Пример #1
function renderCablingPlan()
    // Build cabling plan
    // Select edges
    $sql = "SELECT oa.id AS source, ob.id AS target, CONCAT(pa.name, _utf8' <> ', pb.name) AS label, 0 AS weight " . "FROM ((Link l JOIN Port pa ON l.porta = pa.id) JOIN RackObject oa ON pa.object_id = oa.id " . "JOIN Port pb ON l.portb = pb.id JOIN RackObject ob ON pb.object_id = ob.id)";
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($sql);
    $edges = array();
    while ($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
        $found = FALSE;
        foreach ($edges as $key => $edge) {
            if ($edge['source'] == $row['source'] && $edge['target'] == $row['target']) {
                // Edge already exists ("Parallel"). Alter label and add weight
                $edges[$key]['label'] .= "\n" . $row['label'];
                $found = TRUE;
        if (!$found) {
            $edges[] = $row;
    // Select nodes
    $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT o.id AS id, o.name AS label, '' AS url " . "FROM Port p JOIN RackObject o ON p.object_id = o.id " . "WHERE (p.id IN (SELECT Link.porta AS porta FROM Link) OR p.id IN " . "(SELECT Link.portb AS portb FROM Link))";
    $result = usePreparedSelectBlade($sql);
    $nodes = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    $graph = new Image_GraphViz(TRUE, array(), 'Cabling Plan', FALSE, FALSE);
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
        $graph->addNode($node['id'], array('label' => $node['label'], 'shape' => 'box3d'));
    foreach ($edges as $edge) {
        $graph->addEdge(array($edge['source'] => $edge['target']), array('label' => $edge['label'], 'weight' => floatval($edge['weight']), 'fontsize' => 8.0, 'arrowhead' => 'dot', 'arrowtail' => 'dot', 'arrowsize' => 0.5));
    if (in_array($_REQUEST['format'], array('svg', 'png'))) {
Пример #2
function show_bgpmap($data)
    // return a bgp map in a png file
    global $graph, $nodes, $edges;
    $graph = new Image_GraphViz(true, array(), "BGPMAP");
    $nodes = array();
    $edges = array();
    function escape($label)
        $label = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $label);
        $label = str_replace(">", "&gt;", $label);
        $label = str_replace("<", "&lt;", $label);
        return $label;
    function add_node($_as, $fillcolor = NULL, $label = NULL, $shape = NULL)
        global $nodes, $graph;
        if (!array_key_exists($_as, $nodes)) {
            if (!$label) {
                $label = "AS" . $_as;
            $label = '<table cellborder="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td align="center">' . str_replace("\r", "<br/>", escape($label)) . '</td></tr></table>';
            $attrs = array('style' => 'filled', 'fontsize' => '10', 'label' => $label);
            if ($shape) {
                $attrs['shape'] = $shape;
            if ($fillcolor) {
                $attrs['fillcolor'] = $fillcolor;
            $nodes[$_as] = $attrs;
            $graph->addNode($_as, $nodes[$_as]);
        return $nodes[$_as];
    function add_edge($_previous_as, $_as, $attrs = array())
        global $edges, $graph;
        $edge_array = array($_previous_as => $_as);
        if (!array_key_exists(gek($_previous_as, $_as), $edges)) {
            $attrs['splines'] = "true";
            $edge = array($edge_array, $attrs);
            $graph->addEdge($edge_array, $attrs);
            $edges[gek($_previous_as, $_as)] = $edge;
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists('label', $attrs)) {
                $e =& $edges[gek($_previous_as, $_as)];
                $label_without_star = str_replace("*", "", $attrs['label']);
                $labels = explode("\r", $e[1]['label']);
                if (!in_array($label_without_star . "*", $labels)) {
                    $tmp_labels = array();
                    foreach ($labels as $l) {
                        if (!startsWith($l, $label_without_star)) {
                            $labels[] = $l;
                    $labels = array_merge(array($attrs['label']), $tmp_labels);
                    $cmp = function ($a, $b) {
                        return endsWith($a, "*") ? -1 : 1;
                    usort($labels, $cmp);
