public static function split_entry($args) { $hierarchy_entry_id = @$args['hierarchy_entry_id']; $bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id = @$args['bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id']; $confirmation = @$args['confirmed']; if (!$hierarchy_entry_id || !is_numeric($hierarchy_entry_id) || !$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id || !is_numeric($bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id)) { throw new \Exception("split_entry.php [hierarchy_entry_id] [bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id] [confirmed]"); } \CodeBridge::print_message("Splitting HE# {$hierarchy_entry_id} from {$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id}"); $he = HierarchyEntry::find($hierarchy_entry_id); $bad_he = HierarchyEntry::find($hierarchy_entry_id); if (!$he->id || !$bad_he->id) { throw new \Exception("Invalid ID"); } if ($he->taxon_concept_id != $bad_he->taxon_concept_id) { throw new \Exception("The bad match ID isn't from the same concept"); } if ($confirmation == 'confirmed') { $user_id = 13; # 13 is Patrick's user ID - TODO - this should be an argument. :| $new_taxon_concept_id = HierarchyEntry::split_from_concept_static($hierarchy_entry_id); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO curated_hierarchy_entry_relationships (hierarchy_entry_id_1, hierarchy_entry_id_2, user_id, equivalent)\n VALUES ({$hierarchy_entry_id}, {$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id}, {$user_id}, 0)"); \CodeBridge::print_message("Done. HE# {$hierarchy_entry_id} was split into a new concept # {$new_taxon_concept_id}"); } else { echo "\n\nRemoving:\n"; print_r($he); echo "Name: " . $he->name->string . "\n\nFrom:\n"; print_r($he->taxon_concept); $descendant_objects = TaxonConcept::count_descendants_objects($he->taxon_concept_id); echo "\n\nDescendant Objects: {$descendant_objects}\n\n"; } }
function add_hierarchy_entry(&$row, $parent_hierarchy_entry_id, $ancestry, $branch_kingdom) { self::debug_iterations("Inserting taxon"); self::commit_iterations("Taxa", 500); if ($this->archive_validator->has_error_by_line('', $row['archive_file_location'], $row['archive_line_number'])) { write_to_resource_harvesting_log("ERROR: add_hierarchy_entry: has_error_by_line" . ",file_location:" . $row['archive_file_location'] . ",line_number:" . $row['archive_line_number']); return false; } // make sure this taxon has a name, otherwise skip this branch $scientific_name = @self::field_decode($row['']); $authorship = @self::field_decode($row['']); $kingdom = @self::field_decode($row['']); $genus = @self::field_decode($row['']); $rank_label = @self::field_decode($row['']); // COL exception if (strtolower($kingdom) == 'viruses') { if (substr($scientific_name, -1) == ":") { $scientific_name = substr($scientific_name, 0, -1); } if (preg_match("/^(.*) ICTV\$/i", $scientific_name, $arr)) { $scientific_name = $arr[1]; } } // COL exception if (strtolower($kingdom) == 'viruses' && $genus && strtolower($rank_label) != 'genus') { if (stripos($scientific_name, $genus) == 0) { $scientific_name = ucfirst(trim(substr($scientific_name, strlen($genus)))); } } else { if ($authorship && stripos($scientific_name, $authorship) === false) { $scientific_name = trim($scientific_name . " " . $authorship); } } if (!$scientific_name) { return false; } $taxon_id = @self::field_decode($row['']); if (!$taxon_id) { $taxon_id = @self::field_decode($row['']); } if (!$taxon_id) { debug("ERROR - no taxon ID for {$scientific_name}, skipping"); return false; } if (isset($this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id])) { // this taxon_id has already been inserted meaning this tree has a loop in it - so stop debug("ERROR - taxon ID ({$taxon_id}) for {$scientific_name} already inserted; LOOP?"); return false; } $scientific_name = ucfirst($scientific_name); $name = Name::find_or_create_by_string($scientific_name); if (@(!