Пример #1
 public function testGetLength()
     $instance = new History();
     $this->assertEquals(0, $instance->getLength());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $instance->getLength());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $instance->getLength());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $instance->getLength());
Пример #2
function show_GET($w)
    list($lotid, $householdid) = $w->pathMatch("lotid", "householdid");
    if (empty($lotid)) {
        $w->error("Need a Lot ID");
    if (empty($householdid)) {
        $w->error("Need a household ID");
    $lot = $w->Bend->getLotForId($lotid);
    if (empty($lot)) {
        $w->error("Lot {$lotid} does not exist");
    $household = $w->Bend->getHouseholdForId($householdid);
    if (empty($household)) {
        $w->error("Household {$householdid} does not exist");
    History::add("Bend Household: " . $household->streetnumber);
    $lotTable = array();
    $lotTable["Household"] = array(array(array("Lot Number", "static", "", $lot->lot_number), array("Occupancy", "static", "", $lot->occupancy)), array(array("Street Number", "static", "", $household->streetnumber), array("Is CHL?", "static", "", $household->is_chl ? "yes" : "no"), array("Is Occupied?", "static", "", $household->is_occupied ? "yes" : "no"), array("Number of Occupants", "static", "", $household->num_occupants)));
    $w->ctx("lot", $lot);
    $w->ctx("table", Html::multiColTable($lotTable));
    $w->ctx("household", $household);
    $w->ctx("currentOccupants", $household->getCurrentOccupants());
    $w->ctx("pastOccupants", $household->getPastOccupants());
Пример #3
function admin_ALL(Web $w)
    History::add("Workhours Admin");
    $w->ctx("workperiods", $w->Bend->getAllWorkPeriods());
    $w->ctx("focusgroups", $w->Bend->getTopLevelWorkCategories());
    $w->enqueueStyle(["uri" => "/modules/bend/assets/css/bend.css", "weight" => 500]);
Пример #4
function list_GET(Web $w)
    History::add("List Workhours");
    list($userid, $periodid) = $w->pathMatch("a", "b");
    // get the user
    if (!empty($userid)) {
        $user = $w->Auth->getUser($userid);
    } else {
        $user = $w->Auth->user();
    // calculate total work hours for this period
    $workentries = $w->Bend->getWorkhoursForUser($user, $periodid);
    $total_worked = 0;
    $total_accredited = 0;
    if (!empty($workentries)) {
        foreach ($workentries as $we) {
            $total_worked += $we->hours;
            if ($we->user_id == $we->attributed_user_id) {
                $total_accredited += $we->hours;
    $w->ctx("total_worked", $total_worked);
    $w->ctx("total_accredited", $total_accredited);
    $w->ctx("user", $user);
    $w->ctx("workentries", $workentries);
    $w->ctx("workPeriod", $w->Bend->getWorkPeriodForId($periodid));
    $w->ctx("allWorkPeriods", $w->Bend->getAllWorkPeriods());
Пример #5
  * Modifies an Issue's Reporter.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The id of the issue.
  * @param   string $fullname The id of the user.
  * @param   boolean $add_history If this should be logged.
  * @return int
 public static function update($issue_id, $email, $add_history = true)
     $email = strtolower(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($email));
     $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail($email, true);
     // If no valid user found reset to system account
     if (!$usr_id) {
         $usr_id = APP_SYSTEM_USER_ID;
     $sql = 'UPDATE
                 iss_usr_id = ?
                 iss_id = ?';
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($sql, array($usr_id, $issue_id));
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     if ($add_history) {
         // TRANSLATORS: %1: email, %2: full name
         $current_usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
         History::add($issue_id, $current_usr_id, 'issue_updated', 'Reporter was changed to {email} by {user}', array('email' => $email, 'user' => User::getFullName($current_usr_id)));
     // Add new user to notification list
     if ($usr_id > 0) {
         Notification::subscribeEmail($usr_id, $issue_id, $email, Notification::getDefaultActions());
     return 1;
Пример #6
function viewtaskgrouptypes_ALL(Web $w)
    $w->Task->navigation($w, "Manage Task Groups");
    History::add("Manage Task Groups");
    $task_groups = $w->Task->getTaskGroups();
    if ($task_groups) {
        usort($task_groups, array("TaskService", "sortbyGroup"));
    // prepare column headings for display
    $line = array(array("Title", "Type", "Description", "Default Assignee"));
    // if task group exists, display title, group type, description, default assignee and button for specific task group info
    if ($task_groups) {
        foreach ($task_groups as $group) {
            $line[] = array(Html::a(WEBROOT . "/task-group/viewmembergroup/" . $group->id, $group->title), $group->getTypeTitle(), $group->description, $group->getDefaultAssigneeName());
    } else {
        // if no groups for this group type, say as much
        $line[] = array("There are no Task Groups Configured. Please create a New Task Group.", "", "", "", "");
    // display list of task groups in the target task group type
    $w->ctx("dashboard", Html::table($line, null, "tablesorter", true));
    // tab: new task group
    // get generic task group permissions
    $arrassign = $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions();
    // unset 'ALL' given all can never assign a task
    // set Is Task Active dropdown
    $is_active = array(array("Yes", "1"), array("No", "0"));
    $grouptypes = $w->Task->getAllTaskGroupTypes();
    // build form to create a new task group within the target group type
    $f = Html::form(array(array("Task Group Attributes", "section"), array("Task Group Type", "select", "task_group_type", null, $grouptypes), array("Title", "text", "title"), array("Who Can Assign", "select", "can_assign", null, $arrassign), array("Who Can View", "select", "can_view", null, $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions()), array("Who Can Create", "select", "can_create", null, $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions()), array("Active", "select", "is_active", null, $is_active), array("", "hidden", "is_deleted", "0"), array("Description", "textarea", "description", null, "26", "6"), array("Default Assignee", "select", "default_assignee_id", null, $w->Auth->getUsers())), $w->localUrl("/task-group/createtaskgroup"), "POST", "Save");
    // display form
    $w->ctx("creategroup", $f);
Пример #7
function showperiod_GET(Web $w)
    list($id) = $w->pathMatch("a");
    $wp = $w->Bend->getWorkperiodForId($id);
    if (empty($wp)) {
        $w->error("Workperiod does not exist", "/bend-workhours/admin");
    History::add("Work Period: " . formatDate($wp->d_start));
    $w->ctx("workperiod", $wp);
    $w->ctx("categories", $w->Bend->getTopLevelWorkCategories());
    $w->ctx("households", $w->Bend->getAllHouseholds());
Пример #8
function viewmembergroup_GET(Web $w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    // tab: Members
    // get all members in a task group given a task group ID
    $member_group = $w->Task->getMemberGroup($p['id']);
    // get the group attributes given a task group ID
    $group = $w->Task->getTaskGroup($p['id']);
    // put the group title into the page heading
    $w->Task->navigation($w, "Task Group - " . $group->title);
    History::add("Task Group: " . $group->title);
    // set columns headings for display of members
    $line[] = array("Member", "Role", "");
    // if their are members, display their full name, role and buttons to edit or delete the member
    if ($member_group) {
        foreach ($member_group as $member) {
            $line[] = array($w->Task->getUserById($member->user_id), $member->role, Html::box(WEBROOT . "/task-group/viewmember/" . $member->id, " Edit ", true) . "  " . Html::box(WEBROOT . "/task-group/deletegroupmember/" . $member->id, " Delete ", true));
    } else {
        // if there are no members, say as much
        $line[] = array("Group currently has no members. Please Add New Members.", "", "");
    // enter task group attributes sa query string for buttons providing group specific functions such as delete or add members
    $w->ctx("taskgroup", $group->task_group_type);
