Пример #1
  * Retrieves user preferences from the backend.
  * @throws Sam_Exception
 public function retrieve()
     $attrib = Horde_String::lower($this->_params['attribute']);
     try {
         $search = $this->_ldap->search($this->_params['basedn'], Horde_Ldap_Filter::create($this->_params['uid'], 'equals', $this->_user), array('attributes' => array($attrib)));
         $entry = $search->shiftEntry();
         if (!$entry) {
             throw new Sam_Exception(sprintf('LDAP user "%s" not found.', $this->_user));
         foreach ($entry->getValue($attrib, 'all') as $attribute) {
             list($a, $v) = explode(' ', $attribute);
             $ra = $this->_mapOptionToAttribute($a);
             if (is_numeric($v)) {
                 if (strstr($v, '.')) {
                     $newoptions[$ra][] = (double) $v;
                 } else {
                     $newoptions[$ra][] = (int) $v;
             } else {
                 $newoptions[$ra][] = $v;
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         throw new Sam_Exception($e);
     /* Go through new options and pull single values out of their
      * arrays. */
     foreach ($newoptions as $k => $v) {
         if (count($v) > 1) {
             $this->_options[$k] = $v;
         } else {
             $this->_options[$k] = $v[0];
Пример #2
  * Returns the user account from the LDAP source.
  * @return Horde_Ldap_Entry  An entry with complete account details.
  * @throws Horde_Exception if user not found.
  * @throws Horde_Ldap_Exception on LDAP errors.
 protected function _getAccount()
     if (!isset($this->_information)) {
         $search = $this->_ldap->search($this->_params['basedn'], $this->_params['attr'] . '=' . $this->_params['user']);
         if (!$search->count()) {
             throw new Horde_Exception(_("User account not found"));
         $this->_information = $search->shiftEntry();
     return $this->_information;
Пример #3
  * Searches existing groups for the highest gidnumber, and returns one
  * higher.
  * @return integer  The next group ID.
  * @throws Horde_Group_Exception
 protected function _nextGid()
     try {
         $search = $this->_ldap->search($this->_params['basedn'], $this->_filter, array('attributes' => array('gidnumber')));
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Group_Exception($e);
     if (!$search->count()) {
         return 1;
     $nextgid = 0;
     foreach ($search as $entry) {
         $nextgid = max($nextgid, $entry->getValue('gidnumber', 'single'));
     return $nextgid + 1;
Пример #4
  * Checks if $userId exists in the LDAP backend system.
  * @author Marco Ferrante, University of Genova (I)
  * @param string $userId  User ID for which to check
  * @return boolean  Whether or not $userId already exists.
 public function exists($userId)
     $params = array('scope' => $this->_params['scope']);
     try {
         $uidfilter = Horde_Ldap_Filter::create($this->_params['uid'], 'equals', $userId);
         $classfilter = Horde_Ldap_Filter::build(array('filter' => $this->_params['filter']));
         $search = $this->_ldap->search($this->_params['basedn'], Horde_Ldap_Filter::combine('and', array($uidfilter, $classfilter)), $params);
         if ($search->count() < 1) {
             return false;
         if ($search->count() > 1 && $this->_logger) {
             $this->_logger->log('Multiple LDAP entries with user identifier ' . $userId, 'WARN');
         return true;
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         if ($this->_logger) {
             $this->_logger->log('Error searching LDAP user: '******'ERR');
         return false;
Пример #5
  * Constructor.
  * Fetches a RootDSE object from an LDAP connection.
  * @param Horde_Ldap $ldap  Directory from which the RootDSE should be
  *                          fetched.
  * @param array      $attrs Array of attributes to search for.
  * @throws Horde_Ldap_Exception
 public function __construct(Horde_Ldap $ldap, $attrs = null)
     if (is_array($attrs) && count($attrs)) {
         $attributes = $attrs;
     } else {
         $attributes = array('vendorName', 'vendorVersion', 'namingContexts', 'altServer', 'supportedExtension', 'supportedControl', 'supportedSASLMechanisms', 'supportedLDAPVersion', 'subschemaSubentry');
     $referral = $ldap->getOption('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS');
     $ldap->setOption('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS', false);
     try {
         $result = $ldap->search('', '(objectClass=*)', array('attributes' => $attributes, 'scope' => 'base'));
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         $ldap->setOption('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS', $referral);
         throw $e;
     $ldap->setOption('LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS', $referral);
     $entry = $result->shiftEntry();
     if (!$entry) {
         throw new Horde_Ldap_Exception('Could not fetch RootDSE entry');
     $this->_entry = $entry;
Пример #6
  * Lists all available scopes.