$name->id)) { debug("ERROR - Failed to insert name: {$scientific_name}"); return false; } $phylum = @self::field_decode($row['']); $class = @self::field_decode($row['']); $order = @self::field_decode($row['']); $family = @self::field_decode($row['']); $rank = Rank::find_or_create_by_translated_label($rank_label); $dataset_id = @self::field_decode($row['']); $taxonomic_status = @self::field_decode($row['']); $source_url = @self::field_decode($row['']); if (!$source_url) { $source_url = @self::field_decode($row['']); } if (!$source_url) { $source_url = @self::field_decode($row['']); } if (!$source_url) { $source_url = @self::field_decode($row['']); } if (isset($row[''])) { $taxon_remarks = @self::field_decode($row['']); } else { $taxon_remarks = NULL; } if (!$taxon_remarks && strtolower($taxonomic_status) == 'provisionally accepted name') { $taxon_remarks = "provisionally accepted name"; } // TODO: This block is somewhat confusing. Clearly, it's clearing the // rank that's currently being read, but shouldn't it also clear all of // the ranks below that? if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'kingdom') { $kingdom = null; } if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'phylum') { $phylum = null; } if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'class') { $class = null; } if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'order') { $order = null; } if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'family') { $family = null; } if (strtolower($rank_label) == 'genus') { $genus = null; } // these are the taxa using the adjacency list format if (!$parent_hierarchy_entry_id && ($kingdom || $phylum || $class || $order || $family || $genus)) { $params = array("identifier" => $taxon_id, "source_url" => $source_url, "kingdom" => ucfirst($kingdom), "phylum" => ucfirst($phylum), "class" => ucfirst($class), "order" => ucfirst($order), "family" => ucfirst($family), "genus" => ucfirst($genus), "scientificName" => ucfirst($scientific_name), "name" => $name, "rank" => $rank, "taxon_remarks" => $taxon_remarks); $hierarchy_entry = HierarchyEntry::create_entries_for_taxon($params, $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id); if (@(!$hierarchy_entry->id)) { debug("ERROR - unable to insert hierarchy entry for {$scientific_name}"); return; } // NOTE: This is NOT adding a hierarchy entry, but a // harvest_event_hierarchy_entry: // TODO: I am not sure this adds entries for ancestors! $this->harvest_event->add_hierarchy_entry($hierarchy_entry, 'inserted'); $this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id] = array('hierarchy_entry_id' => $hierarchy_entry->id, 'taxon_concept_id' => $hierarchy_entry->taxon_concept_id, 'source_url' => $source_url); self::compress_array($this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id]); } else { $params = array("identifier" => $taxon_id, "source_url" => $source_url, "name_id" => $name->id, "parent_id" => $parent_hierarchy_entry_id, "hierarchy_id" => $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id, "rank" => $rank, "ancestry" => $ancestry, "taxon_remarks" => $taxon_remarks); $hierarchy_entry = HierarchyEntry::find_or_create_by_array($params); if (@(!$hierarchy_entry->id)) { return; } $this->harvest_event->add_hierarchy_entry($hierarchy_entry, 'inserted'); $this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id] = array('hierarchy_entry_id' => $hierarchy_entry->id, 'taxon_concept_id' => $hierarchy_entry->taxon_concept_id, 'source_url' => $source_url); self::compress_array($this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id]); } if (!isset($this->entry_references_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id])) { $hierarchy_entry->delete_refs(); $this->entry_references_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id] = true; } if (!isset($this->entry_vernacular_names_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id])) { $this->mysqli->delete("DELETE FROM synonyms WHERE hierarchy_entry_id={$hierarchy_entry->id} AND hierarchy_entry_id={$hierarchy_entry->id} AND hierarchy_id=" . $this->harvest_event->resource->hierarchy_id . " AND language_id!