                    $label = escape(implode("\r", $labels));
                    $e[1]['label'] = $label;
        return $edges[gek($_previous_as, $_as)];
    function gek($_previous_as, $_as)
        // Generate Edge Key
        return $_previous_as . '_' . $_as;
    foreach ($data as $host => $asmaps) {
        add_node($host, "#F5A9A9", strtoupper($host), "box");
        if ($host == Config::NODE_NAME) {
            $node = add_node(Config::ASN, "#F5A9A9");
            $edge = add_edge(Config::ASN, $host, array('color' => "red", 'style' => "bold"));
    $previous_as = NULL;
    $hosts = array_keys($data);
    foreach ($data as $host => $asmaps) {
        $first = true;
        foreach ($asmaps as $asmap) {
            $previous_as = $host;
            $color = "#" . dechex(rand(0, 16777215));
            $hop = false;
            $hop_label = "";
            foreach ($asmap as $_as) {
                if ($_as == $previous_as) {
                if (!$hop) {
                    $hop = true;
                    if (!in_array($_as, $hosts)) {
                        $hop_label = $_as;
                        if ($first) {
                            $hop_label = $hop_label . "*";
                    } else {
                        $hop_label = "";
                if (!strpos($_as, '.')) {
                    add_node($_as, $first ? "#F5A9A9" : "white");
                } else {
                    add_node($_as, $first ? "#F5A9A9" : "white", NULL, "box");
                if ($hop_label) {
                    $attrs = array('fontsize' => "7", 'label' => $hop_label);
                } else {
                    $attrs = array('fontsize' => "7");
                $hop_label = "";
                if ($first) {
                    $attrs['style'] = "bold";
                    $attrs['color'] = "red";
                } else {
                    if (!array_key_exists(gek($previous_as, $_as), $edges) || $edges[gek($previous_as, $_as)][1]['color'] != "red") {
                        $attrs['style'] = "dashed";
                        $attrs['color'] = $color;
                add_edge($previous_as, $_as, $attrs);
                $previous_as = $_as;
            $first = false;
    return $graph->image("jpeg");
Пример #3
                    $as_e_tmp = "AS" . $as;
                    $as_info_dns = dns_get_record($as_e_tmp . ".asn.cymru.com", DNS_TXT);
                    list($as_info['as'], $as_info['country'], $as_info['rir'], $as_info['date'], $as_info['desc']) = explode("|", $as_info_dns[0]['txt']);
                    $asinfo = explode(" ", $as_info['desc']);
                    $as_e = $as_e_tmp . " " . $asinfo[1];
                    $gv->addEdge(array($as_s => $as_e));
                    $as_s = $as_e;
switch ($gixlg['graphviz_mode']) {
    // Direct function call
    case "direct":
        // Executing dot parser from cmd line
    // Executing dot parser from cmd line
    case "cmd":
        $dot = $gv->parse();
        header("Content-type: image/jpg");
        passthru("echo '{$dot}' | /usr/local/bin/dot -Tjpg");
    case "cmd_svg":
        $dot = $gv->parse();
        header("Content-type: image/svg+xml");
        passthru("echo '{$dot}' | /usr/local/bin/dot -Tsvg");
Пример #4
 public function getOutput()
     //echo get_include_path ();
     require_once 'Image/GraphViz.php';
     $race = Dolumar_Races_Race::getFromId(Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'race', 'int', 1));
     $default_settings = array('fontsize' => 8);
     $default_node_settings = $default_settings;
     $default_node_settings['shape'] = 'box';
     $tech_atts = $default_node_settings;
     $tech_atts['bgcolor'] = 'ff0000';
     $tech_atts['color'] = 'blue';
     $equip_atts = $default_node_settings;
     $equip_atts['bgcolor'] = 'ff0000';
     $equip_atts['color'] = 'red';
     $equip_atts['rankdir'] = 'tb';
     $equip_atts['constraint'] = false;
     $unit_atts = $default_node_settings;
     $unit_atts['bgcolor'] = 'ff0000';
     $unit_atts['color'] = 'green';
     $arrow_atts = $default_settings;
     $arrow_atts['arrowType'] = 'normal';
     $arrow_atts['fontsize'] = '6';
     $grayarrow_atts = $arrow_atts;
     $grayarrow_atts['color'] = 'gray';
