function friend_request($toEntity, $msgtype = 'friend_request') { $fr = new HubbubMessage($msgtype); $fr->to($toEntity->ds); $fr->from(object('user')->entity); $res = $fr->sendToUrl($toEntity->ds['server']); return($res); }
function pollFeed($serverObj, $time) { $pollMsg = new HubbubMessage('feed_poll'); $pollMsg->author(HubbubServer::localEntity()); $pollMsg->data['last'] = $time; $pollMsg->sendToUrl($serverObj->ds['s_url']); return($pollMsg->responseData); }
tlog($post->data['deleted'] == 'yes', 'Author: "deleted" property set', 'OK', 'fail'); tlog($post->isDeleted, '"deleted" internal property set', 'OK', 'fail'); $streamPosts1 = $this->msg->getStream($ne2->key()); $wallPosts1 = $this->msg->getPostList($ne1->key()); $postFound9 = -1; $postFound10 = -1; foreach($streamPosts1['list'] as $pds) if($pds['m_id'] == $post->data['msgid']) $postFound9 = $pds['m_id']; tlog($postFound9 == -1, 'Message gone from author stream', 'OK', 'fail (#'.$postFound9.')'); foreach($wallPosts1['list'] as $pds) if($pds['m_id'] == $post->data['msgid']) $postFound10 = $pds['m_id']; tlog($postFound10 == -1, 'Message gone from owner profile', 'OK', 'fail ('.$postFound10.')'); // next, we'll try an invalid update where the author has suddenly changed $post->data['text'] = 'This update should not have happened.'; $post->author($ne1->ds); $post->sendToUrl($ne1->ds['server']); tlog($post->responseData['result'] != 'OK', 'Rejection policy', 'OK ('.$post->responseData['reason'].')', 'fail'); tsection_end(); ?>
function msg_trust_sendkey1() { // make a trust_sendkey1 message $msg = new HubbubMessage('trust_sendkey1'); $msg->to($this->entity()); $msg->data['author'] = $this->localEntity(); $this->save(); // make new key if there is none $this->ds['s_key_in'] = getDefault($this->ds['s_key_in'], randomHashId()); if ($this->ds['s_url'] != '') { DB_UpdateField('servers', $this->ds['s_key'], 's_key_in', $this->ds['s_key_in']); } $msg->data['mykey'] = $this->ds['s_key_in']; // we need to save at this point because the other server will try to make a trust_sendkey2-request in the meantime // send message to other server $responseData = $msg->sendToUrl($this->ds['s_url']); if ($responseData['result'] == 'OK') { $this->ds['s_status'] = 'OK'; $ret = result_ok(); } else { $this->ds['s_status'] = 'fail'; $this->ds['s_key_in'] = ''; logError('notrace', '[OUT] trust_sendkey1 failed, server ' . $this->ds['s_url'] . ' says: ' . getDefault($responseData['reason'], $responseData['result'])); $ret = result_fail('trust_sendkey1 failed: ' . getDefault($responseData['reason'], $responseData['result'])); } return $ret; }