public function indexAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $data = array('start' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit') * $page - JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'), 'limit' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'), 'filter_marker' => $request->getRequest('marker'), 'filter_price_from' => (int) $request->getRequest('price_from'), 'filter_price_to' => (int) $request->getRequest('price_to'), 'allow_gifts' => true, 'filter_categoria_id' => $request->getRequest('category_id') != 9999 ? $request->getRequest('category_id') : null); // if((int)JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) { // $data['following_users_from_user_id'] = JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'); // } $category_id = $request->getRequest('category_id'); if ($category_id == 9999) { $category_id = null; } $category_info = Model_Categories::getCategory($category_id); /* if($category_info && !$category_info['parent_id']){ $subCats = Model_Categories::getSubcategories($category_id); if($subCats){ $category_id = ''; foreach($subCats as $sc){ $category_id.= $sc['category_id'].","; } $category_id = substr($category_id,0,-1); } } */ if (!$category_info) { $category_info["title"] = "Todo"; } $this->view->category = $category_info; $this->view->price_from = (int) $request->getRequest('price_from'); $this->view->price_to = (int) $request->getRequest('price_to'); $this->view->pins = ''; $pins = Model_Pins::getPins($data); if ($pins) { $banners = Model_Banners::getBanners(new JO_Db_Expr("`controller` = '" . $request->getController() . "' AND position BETWEEN '" . (int) $data['start'] . "' AND '" . (int) $data['limit'] . "'")); $pp = JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'); foreach ($pins as $row => $pin) { ///banners $key = $row + ($pp * $page - $pp); if (isset($banners[$key])) { $this->view->pins .= Helper_Banners::returnHtml($banners[$key]); } //pins $this->view->pins .= Helper_Pin::returnHtml($pin); } // JO_Registry::set('marker', Model_Pins::getMaxPin($data)); } if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { echo $this->view->pins; $this->noViewRenderer(true); } else { $this->view->children = array('header_part' => 'layout/header_part', 'footer_part' => 'layout/footer_part'); } }
public function indexAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); //JO_Session::clear('categoria_id'); $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $data = array('start' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit') * $page - JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'), 'limit' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'), 'filter_marker' => $request->getRequest('marker')); $this->view->pins = ''; $pins = Model_Pins::getPins($data); if ($pins) { $banners = Model_Banners::getBanners(new JO_Db_Expr("`controller` = '" . $request->getController() . "' AND position BETWEEN '" . (int) $data['start'] . "' AND '" . (int) $data['limit'] . "'")); $pp = JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'); foreach ($pins as $row => $pin) { ///banners $key = $row + ($pp * $page - $pp); if (isset($banners[$key])) { $this->view->pins .= Helper_Banners::returnHtml($banners[$key]); } //pins $this->view->pins .= Helper_Pin::returnHtml($pin); } // JO_Registry::set('marker', Model_Pins::getMaxPin($data)); } if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { echo $this->view->pins; $this->noViewRenderer(true); } else { $this->view->children = array('header_part' => 'layout/header_part', 'footer_part' => 'layout/footer_part'); } }
public function indexAction() { $request = $this->getRequest(); //JO_Session::clear('categoria_id'); //para las APP's if (isset($_POST['token']) && $_POST['token'] == md5($_POST['userid'])) { $_SESSION['token'] = $_POST['token']; JO_Session::set('token', $_POST['token']); $result = Model_Users::checkLoginAPP($_POST['userid']); if ($result) { if ($result['status']) { @setcookie('csrftoken_', md5($result['user_id'] . $request->getDomain() . $result['date_added']), time() + 86400 * 366 * 5, '/', '.' . $request->getDomain()); JO_Session::set(array('user' => $result)); } } } if ($request->getParam('direct_path') == 'true') { if (JO_Session::get('user[user_id]') && JO_Session::get('category_id')) { Model_Users::edit(JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'), array('first_login' => '0')); JO_Session::clear('category_id'); $this->view->user_info = JO_Session::get('user'); Model_Email::send(JO_Session::get('user[email]'), JO_Registry::get('noreply_mail'), sprintf($this->translate('Welcome to %s!'), JO_Registry::get('site_name')), $this->view->render('welcome', 'mail')); } $this->redirect($request->getBaseUrl()); } /*$img = JO_Phpthumb::getInstance(); var_dump($img->isValidImplementation('imagick')); exit; $img = JO_Phpthumb_Factory::create(''); $img->adaptiveResize(250, 250)->createReflection(40, 40, 80, true, '#a4a4a4'); $img->show(); exit;*/ $page = (int) $request->getRequest('page'); if ($page < 1) { $page = 1; } $data = array('start' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit') * $page - JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'), 'limit' => JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit')); if (JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) { $data['following_users_from_user_id'] = JO_Session::get('user[user_id]'); $data['filter_marker'] = $request->getRequest('marker'); } else { $data['filter_rand'] = true; } $this->view->pins = ''; //error_log("INICIO PINS: ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); $pins = Model_Pins::getPins($data); //error_log("EMPIEZAN PINES: ".self::udate("Y-m-d H:i:s:u")); if ($pins) { $banners = Model_Banners::getBanners(new JO_Db_Expr("`controller` = '" . $request->getController() . "' AND position BETWEEN '" . (int) $data['start'] . "' AND '" . (int) $data['limit'] . "'")); $pp = JO_Registry::get('config_front_limit'); $cuentaPins = 0; foreach ($pins as $row => $pin) { $cuentaPins = $cuentaPins + 1; ///banners $key = $row + ($pp * $page - $pp); if (isset($banners[$key])) { $this->view->pins .= Helper_Banners::returnHtml($banners[$key]); } //pins //error_log("EMPIEZA PIN(".$cuentaPins."): ".self::udate("Y-m-d H:i:s:u")); $this->view->pins .= Helper_Pin::returnHtml($pin); //error_log("FIN PIN(".$cuentaPins."): ".self::udate("Y-m-d H:i:s:u")); } //error_log("FIN BUCLE (".$cuentaPins." PINS): ".date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); if (JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) { // JO_Registry::set('marker', Model_Pins::getMaxPin($data)); } } //error_log("FIN PINES(".$cuentaPins."): ".self::udate("Y-m-d H:i:s:u")); if (!$request->isXmlHttpRequest() && JO_Session::get('user[user_id]')) { $history = Model_History::getHistory(array('start' => 0, 'limit' => 10, 'sort' => 'DESC', 'order' => 'history_id')); $model_images = new Helper_Images(); foreach ($history as $key => $data) { if (!isset($data['user']['store'])) { continue; } $avatar = Helper_Uploadimages::avatar($data['user'], '_A'); $history[$key]['user']['avatar'] = $avatar['image']; if ($data['history_action'] == Model_History::REPIN) { $history[$key]['href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=pin&pin_id=' . $data['pin_id']); } else { $history[$key]['href'] = WM_Router::create($request->getBaseUrl() . '?controller=users&action=profile&user_id=' . $data['from_user_id']); } } $this->view->history = $history; } if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { echo $this->view->pins; // echo $this->renderScript('json'); $this->noViewRenderer(true); } else { $this->view->children = array('header_part' => 'layout/header_part', 'footer_part' => 'layout/footer_part'); } // if((int)JO_Registry::get('config_cache_live')) { // $http = new JO_Http(); // $http->setTimeout(1); // $http->execute($request->getBaseUrl() . '?action=generateCache'); // } }