=0 AND language_id!=" . Language::find_or_create_for_parser('scientific name')->id); $this->entry_vernacular_names_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id] = true; } if (!isset($this->entry_synonyms_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id])) { $hierarchy_entry->delete_synonyms(); $this->entry_synonyms_deleted[$hierarchy_entry->id] = true; } if ($name_published_in = @$row['']) { $individual_references = explode("||", $name_published_in); foreach ($individual_references as $reference_string) { $reference = Reference::find_or_create_by_full_reference(trim($reference_string)); if (@$reference->id) { $hierarchy_entry->add_reference($reference->id); $this->mysqli->query("UPDATE refs SET published=1, visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . " WHERE id={$reference->id}"); } } } // keep track of reference foreign keys self::append_foreign_keys_from_row($row, '', $this->taxon_reference_ids, $hierarchy_entry->id); if (isset($this->synonyms[$taxon_id])) { foreach ($this->synonyms[$taxon_id] as $synonym_row) { self::uncompress_array($synonym_row); $synonym_scientific_name = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']); $synonym_authorship = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']); if ($synonym_authorship && stripos($synonym_scientific_name, $synonym_authorship) === false) { $synonym_scientific_name = trim($synonym_scientific_name . " " . $synonym_authorship); } if (!$synonym_scientific_name) { continue; } $synonym_taxon_id = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']); if (!$synonym_taxon_id) { $taxon_id = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']); } if (!$synonym_taxon_id) { continue; } $synonym_name = Name::find_or_create_by_string(ucfirst($synonym_scientific_name)); if (@(!$synonym_name->id)) { continue; } $taxonomic_status = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']) ?: 'synonym'; if (isset($synonym_row[''])) { $taxon_remarks = @self::field_decode($synonym_row['']); } else { $taxon_remarks = NULL; } $synonym_relation = SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label($taxonomic_status); $hierarchy_entry->add_synonym($synonym_name->id, @$synonym_relation->id ?: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $taxon_remarks); } unset($this->synonyms[$taxon_id]); } // COL exception if ($dataset_id && isset($this->dataset_metadata[$dataset_id]) && ($metadata = $this->dataset_metadata[$dataset_id])) { $hierarchy_entry->delete_agents(); $agent_name = $metadata['title']; if ($editors = $metadata['editors']) { $agent_name .= " by {$editors}"; } $params = array("full_name" => $agent_name, "agent_role" => AgentRole::find_or_create_by_translated_label('Source')); $agent = Agent::find_or_create($params); $hierarchy_entry->add_agent($agent->id, @$a['agent_role']->id ?: 0, 0); $reference = Reference::find_or_create(array("full_reference" => $metadata['citation'])); $this->mysqli->insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO hierarchy_entries_refs (hierarchy_entry_id, ref_id) VALUES ({$hierarchy_entry->id}, {$reference->id})"); $this->mysqli->query("UPDATE refs SET published=1, visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . " WHERE id={$reference->id}"); } $parameters = array('archive_table_definition' => (object) array('row_type' => '')); $this->insert_data($row, $parameters); if (isset($this->children[$taxon_id])) { // set the ancestry for its children if ($ancestry) { $this_ancestry = $ancestry . "|" . $name->id; } else { $this_ancestry = $name->id; } foreach ($this->children[$taxon_id] as &$row) { self::uncompress_array($row); $this->add_hierarchy_entry($row, $hierarchy_entry->id, $this_ancestry, $branch_kingdom); } unset($this->children[$taxon_id]); } unset($hierarchy_entry); unset($row); }