    $w->ctx("grpid", $group->id);
    $w->ctx("groupid", $p['id']);
    // display list of group members
    $w->ctx("viewmembers", Html::table($line, null, "tablesorter", true));
    // tab:  Notify
    $notify = $w->Task->getTaskGroupNotify($group->id);
    if ($notify) {
        foreach ($notify as $n) {
            $v[$n->role][$n->type] = $n->value;
    } else {
        $v['guest']['creator'] = 0;
        $v['member']['creator'] = 0;
        $v['member']['assignee'] = 0;
        $v['owner']['creator'] = 0;
        $v['owner']['assignee'] = 0;
        $v['owner']['other'] = 0;
    $notifyForm['Task Group Notifications'] = array(array(array("", "hidden", "task_group_id", $group->id)), array(array("", "static", ""), array("Creator", "static", "creator"), array("Assignee", "static", "assignee"), array("All Others", "static", "others")), array(array("Guest", "static", "guest"), array("", "checkbox", "guest_creator", $v['guest']['creator'])), array(array("Member", "static", "member"), array("", "checkbox", "member_creator", $v['member']['creator']), array("", "checkbox", "member_assignee", $v['member']['assignee'])), array(array("Owner", "static", "owner"), array("", "checkbox", "owner_creator", $v['owner']['creator']), array("", "checkbox", "owner_assignee", $v['owner']['assignee']), array("", "checkbox", "owner_other", $v['owner']['other'])));
    $w->ctx("notifymatrix", Html::multiColForm($notifyForm, $w->localUrl("/task-group/updategroupnotify/"), "POST", " Submit "));
Пример #9
function showlot_GET(Web $w)
    list($id) = $w->pathMatch("id");
    if (empty($id)) {
        $w->error("Need a Lot ID");
    $lot = $w->Bend->getLotForId($id);
    if (empty($lot)) {
        $w->error("Lot {$id} does not exist");
    History::add("Bend Lot: " . $lot->lot_number);
    $lotTable = array();
    $lotTable["Lot"] = array(array(array("Lot Number", "static", "", $lot->lot_number), array("Occupancy", "static", "", $lot->occupancy)));
    $w->ctx("lot", $lot);
    $w->ctx("lotTable", Html::multiColTable($lotTable));
    $w->ctx("owners", $lot->getAllOwners());
    $w->ctx("households", $lot->getAllHouseholds());
Пример #10
function viewtaskgroup_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    // return task group details given a task group ID
    $group_details = $w->Task->getTaskGroup($p['id']);
    if (!empty($group_details)) {
        History::add("Taskgroup: " . $group_details->title);
    // if is_active is set to '0', display 'Yes', else display 'No'
    $isactive = $group_details->is_active == "1" ? "Yes" : "No";
    // set Is Task Active, Is Task Deleted dropdowns for display
    $is_active = array(array("Yes", "1"), array("No", "0"));
    $is_deleted = array(array("Yes", "1"), array("No", "0"));
    // get generic task group permissions
    $arrassign = $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions();
    // unset 'ALL' given all can never assign a task
    // build form displaying current attributes from database
    $f = Html::form(array(array("Task Group Details", "section"), array("Task Group Type", "static", "task_group_type", $group_details->getTypeTitle()), array("Title", "text", "title", $group_details->title), array("Who Can Assign", "select", "can_assign", $group_details->can_assign, $arrassign), array("Who Can View", "select", "can_view", $group_details->can_view, $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions()), array("Who Can Create", "select", "can_create", $group_details->can_create, $w->Task->getTaskGroupPermissions()), array("Is Active", "select", "is_active", $group_details->is_active, $is_active), array("Description", "textarea", "description", $group_details->description, "26", "6"), array("Default Assignee", "select", "default_assignee_id", $group_details->default_assignee_id, $w->Task->getMembersInGroup($p['id']))), $w->localUrl("/task-group/updatetaskgroup/" . $group_details->id), "POST", " Update ");
    // display form
    $w->ctx("viewgroup", $f);
Пример #11
  * Sets the assignees for the issue
  * @param   integer $issue_id
  * @param   array $assignees
  * @return  int 1 if success, -1 if error, 0 if no change was needed.
 public static function setAssignees($issue_id, $assignees)
     if (!is_array($assignees)) {
         $assignees = array();
     // see if there is anything to change
     $old_assignees = self::getAssignedUserIDs($issue_id);
     if (count(array_diff($old_assignees, $assignees)) == 0 && count(array_diff($assignees, $old_assignees)) == 0) {
         return 0;
     $old_assignee_names = self::getAssignedUsers($issue_id);
     Workflow::handleAssignmentChange(self::getProjectID($issue_id), $issue_id, Auth::getUserID(), self::getDetails($issue_id), $assignees, true);
     // clear up the assignments for this issue, and then assign it to the current user
     $assignee_names = array();
     foreach ($assignees as $assignee) {
         $res = self::addUserAssociation(Auth::getUserID(), $issue_id, $assignee, false);
         if ($res == -1) {
             return -1;
         $assignee_names[] = User::getFullName($assignee);
         Notification::subscribeUser(Auth::getUserID(), $issue_id, $assignee, Notification::getDefaultActions($issue_id, User::getEmail($assignee), 'set_assignees'), false);
     Notification::notifyNewAssignment($assignees, $issue_id);
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'user_associated', 'Issue assignment to changed ({changes}) by {user}', array('changes' => History::formatChanges(implode(', ', $old_assignee_names), implode(', ', $assignee_names)), 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     return 1;
Пример #12
             $error = IMG_SAVE_ROTATE_FAILED;
         $error = IMG_SAVE_UNKNOWN_MODE;
 if (empty($error)) {
     $sessionNewPath = $sessionDir . uniqid(md5(time())) . "." . getFileExt($_POST['path']);
     if (!@copy($originalImage, $sessionNewPath)) {
         //keep a copy under the session folder
         $error = IMG_SAVE_BACKUP_FAILED;
     } else {
         $isSaveAsRequest = !empty($_POST['new_name']) && !empty($_POST['save_to']) ? true : false;
         //save the modified image
         $sessionImageInfo = array('name' => basename($sessionNewPath), 'restorable' => 1);
         if (CONFIG_SYS_DEMO_ENABLE) {
             //demo only
             if (isset($originalSessionImageInfo) && sizeof($originalSessionImageInfo)) {
                 $imagePath = $sessionDir . $originalSessionImageInfo['info']['name'];
             } else {
                 $imagePath = $sessionDir . uniqid(md5(time())) . "." . getFileExt($_POST['path']);
         } else {
             if ($isSaveAsRequest) {
                 //save as request
                 //check save to folder if exists
                 if (isset($_POST['save_to']) && strlen($_POST['save_to'])) {
                     $imagePath = $originalImage;
                 } else {
                     $imagePath = addTrailingSlash(backslashToSlash($_POST['save_to'])) . $_POST['new_name'] . "." . getFileExt($_POST['path']);
Пример #13
    $res = Issue::deleteUserAssociation($iss_id, $usr_id);
    Workflow::handleAssignmentChange($prj_id, $iss_id, Auth::getUserID(), Issue::getDetails($iss_id), Issue::getAssignedUserIDs($iss_id));
    $tpl->assign('unassign_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'remove_email') {
    $res = Support::removeEmails();
    $tpl->assign('remove_email_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'clear_duplicate') {
    $res = Issue::clearDuplicateStatus($iss_id);
    $tpl->assign('clear_duplicate_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'delete_phone') {
    $res = Phone_Support::remove($id);
    $tpl->assign('delete_phone_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'new_status') {
    $res = Issue::setStatus($iss_id, $status_id, true);
    if ($res == 1) {
        History::add($iss_id, $usr_id, 'status_changed', "Issue manually set to status '{status}' by {user}", array('status' => Status::getStatusTitle($status_id), 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
    $tpl->assign('new_status_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'authorize_reply') {
    $res = Authorized_Replier::addUser($iss_id, $usr_id);
    $tpl->assign('authorize_reply_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'remove_quarantine') {
    if (Auth::getCurrentRole() > User::getRoleID('Developer')) {
