Пример #1
  * @brief 设置数据库读写分离并且执行SQL语句
  * @param string $sql 要执行的SQL语句
  * @return int or bool SQL语句执行的结果
 public function query($sql)
     self::$sqlType = $this->getSqlType($sql);
     if (self::$sqlType == 'select' || self::$sqlType == 'show') {
         if (self::$rTarget == NULL || !is_resource(self::$rTarget)) {
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['read'])) {
                 $ip = IClient::getIP();
                 $this->connect(IHash::hash(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['read'], $ip));
             } else {
             self::$rTarget = $this->linkRes;
     } else {
         if (self::$wTarget == NULL || !is_resource(self::$wTarget)) {
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['write'])) {
             } else {
             self::$wTarget = $this->linkRes;
     if (is_resource($this->linkRes)) {
         return $this->doSql($sql);
     } else {
         return false;
Пример #2
  * @brief 构造函数
  * @param string $ctrlId 控制器ID标识符
  * @param string $module 控制器所包含的模块
 public function __construct($module, $controllerId)
     $this->module = $module;
     $this->ctrlId = $controllerId;
     if (isset($this->module->config['theme'])) {
         if (is_array($this->module->config['theme'])) {
             $client = IClient::getDevice();
             $this->theme = isset($this->module->config['theme'][$client]) ? $this->module->config['theme'][$client] : current($this->module->config['theme']);
         } else {
             $this->theme = $this->module->config['theme'];
     if (isset($this->module->config['skin'])) {
         if (is_array($this->module->config['skin'])) {
             $client = IClient::getDevice();
             $this->skin = isset($this->module->config['skin'][$client]) ? $this->module->config['skin'][$client] : current($this->module->config['skin']);
         } else {
             $this->skin = $this->module->config['skin'];
     $this->lang = $this->module->language;
     $this->module->runtimePath = $this->module->getRuntimePath() . $this->theme . '/';
     $this->module->webRunPath = $this->module->getWebRunPath() . $this->theme . '/';
Пример #3
  * @brief 发送短信
  * @param string $mobile 手机号
  * @param string $content 短信内容
  * @param int $delay 延迟设置
  * @return success or fail
 public static function send($mobile, $content, $delay = 1)
     if (self::$smsInstance == null) {
         $platform = self::getPlatForm();
         switch ($platform) {
             case "zhutong":
                 $classFile = IWeb::$app->getBasePath() . 'plugins/hsms/zhutong.php';
                 require $classFile;
                 self::$smsInstance = new zhutong();
                 $classFile = IWeb::$app->getBasePath() . 'plugins/hsms/haiyan.php';
                 require $classFile;
                 self::$smsInstance = new haiyan();
     if (IValidate::mobi($mobile) && $content) {
         $ip = IClient::getIp();
         if ($ip) {
             if ($delay == 1) {
                 $mobileKey = md5($ip);
                 $sendTime = ISession::get($mobileKey);
                 if ($sendTime && time() - $sendTime < 60) {
                     return false;
                 ISession::set($mobileKey, time());
             return self::$smsInstance->send($mobile, $content);
     return false;
Пример #4
  * @brief theme和skin进行选择
 public static function onCreateController()
     $controller = func_num_args() > 0 ? func_get_arg(0) : IWeb::$app->controller;
     if (in_array($controller->getId(), self::$syscontroller)) {
         defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SYSDEFAULT);
         $controller->theme = self::$sysTheme;
         $controller->skin = self::$sysSkin;
     } elseif (in_array($controller->getId(), self::$sellercontroller)) {
         defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SYSSELLER);
         $controller->theme = self::$sysSellerTheme;
         $controller->skin = self::$sysSellerSkin;
     } else {
         defined("IWEB_SCENE") ? "" : define("IWEB_SCENE", self::SCENE_SITE);
          * 对于theme和skin的判断流程
          * 1,直接从URL中获取是否已经设定了方案__theme,__skin
          * 2,获取cookie中的方案名称
          * 3,读取config配置中的默认方案
         $urlTheme = IReq::get('__theme');
         $urlSkin = IReq::get('__skin');
