetImagePath($strPath)); $objEvent = new CEventPhoto('Images', 'onUploadPhoto', $blbImage, $objProduct, $objParentImage->index); _xls_raise_events('CEventPhoto', $objEvent); //At this point, the new size has been created, so look it up again just like above //This time we should find it //See if image exists for chosen size $objImageThumbnail = Images::LoadByRowidSize($objImage->id, $intType); //If exists, return URL based on stored path if ($objImageThumbnail && $objImageThumbnail->ImageFileExists()) { return Images::GetImageUri($objImageThumbnail->image_path, $AbsoluteUrl); } } } } return ",h_" . $intHeight . ",w_" . $intWidth . "/v1389476545/no_product.png"; }
public static function resizeImage($imagePath, $intNewWidth, $intNewHeight) { if (strpos($imagePath, 'http') !== false) { return $imagePath; } //Get our original file from LightSpeed $strOriginalFile = $imagePath; $strTempThumbnail = Images::GetImageName($strOriginalFile, $intNewWidth, $intNewHeight, 'temp'); $strNewThumbnail = Images::GetImageName($strOriginalFile, $intNewWidth, $intNewHeight); if (file_exists(Images::GetImagePath($strNewThumbnail))) { return Images::GetImageUri($strNewThumbnail, true); } $strOriginalFileWithPath = Images::GetImagePath($strOriginalFile); $strTempThumbnailWithPath = Images::GetImagePath($strTempThumbnail); $strNewThumbnailWithPath = Images::GetImagePath($strNewThumbnail); $image = Yii::app()->image->load($strOriginalFileWithPath); $image->resize($intNewWidth, $intNewHeight)->quality(_xls_get_conf('IMAGE_QUALITY', '75'))->sharpen(_xls_get_conf('IMAGE_SHARPEN', '20')); if (Images::IsWritablePath($strNewThumbnail)) { if (_xls_get_conf('IMAGE_FORMAT', 'jpg') == 'jpg') { $strSaveFunc = 'imagejpeg'; $strLoadFunc = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; } else { $strSaveFunc = 'imagepng'; $strLoadFunc = "imagecreatefrompng"; } $image->save($strTempThumbnailWithPath, false); try { $src = $strLoadFunc($strTempThumbnailWithPath); //We've saved the resize, so let's load it and resave it centered $dst_file = $strNewThumbnailWithPath; $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($intNewWidth, $intNewHeight); $colorFill = imagecolorallocate($dst, 255, 255, 255); imagefill($dst, 0, 0, $colorFill); if (_xls_get_conf('IMAGE_FORMAT', 'jpg') == 'png') { imagecolortransparent($dst, $colorFill); } $arrOrigSize = getimagesize($strOriginalFileWithPath); $arrSize = Images::CalculateNewSize($arrOrigSize[0], $arrOrigSize[1], $intNewWidth, $intNewHeight); $intStartX = $intNewWidth / 2 - $arrSize[0] / 2; imagecopymerge($dst, $src, $intStartX, 0, 0, 0, $arrSize[0], $arrSize[1], 100); $strSaveFunc($dst, $dst_file); @unlink($strTempThumbnailWithPath); } catch (Exceiption $e) { } return Images::GetImageUri($strNewThumbnail, true); } else { Yii::log("Directory permissions error attempting to save " . $strNewThumbnail, 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__); return false; } }