        $res = Issue::setQuarantine($iss_id, 0);
        $tpl->assign('remove_quarantine_result', $res);
} elseif ($cat == 'selfnotify') {
    if (Issue::canAccess($iss_id, $usr_id)) {
        $res = Notification::subscribeUser($usr_id, $iss_id, $usr_id, Notification::getDefaultActions($iss_id));
        $tpl->assign('selfnotify_result', $res);
Пример #14
function enter_GET(Web $w)
    History::add("Enter Workhours");
    $form["Work Hours"] = array(array($w->Auth->hasRole("bend_admin") ? array("Who did the work?", "select", "user_id", $w->Auth->user()->id, $w->Bend->getOccupantUsers()) : array("Who did the work?", "static", "", $w->Auth->user()->getFullName()), array("Who to credit to", "select", "attributed_user_id", $w->Auth->user()->id, $w->Bend->getOccupantUsers()), array("Date", "date", "d_date"), array("Hours", "text", "hours")), array(array("Focus Group", "select", "category_1", null, $w->Bend->getTopLevelWorkCategories()), array("Team or Activity", "select", "category_2", null), array("Activity", "select", "category_3", null)), array(array("Description", "text", "description", "")));
    $w->ctx("form", Html::multiColForm($form, "/bend-workhours/enter", "POST", "Save"));
Пример #15
  * Attach uploaded files to an issue
  * It also notifies any subscribers of this new attachment.
  * @param int $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param int $usr_id The user ID
  * @param int[] $iaf_ids attachment file id-s to attach
  * @param boolean $internal_only Whether this attachment is supposed to be internal only or not
  * @param string $file_description File description text
  * @param string $unknown_user The email of the user who originally sent this email, who doesn't have an account.
  * @param integer $associated_note_id The note ID that these attachments should be associated with
 public static function attachFiles($issue_id, $usr_id, $iaf_ids, $internal_only, $file_description, $unknown_user = null, $associated_note_id = null)
     if (!$iaf_ids) {
         throw new LogicException('No attachment ids');
     $attachment_id = self::add($issue_id, $usr_id, $file_description, $internal_only, $unknown_user, $associated_note_id);
     self::associateFiles($attachment_id, $iaf_ids);
     Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'file uploaded');
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'attachment_added', 'Attachment uploaded by {user}', array('user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     // if there is customer integration, mark last customer action
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     $has_crm = CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id);
     $is_customer = User::getRoleByUser($usr_id, $prj_id) == User::ROLE_CUSTOMER;
     if ($has_crm && $is_customer) {
     Workflow::handleAttachment($prj_id, $issue_id, $usr_id);
     Notification::notify($issue_id, 'files', $attachment_id, $internal_only);
Пример #16
  * Check if this email needs to be blocked and if so, block it.
 public static function blockEmailIfNeeded($email)
     if (empty($email['issue_id'])) {
         return false;
     $issue_id = $email['issue_id'];
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     $sender_email = strtolower(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($email['from']));
     list($text_headers, $body) = Mime_Helper::splitHeaderBody($email['full_email']);
     if (Mail_Helper::isVacationAutoResponder($email['headers']) || Notification::isBounceMessage($sender_email) || !self::isAllowedToEmail($issue_id, $sender_email)) {
         // add the message body as a note
         $_POST = array('full_message' => $email['full_email'], 'title' => @$email['headers']['subject'], 'note' => Mail_Helper::getCannedBlockedMsgExplanation($issue_id) . $email['body'], 'message_id' => Mail_Helper::getMessageID($text_headers, $body));
         // avoid having this type of message re-open the issue
         if (Mail_Helper::isVacationAutoResponder($email['headers'])) {
             $closing = true;
             $notify = false;
         } else {
             $closing = false;
             $notify = true;
         $res = Note::insertFromPost(Auth::getUserID(), $issue_id, $email['headers']['from'], false, $closing, $notify, true);
         // associate the email attachments as internal-only files on this issue
         if ($res != -1) {
             self::extractAttachments($issue_id, $email['full_email'], true, $res);
         $_POST['issue_id'] = $issue_id;
         $_POST['from'] = $sender_email;
         // avoid having this type of message re-open the issue
         if (Mail_Helper::isVacationAutoResponder($email['headers'])) {
             $email_type = 'vacation-autoresponder';
         } else {
             $email_type = 'routed';
         Workflow::handleBlockedEmail($prj_id, $issue_id, $_POST, $email_type);
         // try to get usr_id of sender, if not, use system account
         $usr_id = User::getUserIDByEmail(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($email['from']), true);
         if (!$usr_id) {
             $usr_id = APP_SYSTEM_USER_ID;
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'email_blocked', "Email from '{from}' blocked", array('from' => $email['from']));
         return true;
     return false;
Пример #17
function edit_GET($w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $task = !empty($p["id"]) ? $w->Task->getTask($p["id"]) : new Task($w);
    if (!empty($task->id) && !$task->canView($w->Auth->user())) {
        $w->error("You do not have permission to edit this Task", "/task/tasklist");
    // Get a list of the taskgroups and filter by what can be used
    $taskgroups = array_filter($w->Task->getTaskGroups(), function ($taskgroup) {
        return $taskgroup->getCanICreate();
    $tasktypes = array();
    $priority = array();
    $members = array();
    // Try and prefetch the taskgroup by given id
    $taskgroup = null;
    $taskgroup_id = $w->request("gid");
    if (!empty($taskgroup_id) || !empty($task->task_group_id)) {
        $taskgroup = $w->Task->getTaskGroup(!empty($task->task_group_id) ? $task->task_group_id : $taskgroup_id);
        if (!empty($taskgroup->id)) {
            $tasktypes = $w->Task->getTaskTypes($taskgroup->task_group_type);
            $priority = $w->Task->getTaskPriority($taskgroup->task_group_type);
            $members = $w->Task->getMembersBeAssigned($taskgroup->id);
    // Create form
    $form = array(!empty($p["id"]) ? "Edit task" : "Create a new task" => array(array(!empty($p["id"]) ? array("Task Group", "text", "-task_group_id_text", $taskgroup->title) : array("Task Group", "autocomplete", "task_group_id", !empty($task->task_group_id) ? $task->task_group_id : $taskgroup_id, $taskgroups), !empty($p["id"]) ? array("Task Type", "select", "-task_type", $task->task_type, $tasktypes) : array("Task Type", "select", "task_type", $task->task_type, $tasktypes)), array(array("Task Title", "text", "title", $task->title), array("Status", "select", "status", $task->status, $task->getTaskGroupStatus())), array(array("Priority", "select", "priority", $task->priority, $priority), array("Date Due", "date", "dt_due", formatDate($task->dt_due)), !empty($taskgroup) && $taskgroup->getCanIAssign() ? array("Assigned To", "select", "assignee_id", $task->assignee_id, $members) : array("Assigned To", "select", "-assignee_id", $task->assignee_id, $members)), array(array("Description", "textarea", "description", $task->description))));
    if (empty($p['id'])) {
        History::add("New Task");
    } else {
        History::add("Task: {$task->title}");
    $w->ctx("task", $task);
    $w->ctx("form", Html::multiColForm($form, $w->localUrl("/task/edit/{$task->id}"), "POST", "Save", "edit_form"));
    // Build time log table //
    $timelog = $task->getTimeLog();
    $total_seconds = 0;
    $table_header = array("Assignee", "Start", "Period (hours)", "Comment", "Actions");
    $table_data = array();
    if (!empty($timelog)) {
        // for each entry display, calculate period and display total time on task
        foreach ($timelog as $log) {
            // get time difference, start to end
            $seconds = $log->dt_end - $log->dt_start;
            $period = $w->Task->getFormatPeriod($seconds);
            $comment = $w->Comment->getComment($log->comment_id);