         if ($urlTheme && $urlSkin && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlTheme) && preg_match('|^\\w+$|', $urlSkin)) {
             ISafe::set('__theme', $controller->theme = $urlTheme);
             ISafe::set('__skin', $controller->skin = $urlSkin);
         } elseif (ISafe::get('__theme') && ISafe::get('__skin')) {
             $controller->theme = ISafe::get('__theme');
             $controller->skin = ISafe::get('__skin');
         } else {
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['theme'])) {
                 if (is_array(IWeb::$app->config['theme'])) {
                     $client = IClient::getDevice();
                     $controller->theme = isset(IWeb::$app->config['theme'][$client]) ? IWeb::$app->config['theme'][$client] : current(IWeb::$app->config['theme']);
                 } else {
                     $controller->theme = IWeb::$app->config['theme'];
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['skin'])) {
                 if (is_array(IWeb::$app->config['skin'])) {
                     $client = IClient::getDevice();
                     $controller->skin = isset(IWeb::$app->config['skin'][$client]) ? IWeb::$app->config['skin'][$client] : current(IWeb::$app->config['skin']);
                 } else {
                     $controller->skin = IWeb::$app->config['skin'];
     IWeb::$app->runtimePath = IWeb::$app->getRuntimePath() . $controller->theme . '/';
     IWeb::$app->webRunPath = IWeb::$app->getWebRunPath() . $controller->theme . '/';
Пример #5
 function login_act()
     $admin_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('admin_name'));
     $password = IReq::get('password');
     $captcha = IReq::get('captcha', 'post');
     $message = '';
     if ($admin_name == '') {
         $message = '登录名不能为空';
     } else {
         if ($password == '') {
             $message = '密码不能为空';
         } else {
             if ($captcha != ISafe::get('Captcha')) {
                 $message = '验证码输入不正确';
             } else {
                 $adminObj = new IModel('admin');
                 $adminRow = $adminObj->getObj('admin_name = "' . $admin_name . '"');
                 if (!empty($adminRow) && $adminRow['password'] == md5($password) && $adminRow['is_del'] == 0) {
                     $dataArray = array('last_ip' => IClient::getIp(), 'last_time' => ITime::getDateTime());
                     $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["id"];
                     if ($adminRow['role_id'] == 0) {
                         ISafe::set('admin_right', 'administrator');
                         ISafe::set('admin_role_name', '超级管理员');
                     } else {
                         $roleObj = new IModel('admin_role');
                         $where = 'id = ' . $adminRow["role_id"] . ' and is_del = 0';
                         $roleRow = $roleObj->getObj($where);
                         ISafe::set('admin_right', $roleRow['rights']);
                         ISafe::set('admin_role_name', $roleRow['name']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_id', $adminRow['id']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_name', $adminRow['admin_name']);
                     ISafe::set('admin_pwd', $adminRow['password']);
                 } else {
                     $message = '用户名与密码不匹配';
     if ($message != '') {
         $this->admin_name = $admin_name;
         $this->redirect('index', false);
Пример #6
  * @brief 设置数据库读写分离并且执行SQL语句
  * @param string $sql 要执行的SQL语句
  * @return int or bool SQL语句执行的结果
 public function query($sql)
     self::$sqlType = $this->getSqlType($sql);
     if (self::$sqlType == 'select' || self::$sqlType == 'show') {
         if (self::$rTarget == NULL) {
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['read'])) {
                 $ip = IClient::getIP();
                 self::$rTarget = $this->connect(IHash::hash(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['read'], $ip));
             } else {
                 self::$rTarget = $this->connect(IWeb::$app->config['DB']);
         $result = $this->doSql($sql);
         if ($result === false) {
             throw new IException("{$sql}\n -- " . $this->linkRes->error, 1000);
             return false;
         return $result;
     } else {
         if (self::$wTarget == NULL) {
             if (isset(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['write'])) {
