function topicTable($prow, $active = 0) { global $Conf; $paperId = $prow ? $prow->paperId : -1; // get current topics $paperTopic = array(); $tmap = $Conf->topic_map(); if ($paperId > 0) { $result = Dbl::q("select topicId from PaperTopic where paperId={$paperId}"); while ($row = edb_row($result)) { $paperTopic[$row[0]] = $tmap[$row[0]]; } } $allTopics = $active < 0 ? $paperTopic : $tmap; if (count($allTopics) == 0) { return ""; } $out = '<div class="ctable">'; $i = 0; foreach ($tmap as $tid => $tname) { if (!isset($allTopics[$tid])) { continue; } $out .= '<div class="ctelt"><div class="ctelti">'; $tname = '<span class="topic0">' . htmlspecialchars($tname) . '</span>'; if ($paperId <= 0 || $active >= 0) { $out .= '<table><tr><td class="nw">' . Ht::checkbox_h("top{$tid}", 1, $active > 0 ? isset($_REQUEST["top{$tid}"]) : isset($paperTopic[$tid]), array("disabled" => $active < 0)) . " </td><td>" . Ht::label($tname) . "</td></tr></table>"; } else { $out .= $tname; } $out .= "</div></div>\n"; $i++; } return $out . "</div>"; }
if (!$newProfile && $Acct->isPC || $Me->privChair) { echo "<table><tr><td>Send mail on: </td>", "<td>", Ht::checkbox_h("watchcomment", 1, !!@$formcj->follow->reviews), " ", Ht::label("Reviews and comments for authored or reviewed papers"), "</td></tr>", "<tr><td></td><td>", Ht::checkbox_h("watchcommentall", 1, !!@$formcj->follow->allreviews), " ", Ht::label("Reviews and comments for <i>any</i> paper"), "</td></tr>"; if ($Me->privChair) { echo "<tr><td></td><td>", Ht::checkbox_h("watchfinalall", 1, !!@$formcj->follow->allfinal), " ", Ht::label("Updates to final versions"), "</td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } else { echo Ht::checkbox_h("watchcomment", 1, !!@$formcj->follow->reviews), " ", Ht::label("Send mail on new comments for authored or reviewed papers"); } if ($newProfile || $Acct->contactId != $Me->contactId || $Me->privChair) { echo '<h3 class="profile">Roles</h3>', "\n", "<table><tr><td class=\"nw\">\n"; foreach (array("chair" => "PC chair", "pc" => "PC member", "no" => "Not on the PC") as $k => $v) { echo Ht::radio_h("pctype", $k, $pcrole === $k, array("id" => "pctype_{$k}", "onchange" => "fold('account',\$\$('pctype_no').checked,1)")), " ", Ht::label($v), "<br />\n"; } echo "</td><td><span class='sep'></span></td><td class='nw'>"; echo Ht::checkbox_h("ass", 1, !!@$formcj->roles->sysadmin), " </td>", "<td>", Ht::label("Sysadmin"), "<br/>", '<div class="hint">Sysadmins and PC chairs have full control over all site operations. Sysadmins need not be members of the PC. There’s always at least one administrator (sysadmin or chair).</div></td></tr></table>', "\n"; } if ($newProfile || $Acct->isPC || $Me->privChair) { echo '<div class="fx1"><div class="g"></div>', "\n"; echo '<h3 class="profile">Collaborators and other affiliations</h3>', "\n", "<div>Please list potential conflicts of interest. ", $Conf->message_html("conflictdef"), " List one conflict per line.\n We use this information when assigning reviews.\n For example: “<tt>Ping Yen Zhang (INRIA)</tt>”\n or, for a whole institution, “<tt>INRIA</tt>”.</div>\n <textarea name='collaborators' rows='5' cols='50'>", contact_value("collaborators"), "</textarea>\n"; $topics = $Conf->topic_map(); if (count($topics)) { echo '<div id="topicinterest"><h3 class="profile">Topic interests</h3>', "\n", "<div class='hint'>\n Please indicate your interest in reviewing papers on these conference\n topics. We use this information to help match papers to reviewers.