Пример #1
	protected function _GenerateImportSummary()
		// rebuild the nested set data for categories
		$nestedSet = new ISC_NESTEDSET_CATEGORIES();

		// update cache of root categories

		// update cache for category discounts

Пример #2
	protected function _GenerateImportSummary()
		// we still need to create other possible combinations
		if (isset($this->ImportSession['NewVariations']) && count($this->ImportSession['NewVariations'])) {
			foreach ($this->ImportSession['NewVariations'] as $productID => $varOptions) {
				$variationID = $this->ImportSession['NewVariationIDs'][$productID];

				// update the number of options for the variation
				$updateVar = array(
					'vnumoptions' => count($varOptions)
				$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->UpdateQuery('product_variations', $updateVar, 'variationid = ' . $variationID);

				if ($this->ImportSession['CreateAllCombos']) {
					// get all the option id's grouped by the option name
					$variationID = 0;
					$combinations = GetVariationCombinations($productID);

					foreach ($combinations as $combination) {
						$optionList = implode(',', $combination);

						// check if this combo exists
						$query = "SELECT * FROM [|PREFIX|]product_variation_combinations WHERE vcoptionids = '" . $optionList . "' AND vcproductid = " . $productID;
						$resc = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query);
						if (!$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($resc)) {
							// create a new combo
							$newCombo = array(
								'vcproductid' 	=> $productID,
								'vcvariationid'	=> $variationID,
								'vcenabled'		=> 1,
								'vcoptionids'	=> $optionList

							$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->InsertQuery('product_variation_combinations', $newCombo);