  * @return array The list of scopes stored in the backend.
 public function listScopes()
     $scopes = array();
     try {
         $prefs = $this->_ldap->search($this->_prefsDN, Horde_Ldap_Filter::create('objectclass', 'equals', 'hordePerson'), array('attributes' => array('@hordePerson'), 'scope' => 'base', 'attrsonly' => true));
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Prefs_Exception($e);
     if (!$prefs) {
         return $scopes;
     foreach ($prefs->shiftEntry()->attributes() as $attr) {
         // Trim off prefs from attribute name to get scope (e.g. hordePrefs
         // -> horde).
         $scope = str_ireplace("prefs", "", $attr);
         // Skip non-prefs attributes like objectclass (no replacement
         // occurred above).
         if ($attr != $scope) {
             $scopes[] = $scope;
     return $scopes;
Пример #7
  * Constructor.
  * Fetches the Schema from an LDAP connection.
  * @param Horde_Ldap $ldap LDAP connection.
  * @param string     $dn   Subschema entry DN.
  * @throws Horde_Ldap_Exception
 public function __construct(Horde_Ldap $ldap, $dn = null)
     if (is_null($dn)) {
         // Get the subschema entry via rootDSE.
         $dse = $ldap->rootDSE(array('subschemaSubentry'));
         $base = $dse->getValue('subschemaSubentry', 'single');
         $dn = $base;
     // Support for buggy LDAP servers (e.g. Siemens DirX 6.x) that
     // incorrectly call this entry subSchemaSubentry instead of
     // subschemaSubentry. Note the correct case/spelling as per RFC 2251.
     if (is_null($dn)) {
         // Get the subschema entry via rootDSE.
         $dse = $ldap->rootDSE(array('subSchemaSubentry'));
         $base = $dse->getValue('subSchemaSubentry', 'single');
         $dn = $base;
     // Final fallback in case there is no subschemaSubentry attribute in
     // the root DSE (this is a bug for an LDAPv3 server so report this to
     // your LDAP vendor if you get this far).
     if (is_null($dn)) {
         $dn = 'cn=Subschema';
     // Fetch the subschema entry.
     $result = $ldap->search($dn, '(objectClass=*)', array('attributes' => array_values($this->types), 'scope' => 'base'));
     $entry = $result->shiftEntry();
     if (!$entry instanceof Horde_Ldap_Entry) {
         throw new Horde_Ldap_Exception('Could not fetch Subschema entry');
Пример #8
  * Tests SPL iterator.
 public function testSPLIterator()
     $ldap = new Horde_Ldap(self::$ldapcfg['server']);
     // Some testdata, so we have some entries to search for.
     $base = self::$ldapcfg['server']['basedn'];
     $ou1 = Horde_Ldap_Entry::createFresh('ou=Horde_Ldap_Test_search1,' . $base, array('objectClass' => array('top', 'organizationalUnit'), 'ou' => 'Horde_Ldap_Test_search1'));
     $ou2 = Horde_Ldap_Entry::createFresh('ou=Horde_Ldap_Test_search2,' . $base, array('objectClass' => array('top', 'organizationalUnit'), 'ou' => 'Horde_Ldap_Test_search2'));
     /* Search and test each method. */
     $search = $ldap->search(null, '(ou=Horde_Ldap*)');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $search);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $search->count());
     // current() is supposed to return first valid element.
     $e1 = $search->current();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $e1);
     $this->assertEquals($e1->dn(), $search->key());
     // Shift to next entry.
     $e2 = $search->current();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $e2);
     $this->assertEquals($e2->dn(), $search->key());
     // Shift to non existent third entry.
     // Rewind and test, which should return the first entry a second time.
     $e1_1 = $search->current();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $e1_1);
     $this->assertEquals($e1_1->dn(), $search->key());
     $this->assertEquals($e1->dn(), $e1_1->dn());
     // Don't rewind but call current, should return first entry again.