     define('UNIT_PREFIX', '[U] ');
     define('TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX', '[T] ');
     define('BUILDING_PREFIX', '[B] ');
     define('EQUIPMENT_PREFIX', '[E] ');
     $show_equipment = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'equipment', 'int', 0) == 1;
     $show_technology = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'technology', 'int', 0) == 1;
     $show_units = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'units', 'int', 0) == 1;
     $gv = new Image_GraphViz(true, array('label' => $race->getName(), 'labelloc' => 't'));
     // All buildings
     $gv->addCluster("BUILDINGS", "Buildings");
     if ($show_technology) {
         $gv->addCluster("TECHNOLOGY", "Technology");
     //$gv->addCluster ("EQUIPMENT", "Equipment");
     if ($show_equipment) {
         $gv->addCluster("weapon", "Weapons", array('rotate' => '90'));
         $gv->addCluster("armour", "Armour", array());
     if ($show_units) {
         $gv->addCluster("UNITS", "Units");
     $buildings = Dolumar_Buildings_Building::getBuildingObjects($race);
     foreach ($buildings as $building) {
         $building->setVillage(new Dolumar_Players_DummyVillage($race));
         //$building->setRace ($race);
         // Add building
         $gv->addNode(BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName(), $default_node_settings, "BUILDINGS");
         // Add building requirements
         foreach ($building->getRequiredBuildings() as $req) {
             $label = $req['amount'] . '+';
             $gv->addEdge(array(BUILDING_PREFIX . $req['building']->getName() => BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName()), array_merge($arrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
         // Technologies
         if ($show_technology) {
             foreach ($building->getTechnologies() as $tech) {
                 $label = 'Level ' . $tech->getMinLevel();
                 $gv->addNode(TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $tech->getName(), $tech_atts, "TECHNOLOGY");
                 $gv->addEdge(array(BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName() => TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $tech->getName()), array_merge($arrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
                 // requirements for the technologies?
                 foreach ($tech->getRequiredTechnologies() as $req) {
                     $label = null;
                     $gv->addEdge(array(TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $req->getName() => TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $tech->getName()), array_merge($arrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
         // Equipment
         if ($building instanceof Dolumar_Buildings_Crafting && $show_equipment) {
             foreach ($building->getEquipment() as $equip) {
                 //$gv->addNode (EQUIPMENT_PREFIX . $equip->getName (), $equip_atts, "EQUIPMENT");
                 $gv->addNode(EQUIPMENT_PREFIX . $equip->getName(), $equip_atts, $equip->getItemType());
                 // Arrow to this building
                 $label = $equip->getRequiredLevel() > 0 ? 'Level ' . $equip->getRequiredLevel() : null;
                 //$gv->addEdge (array (BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName () => EQUIPMENT_PREFIX . $equip->getName ()), array_merge ($arrow_atts, array ('label' => $label)));
                 $gv->addEdge(array(BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName() => EQUIPMENT_PREFIX . $equip->getName()), array_merge($grayarrow_atts, array('label' => $label, 'ltail' => 'EQUIPMENT')));
                 // Required technologies?
                 foreach ($equip->getRequiredTechnologies() as $tech) {
                     $label = null;
                     $gv->addEdge(array(TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $tech->getName() => EQUIPMENT_PREFIX . $equip->getName()), array_merge($grayarrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
         // Units
         if ($building instanceof Dolumar_Buildings_Training && $show_units) {
             foreach ($building->getUnits() as $unit) {
                 // Units!
