Автор: Chuck Hagenbuch (chuck@horde.org)
Автор: Michael Slusarz (slusarz@horde.org)
Пример #1
  * Find out if a set of login credentials are valid. Only supports
  * htpasswd files with DES passwords right now.
  * @param string $userId       The userId to check.
  * @param array  $credentials  An array of login credentials. For IMAP,
  *                             this must contain a password entry.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 protected function _authenticate($userId, $credentials)
     if (empty($credentials['password']) || empty($this->_users[$userId])) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     $hash = Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($credentials['password'], $this->_users[$userId], $this->_params['encryption'], !empty($this->_params['show_encryption']));
     if ($hash != $this->_users[$userId]) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
Пример #2
  * Factory for ActiveSync Auth object.
  * @return Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Auth
 protected function _getAuth()
     global $conf, $injector;
     $params = array('base_driver' => $injector->getInstance('Horde_Core_Factory_Auth')->create());
     if ($conf['activesync']['auth']['type'] != 'basic') {
         $x_params = $conf['activesync']['auth']['params'];
         $x_params['default_user'] = $GLOBALS['registry']->getAuth();
         $x_params['logger'] = $this->_injector->getInstance('Horde_Log_Logger');
         $params['transparent_driver'] = Horde_Auth::factory('Horde_Core_Auth_X509', $x_params);
     $obj = new Horde_Core_ActiveSync_Auth($params);
     return $obj;
Пример #3
  * Asks for the administrator settings.
  * @return string  The administrator name.
 protected function _configAuth(Horde_Variables $vars)
     $vars->auth__driver = 'sql';
     $vars->auth__params__driverconfig = 'horde';
     while (true) {
         $admin_user = $this->_cli->prompt('Specify a user name for the administrator account:');
         if (empty($admin_user)) {
             $this->_cli->writeln($this->_cli->red('An administration user is required'));
         $admin_pass = $this->_cli->passwordPrompt('Specify a password for the administrator account:');
         if (empty($admin_pass)) {
             $this->_cli->writeln($this->_cli->red('An administrator password is required'));
         $params = array('db' => $GLOBALS['injector']->getInstance('Horde_Db_Adapter'), 'encryption' => isset($GLOBALS['conf']['auth']['params']['encryption']) ? $GLOBALS['conf']['auth']['params']['encryption'] : 'ssha');
         $auth = Horde_Auth::factory('sql', $params);
         try {
             $exists = $auth->exists($admin_user);
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $this->_cli->message('An error occured while trying to list the users. Error messages:', 'cli.error');
         try {
             if ($exists) {
                 if ($this->_cli->prompt('This user exists already, do you want to update his password?', array('y' => 'Yes', 'n' => 'No'), 'y') == 'y') {
                     $auth->updateUser($admin_user, $admin_user, array('password' => $admin_pass));
                 } else {
             } else {
                 $auth->addUser($admin_user, array('password' => $admin_pass));
         } catch (Horde_Exception $e) {
             $this->_cli->message('An error occured while adding or updating the administrator. Error messages:', 'cli.error');
     return $admin_user;
Пример #4
  * Return the Horde_Auth_Imap instance that uses IMP configuration.
  * @return Horde_Auth_Imap  The singleton instance.
  * @throws IMP_Exception
 public function create(Horde_Injector $injector)
     global $injector, $registry;
     $admin = $injector->getInstance('IMP_Factory_Imap')->create()->config->admin;
     if (!$admin) {
         throw new IMP_Exception('Admin access not enabled.');
     $params = $registry->callByPackage('imp', 'server');
     if (is_null($params)) {
         throw new IMP_Exception('No server parameters found.');
     $params_map = array('password' => 'admin_password', 'user' => 'admin_user', 'userhierarchy' => 'userhierarchy');
     foreach ($admin as $key => $val) {
         if (isset($params_map[$key])) {
             $params[$params_map[$key]] = $val;
     $params['default_user'] = $registry->getAuth();
     $params['logger'] = $injector->getInstance('Horde_Log_Logger');
     return Horde_Auth::factory('Imap', $params);
Пример #5
  * Compare an encrypted password to a plaintext string to see if
  * they match.
  * @param string $encrypted  The crypted password to compare against.
  * @param string $plaintext  The plaintext password to verify.
  * @return boolean  True if matched, false otherwise.
 protected function _comparePasswords($encrypted, $plaintext)
     return $encrypted == Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($plaintext, $encrypted, $this->_params['encryption'], $this->_params['show_encryption']);
Пример #6
  * Logs a user view.
