Пример #1
  * Fetch template bit for editing
  * @access	public
  * @param	int			Template ID
  * @param	int			Template Set ID
  * @return	array 		..of data
  * <code>
  * Exception Codes:
  * NO_SUCH_TEMPLATE:		Could not locate template id#
  * </code>
 public function fetchTemplateBitForEdit($templateID, $setID)
     // INIT
     $templateID = intval($templateID);
     // Fetch template data
     $template = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'skin_templates', 'where' => 'template_id=' . $templateID));
     if (!$template['template_id']) {
         throw new Exception('NO_SUCH_TEMPLATE');
     // Get skin data
     $skinSetData = $this->registry->output->allSkins[$setID];
     // Update data
     $template['_actualSetID'] = $template['template_set'];
     $template['_belongsSetID'] = $setID;
     $template['_template_content'] = $template['template_content'];
     $template['_template_data'] = $template['template_data'];
     $template['_isMaster'] = $template['template_master_key'] ? 1 : 0;
     // Update content for editing
     $template['template_content'] = IPSText::textToForm($template['template_content']);
     // Update function data for editing
     $template['template_data'] = IPSText::textToForm($template['template_data']);
     // Return it
     return $template;
Пример #2
  * Format Merge: Edit
  * @access	public
  * @param	string		Content from DB
  * @return	string		Content suitable for editing in a text area
 public function formatMergeForEdit($text)
     /* Re-format mark-up for preview */
     preg_match_all("#<ips:conflict id=\"([0-9]+?)\">(.+?)</ips:conflict>#s", $text, $matches);
     if (is_array($matches[1]) and count($matches[1])) {
         foreach ($matches[1] as $index => $m) {
             /* Yeah, I like readable code */
             $_all = $matches[0][$index];
             $_id = $matches[1][$index];
             $_content = $matches[2][$index];
             if ($_id != null and $_content) {
                 /* Format old default block */
                 $_content = preg_replace("#(?:\n)?<ips:cblock type=\"original\">(?:\n)?(.+?)(?:\n)?</ips:cblock>#s", "~~~~~~~~~~ CUSTOM CONTENT\n\\1", $_content);
                 /* Format custom block */
                 $_content = preg_replace("#(?:\n)?<ips:cblock type=\"new\">(?:\n)?(.+?)(?:\n)?</ips:cblock>#s", "\n===================\n\\1\n^^^^^^^^^^ NEW DEFAULT\n", $_content);
                 $text = str_replace($_all, $_content, $text);
     /* Encode */
     $text = IPSText::textToForm($text);
     /* Convert special place holders */
     $text = str_replace('~~~~~~~~~~', '<<<<<<<<<<', $text);
     $text = str_replace('^^^^^^^^^^', '>>>>>>>>>>', $text);
     return $text;
Пример #3
  * Show the mediatag add/edit form
  * @param	string	[$type='add']
  * @param	array 	[Optional] array of errors
  * @return	@e void
 protected function _mediaTagForm($type = 'add', $errors = array())
     /* Check form type */
     if ($type == 'add') {
         /* Data */
         $data = array('mediatag_name' => $this->request['mediatag_name'], 'mediatag_match' => rtrim(str_replace('&#092;', '\\', str_replace('&#039', "'", trim(IPSText::stripslashes($_POST['mediatag_match'])))), ','), 'mediatag_replace' => rtrim(str_replace('&#092;', '\\', str_replace('&#039', "'", trim(IPSText::stripslashes($_POST['mediatag_replace'])))), ','));
     } else {
         /* Data */
         $id = intval($this->request['id']);
         $data = $this->DB->buildAndFetch(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'bbcode_mediatag', 'where' => "mediatag_id={$id}"));
         /* Set Defaults */
         $data['mediatag_name'] = !empty($this->request['mediatag_name']) ? $this->request['mediatag_name'] : $data['mediatag_name'];
         $data['mediatag_match'] = !empty($this->request['mediatag_match']) ? IPSText::textToForm($this->request['mediatag_match']) : IPSText::textToForm($data['mediatag_match']);
         $data['mediatag_replace'] = !empty($this->request['mediatag_replace']) ? IPSText::textToForm($this->request['mediatag_replace']) : IPSText::textToForm($data['mediatag_replace']);
     /* Setup Form */
     $this->registry->output->html .= $this->html->mediaTagForm($type, $data, $errors);
Пример #4
  * Process an individual setting for display
  * @param	array 	Setting record
  * @return	@e void
 public function _processSettingEntry($r)
     /* Init editor class */
     if (!is_object($this->editor)) {
         $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPS_ROOT_PATH . 'sources/classes/editor/composite.php', 'classes_editor_composite');
         $this->editor = new $classToLoad();
     /* Init vars */
     $tempSkinUrl = $this->settings['skin_app_url'];
     $this->settings['skin_app_url'] = $this->settings['_original_base_url'] . '/' . CP_DIRECTORY . '/applications/core/skin_cp/';
     $form_element = "";
     $form_type = 'normal';
     $dropdown = array();
     $start = "";
     $revert_button = "";
     $key = $r['conf_key'];
     $value = $r['conf_value'] != "" ? $r['conf_value'] : $r['conf_default'];
     $value = $value == "{blank}" ? '' : $value;
     $show = 1;
     // Default?