                 self::$wTarget = $this->connect(IWeb::$app->config['DB']['write']);
             } else {
                 self::$wTarget = $this->connect(IWeb::$app->config['DB']);
         $result = $this->doSql($sql);
         if ($result === false) {
             $errorMsg = $this->linkRes->error;
             throw new IException("{$sql}\n -- " . $errorMsg, 1000);
             return false;
         return $result;
Пример #7
 function adminlogin()
     $signup_name = IFilter::act(IReq::get('signup_name'));
     $signup_password = IFilter::act(IReq::get('signup_password'));
     if (!empty($signup_name)) {
         $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "admin where username ='******'");
         if (empty($signup_password)) {
         if ($userinfo['password'] != md5($signup_password)) {
         $data['loginip'] = IClient::getIp();
         $data['logintime'] = time();
         $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'admin', $data, "uid='" . $userinfo['uid'] . "'");
         ICookie::set('adminname', $userinfo['username'], 86400);
         ICookie::set('adminpwd', $signup_password, 86400);
         ICookie::set('adminuid', $userinfo['uid'], 86400);
Пример #8
 public function getPaymentListByOnline()
     $where = " type = 1 and status = 0 and class_name not in ('balance','offline') ";
     switch (IClient::getDevice()) {
         case IClient::MOBILE:
             $where .= ' and client_type in(2,3) ';
             if (IClient::isWechat() == false) {
                 $where .= " and class_name != 'wap_wechat'";
         case IClient::PC:
             $where .= ' and client_type in(1,3) ';
     $paymentDB = new IModel('payment');
     return $paymentDB->query($where);
Пример #9
 function Iptoposition($coor = 'bd09ll')
     //样式   若需要返回百度墨卡托坐标  则初始化值时候  new baidumap(''); new baidumap() 则返回百度百度经纬度坐标
     $this->shorturl = '/location/ip';
     $this->param['ip'] = IClient::getIp();
     // $this->caculateAKSN();//获取SN 不要签名
     $this->param['coor'] = $coor;
     $info = $this->dolink();
     if (isset($info['status'])) {
         if ($info['status'] == 0) {
             return $info['content']['address_detail']['city'];
         } else {
             return '';
     } else {
         return '';
Пример #10
 function regester($email, $tname, $password, $phone, $group, $userlogo = '', $address = '', $cost = 0, $score = 0)
     if (empty($email) && empty($phone)) {
         $this->error = '邮箱和手机不能同时为空';
         return false;
     if (!empty($email)) {
         if (!IValidate::email($email)) {
             $this->error = '邮箱格式错误';
             return false;
         $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member where email='" . $email . "' ");
         if (!empty($userinfo)) {
             $this->error = '邮箱已存在,不可注册';
             return false;
     if (!empty($phone)) {
         if (!IValidate::suremobi($phone)) {
             $this->error = '手机格式错误';
             return false;
         $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member where phone='" . $phone . "' ");
         if (!empty($userinfo)) {
             $this->error = '手机已存在,不可注册';
             return false;
     if (!IValidate::len($tname, 3, 20)) {
         //$this->error = '用户名长度大于3小于20'.$tname;
         //return false;
     if (!IValidate::len($password, 6, 20)) {
         $this->error = '密码长度大于6小于20';
         return false;
     $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member where username='******' ");
     if (!empty($userinfo)) {
         //$this->error = '用户名已存在,不可注册';
         //return false;
     $arr['username'] = $tname;
     $arr['phone'] = $phone;
     $arr['address'] = $address;
     $arr['password'] = md5($password);
     $arr['email'] = $email;
     $arr['creattime'] = time();
     $arr['score'] = $score == 0 ? Mysite::$app->config['regesterscore'] : $score;
     $arr['logintime'] = time();
     $arr['logo'] = $userlogo;
     $arr['loginip'] = IClient::getIp();
     $arr['group'] = $group;
     $arr['cost'] = $cost;
     $arr['parent_id'] = intval(ICookie::get('logincode'));
     $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', $arr);
     $this->uid = $this->mysql->insertid();
     if ($arr['score'] > 0) {
         $this->addlog($this->uid, 1, 1, $arr['score'], '注册送积分', '注册送积分' . $arr['score'], $arr['score']);