            $comment = !empty($comment) ? $comment->comment : "";
            $table_row = array($w->Task->getUserById($log->user_id), formatDateTime($log->dt_start), $period, !empty($comment) ? $w->Comment->renderComment($comment) : "");
            // Build list of buttons
            $buttons = '';
            if ($log->is_suspect == "0") {
                $total_seconds += $seconds;
                $buttons .= Html::box($w->localUrl("/task/addtime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), " Edit ", true);
            if ($w->Task->getIsOwner($task->task_group_id, $w->Auth->user()->id)) {
                $buttons .= Html::b($w->localUrl("/task/suspecttime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), empty($log->is_suspect) || $log->is_suspect == "0" ? "Review" : "Accept");
            $buttons .= Html::b($w->localUrl("/task/deletetime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), "Delete", "Are you sure you wish to DELETE this Time Log Entry?");
            $table_row[] = $buttons;
            $table_data[] = $table_row;
        $table_data[] = array("<b>Total</b>", "", "<b>" . $w->Task->getFormatPeriod($total_seconds) . "</b>", "", "");
    // display the task time log
    $w->ctx("timelog", Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));
    // Notifications //
    $notify = null;
    // If I am assignee, creator or task group owner, I can get notifications for this task
    if (!empty($task->id) && $task->getCanINotify()) {
        // get User set notifications for this Task
        $notify = $w->Task->getTaskUserNotify($w->Auth->user()->id, $task->id);
        if (empty($notify)) {
            $logged_in_user_id = $w->Auth->user()->id;
            // Get my role in this task group
            $me = $w->Task->getMemberGroupById($task->task_group_id, $logged_in_user_id);
            $type = "";
            if ($task->assignee_id == $logged_in_user_id) {
                $type = "assignee";
            } else {
                if ($task->getTaskCreatorId() == $logged_in_user_id) {
                    $type = "creator";
                } else {
                    if ($w->Task->getIsOwner($task->task_group_id, $logged_in_user_id)) {
                        $type = "other";
            if (!empty($type) && !empty($me)) {
                $notify = $w->Task->getTaskGroupUserNotifyType($logged_in_user_id, $task->task_group_id, strtolower($me->role), $type);
        // create form. if still no 'notify' all boxes are unchecked
        $form = array("Notification Events" => array(array(array("", "hidden", "task_creation", "0")), array(array("Task Details Update", "checkbox", "task_details", !empty($notify->task_details) ? $notify->task_details : null), array("Comments Added", "checkbox", "task_comments", !empty($notify->task_comments) ? $notify->task_comments : null)), array(array("Time Log Entry", "checkbox", "time_log", !empty($notify->time_log) ? $notify->time_log : null), array("Task Data Updated", "checkbox", "task_data", !empty($notify->task_data) ? $notify->task_data : null)), array(array("Documents Added", "checkbox", "task_documents", !empty($notify->task_documents) ? $notify->task_documents : null))));
        $w->ctx("tasknotify", Html::multiColForm($form, $w->localUrl("/task/updateusertasknotify/" . $task->id), "POST"));
Пример #18
  * Converts a note to a draft or an email
  * @param int $note_id The id of the note
  * @param string $target What the note should be converted too (email, etc)
  * @param bool $authorize_sender If $authorize_sender If the sender should be added to authorized senders list.
  * @return int
 public static function convertNote($note_id, $target, $authorize_sender = false)
     $issue_id = self::getIssueID($note_id);
     $email_account_id = Email_Account::getEmailAccount();
     $blocked_message = self::getBlockedMessage($note_id);
     $unknown_user = self::getUnknownUser($note_id);
     $structure = Mime_Helper::decode($blocked_message, true, true);
     $body = $structure->body;
     $sender_email = strtolower(Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($structure->headers['from']));
     $current_usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     if ($target == 'email') {
         if (Mime_Helper::hasAttachments($structure)) {
             $has_attachments = 1;
         } else {
             $has_attachments = 0;
         list($blocked_message, $headers) = Mail_Helper::rewriteThreadingHeaders($issue_id, $blocked_message, @$structure->headers);
         $t = array('issue_id' => $issue_id, 'ema_id' => $email_account_id, 'message_id' => @$structure->headers['message-id'], 'date' => Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), 'from' => @$structure->headers['from'], 'to' => @$structure->headers['to'], 'cc' => @$structure->headers['cc'], 'subject' => @$structure->headers['subject'], 'body' => @$body, 'full_email' => @$blocked_message, 'has_attachment' => $has_attachments, 'headers' => $headers);
         // need to check for a possible customer association
         if (!empty($structure->headers['from'])) {
             $details = Email_Account::getDetails($email_account_id);
             // check from the associated project if we need to lookup any customers by this email address
             if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($details['ema_prj_id'])) {
                 $crm = CRM::getInstance($details['ema_prj_id']);
                 // check for any customer contact association
                 try {
                     $contact = $crm->getContactByEmail($sender_email);
                     $issue_contract = $crm->getContract(Issue::getContractID($issue_id));
                     if ($contact->canAccessContract($issue_contract)) {
                         $t['customer_id'] = $issue_contract->getCustomerID();
                 } catch (CRMException $e) {
         if (empty($t['customer_id'])) {
             $update_type = 'staff response';
             $t['customer_id'] = null;
         } else {
             $update_type = 'customer action';
         $res = Support::insertEmail($t, $structure, $sup_id);
         if ($res != -1) {
             Support::extractAttachments($issue_id, $structure);
             // notifications about new emails are always external
             $internal_only = false;
             // special case when emails are bounced back, so we don't want to notify the customer about those
             if (Notification::isBounceMessage($sender_email)) {
                 $internal_only = true;
             Notification::notifyNewEmail($current_usr_id, $issue_id, $t, $internal_only, false, '', $sup_id);
             Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, $update_type);
             self::remove($note_id, false);
             History::add($issue_id, $current_usr_id, 'note_converted_email', 'Note converted to e-mail (from: {from}) by {user}', array('from' => @$structure->headers['from'], 'user' => User::getFullName($current_usr_id)));
             // now add sender as an authorized replier
             if ($authorize_sender) {
                 Authorized_Replier::manualInsert($issue_id, @$structure->headers['from']);
         return $res;
     // save message as a draft
     $res = Draft::saveEmail($issue_id, $structure->headers['to'], $structure->headers['cc'], $structure->headers['subject'], $body, false, $unknown_user);
     // remove the note, if the draft was created successfully
     if ($res) {
         self::remove($note_id, false);
         $usr_id = $current_usr_id;
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'note_converted_draft', 'Note converted to draft (from: {from}) by {user}', array('from' => @$structure->headers['from'], 'user' => User::getFullName($current_usr_id)));
     return $res;
Пример #19
  * Method used to update an existing draft response.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   integer $emd_id The email draft ID
  * @param   string $to The primary recipient of the draft
  * @param   string $cc The secondary recipients of the draft
  * @param   string $subject The subject of the draft
  * @param   string $message The draft body
  * @param   integer $parent_id The ID of the email that this draft is replying to, if any
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked, -1 otherwise