function details_tcs($id) { $entry = HierarchyEntry::find($id); if (@(!$entry->id)) { return false; } $nomenclaturalCode = "Zoological"; $rankCode = ""; switch (strtolower($entry->rank->translation->label)) { case "kingdom": $rankCode = "reg"; break; case "phylum": $rankCode = "phyl_div"; break; case "class": $rankCode = "cl"; break; case "order": $rankCode = "ord"; break; case "family": $rankCode = "fam"; break; case "genus": $rankCode = "gen"; break; case "species": $rankCode = "sp"; break; } $return = ""; $return .= " <TaxonNames>\n"; $return .= " <TaxonName id='n" . $entry->name->id . "' nomenclaturalCode='{$nomenclaturalCode}'>\n"; $return .= " <Simple>" . htmlspecialchars($entry->name->string) . "</Simple>\n"; if ($rankCode) { $return .= " <Rank code='{$rankCode}'>" . ucfirst(strtolower($entry->rank->translation->label)) . "</Rank>\n"; } $return .= " <CanonicalName>\n"; $return .= " <Simple>" . htmlspecialchars($entry->name->canonical_form->string) . "</Simple>\n"; $return .= " </CanonicalName>\n"; if ($ahe = $entry->agents_hierarchy_entries) { $return .= " <ProviderSpecificData>\n"; $return .= " <NameSources>\n"; foreach ($ahe as $k => $v) { $return .= " <NameSource>\n"; $return .= " <Simple>" . htmlspecialchars($v->agent->full_name) . "</Simple>\n"; if ($v->agent_role) { $return .= " <Role>" . htmlspecialchars($v->agent_role->translation->label) . "</Role>\n"; } $return .= " </NameSource>\n"; } $return .= " </NameSources>\n"; $return .= " </ProviderSpecificData>\n"; } $return .= " </TaxonName>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonNames>\n"; $return .= " <TaxonConcepts>\n"; $return .= " <TaxonConcept id='c" . $entry->id . "'>\n"; $return .= " <Name scientific='true' ref='n" . $entry->name->id . "'>" . htmlspecialchars($entry->name->string) . "</Name>\n"; if ($rankCode) { $return .= " <Rank code='{$rankCode}'>" . ucfirst(strtolower($entry->rank->translation->label)) . "</Rank>\n"; } $return .= " <TaxonRelationships>\n"; if ($parent = $entry->parent()) { $return .= " <TaxonRelationship type='is child taxon of'>\n"; $return .= " <ToTaxonConcept ref='{$this->api_url}?function=details_tcs&id=" . $parent->id . "' linkType='external'/>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonRelationship>\n"; } if ($children = $entry->children()) { foreach ($children as $k => $v) { $return .= " <TaxonRelationship type='is parent taxon of'>\n"; $return .= " <ToTaxonConcept ref='{$this->api_url}?function=details_tcs&id=" . $v->id . "' linkType='external'/>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonRelationship>\n"; } } if ($synonyms = $entry->synonyms()) { foreach ($synonyms as $k => $v) { $relationship = "has synonym"; if (strtolower($v->synonym_relation->translation->label) == "common name") { $relationship = "has vernacular"; } $return .= " <TaxonRelationship type='{$relationship}'>\n"; $return .= " <ToTaxonConcept ref='{$this->api_url}?function=details_tcs&sid=" . $v->id . "' linkType='external'/>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonRelationship>\n"; } } $return .= " </TaxonRelationships>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonConcept>\n"; $return .= " </TaxonConcepts>\n"; return $return; }
static function lookup_existing_entry_and_ancestors($hierarchy_entry, $hierarchy_id) { $params = array(); $params["name_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->name_id; $params["guid"] = $hierarchy_entry->guid; $params["hierarchy_id"] = $hierarchy_id; $params["rank_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->rank_id; $params["ancestry"] = $hierarchy_entry->ancestry; $params["taxon_concept_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->taxon_concept_id; $params["parent_id"] = 0; // $params["identifier"] = $taxon['identifier']; // $params["source_url"] = $taxon['source_url']; $params["visibility_id"] = Visibility::preview()->id; if ($parent = $hierarchy_entry->parent()) { if ($parent_entry = self::lookup_existing_entry_and_ancestors($parent, $hierarchy_id)) { $params["parent_id"] = $parent_entry->id; } else { return false; } } return HierarchyEntry::find_or_create_by_array($params); }