</div>\n <table class='topicinterest'>\n <tr><td></td><th>Low</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th style='width:2.2em'>-</th><th>High</th></tr>\n"; $interests = array(-2, -1.5, -1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4); foreach ($topics as $id => $name) { echo " <tr><td class=\"ti_topic\">", htmlspecialchars($name), "</td>"; $ival = @(int) $formcj->topics->{$id}; for ($xj = 0; $xj + 1 < count($interests) && $ival > $interests[$xj + 1]; $xj += 2) { /* nothing */ } for ($j = 0; $j < count($interests); $j += 2) {
function echo_editable_html(PaperOptionValue $ov, $reqv, PaperTable $pt) { $reqv = !!($reqv === null ? $ov->value : $reqv); $pt->echo_editable_option_papt($this, Ht::checkbox_h("opt{$this->id}", 1, $reqv) . " " . Ht::label(htmlspecialchars($this->name))); echo "</div>\n\n"; Ht::stash_script("jQuery('#opt{$this->id}_div').click(function(e){if('input').click();})"); }
function show($prow, $rrows, $rrow, &$options) { global $Conf, $Opt, $Me, $useRequest; if (!$options) { $options = array(); } $editmode = defval($options, "edit", false); $reviewOrdinal = unparseReviewOrdinal($rrow); self::check_review_author_seen($prow, $rrow, $Me); if (!$editmode) { $rj = $this->unparse_review_json($prow, $rrow, $Me); if (get($options, "editmessage")) { $rj->message_html = $options["editmessage"]; } $Conf->echoScript("review_form.add_review(" . json_encode($rj) . ");\n"); return; } // From here on, edit mode. $forceShow = $Me->is_admin_force() ? "&forceShow=1" : ""; $reviewLinkArgs = "p={$prow->paperId}" . ($rrow ? "&r={$reviewOrdinal}" : "") . "&m=re" . $forceShow; $reviewPostLink = hoturl_post("review", $reviewLinkArgs); $reviewDownloadLink = hoturl("review", $reviewLinkArgs . "&downloadForm=1" . $forceShow); echo Ht::form($reviewPostLink, array("class" => "revcard")), '<div class="aahc">', Ht::hidden_default_submit("default", ""); if ($rrow) { echo Ht::hidden("version", defval($rrow, "reviewEditVersion", 0) + 1); } echo '<div class="revcard" id="r', $reviewOrdinal, '"><div class="revcard_head">'; // Links if ($rrow) { echo '<div class="floatright"><a href="' . hoturl("review", "r={$reviewOrdinal}&text=1" . $forceShow) . '" class="xx">', Ht::img("txt.png", "[Text]", "b"), " <u>Plain text</u></a>", "</div>"; } echo "<h3>"; if ($rrow) { echo '<a href="', hoturl("review", "r={$reviewOrdinal}" . $forceShow), '" class="q">Edit Review'; if ($rrow->reviewSubmitted) { echo " #", $reviewOrdinal; } echo "</a>"; } else { echo "Write Review"; } echo "</h3>\n"; $open = $sep = " <span class='revinfo'>"; $xsep = " <span class='barsep'>·</span> "; $showtoken = $rrow && $Me->review_token_cid($prow, $rrow); $type = ""; if ($rrow && $Me->can_view_review_round($prow, $rrow, null)) { $type = review_type_icon($rrow->reviewType); if ($rrow->reviewRound > 0 && $Me->can_view_review_round($prow, $rrow, null)) { $type .= " <span class=\"revround\" title=\"Review round\">" . htmlspecialchars($Conf->round_name($rrow->reviewRound, true)) . "</span>"; } } if ($rrow && $Me->can_view_review_identity($prow, $rrow, null) && (!