  * @param string $id   Username
  * @return boolean True, if the view was logged, false if the mesage was aleredy seen
 function logView($id)
     if (!$GLOBALS['registry']->isAuthenticated() || Horde_Auth::getAUth() == $id) {
         return false;
     /* We already read this user? */
     if (isset($_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user']) && strpos($_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user'], $id . ':') !== false) {
         return false;
     /* Remember when we see a user */
     if (!isset($_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user'])) {
         $_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user'] = $id . ':';
     } else {
         $_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user'] .= $id . ':';
     setcookie('folks_viewed_user', $_COOKIE['folks_viewed_user'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + 22896000, $GLOBALS['conf']['cookie']['path'], $GLOBALS['conf']['cookie']['domain'], $GLOBALS['conf']['use_ssl'] == 1 ? 1 : 0);
     return $this->_logView($id);
Пример #7
  * @param string $backend_key  Backend key.
 private function _changePassword($backend_key)
     global $conf, $injector, $notification, $registry;
     // Check for users that cannot change their passwords.
     if (in_array($this->_userid, $conf['user']['refused'])) {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("You can't change password for user %s"), $userid), 'horde.error');
     // We must be passed the old (current) password.
     if (!isset($this->_vars->oldpassword)) {
         $notification->push(_("You must give your current password"), 'horde.warning');
     if (!isset($this->_vars->newpassword0)) {
         $notification->push(_("You must give your new password"), 'horde.warning');
     if (!isset($this->_vars->newpassword1)) {
         $notification->push(_("You must verify your new password"), 'horde.warning');
     if ($this->_vars->newpassword0 != $this->_vars->newpassword1) {
         $notification->push(_("Your new passwords didn't match"), 'horde.warning');
     if ($this->_vars->newpassword0 == $this->_vars->oldpassword) {
         $notification->push(_("Your new password must be different from your current password"), 'horde.warning');
     $b_ptr = $this->_backends[$backend_key];
     try {
         Horde_Auth::checkPasswordPolicy($this->_vars->newpassword0, isset($b_ptr['policy']) ? $b_ptr['policy'] : array());
     } catch (Horde_Auth_Exception $e) {
         $notification->push($e, 'horde.warning');
     // Do some simple strength tests, if enabled in the config file.
     if (!empty($conf['password']['strengthtests'])) {
         try {
             Horde_Auth::checkPasswordSimilarity($this->_vars->newpassword0, array($this->_userid, $this->_vars->oldpassword));
         } catch (Horde_Auth_Exception $e) {
             $notification->push($e, 'horde.warning');
     try {
         $driver = $injector->getInstance('Passwd_Factory_Driver')->create($backend_key);
     } catch (Passwd_Exception $e) {
         $notification->push(_("Password module is not properly configured"), 'horde.error');
     try {
         $driver->changePassword($this->_userid, $this->_vars->oldpassword, $this->_vars->newpassword0);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $notification->push(sprintf(_("Failure in changing password for %s: %s"), $b_ptr['name'], $e->getMessage()), 'horde.error');
     $notification->push(sprintf(_("Password changed on %s."), $b_ptr['name']), 'horde.success');
     try {
         Horde::callHook('password_changed', array($this->_userid, $this->_vars->oldpassword, $this->_vars->newpassword0), 'passwd');
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     if (!empty($b_ptr['logout'])) {
         $logout_url = $registry->getLogoutUrl(array('msg' => _("Your password has been succesfully changed. You need to re-login to the system with your new password."), 'reason' => Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE));
     if ($this->_vars->return_to) {
         $url = new Horde_Url($return_to);
Пример #8
  * Salt and hash the password.
  * @param string $password The password.
  * @return string The salted hashed password.
 protected function hashPassword($password)
     $type = isset($this->server->params['hashtype']) ? $this->server->params['hashtype'] : 'ssha';
     return Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($password, '', $type, true);
Пример #9
  * Creates a user in the backend.
  * @param array $info  The user information to save.
  * @return array  The user information.
  * @throws Vilma_Exception
 protected function _createUser($info)
     // Bind with appropriate dn to give update access.
     $res = ldap_bind($this->_ldap, $this->_params['ldap']['binddn'], $this->_params['ldap']['bindpw']);
     if (!$res) {
         throw new Vilma_Exception(_("Unable to bind to the LDAP server.  Check authentication credentials."));
     // Prepare data.
     $entry['cn'] = $info['user_full_name'];
     // sn is not used operationally but we make an effort to be
     // something sensical.  No guarantees, though.
     $entry['sn'] = array_pop(explode(' ', $info['user_full_name']));
     $entry['mail'] = $info['user_name'] . '@' . $info['domain'];
     // uid must match mail or SMTP auth fails.
     $entry['uid'] = $entry['mail'];
     $entry['homeDirectory'] = '/srv/vhost/mail/' . $info['domain'] . '/' . $info['user_name'];
     $entry['qmailUID'] = $entry['qmailGID'] = 8;
     $entry['objectclass'] = array('top', 'person', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'hordePerson', 'qmailUser');
     $entry['accountstatus'] = $info['user_enabled'];
     // FIXME: Allow choice of hash
     $entry['userPassword'] = Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($info['password'], '', 'ssha', true);
     // Stir in any site-local custom LDAP attributes.
     try {
         $entry = Horde::callHook('getLDAPAttrs', array($entry), 'vilma');
     } catch (Horde_Exception_HookNotSet $e) {
     $rdn = 'mail=' . $entry['mail'];
     $dn = $rdn . ',' . $this->_params['ldap']['basedn'];
     $res = @ldap_add($this->_ldap, $dn, $entry);
     if ($res === false) {
         throw new Vilma_Exception(sprintf(_("Error adding account to LDAP: %s"), @ldap_error($this->_ldap)));
     return $dn;
Пример #10
  * Authentication handler
  * On failure, Horde_Auth_Exception should pass a message string (if any)
  * in the message field, and the Horde_Auth::REASON_* constant in the code
  * field (defaults to Horde_Auth::REASON_MESSAGE).