public static function move_entry($args) { $taxon_concept_id_from = @$args['taxon_concept_id_from']; $hierarchy_entry_id = @$args['hierarchy_entry_id']; $taxon_concept_id_to = @$args['taxon_concept_id_to']; $bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id = @$args['bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id']; $confirmation = @$args['confirmed']; if (!$taxon_concept_id_from || !is_numeric($taxon_concept_id_from) || !$hierarchy_entry_id || !is_numeric($hierarchy_entry_id) || !$taxon_concept_id_to || !is_numeric($taxon_concept_id_to) || !$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id || !is_numeric($bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id)) { throw new \Exception("split_concept.php [taxon_concept_id_from] [hierarchy_entry_id] [taxon_concept_id_to] [bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id] [confirmed] [reindex?]"); } \CodeBridge::print_message("Moving HE# {$hierarchy_entry_id} from TC# {$taxon_concept_id_from} to TC# " . "{$taxon_concept_id_to} avoiding HE# {$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id}"); $tc_from = TaxonConcept::find($taxon_concept_id_from); $tc_to = TaxonConcept::find($taxon_concept_id_to); $he = HierarchyEntry::find($hierarchy_entry_id); $bad_he = HierarchyEntry::find($bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id); if (!$he->id || !$tc_from->id || !$tc_to->id || !$bad_he->id) { throw new \Exception("Invalid ID"); } if ($he->taxon_concept_id != $tc_from->id) { throw new \Exception("This entry is not in the source concept"); } if ($he->taxon_concept_id != $bad_he->taxon_concept_id) { throw new \Exception("The bad match ID isn't from the same concept"); } if ($confirmation == 'confirmed' || $confirmation == 'force') { if ($confirmation == 'force') { $force_move_if_disallowed = true; } else { $force_move_if_disallowed = false; } $user_id = 13; # 13 is Patrick's user ID // TODO Need to look through all the HEs in the TC we're moving *to* and cycle through them to make sure none of // them are blocking the move: foreach ($tc_to->hierarchy_entries as $tc_he) { $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("DELETE FROM curated_hierarchy_entry_relationships\n WHERE hierarchy_entry_id_1={$hierarchy_entry_id} AND hierarchy_entry_id_2=" . $tc_he->id . " AND equivalent=0"); } $moved = HierarchyEntry::move_to_concept_static($hierarchy_entry_id, $taxon_concept_id_to, $force_move_if_disallowed, true); if (!$moved) { \CodeBridge::print_message("NOT ALLOWED: throwing exception"); throw new \Exception("This move is not allowed; it would affect other hierarchies"); } $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO curated_hierarchy_entry_relationships VALUES ({$hierarchy_entry_id}, {$bad_match_hierarchy_entry_id}, {$user_id}, 0)"); \CodeBridge::print_message("Done. Moved {$hierarchy_entry_id} to {$taxon_concept_id_to}"); } else { echo "\n\nRemoving:\n"; print_r($he); echo "Name: " . $he->name->string . "\n\nFrom:\n"; print_r($tc_from); echo "To:\n"; print_r($tc_to); $descendant_objects = TaxonConcept::count_descendants_objects($tc_from->id); $descendants = TaxonConcept::count_descendants($tc_from->id); echo "\n\nTaxonConcept1: {$tc_from->id}\n"; echo "Descendant Objects: {$descendant_objects}\n"; echo "Descendant Concepts: {$descendants}\n"; $descendant_objects = TaxonConcept::count_descendants_objects($tc_to->id); $descendants = TaxonConcept::count_descendants($tc_to->id); echo "\n\nTaxonConcept1: {$tc_to->id}\n"; echo "Descendant Objects: {$descendant_objects}\n"; echo "Descendant Concepts: {$descendants}\n"; echo "\n\nDon't forget to solr_update_concept.php\n\n"; } }