     $css = "";
     if ($r['conf_value'] != "" and $r['conf_value'] != $r['conf_default']) {
         $revert_button = "<li class='i_revert'><a href='" . $this->settings['_base_url'] . "&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_revert&id={$r['conf_id']}&conf_group={$r['conf_group']}&search=" . $this->request['search'] . "' title='{$this->lang->words['s_revertback']}'>{$this->lang->words['revert']}</a></li>";
     // Evil eval
     if ($r['conf_evalphp']) {
         $r['conf_evalphp'] = str_replace('&#092;', '\\', $r['conf_evalphp']);
         $show = 1;
     if (!$show && !IN_DEV) {
         return '';
     switch ($r['conf_type']) {
         case 'input':
             $form_element = $this->registry->output->formInput($key, str_replace("'", "&#39;", $value));
         case 'textarea':
             $form_element = $this->registry->output->formTextarea($key, str_replace("&#38;#092;", "&#092;", IPSText::textToForm($value)), 45);
         case 'editor':
             //$this->editor->setIsHtml( true );
             $form_element = $this->editor->show($key, array('minimize' => 1));
             $form_type = 'rte';
         case 'yes_no':
             $form_element = $this->registry->output->formYesNo($key, $value);
         case 'name_autocomplete':
             $form_element = $this->html->nameAutoCompleteField($key, $value);
             if ($r['conf_extra']) {
                 if ($r['conf_extra'] == '#show_forums#') {
                     // Require the library
                     // (Not a building with books)
                     require_once IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php';
                     $classToLoad = IPSLib::loadLibrary(IPSLib::getAppDir('forums') . '/sources/classes/forums/admin_forum_functions.php', 'admin_forum_functions', 'forums');
                     $aff = new $classToLoad($this->registry);
                     $dropdown = $aff->adForumsForumList(1);
                 } else {
                     if ($r['conf_extra'] == '#show_groups#') {
                         $this->DB->build(array('select' => '*', 'from' => 'groups', 'order' => 'g_title ASC'));
                         while ($row = $this->DB->fetch()) {
                             if ($row['g_access_cp']) {
                                 $row['g_title'] .= ' ' . $this->lang->words['setting_staff_tag'] . ' ';
                             $dropdown[] = array($row['g_id'], $row['g_title']);
                     } else {
                         if ($r['conf_extra'] == '#show_applications#') {
                             foreach (ipsRegistry::$applications as $app) {
                                 $dropdown[] = array($app['app_directory'], $app['app_title']);
                         } else {
                             if ($r['conf_extra'] == '#show_skins#') {
                                 $dropdown = $this->registry->output->generateSkinDropdown();
                             } else {
                                 foreach (explode("\n", $r['conf_extra']) as $l) {
                                     list($k, $v) = explode("=", $l);
                                     if ($k != "" and $v != "") {
                                         $dropdown[] = array(trim($k), trim($v));
             if ($r['conf_type'] == 'dropdown') {
                 $form_element = $this->registry->output->formDropdown($key, $dropdown, $value);
             } else {
                 $form_element = $this->registry->output->formMultiDropdown($key, $dropdown, explode(",", $value));
     $delete = "<li class='i_delete'><a href='#' onclick='return acp.confirmDelete(\"{$this->settings['_base_url']}&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_delete&id={$r['conf_id']}\");' title='key: {$r['conf_key']}'>{$this->lang->words['delete']}</a></li>";
     $edit = "<li class='i_edit'><a href='" . $this->settings['_base_url'] . "&amp;app=core&amp;{$this->form_code}&amp;do=setting_showedit&id={$r['conf_id']}' title='id: {$r['conf_id']}'>{$this->lang->words['edit']}</a></li>";
     if ($r['conf_protected'] and !IN_DEV) {
         $delete = "";
         $edit = "";
     if ($r['conf_start_group']) {
         $start = $this->html->settings_row_start_group($r);
     $r['conf_description'] = str_replace('{ACP_URL}', $this->settings['_base_url'], $r['conf_description']);
     // Search hi-lite
     if ($this->request['search']) {
         $_replacements = array();
         preg_match_all("/(&([a-zA-Z0-9]+);)/i", $r['conf_title'], $matches);
         if (count($matches[0])) {
             for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
                 $r['conf_title'] = str_replace($matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_title']);
         $r['conf_title'] = preg_replace("/(" . str_replace('/', '\\/', $this->request['search']) . ")/i", "<span style='background:#FCFDD7'>\\1</span>", $r['conf_title']);
         if (count($matches[0])) {
             for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($matches); $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
                 $r['conf_title'] = str_replace('{{{' . $i . '}}}', $matches[0][$i], $r['conf_title']);
          * Ok this is just annoying....
         $_did = 0;
         preg_match_all("/(href=['\"].*?[\"'])/i", $r['conf_description'], $matches);
         if (count($matches[0])) {
             for ($i = $_did, $cnt = count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
                 $r['conf_description'] = str_replace($matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_description']);
                 $_replacements[$i] = $matches[0][$i];
         preg_match_all("/(&([a-zA-Z0-9]+);)/i", $r['conf_description'], $matches);
         if (count($matches[0])) {
             for ($i = $_did, $cnt = count($matches[0]); $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
                 $r['conf_description'] = str_replace($matches[0][$i], '{{{' . $i . '}}}', $r['conf_description']);
                 $_replacements[$i] = $matches[0][$i];
         $r['conf_description'] = preg_replace("/(" . str_replace('/', '\\/', $this->request['search']) . ")/i", "<span style='background:#FCFDD7'>\\1</span>", $r['conf_description']);
         if (count($_replacements)) {
             foreach ($_replacements as $index => $val) {
                 $r['conf_description'] = str_replace('{{{' . $index . '}}}', $val, $r['conf_description']);
     $html .= $start . $this->html->settings_view_row($r, $edit, $delete, $form_element, $revert_button, $form_type);
     $this->key_array[] = preg_replace('/\\[\\]$/', "", $key);
     $this->settings['skin_app_url'] = $tempSkinUrl;
     return $html;