                 $gv->addNode(UNIT_PREFIX . $unit->getName(), $unit_atts, "UNITS");
                 // Arrow to this building
                 $label = null;
                 $gv->addEdge(array(BUILDING_PREFIX . $building->getName() => UNIT_PREFIX . $unit->getName()), array_merge($grayarrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
                 // Required technologies?
                 foreach ($unit->getRequiredTechnologies() as $tech) {
                     $label = null;
                     $gv->addEdge(array(TECHNOLOGY_PREFIX . $tech->getName() => UNIT_PREFIX . $unit->getName()), array_merge($grayarrow_atts, array('label' => $label)));
     // All equipment
     $gv->addCluster ("EQUIPMENT", "Equipment");
     $eqs = Dolumar_Players_Equipment::getAllEquipment();
     foreach ($eqs as $building)
     	$gv->addNode ($building->getName (), $equip_atts, "EQUIPMENT");
     	// Required technologies?
     	foreach ($building->getRequiredTechnologies () as $tech)
     		$label = null;
     		$gv->addEdge (array ($tech->getName () => $building->getName ()), array_merge ($arrow_atts, array ('label' => $label)));
     // All units
     $output = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'engine', 'varchar');
     switch ($output) {
         case "dot":
         case "neato":
             $output = "dot";
     if (!$gv->image("png", $output)) {
         echo "Error... Is Graphviz installed?";
Пример #5
    $graph->addNode($nodeName, array('label' => $nodeLabel, 'shape' => 'octagon', 'fontsize' => '8'));
    if (sizeof($contact->relations) > 0) {
        foreach ($contact->relations as $relation) {
            if ($relation->meetInPerson) {
                $colorRelation = 'black';
            } else {
                $colorRelation = 'grey';
            if (strlen($relation->nombre) > 0) {
                $nodeNameRelation = camelCase($relation->nombre);
                $nodeLabelRelation = $relation->nombre;
                if (strlen($relation->empresa) > 0) {
                    $nodeLabelRelation .= "\n" . $relation->empresa;
            } elseif (strlen($relation->empresa) > 0) {
                $nodeNameRelation = camelCase($relation->empresa);
                $nodeLabelRelation = $relation->empresa;
            } else {
                $nodeNameRelation = "node{$i}";
                $nodeLabelRelation = '(nada)';
            if (!$graph->hasNode($nodeNameRelation)) {
                $graph->addNode($nodeNameRelation, array('label' => $nodeLabelRelation));
            $graph->addEdge(array($nodeName => $nodeNameRelation), array('color' => $colorRelation));
Пример #6
  * drawRequirementsGraph Will draw a requirement graph if PEAR::Image_GraphViz is installed
  * @param boolean $pInstallVersion Use the actual installed version instead of the version that will be in bitweaver after the upgrade
  * @param string $pFormat dot output format
  * @param string $pCommand dot or neato
  * @access public
  * @return boolean TRUE on success, FALSE on failure - mErrors will contain reason for failure
 function drawRequirementsGraph($pInstallVersion = FALSE, $pFormat = 'png', $pCommand = 'dot')
     global $gBitSmarty, $gBitThemes;
     // only do this if we can load PEAR GraphViz interface
     if (@(include_once 'Image/GraphViz.php')) {
         $deps = $this->calculateRequirements($pInstallVersion);
         $delKeys = $matches = array();
         // crazy manipulation of hash to remove duplicate version matches.
         // we do this that we can use double headed arrows in the graph below.