 public static function update($issue_id, $emd_id, $to, $cc, $subject, $message, $parent_id = null)
     if (!$parent_id) {
         $parent_id = null;
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     // update previous draft and insert new record
     $stmt = "UPDATE\n                    {{%email_draft}}\n                 SET\n                    emd_updated_date=?,\n                    emd_status = 'edited'\n                 WHERE\n                    emd_id=?";
     $params = array(Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), $emd_id);
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     Issue::markAsUpdated($issue_id, 'draft saved');
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'draft_updated', 'Email message draft updated by {user}', array('user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     self::saveEmail($issue_id, $to, $cc, $subject, $message, $parent_id, false, false);
     return 1;
Пример #20
function index_ALL(Web $w)
    History::add("Bend Households");
    $w->ctx("households", $w->Bend->getAllHouseholds());
Пример #21
  * Send the reminder
  * @param Texts   $texts Text object
  * @param History $hist  History
  * @param Db      $zdb   Database instance
  * @return boolean
 public function send($texts, $hist, $zdb)
     $type_name = 'late';
     if ($this->_type === self::IMPENDING) {
         $type_name = 'impending';
     if ($this->hasMail()) {
         $texts->getTexts($type_name . 'duedate', $this->_dest->language);
         $mail = new GaletteMail();
         $mail->setRecipients(array($this->_dest->email => $this->_dest->sname));
         $sent = $mail->send();
         $details = str_replace(array('%name', '%mail', '%days'), array($this->_dest->sname, $this->_dest->email, $this->_dest->days_remaining), _T("%name <%mail> (%days days)"));
         if ($sent == GaletteMail::MAIL_SENT) {
             $this->_success = true;
             $msg = '';
             if ($type_name == 'late') {
                 $msg = _T("Sent reminder mail for late membership");
             } else {
                 $msg = _T("Sent reminder mail for impending membership");
             $this->_msg = $details;
             $hist->add($msg, $details);
         } else {
             $this->_success = false;
             if ($type_name == 'late') {
                 $msg = _T("A problem happened while sending late membership mail");
             } else {
                 $msg = _T("A problem happened while sending impending membership mail");
             $this->_msg = $details;
             $hist->add($str, $details);
     } else {
         $this->_success = false;
         $this->_nomail = true;
         $str = str_replace('%membership', $type_name, _T("Unable to send %membership reminder (no mail address)."));
         $details = str_replace(array('%name', '%id', '%days'), array($this->_dest->sname, $this->_dest->id, $this->_dest->days_remaining), _T("%name (#%id - %days days)"));
         $hist->add($str, $details);
         $this->_msg = $this->_dest->sname;
     //store reminder in database
     return $this->_success;
Пример #22
  * Method used to remotely record a time tracking entry.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   integer $usr_id The user ID
  * @param   integer $cat_id The time tracking category ID
  * @param   string $summary The summary of the work entry
  * @param   integer $time_spent The time spent in minutes
  * @return  integer 1 if the insert worked, -1 otherwise
 public static function recordRemoteTimeEntry($issue_id, $usr_id, $cat_id, $summary, $time_spent)
     $stmt = 'INSERT INTO
              ) VALUES (
                 ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
     $params = array($cat_id, $issue_id, $usr_id, Date_Helper::getCurrentDateGMT(), $time_spent, $summary);
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return -1;
     History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'remote_time_added', 'Time tracking entry submitted remotely by {user}', array('user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     return 1;
Пример #23
  * Method used to update the values stored in the database.
  * @return  integer 1 if the update worked properly, any other value otherwise
 public static function updateValues()
     $prj_id = Auth::getCurrentProject();
     $issue_id = $_POST['issue_id'];
     $old_values = self::getValuesByIssue($prj_id, $issue_id);
     if (isset($_POST['custom_fields']) && count($_POST['custom_fields']) > 0) {
         $custom_fields = $_POST['custom_fields'];
         // get the types for all of the custom fields being submitted
         $cf = array_keys($custom_fields);
         $cf_list = DB_Helper::buildList($cf);
         $stmt = "SELECT\n                        fld_id,\n                        fld_type\n                     FROM\n                        {{%custom_field}}\n                     WHERE\n                        fld_id IN ({$cf_list})";
         $field_types = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getPair($stmt, $cf);
         // get the titles for all of the custom fields being submitted
         $stmt = "SELECT\n                        fld_id,\n                        fld_title\n                     FROM\n                        {{%custom_field}}\n                     WHERE\n                        fld_id IN ({$cf_list})";
         $field_titles = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getPair($stmt, $cf);
         $updated_fields = array();
         foreach ($custom_fields as $fld_id => $value) {
             // security check
             $sql = 'SELECT
                         fld_id = ?';
             $min_role = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getOne($sql, array($fld_id));
             if ($min_role > Auth::getCurrentRole()) {
             $option_types = array('multiple', 'combo', 'checkbox');
             if (!in_array($field_types[$fld_id], $option_types)) {
                 // check if this is a date field
                 $fld_db_name = self::getDBValueFieldNameByType($field_types[$fld_id]);
                 // first check if there is actually a record for this field for the issue
                 $stmt = "SELECT\n                                icf_id,\n                                {$fld_db_name} as value\n                             FROM\n                                {{%issue_custom_field}}\n                             WHERE\n                                icf_iss_id=? AND\n                                icf_fld_id=?";
                 try {
                     $res = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getRow($stmt, array($issue_id, $fld_id));
                 } catch (DbException $e) {
                     return -1;
                 $icf_id = $res['icf_id'];
                 $old_value = $res['value'];
                 if ($old_value == $value) {
                 if (empty($icf_id)) {
                     // record doesn't exist, insert new record
                     $stmt = "INSERT INTO\n                                    {{%issue_custom_field}}\n                                 (\n                                    icf_iss_id,\n                                    icf_fld_id,\n                                    {$fld_db_name}\n                                 ) VALUES (\n                                    ?, ?, ?\n                                 )";
                     $params = array($issue_id, $fld_id, $value);
                     try {
                         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
                     } catch (DbException $e) {
                         return -1;
                 } else {
                     // record exists, update it
                     $stmt = "UPDATE\n                                    {{%issue_custom_field}}\n                                 SET\n                                    {$fld_db_name}=?\n                                 WHERE\n                                    icf_id=?";
                     $params = array($value, $icf_id);
                     try {
                         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($stmt, $params);
                     } catch (DbException $e) {
                         return -1;
                 if ($field_types[$fld_id] == 'textarea') {
                     $updated_fields[$field_titles[$fld_id]] = '';