     $e1_2 = $search->current();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $e1_2);
     $this->assertEquals($e1_2->dn(), $search->key());
     $this->assertEquals($e1->dn(), $e1_2->dn());
     // Rewind again and test, which should return the first entry a third
     // time.
     $e1_3 = $search->current();
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $e1_3);
     $this->assertEquals($e1_3->dn(), $search->key());
     $this->assertEquals($e1->dn(), $e1_3->dn());
     /* Try methods on empty search result. */
     $search = $ldap->search(null, '(ou=Horde_LdapTest_NotExistentEntry)');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $search);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $search->count());
     /* Search and simple iterate through the test entries.  Then, rewind
      * and do it again several times. */
     $search2 = $ldap->search(null, '(ou=Horde_Ldap*)');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $search2);
     $this->assertEquals(2, $search2->count());
     for ($i = 0; $i <= 5; $i++) {
         $counter = 0;
         foreach ($search2 as $dn => $entry) {
             // Check on type.
             $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Entry', $entry);
             // Check on key.
             $this->assertThat(strlen($dn), $this->greaterThan(1));
             $this->assertEquals($dn, $entry->dn());
         $this->assertEquals($search2->count(), $counter, "Failed at loop {$i}");
         // Revert to start.
Пример #9
  * Test search().
 public function testSearch()
     $ldap = new Horde_Ldap(self::$ldapcfg['server']);
     // Some testdata, so we can test sizelimit.
     $base = self::$ldapcfg['server']['basedn'];
     $ou1 = Horde_Ldap_Entry::createFresh('ou=Horde_Ldap_Test_search1,' . $base, array('objectClass' => array('top', 'organizationalUnit'), 'ou' => 'Horde_Ldap_Test_search1'));
     $ou1_1 = Horde_Ldap_Entry::createFresh('ou=Horde_Ldap_Test_search1_1,' . $ou1->dn(), array('objectClass' => array('top', 'organizationalUnit'), 'ou' => 'Horde_Ldap_Test_search1_1'));
     $ou2 = Horde_Ldap_Entry::createFresh('ou=Horde_Ldap_Test_search2,' . $base, array('objectClass' => array('top', 'organizationalUnit'), 'ou' => 'Horde_Ldap_Test_search2'));
     // Search for test filter, should at least return our two test entries.
     $res = $ldap->search(null, '(ou=Horde_Ldap*)', array('attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertThat($res->count(), $this->greaterThanOrEqual(2));
     // Same, but with Horde_Ldap_Filter object.
     $filtero = Horde_Ldap_Filter::create('ou', 'begins', 'Horde_Ldap');
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Filter', $filtero);
     $res = $ldap->search(null, $filtero, array('attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertThat($res->count(), $this->greaterThanOrEqual(2));
     // Search using default filter for base-onelevel scope, should at least
     // return our two test entries.
     $res = $ldap->search(null, null, array('scope' => 'one', 'attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertThat($res->count(), $this->greaterThanOrEqual(2));
     // Base-search using custom base (string), should only return the test
     // entry $ou1 and not the entry below it.
     $res = $ldap->search($ou1->dn(), null, array('scope' => 'base', 'attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $res->count());
     // Search using custom base, this time using an entry object.  This
     // tests if passing an entry object as base works, should only return
     // the test entry $ou1.
     $res = $ldap->search($ou1, '(ou=*)', array('scope' => 'base', 'attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $res->count());
     // Search using default filter for base-onelevel scope with sizelimit,
     // should of course return more than one entry, but not more than
     // sizelimit
     $res = $ldap->search(null, null, array('scope' => 'one', 'sizelimit' => 1, 'attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $res->count());
     // Sizelimit should be exceeded now.
     // Bad filter.
     try {
         $res = $ldap->search(null, 'somebadfilter', array('attributes' => '1.1'));
         $this->fail('Horde_Ldap_Exception expected.');
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
     // Bad base.
     try {
         $res = $ldap->search('badbase', null, array('attributes' => '1.1'));
         $this->fail('Horde_Ldap_Exception expected.');
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
     // Nullresult.
     $res = $ldap->search(null, '(cn=nevermatching_filter)', array('scope' => 'base', 'attributes' => '1.1'));
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Horde_Ldap_Search', $res);
     $this->assertEquals(0, $res->count());