  * @param string $userID      The userID to check.
  * @param array $credentials  An array of login credentials.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 protected function _authenticate($userID, $credentials)
     $um = $this->_mappers->create('Dolcore_Rdo_UserMapper');
     if ($this->exists($userID) == false) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     $user = $um->findOne(array('nickname' => $userID));
     $pass = Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($credentials['password'], substr($credentials['password'], 0, 2), 'crypt', false);
     if ($pass != $user->passwort) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception('', Horde_Auth::REASON_BADLOGIN);
     return true;
Пример #11
  * Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not
  * remember the existing password.
  * @param string $user_id  The user id for which to reset the password.
  * @return string  The new password on success.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public function resetPassword($user_id)
     /* Get a new random password. */
     $password = Horde_Auth::genRandomPassword() . '/';
     $this->updateUser($user_id, $user_id, array('userPassword' => $password));
     return $password;
Пример #12
 public function authResetPassword($userId)
     /* Get a new random password. */
     $password = Horde_Auth::genRandomPassword();
     /* Update password in DB. */
     require_once __DIR__ . '/base.php';
     $result = $GLOBALS['folks_driver']->changePassword($password, $userId);
     if ($result instanceof PEAR_Error) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($result);
     return $password;
Пример #13
  * Update a set of authentication credentials.
  * @param string $oldID       The old userId.
  * @param string $newID       The new userId. [NOT SUPPORTED]
  * @param array $credentials  The new credentials
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public function updateUser($oldID, $newID, $credentials)
     if (!empty($this->_params['domain_field']) && $this->_params['domain_field'] != 'none') {
         list($name, $domain) = explode('@', $oldID);
         /* Build the SQL query with domain. */
         $query = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = ? and %s = ?', $this->_params['table'], $this->_params['password_field'], $this->_params['username_field'], $this->_params['domain_field']);
         $values = array(Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($credentials['password'], '', $this->_params['encryption'], $this->_params['show_encryption']), $name, $domain);
     } else {
         /* Build the SQL query. */
         $query = sprintf('UPDATE %s SET %s = ? WHERE %s = ?', $this->_params['table'], $this->_params['password_field'], $this->_params['username_field']);
         $values = array(Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($credentials['password'], '', $this->_params['encryption'], $this->_params['show_encryption']), $oldID);
     try {
         $this->_db->update($query, $values);
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($e);
Пример #14
  * @dataProvider getCredentials
 public function testGetCryptedPassword($encryption, $password, $salt, $show_encryption = false)
     $this->assertEquals($password, Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword('foobar', $password, $encryption, $show_encryption));
Пример #15
  * Reset a user's password. Used for example when the user does not
  * remember the existing password.
  * @param string $userId  The user id for which to reset the password.
  * @return string  The new password on success.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public function resetPassword($userId)
     if (!empty($this->_params['ad'])) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception(__CLASS__ . ': Updating users is not supported for Active Directory.');
     /* Search for the user's full DN. */
     try {
         $dn = $this->_ldap->findUserDN($userId);
     } catch (Horde_Exception_Ldap $e) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($e);
     /* Get a new random password. */
     $password = Horde_Auth::genRandomPassword();
     /* Encrypt the new password */
     $entry = array('userpassword' => Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($password, '', $this->_params['encryption'], 'true'));
     /* Set the lastchange field */
     $shadow = $this->_lookupShadow($dn);
     if ($shadow['shadowlastchange']) {
         $entry['shadowlastchange'] = floor(time() / 86400);
     /* Update user entry. */
     try {
         $this->_ldap->modify($dn, array('replace' => $entry));
     } catch (Horde_Ldap_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($e);
     return $password;
Пример #16
  * Resets a user's password. Used for example when the user does not
  * remember the existing password.
  * @param string $userId  The user id for which to reset the password.
  * @return string  The new password on success.
  * @throws Horde_Auth_Exception
 public function resetPassword($userId)
     /* Get a new random password. */
     $password = Horde_Auth::genRandomPassword();
     /* Build the SQL query. */
     $query = str_replace(array('\\L', '\\P'), array($this->_db->quote($userId), $this->_db->quote(Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($password, '', $this->_params['encryption'], $this->_params['show_encryption']))), $this->_params['query_resetpassword']);
     try {
     } catch (Horde_Db_Exception $e) {
         throw new Horde_Auth_Exception($e);
     return $password;
Пример #17
  * Encrypts a password.
  * @param string $plaintext  A plaintext password.
  * @return string  The encrypted password.
 protected function _encryptPassword($plaintext)
     return Horde_Auth::getCryptedPassword($plaintext, '', $this->_params['encryption'], $this->_params['show_encryption']);