                 } else {
                     $updated_fields[$field_titles[$fld_id]] = History::formatChanges($old_value, $value);
             } else {
                 $old_value = self::getDisplayValue($issue_id, $fld_id, true);
                 if (!is_array($old_value)) {
                     $old_value = array($old_value);
                 if (!is_array($value)) {
                     $value = array($value);
                 if (count(array_diff($old_value, $value)) > 0 || count(array_diff($value, $old_value)) > 0) {
                     $old_display_value = self::getDisplayValue($issue_id, $fld_id);
                     // need to remove all associated options from issue_custom_field and then
                     // add the selected options coming from the form
                     self::removeIssueAssociation($fld_id, $issue_id);
                     if (@count($value) > 0) {
                         self::associateIssue($issue_id, $fld_id, $value);
                     $new_display_value = self::getDisplayValue($issue_id, $fld_id);
                     $updated_fields[$field_titles[$fld_id]] = History::formatChanges($old_display_value, $new_display_value);
         Workflow::handleCustomFieldsUpdated($prj_id, $issue_id, $old_values, self::getValuesByIssue($prj_id, $issue_id));
         // need to save a history entry for this
         if (count($updated_fields) > 0) {
             // log the changes
             $changes = '';
             $i = 0;
             foreach ($updated_fields as $key => $value) {
                 if ($i > 0) {
                     $changes .= '; ';
                 if (!empty($value)) {
                     $changes .= "{$key}: {$value}";
                 } else {
                     $changes .= "{$key}";
             $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
             History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'custom_field_updated', 'Custom field updated ({changes}) by {user}', array('changes' => $changes, 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     return 1;
Пример #24
function viewtask_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    // declare delete button
    $btndelete = "";
    // get relevant object for viewing a task given input task ID
    $task = $w->Task->getTask($p['id']);
    $w->ctx("task", $task);
    $taskdata = $w->Task->getTaskData($p['id']);
    $group = $w->Task->getTaskGroup($task->task_group_id);
    $w->Task->navigation($w, "View Task: " . $task->title);
    // if task is deleted, say as much and return to task list
    if ($task->is_deleted != 0) {
        $w->msg("This Task has been deleted", "/task/tasklist/");
    } elseif ($task->getCanIView()) {
        History::add("Task: {$task->title}");
        // tab: Task Details
        // if I can assign tasks, provide dropdown of group members else display current assignee.
        // my role in group Vs group can_assign value
        if ($task->getCanIAssign()) {
            $members = $task ? $w->Task->getMembersBeAssigned($task->task_group_id) : $w->Auth->getUsers();
            $assign = array("Assigned To", "select", "assignee_id", $task->assignee_id, $members);
        } else {
            $assigned = $task->assignee_id == "0" ? "Not Assigned" : $w->Task->getUserById($task->assignee_id);
            $assign = array("Assigned To", "static", "assignee_id", $assigned);
        //		changing type = dymanically loading of relevant form fields ... problem when presenting on single page.
        //		array("Task Type","select","task_type",$task->task_type,$task->getTaskGroupTypes()),
        // check a due date exists
        $dtdue = $task->dt_due == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" || $task->dt_due == "" ? "" : date('d/m/Y', $task->dt_due);
        // Guests can view but not edit
        // See if i am assignee or creator, if yes provide editable form, else provide static display
        $btndelete = "";
        if ($task->getCanIEdit()) {
            $btndelete = Html::b(WEBROOT . "/task/deletetask/" . $task->id, " Delete Task ", "Are you should you with to DELETE this task?");
            // if task is closed and Task Group type says cannot be reopened, display static status
            if ($task->getisTaskClosed() && !$task->getTaskReopen()) {
                $status = array("Status", "static", "status", $task->status);
            } else {
                $status = array("Status", "select", "status", $task->status, $task->getTaskGroupStatus());
            $f = array(array("Task Details", "section"), array("Title", "text", "title", $task->title), array("Created By", "static", "creator", $task->getTaskCreatorName()), array("Task Group", "static", "tg", $task->getTaskGroupTypeTitle()), array("Task Type", "static", "task_type", $task->getTypeTitle()), array("Description", "static", "tdesc", $task->getTypeDescription()), $status, array("Priority", "select", "priority", $task->priority, $task->getTaskGroupPriority()), array("Date Due", "date", "dt_due", $dtdue), array("Description", "textarea", "description", $task->description, "80", "15"), $assign);
        } else {
            $f = array(array("Task Details", "section"), array("Title", "static", "title", $task->title), array("Created By", "static", "creator", $task->getTaskCreatorName()), array("Task Group", "static", "tg", $task->getTaskGroupTypeTitle()), array("Task Type", "static", "task_type", $task->getTypeTitle()), array("Description", "static", "tdesc", $task->getTypeDescription()), array("Status", "static", "status", $task->status), array("Priority", "static", "priority", $task->priority), array("Date Due", "static", "dt_due", $dtdue), array("Description", "static", "description", str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", $task->description)), $assign);
        // got additional form fields for this task type
        $form = $w->Task->getFormFieldsByTask($task->task_type, $group);
        // if there are additional form fields, display them
        if ($form) {
            // string match form fields with task data by key
            // can then push db:value into form field for display
            foreach ($form as $x) {
                if ($x[1] == "section") {
                    array_push($f, $x);
                if ($taskdata) {
                    foreach ($taskdata as $td) {
                        $key = $td->key;
                        $value = $td->value;
                        // Guests can view but not edit
                        // See if i am a guest, if yes provide static display, else provide editable form
                        if (!$task->getCanIEdit()) {
                            $x[1] = "static";
                        if ($key == $x[2]) {
                            $x[3] = $value;
                            array_push($f, $x);
                } else {
                    if ($x[1] != "section") {
                        array_push($f, $x);
        // create form
        $form = Html::form($f, $w->localUrl("/task/updatetask/" . $task->id), "POST", " Update ");
        // create 'start time log' button
        $buttontimelog = "";
        if ($task->assignee_id == $w->Auth->user()->id) {
            $buttontimelog = new \Html\Button();
            $buttontimelog->href("/task/starttimelog/{$task->id}")->setClass("startTime button small")->text("Start Time Log");
            // $btntimelog = "<button class=\"startTime\" href=\"/task/starttimelog/".$task->id."\"> Start Time Log </button>";
        // display variables
        $w->ctx("btntimelog", !empty($buttontimelog) ? $buttontimelog->__toString() : "");
        $w->ctx("btndelete", $btndelete);
        $w->ctx("viewtask", $form);
        $w->ctx("extradetails", $task->displayExtraDetails());
        // tab: time log
        // provide button to add time entry
        $addtime = "";
        if ($task->assignee_id == $w->Auth->user()->id) {
            $addtime = Html::box(WEBROOT . "/task/addtime/" . $task->id, " Add Time Log entry ", true);
        $w->ctx("addtime", $addtime);
        // get time log for task
        $timelog = $task->getTimeLog();
        // set total period
        $totseconds = 0;
        // set headings
        $line = array(array("Assignee", "Start", "End", "Period (hours)", "Comment", ""));
        // if log exists, display ...