         foreach ($deps as $key => $req) {
             foreach ($deps as $k => $d) {
                 if ($req['requires'] == $d['package'] && $req['package'] == $d['requires'] && $req['result'] == 'ok' && $d['result'] == 'ok') {
                     $deps[$key]['dir'] = 'both';
                     $matches[$key] = $k;
         // get duplicates
         foreach ($matches as $key => $match) {
             $delKeys[$key] = $match;
         // remove dupes from hash
         foreach ($delKeys as $key) {
         // start drawing stuff
         $graph = new Image_GraphViz(TRUE, $gBitThemes->getGraphvizGraphAttributes(), 'Requirements', TRUE);
         $fromattributes = $toattributes = $gBitThemes->getGraphvizNodeAttributes();
         foreach ($deps as $node) {
             //$fromNode = ucfirst( $node['package'] )."\n".$node['package_version'];
             //$toNode   = ucfirst( $node['requires'] )."\n".$node['required_version']['min'];
             $fromNode = ucfirst($node['package']);
             $toNode = ucfirst($node['requires']);
             switch ($node['result']) {
                 case 'max_dep':
                     $edgecolor = 'chocolate3';
                     $label = 'Maximum version\\nexceeded';
                     $toNode .= "\n" . $node['required_version']['min'] . " - " . $node['required_version']['max'];
                     $toattributes['fillcolor'] = 'khaki';
                 case 'min_dep':
                     $edgecolor = 'crimson';
                     $label = 'Minimum version\\nnot met';
                     $toNode .= "\n" . $node['required_version']['min'];
                     if (!empty($node['required_version']['max'])) {
                         $toNode .= " - " . $node['required_version']['max'];
                     $toattributes['fillcolor'] = 'pink';
                 case 'missing':
                     $edgecolor = 'crimson';
                     $label = 'Not installed\\nor activated';
                     $toNode .= "\n" . $node['required_version']['min'];
                     if (!empty($node['required_version']['max'])) {
                         $toNode .= " - " . $node['required_version']['max'];
                     $toattributes['fillcolor'] = 'pink';
                     $edgecolor = '';
                     $label = '';
                     $toattributes['fillcolor'] = 'white';
             $fromattributes['URL'] = "http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/" . ucfirst($node['package']) . "Package";
             $graph->addNode($fromNode, $fromattributes);
             $toattributes['URL'] = "http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/" . ucfirst($node['requires']) . "Package";
             $graph->addNode($toNode, $toattributes);
             $graph->addEdge(array($fromNode => $toNode), $gBitThemes->getGraphvizEdgeAttributes(array('dir' => !empty($node['dir']) ? $node['dir'] : '', 'color' => $edgecolor, 'fontcolor' => $edgecolor, 'label' => $label)));
         if (preg_match("#(png|gif|jpe?g|bmp|svg|tif)#i", $pFormat)) {
             $graph->image($pFormat, $pCommand);
         } else {
             return $graph->fetch($pFormat, $pCommand);
     } else {
         return FALSE;
Пример #7
 function imprimir_afd()
     $this->layout = 'empty';
     $AFD = $this->thompson->getAFD();
     $estados = $AFD->getEstados();
     $graph = new Image_GraphViz(true, array(), 'AFD', false);
     $graph->setAttributes(array('size' => '8,5', 'rankdir' => 'LR'));
     $transiciones = array();
     foreach ($estados as $estado) {
         if (!$estado->esFinal()) {
             $graph->addNode('q' . $estado->getID(), array('shape' => 'circle'));
         } else {
             $graph->addNode('q' . $estado->getID(), array('shape' => 'doublecircle'));
         if ($estado->esInicial()) {
             $graph->addNode('null', array('shape' => 'plaintext', 'label' => ''));
             $graph->addEdge(array('null' => 'q' . $estado->getID()), array('label' => ''));
         $transiciones = $estado->getArregloTransiciones();
         if (!empty($transiciones)) {
             foreach ($transiciones as $simbolo => $destinos) {
                 foreach ($destinos as $destino) {
                     $graph->addEdge(array('q' . $estado->getID() => 'q' . $destino), array('label' => $simbolo));
Пример #8
// All equipment
$gv->addCluster ("EQUIPMENT", "Equipment");
$eqs = Dolumar_Players_Equipment::getAllEquipment();
foreach ($eqs as $building)
	$gv->addNode ($building->getName (), $equip_atts, "EQUIPMENT");
	// Required technologies?
	foreach ($building->getRequiredTechnologies () as $tech)
		$label = null;
		$gv->addEdge (array ($tech->getName () => $building->getName ()), array_merge ($arrow_atts, array ('label' => $label)));
// All units
$output = Neuron_Core_Tools::getInput('_GET', 'engine', 'varchar');
switch ($output) {
    case "dot":
    case "neato":
        $output = "dot";
if (!$gv->image("png", $output)) {
    echo "Error... Is Graphviz installed?";