     $logintype = ICookie::get('adlogintype');
     $token = ICookie::get('adtoken');
     $openid = ICookie::get('adopenid');
     if (!empty($logintype)) {
         $apiinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "otherlogin where loginname='" . $logintype . "'  ");
         if (!empty($apiinfo)) {
             $tempuid = $this->uid;
             $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'oauth', array('uid' => $tempuid), "openid='" . $openid . "' and type = '" . $logintype . "'");
             ICookie::set('logintype', $logintype, 86400);
     if (Mysite::$app->config['regester_juan'] == 1) {
         $nowtime = time();
         $endtime = $nowtime + Mysite::$app->config['regester_juanday'] * 24 * 60 * 60;
         $juandata['card'] = $nowtime . rand(100, 999);
         $juandata['card_password'] = substr(md5($juandata['card']), 0, 5);
         $juandata['status'] = 1;
         // 状态,0未使用,1已绑定,2已使用,3无效
         $juandata['creattime'] = $nowtime;
         // 制造时间
         $juandata['cost'] = Mysite::$app->config['regester_juancost'];
         // 优惠金额
         $juandata['limitcost'] = Mysite::$app->config['regester_juanlimit'];
         // 购物车限制金额下限
         $juandata['endtime'] = $endtime;
         // 失效时间
         $juandata['uid'] = $this->uid;
         // 用户ID
         $juandata['username'] = $arr['username'];
         // 用户名
         $juandata['name'] = '注册账号赠送优惠券';
         //  优惠券名称
         $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'juan', $juandata);
     return true;
Пример #11
    echo isset($item['version']) ? $item['version'] : "";
    echo isset($item['time']) ? $item['time'] : "";
    echo isset($item['info']) ? $item['info'] : "";
    foreach (IClient::supportClient() as $key => $client) {
					<a href="<?php 
        echo IUrl::creatUrl("/system/applyTheme/theme/" . $theme . "/client/" . $client . "");
" class='orange'>立即应用于<?php 
        echo isset($client) ? $client : "";

    if (Common::isThemeUsed($theme)) {
Пример #12
  * @brief 得到session安全码
  * @return String  session安全码
 private static function sessionId()
     $level = self::getLevel();
     if ($level == 'none') {
         return '';
     } else {
         if ($level == 'normal') {
             return md5(IClient::getIP());
     return md5(IClient::getIP() . $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);
Пример #13
  * @brief 商品上下架
 function goods_stats()
     $id = IFilter::act(IReq::get('id'), 'int');
     $type = IFilter::act(IReq::get('type'));
     $tb_goods = new IModel('goods');
     if ($type == 'up') {
         $updateData = array('is_del' => 0, 'up_time' => ITime::getDateTime(), 'down_time' => null);
     } else {
         if ($type == 'down') {
             $updateData = array('is_del' => 2, 'up_time' => null, 'down_time' => ITime::getDateTime());
         } else {
             if ($type == 'check') {
                 $updateData = array('is_del' => 3, 'up_time' => null, 'down_time' => null);
     if ($id) {
     } else {
     if (IClient::isAjax() == false) {
Пример #14
     } else {
         ICookie::set('adlogintype', $logintype, 86400);
         ICookie::set('adtoken', $acs, 86400);
         ICookie::set('adopenid', $opid, 86400);
         ICookie::set('nickname', $opid, 86400);
 } else {
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/base');
     } else {
         $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member where  uid  = '" . $oauthinfo['uid'] . "'");
         if (empty($userinfo)) {
         $data['loginip'] = IClient::getIp();
         $data['logintime'] = time();
         $checktime = date('Y-m-d', time());
         $checktime = strtotime($checktime);
         if ($userinfo['logintime'] < $checktime) {
             if (Mysite::$app->config['loginscore'] > 0) {
                 $data['score'] = $userinfo['score'] + Mysite::$app->config['loginscore'];
                 $mess['content'] = '用户登陆赠送积分' . Mysite::$app->config['loginscore'] . '总积分' . $data['score'];
                 $this->memberCls->addlog($userinfo['uid'], 1, 1, Mysite::$app->config['loginscore'], '每天登陆', $mess['content'], $data['score']);
                 // $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre']."message",$mess);
         $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', $data, "uid='" . $userinfo['uid'] . "'");