        if ($timelog) {
            // for each entry display, calculate period and display total time on task
            foreach ($timelog as $log) {
                // get time difference, start to end
                $seconds = $log->dt_end - $log->dt_start;
                $period = $w->Task->getFormatPeriod($seconds);
                // if suspect, label button, style period, remove edit button
                if ($log->is_suspect == "1") {
                    $label = " Accept ";
                    $period = "(" . $period . ")";
                    $bedit = "";
                // if accepted, label button, tally period, include edit button
                if ($log->is_suspect == "0") {
                    $label = " Review ";
                    $totseconds += $seconds;
                    $bedit = Html::box($w->localUrl("/task/addtime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), " Edit ", true);
                // ony Task Group owner gets to reject/accept time log entries
                $bsuspect = $w->Task->getIsOwner($task->task_group_id, $_SESSION['user_id']) ? Html::b($w->localUrl("/task/suspecttime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), $label) : "";
                $line[] = array($w->Task->getUserById($log->user_id), $w->Task->getUserById($log->creator_id), formatDateTime($log->dt_start), formatDateTime($log->dt_end), $period, !empty($w->Comment->getComment($log->comment_id)) ? $w->Comment->getComment($log->comment_id)->comment : "", $bedit . Html::b($w->localUrl("/task/deletetime/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->id), " Delete ", "Are you sure you wish to DELETE this Time Log Entry?") . $bsuspect . Html::box($w->localUrl("/task/popComment/" . $task->id . "/" . $log->comment_id), " Comment ", true));
            $line[] = array("", "", "", "<b>Total</b>", "<b>" . $w->Task->getFormatPeriod($totseconds) . "</b>", "");
        } else {
            $line[] = array("No time log entries have been made", "", "", "", "", "");
        // display the task time log
        $w->ctx("timelog", Html::table($line, null, "tablesorter", true));
        // tab: notifications
        // if i am assignee, creator or task group owner, i can get notifications for this task
        if ($task->getCanINotify()) {
            // get User set notifications for this Task
            $notify = $w->Task->getTaskUserNotify($_SESSION['user_id'], $task->id);
            if ($notify) {
                $task_creation = $notify->task_creation;
                $task_details = $notify->task_details;
                $task_comments = $notify->task_comments;
                $time_log = $notify->time_log;
                $task_documents = $notify->task_documents;
            } else {
                // need my role in group
                $me = $w->Task->getMemberGroupById($task->task_group_id, $_SESSION['user_id']);
                // get task creator ID
                $creator_id = $task->getTaskCreatorId();
                // which am i?
                $assignee = $task->assignee_id == $_SESSION['user_id'] ? true : false;
                $creator = $creator_id == $_SESSION['user_id'] ? true : false;
                $owner = $w->Task->getIsOwner($task->task_group_id, $_SESSION['user_id']);
                // get single type given this is specific to a single Task
                if ($assignee) {
                    $type = "assignee";
                } elseif ($creator) {
                    $type = "creator";
                } elseif ($owner) {
                    $type = "other";
                $role = strtolower($me->role);
                if ($type) {
                    // for type, check the User defined notification table
                    $notify = $w->Task->getTaskGroupUserNotifyType($_SESSION['user_id'], $task->task_group_id, $role, $type);
                    // get list of notification flags
                    if ($notify) {
                        if ($notify->value == "1") {
                            $task_creation = $notify->task_creation;
                            $task_details = $notify->task_details;
                            $task_comments = $notify->task_comments;
                            $time_log = $notify->time_log;
                            $task_documents = $notify->task_documents;
                            $task_pages = $notify->task_pages;
            // create form. if still no 'notify' all boxes are unchecked
            $f = array(array("For which Task Events should you receive Notification?", "section"));
            $f[] = array("", "hidden", "task_creation", "0");
            $f[] = array("Task Details Update", "checkbox", "task_details", !empty($task_details) ? $task_details : null);
            $f[] = array("Comments Added", "checkbox", "task_comments", !empty($task_comments) ? $task_comments : null);
            $f[] = array("Time Log Entry", "checkbox", "time_log", !empty($time_log) ? $time_log : null);
            $f[] = array("Task Data Updated", "checkbox", "task_data", !empty($task_data) ? $task_data : null);
            $f[] = array("Documents Added", "checkbox", "task_documents", !empty($task_documents) ? $task_documents : null);
            $form = Html::form($f, $w->localUrl("/task/updateusertasknotify/" . $task->id), "POST", "Save");
            // display
            $w->ctx("tasknotify", $form);
    } else {
        // if i cannot view task details, return to task list with error message
        // for display get my role in the group, the group owners, the group title and the minimum membership required to view a task
        $me = $w->Task->getMemberGroupById($task->task_group_id, $_SESSION['user_id']);
        $myrole = !$me ? "Not a Member" : $me->role;
        $owners = $w->Task->getTaskGroupOwners($task->task_group_id);
        // get owners names for display
        $strOwners = "";
        foreach ($owners as $owner) {
            $strOwners .= $w->Task->getUserById($owner->user_id) . ", ";
        $strOwners = rtrim($strOwners, ", ");
        $form = "You must be at least a <b>" . $group->can_view . "</b> of the Task Group: <b>" . strtoupper($group->title) . "</b>, to view tasks in this group.<p>Your current Membership Level: <b>" . $myrole . "</b><p>Please appeal to the group owner(s): <b>" . $strOwners . "</b> for promotion.";
        $w->error($form, "/task/tasklist");
Пример #25
function admin_ALL(Web $w)
    History::add("Bend Admin");
Пример #26
 public static function removePartnerFromIssue($iss_id, $par_code)
     $params = array($iss_id, $par_code);
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM
                 ipa_iss_id = ? AND
                 ipa_par_code = ?';
     try {
         DB_Helper::getInstance()->query($sql, $params);
     } catch (DbException $e) {
         return false;
     $backend = self::getBackend($par_code);
     $usr_id = Auth::getUserID();
     History::add($iss_id, $usr_id, 'partner_removed', "Partner '{partner}' removed from issue by {user}", array('partner' => $backend->getName(), 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     return true;
Пример #27
  * Method used to remotely add an authorized replier to a given issue.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   integer $usr_id The user ID of the person performing the change
  * @param   boolean $replier The user ID of the authorized replier
  * @return  integer The status ID
 public static function remoteAddAuthorizedReplier($issue_id, $usr_id, $replier)
     $res = self::manualInsert($issue_id, $replier, false);
     if ($res != -1) {
         // save a history entry about this...