$showtoken || !Contact::is_anonymous_email($rrow->email))) { echo $sep, $rrow->reviewBlind ? "[" : "", Text::user_html($rrow), $rrow->reviewBlind ? "]" : "", " ", $type; $sep = $xsep; } else { if ($type) { echo $sep, $type; $sep = $xsep; } } if ($showtoken) { echo $sep, "Review token ", encode_token((int) $rrow->reviewToken); $sep = $xsep; } if ($rrow && $rrow->reviewModified > 0 && $Me->can_view_review_time($prow, $rrow)) { echo $sep, "Updated ", $Conf->printableTime($rrow->reviewModified); $sep = $xsep; } if ($sep != $open) { echo "</span>\n"; } if (defval($options, "editmessage")) { echo "<div class='hint'>", defval($options, "editmessage"), "</div>\n"; } // download? echo '<hr class="c" />'; echo "<table class='revoff'><tr>\n <td><strong>Offline reviewing</strong> </td>\n <td>Upload form: <input type='file' name='uploadedFile' accept='text/plain' size='30' />\n ", Ht::submit("uploadForm", "Go"), "</td>\n </tr><tr>\n <td></td>\n <td><a href='{$reviewDownloadLink}'>Download form</a>\n <span class='barsep'>·</span>\n <span class='hint'><strong>Tip:</strong> Use <a href='", hoturl("search"), "'>Search</a> or <a href='", hoturl("offline"), "'>Offline reviewing</a> to download or upload many forms at once.</span></td>\n </tr></table></div>\n"; // ready? $ready = $useRequest ? defval($_REQUEST, "ready") : !($rrow && $rrow->reviewModified && !$rrow->reviewSubmitted); // review card echo '<div class="revcard_body">'; // administrator? $admin = $Me->allow_administer($prow); if ($rrow && !$Me->is_my_review($rrow) && $admin) { echo Ht::xmsg("info", "This isn’t your review, but as an administrator you can still make changes."); } // delegate? if ($rrow && !$rrow->reviewSubmitted && $rrow->contactId == $Me->contactId && $rrow->reviewType == REVIEW_SECONDARY) { $ndelegated = 0; foreach ($rrows as $rr) { if ($rr->reviewType == REVIEW_EXTERNAL && $rr->requestedBy == $rrow->contactId) { $ndelegated++; } } if ($ndelegated == 0) { $t = "As a secondary reviewer, you can <a href=\"" . hoturl("assign", "p={$rrow->paperId}") . "\">delegate this review to an external reviewer</a>, but if your external reviewer declines to review the paper, you should complete this review yourself."; } else { if ($rrow->reviewNeedsSubmit == 0) { $t = "A delegated external reviewer has submitted their review, but you can still complete your own if you’d like."; } else { $t = "Your delegated external reviewer has not yet submitted a review. If they do not, you should complete this review yourself."; } } echo Ht::xmsg("info", $t); } // top save changes if ($Me->timeReview($prow, $rrow) || $admin) { $buttons = $this->_review_buttons($prow, $rrow, "top", $reviewPostLink); echo Ht::actions($buttons, array("class" => "aab", "style" => "margin-top:0")); } // blind? if ($Conf->review_blindness() == Conf::BLIND_OPTIONAL) { echo '<div class="revet"><span class="revfn">', Ht::checkbox_h("blind", 1, $useRequest ? defval($_REQUEST, 'blind') : !$rrow || $rrow->reviewBlind), " ", Ht::label("Anonymous review"), "</span><hr class=\"c\" /></div>\n", '<div class="revhint">', htmlspecialchars(Conf::$gShortName), " allows either anonymous or open review. Check this box to submit your review anonymously (the authors won’t know who wrote the review).</div>\n", '<div class="g"></div>', "\n"; } // form body $this->webFormRows($Me, $prow, $rrow, $useRequest); // review actions if ($Me->timeReview($prow, $rrow) || $admin) { $buttons = $this->_review_buttons($prow, $rrow, "bottom", $reviewPostLink); echo Ht::actions($buttons, array("class" => "aab", "style" => "margin-bottom:0")); if ($rrow && $rrow->reviewSubmitted && !$admin) { echo '<div class="hint">Only administrators can remove or unsubmit the review at this point.</div>'; } } echo "</div></div></div></form>\n\n"; Ht::stash_script('hiliter_children("form.revcard")', "form_revcard"); }