         ICookie::set('logintype', $logintype, 86400);
         ICookie::set('uid', $userinfo['uid'], 86400);
         $link = IUrl::creatUrl('member/base');
Пример #15
  * @brief   Ajoute un client à la liste du serveur
  * @param   $client   IClient    un objet encapsulant la socket du client
  * @return  void
 public function bindClient(IClient &$client)
     $uid = md5(uniqid(rand()));
     while (array_key_exists($uid, $this->_clients)) {
         $uid = md5(uniqid(rand()));
     $this->_clients[$uid] =& $client;
Пример #16
  * Get server connection object to perform requests
  * @param boolean $recreate_object force to recreate object
  * @return ClientRequester server requester
 public static function server($recreate_object = false)
     if (self::$client_requester == null || $recreate_object == true) {
         // include php file
         $dir = self::Instance()->get_module_dir();
         require_once $dir . 'ClientRequester.php';
         // create object
         self::$client_requester = new ClientRequester(self::get_server_url());
     return self::$client_requester;
Пример #17
 function regesterTem($email = "", $mobile, $group = "5", $userlogo = '', $addressdet, $cost = 0, $score = 0)
     if (!empty($mobile)) {
         $userinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "member where phone='" . $mobile . "' ");
         if (!empty($userinfo)) {
             return false;
     $password = '******' . rand(0, 9) . rand(0, 9) . rand(0, 9) . rand(0, 9) . rand(0, 9) . rand(0, 9);
     $arr['username'] = $mobile;
     $arr['phone'] = $mobile;
     $arr['address'] = $addressdet;
     $arr['password'] = md5($password);
     $arr['email'] = $email;
     $arr['creattime'] = time();
     $arr['score'] = $score == 0 ? Mysite::$app->config['regesterscore'] : $score;
     $arr['logintime'] = time();
     $arr['logo'] = $userlogo;
     $arr['loginip'] = IClient::getIp();
     $arr['group'] = $group;
     $arr['cost'] = $cost;
     $arr['parent_id'] = intval(ICookie::get('logincode'));
     $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'member', $arr);
     $this->uid = $this->mysql->insertid();
     if ($arr['score'] > 0) {
         $this->addlog($this->uid, 1, 1, $arr['score'], '注册送积分', '注册送积分' . $arr['score'], $arr['score']);
     $logintype = ICookie::get('adlogintype');
     $token = ICookie::get('adtoken');
     $openid = ICookie::get('adopenid');
     if (!empty($logintype)) {
         $apiinfo = $this->mysql->select_one("select * from " . Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . "otherlogin where loginname='" . $logintype . "'  ");
         if (!empty($apiinfo)) {
             $tempuid = $this->uid;
             $this->mysql->update(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'oauth', array('uid' => $tempuid), "openid='" . $openid . "' and type = '" . $logintype . "'");
             ICookie::set('logintype', $logintype, 31536000);
     if (Mysite::$app->config['regester_juan'] == 1) {
         $nowtime = time();
         $endtime = $nowtime + Mysite::$app->config['regester_juanday'] * 24 * 60 * 60;
         $juandata['card'] = $nowtime . rand(100, 999);
         $juandata['card_password'] = substr(md5($juandata['card']), 0, 5);
         $juandata['status'] = 1;
         // 状态,0未使用,1已绑定,2已使用,3无效
         $juandata['creattime'] = $nowtime;
         // 制造时间
         $juandata['cost'] = Mysite::$app->config['regester_juancost'];
         // 优惠金额
         $juandata['limitcost'] = Mysite::$app->config['regester_juanlimit'];
         // 购物车限制金额下限
         $juandata['endtime'] = $endtime;
         // 失效时间
         $juandata['uid'] = $this->uid;
         // 用户ID
         $juandata['username'] = $arr['username'];
         // 用户名
         $juandata['name'] = '注册账号赠送优惠券';
         //  优惠券名称
         $res = $this->mysql->insert(Mysite::$app->config['tablepre'] . 'juan', $juandata);
     ICookie::set('memberpwd', $password, 86400 * 365);
     ICookie::set('membername', $mobile, 86400 * 365);
     ICookie::set('uid', $this->uid, 86400 * 365);
     return true;
Пример #18
  * @param  Request
  * @return Response
 protected function process(Request $request)
     return $this->client->process($request);
Пример #19
 public function __construct(IClient &$client)
     $this->_clientControl =& $client;