         History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'remote_replier_added', '{replier} remotely added to authorized repliers by {user}', array('replier' => $replier, 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
     return $res;
Пример #28
Workflow::prePage($prj_id, 'send_email');
// since emails associated with issues are sent to the notification list, not the to: field, set the to field to be blank
// this field should already be blank, but may also be unset.
if ($issue_id) {
    $_POST['to'] = '';
if ($cat == 'send_email') {
    $res = Support::sendEmailFromPost($_POST['parent_id']);
    $tpl->assign('send_result', $res);
    if (Access::canChangeStatus($issue_id, $usr_id) && isset($_POST['new_status']) && !empty($_POST['new_status'])) {
        $res = Issue::setStatus($issue_id, $_POST['new_status']);
        if ($res != -1) {
            $new_status = Status::getStatusTitle($_POST['new_status']);
            History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, 'status_changed', "Status changed to '{status}' by {user} when sending an email", array('status' => $new_status, 'user' => User::getFullName($usr_id)));
    // remove the existing email draft, if appropriate
    if (!empty($_POST['draft_id'])) {
    // enter the time tracking entry about this new email
    if (!empty($_POST['time_spent'])) {
        $date = (array) $_POST['date'];
        $ttc_id = Time_Tracking::getCategoryId($prj_id, 'Email Discussion');
        $time_spent = (int) $_POST['time_spent'];
        $summary = 'Time entry inserted when sending outgoing email.';
        Time_Tracking::addTimeEntry($issue_id, $ttc_id, $time_spent, $date, $summary);
} elseif ($cat == 'save_draft') {
Пример #29
@($issue_id = $HTTP_GET_VARS["issue_id"] ? $HTTP_GET_VARS["issue_id"] : $HTTP_POST_VARS["issue_id"]);
$details = Issue::getDetails($issue_id);
$tpl->assign("issue_id", $issue_id);
$tpl->assign("issue", $details);
if (!Issue::canAccess($issue_id, $usr_id)) {
if (@$HTTP_POST_VARS["cat"] == "post_note") {
    // change status
    if (!@empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['new_status'])) {
        $res = Issue::setStatus($issue_id, $HTTP_POST_VARS['new_status']);
        if ($res != -1) {
            $new_status = Status::getStatusTitle($HTTP_POST_VARS['new_status']);
            History::add($issue_id, $usr_id, History::getTypeID('status_changed'), "Status changed to '{$new_status}' by " . User::getFullName($usr_id));
    $res = Note::insert($usr_id, $issue_id);
    $tpl->assign("post_result", $res);
    // enter the time tracking entry about this phone support entry
    if (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['time_spent'])) {
        $HTTP_POST_VARS['issue_id'] = $issue_id;
        $HTTP_POST_VARS['category'] = $HTTP_POST_VARS['time_category'];
        $HTTP_POST_VARS['summary'] = 'Time entry inserted when sending an internal note.';
} elseif (@$HTTP_GET_VARS["cat"] == "reply") {
    if (!@empty($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"])) {
        $note = Note::getDetails($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]);
        $date = Misc::formatReplyDate($note["timestamp"]);
Пример #30
function edit_GET(Web &$w)
    $p = $w->pathMatch("id");
    $w->Report->navigation($w, (!empty($p['id']) ? "Edit" : "Create") . " Report");
    // Get or create report object
    $report = !empty($p['id']) ? $w->Report->getReport($p['id']) : new Report($w);
    if (!empty($p['id']) and empty($report->id)) {
        $w->error("Report not found", "/report");
    if (empty($report)) {
        History::add("Create Report");
    } else {
        History::add("Edit Report: " . $report->title);
    $w->ctx("report", $report);
    // If we're creating this is the table
    $form = array(array((!empty($report->id) ? "Edit" : "Create a New") . " Report", "section"), array("Title", "text", "title", $report->title), array("Module", "select", "module", $report->module, $w->Report->getModules()), array("Description", "textarea", "description", $report->description, "110", "2"), array("Code", "textarea", "report_code", $report->report_code, "110", "22", "codemirror"), array("Connection", "select", "report_connection_id", $report->report_connection_id, $w->Report->getConnections()));
    // DB view table
    $db_table = Html::form(array(array("Special Parameters", "section"), array("User", "static", "user", "{{current_user_id}}"), array("Roles", "static", "roles", "{{roles}}"), array("Site URL", "static", "webroot", "{{webroot}}"), array("View Database", "section"), array("Tables", "select", "dbtables", null, $w->Report->getAllDBTables()), array("Fields", "static", "dbfields", "<span id=\"dbfields\"></span>")));
    $w->ctx("dbform", $db_table);
    if (!empty($report->id)) {
        $btnrun = Html::b("/report/runreport/" . $report->id, "Execute Report");
        $w->ctx("btnrun", $btnrun);
    // Check access rights
    // If user is editing, we need to check multiple things, detailed in the helper function
    if (!empty($report->id)) {
        // Get the report member object for the logged in user
        $member = $w->Report->getReportMember($report->id, $w->Auth->user()->id);
        // Check if user can edit this report
        if (!$w->Report->canUserEditReport($report, $member)) {
            $w->error("You do not have access to this report", "/report");
    } else {
        // If we're creating a report, check that the user has rights
        if ($w->Auth->user()->is_admin == 0 and !$w->Auth->user()->hasAnyRole(array('report_admin', 'report_editor'))) {
            $w->error("You do not have create report permissions", "/report");
    // Access checked and OK, add approval to form only if is report_admin or admin
    if ($w->Auth->user()->is_admin == 1 or $w->Auth->user()->hasRole("report_admin")) {
        $form[0][] = array("Approved", "checkbox", "is_approved", $report->is_approved);
    $w->ctx("report_form", Html::form($form, $w->localUrl("/report/edit/{$report->id}"), "POST", "Save Report"));
    if (!empty($report->id)) {
        // ============= Members tab ===================
        $members = $w->Report->getReportMembers($report->id);
        // set columns headings for display of members
        $line[] = array("Member", "Role", "");
        // if there are members, display their full name, role and button to delete the member
        if ($members) {
            foreach ($members as $member) {
                $line[] = array($w->Report->getUserById($member->user_id), $member->role, Html::box("/report/editmember/" . $report->id . "/" . $member->user_id, " Edit ", true) . Html::box("/report/deletemember/" . $report->id . "/" . $member->user_id, " Delete ", true));
        } else {
            // if there are no members, say as much
            $line[] = array("Group currently has no members. Please Add New Members.", "", "");
        // display list of group members
        $w->ctx("viewmembers", Html::table($line, null, "tablesorter", true));
        // =========== template tab ======================
        $report_templates = $report->getTemplates();
        // Build table
        $table_header = array("Title", "Category", "Type", "Actions");
        $table_data = array();
        if (!empty($report_templates)) {
            // Add data to table layout
            foreach ($report_templates as $report_template) {
                $template = $report_template->getTemplate();
                $table_data[] = array($template->title, $template->category, $report_template->type, Html::box("/report-templates/edit/{$report->id}/{$report_template->id}", "Edit", true) . Html::b("/report-templates/delete/{$report_template->id}", "Delete", "Are you sure you want to delete this Report template entry?"));
        // Render table
        $w->ctx("templates_table", Html::table($table_data, null, "tablesorter", $table_header));