Автор: Jan Schneider (jan@horde.org)
Наследование: extends Horde_Translation
Пример #1
  * Executes a command and returns output lines in array.
  * @param string $cmd  Command to be executed.
  * @return array  Array on success.
  * @throws Horde_Vfs_Exception
 protected function _execute($cmd)
     $cmd = str_replace('"-U%"', '-N', $cmd);
     $proc = proc_open($cmd, array(1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes);
     if (!is_resource($proc)) {
         // This should never happen.
         throw new Horde_Vfs_Exception('Failed to call proc_open().');
     $out = explode("\n", trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[1])));
     $error = explode("\n", trim(stream_get_contents($pipes[2])));
     $ret = proc_close($proc);
     // In some cases, (like trying to delete a nonexistant file),
     // smbclient will return success (at least on 2.2.7 version I'm
     // testing on). So try to match error strings, even after success.
     if ($ret != 0) {
         $err = '';
         foreach ($error as $line) {
             if (strpos($line, 'Usage:') === 0) {
                 $err = 'Command syntax incorrect';
             if (strpos($line, 'ERRSRV') !== false || strpos($line, 'ERRDOS') !== false) {
                 $err = preg_replace('/.*\\((.+)\\).*/', '\\1', $line);
                 if (!$err) {
                     $err = $line;
         if (!$err) {
             $err = $out ? $out[count($out) - 1] : $ret;
         throw new Horde_Vfs_Exception($err);
     // Check for errors even on success.
     $err = '';
     foreach ($out as $line) {
         if (strpos($line, 'NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_FILE') !== false || strpos($line, 'NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND') !== false) {
             $err = Horde_Vfs_Translation::t("No such file");
         } elseif (strpos($line, 'NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED') !== false) {
             $err = Horde_Vfs_Translation::t("Permission Denied");
     if ($err) {
         throw new Horde_Vfs_Exception($err);
     return $out;
Пример #2
  * Rename a file or folder in the VFS.
  * @param string $oldpath  The old path to the file.
  * @param string $oldname  The old filename.
  * @param string $newpath  The new path of the file.
  * @param string $newname  The new filename.
  * @throws Horde_Vfs_Exception
 public function rename($oldpath, $oldname, $newpath, $newname)
     if (strpos($newpath, '/') === false) {
         $parent = '';
         $path = $newpath;
     } else {
         list($parent, $path) = explode('/', $newpath, 2);
     if (!$this->isFolder($parent, $path)) {
     $this->_db->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET vfs_path = ?, vfs_name = ?, vfs_modified = ? WHERE vfs_path = ? AND vfs_name = ?', $this->_params['table']), array($newpath, $newname, time(), $oldpath, $oldname));
     if ($this->_db->affectedRows() == 0) {
         throw new Horde_Vfs_Exception('Unable to rename VFS file.');
     if (is_a($this->_recursiveSQLRename($oldpath, $oldname, $newpath, $newname), 'PEAR_Error')) {
         $this->_db->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET vfs_path = ?, vfs_name = ?  WHERE vfs_path = ? AND vfs_name = ?', $this->_params['table']), array($oldpath, $oldname, $newpath, $newname));
         throw new Horde_Vfs_Exception('Unable to rename VFS directory.');
     if (!@is_dir($this->_getNativePath($newpath))) {
     if (!@rename($this->_getNativePath($oldpath, $oldname), $this->_getNativePath($newpath, $newname))) {
         $this->_db->query(sprintf('UPDATE %s SET vfs_path = ?, vfs_name = ? WHERE vfs_path = ? AND vfs_name = ?', $this->_params['table']), array($oldpath, $oldname, $newpath, $newname));
         return PEAR::raiseError(Horde_Vfs_Translation::t("Unable to rename VFS file."));
Пример #3
  * Returns the plural translation of a message.
  * @param string $singular  The singular version to translate.
  * @param string $plural    The plural version to translate.
  * @param integer $number   The number that determines singular vs. plural.
  * @return string  The string translation, or the original string if no
  *                 translation exists.
 public static function ngettext($singular, $plural, $number)
     self::$_domain = 'Horde_Vfs';
     self::$_directory = '@data_dir@' == '@' . 'data_dir' . '@' ? __DIR__ . '/../../../locale' : '@data_dir@/Horde_Vfs/locale';
     return parent::ngettext($singular, $plural, $number);